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科普版小学四年级英语上册综合试题题号一二三四五六总分得分一根据汉语将单词补充完整。(15分) 1、()课桌d _sk A、aB. e C.o 2、()家h _ me A、aB、e C、o 3、()朋友 f_ _end A、ri B、ir C、ra 4、()床b _ d A、a B、eC、o 5、() 护士n _ rse A、u B、o C、a6. ( )房子 h_ _se A.ou B.or C.uo7. ()钟表cl_ ck A.u B.o C.a8. ( )飞机 plan_ A.e B.t C.f9. ( ) 早上m_rning A.a B.o C.u10. ( )十三 th_ _teen A.ir B.ar C.ur二、写出下列词组的汉语意思(10分)1、play a game _2、come in_3、under the chair_ 4、in the box _5、a green tree_ 三、选择填空。(30分)()1、_ you swim? A、AreB、Is C. Can()2、What _on the desk? Some cups A、am B、isC. are()3、Is this _ book? A. I B.your C. you()4、He _ my teacher . A. am B. is C. are()5、_ you a cook? A. Am B. Is C.Are()6、Can you see some _? A.cow B. pigs C.horse()7、We _good friends. A. am B. is C. are()8、_can you see? I can see a bird. A.Where B.What C. How many()9. Is that your father? Yes, _ is. A. she B. it C. he()10、Whats that _ English?. A. in B. on C. At四情景交际(20分)()1、当你要问别人你能看到什么,你应说_A. What can you see? B、How many can you see?()2、你想问别人你是医生吗,你应说_。A. Are you a nurse? B. Are you a doctor?()3、你想得到别人的帮助,应说_。 A. Who can help me? B. I can help you( ) 4.如果你找不到你的铅笔了,你应问_?A.Where is my pencil ? B.Where is your pencil?( )5.当你想问别人能看到多少只绵羊时,你应说_?A. How many sheep can you see? B.How many goats can you see?( )6.凯特想知道某物用英语怎样表达,她应问_?A. What can you see? B.Whats this in English?( )7.汤姆想知道谁在小汽车里,他应问_?A. Who is in the car? B.Is this your car?( )8.你将要打扰别人时,你应说_.A. Excuse me. B.Can you ride a bike? ( )9.这辆自行车是红黄相间的。用英文怎么说_.A. The bike is red and yellow. B.The kite is red and yellow.( )10.当别人对你说:“Nice to meet you.”你应说_.A.Nice to meet you,two. B.Nice to meet you,too.五从B栏中选出A栏正确的答语。(10分)A栏 B栏1. Where is my book? A. He is Tom.2. What colour is the cup? B. I can see some books.3. Who is the boy? C. Its blue.4. What can you see? D Youre welcome.5. Thank you . E. Its on the desk.六句型转换。(15分) 1、He can swim . (变为否定句)2、Whats the time? (用九点来回答)3、 Is he a farmer? Is he a worker?(合并为选择疑问句)4、Is this your pen ?(作否定回答)5、He is my father. (对划线部分提问)科普版小学四年级英语上册综合试题答案一1-5.BCABA 6-10.ABABA二1.做游戏 2.进来 3.在椅子下面 4.在盒子里面5.一颗绿色的树三1-5.CBBBC 6-10.BCBCA四1-5.ABAAA 6-10BAAAB五1.E ;2.C;3.A;4.B;5.D六1.He cant swim.2.Its nine oclock.3.Is he a worker or a farmer?4.No,it isnt.5.Who is he?

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