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1 八年级英语第一次月考试题 一 单项选择 每小题 1 分 满分 20 分 1 How often do you take exercise A sometimes B Three hours C At three o clock D some times 2 Peter is good playing football so he wants to join the football club A to B with C at D for 3 does your mother go for a walk Every afternoon A How long B How often C How much D How soon 4 I don t think Henry is than Tony A much popular B more popular C popular D the most popular 5 This is a good chance 机会 Does want to have a try A someone B anyone C no one D everyone 6 My parents will be away for a week I must look after well A myself B me C my D mine 7 Where did you go last vacation I A go to the beach B went to doctor C went to the mountains 8 He decided the next day A leave B leaving C to leave D to leaving 9 He felt when he saw the film A boring boring B boring bored C bored boring D bored bored 10 he had to retire 退休 early poor health A as a result B because C because of 11 Would you like some Sichuan food dinner A as B for C on D at 12 does Kitty dance every day Two hours A How often B How long C How much D How soon 13 She isn t very popular She has friends A few B a few C little D myself 14 My brother is taller than me A very B too C much D more 15 My shoes are cheaper than A you B your C yours 16 That book is not so as this one A interesting B more interesting C most interesting 17 He was waiting the bus stop about 2 hours A for for B for at C at for 18 When your mother you that blue dress Lucy Maybe two or three weeks ago 2 A will buy B did buy C does buy D did bought 19 Everything free Good luck to you A am B is C are 20 Jim is 40 kg Tom is 38 kg Tom is than Jim A taller B thinner C heavier 二 完形填空 每小题 1 分 满分 10 分 What do the people usually do on weekends Some people like to 1 at home but others like to go out for a walk or play football Mr Smith 2 hard in a factory during 在 期间 the 3 On the weekends he usually 4 the same thing On Saturday he washes his car and on 5 he goes with his family to a village 村庄 by car His uncle and aunt 6 a farm there It isn t a big one but there is always 7 to do on the farm The children help with the animals and give them some 8 Mr and Mrs Smith help in the field At the end of the day they are all 9 and Mr Smith s aunt 10 them a big meal 21 A play B stay C be D so 22 A works B does C makes D studies 23 A day B year C week D month 24 A does B do C make D has 25 A Sunday B Saturday C Thursday D Friday 26 A have B has C bring D find 27 A much B many C any D most 28 A food B rice C cakes D fruit 29 A hungry B angry C full D happy 30 A give B puts C makes D does 三 阅读理解 每小题2分 满分30分 A We all need to exercise Doctors say it is good for us It makes your heart and body strong It also gives you more energy And you will feel better about yourself It s good to exercise twice a week Twenty minutes each time is enough There are many ways to exercise You can walk run play sports or swim Many people go to exercise They are called fitness centers These places have a lot of equipment Some people buy equipment for their homes But it is very expensive Exercise can be fun Friends can exercise together at a fitness center or they can play sports together How do you exercise 31 What is the main idea A Exercise equipment is expensive B Playing sports is a good way to exercise C Every person should exercise D Fitness centers are popular 32 We should exercise A every day B 20 minutes a week C twice a week D two times a month 3 33 At fitness centers A you can buy expensive equipment B people can do many kinds of exercising C it is very expensive D exercising is not fun 34 Which kind of exercising is not in the article A Sports B Swimming C Running Dancing 35 Which of these sentences about exercising is TRUE A Exercising is expensive B Exercise is good for your heart C Only doctors exercise D Friends never exercise together B Once there was a man traveling in a faraway village As he was passing the elephants he suddenly stopped He found that these huge elephants were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg No chains 锁链 no cages It was clear that the elephants could at any time break away from their ropes but for some reason they did not He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and didn t try to get away Well the trainer said when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and at that rage it s enough to hold them As they grow up they still believe they cannot break away They believe the rope can hold them so they never try to break free How could it be These animals could at any time break free from their ropes But because they always stuck right where they were they believed they couldn t Just like the elephants how many of us go through life believing that we cannot do something just because we failed at it once before We should never give up the struggle 挣扎 in life 根据材料内容选择正确答案 36 What did the writer see in the village A Chains B Elephants C Cages D Farmers 37 Why do the elephants never try up to break free from the ropes A Because they think they can not B Because they are too old to do it C Because they like their living places D Because they get on well with the trainer 38 How did the man feel after he heard what the trainer said A Moved B Surprised C Angry D Nervous 39 Which of the following is the missing part in the last paragraph A Failing is part of learning 4 B We should be different from others C Helping animals is helping ourselves D Traveling always makes people relaxed 40 What is the best title for this test A Pleasant trip B A Cruel Trainer C Elephant Training D The Elephant Rope Mr Brown was an old man He lived in a small village with high mountains all around it He had never been to a city before Last summer his son came back and took him to the city He stayed there for about two months When he came back his wife asked him Do you like living in the city Did you have a good time No I don t like living in the city because the buildings are too tall And the noise is too loud The bed is too soft And they never have meals outside the house answered Mr brown I m very angry because the people in the city aren t kind to the animals How do you know this asked his wife One Sunday morning Jack our son took me to a place There are a lot of animals in that place tigers elephants lions and monkeys But they are shut in the cages The place is the prison 监狱 of the animals Answered Mr Brown 41 Mr and Mrs Brown were A doctors B teachers C farmers 42 When Mr Brown saw the animals were shut in the cages he felt A satisfied B angry C happy 43 He didn t like A the mountains B the animals in the cages C the city 44 The animals in Mr Brown s village A are free B are in the cages C are in prison 45 Mr Brown did not know the place with a lot of animals was a A park B garden C zoo 四 补全对话 其中有一项多余 10 分 A Hello Jenny 1 B Pretty good A Where did you go B 2 A Great What did you do there B 3 5 A Did you go shopping B Yes I did 4 A Were things cheap B No they were a little bit expensive But we had fun going shopping A How about the food B 5 I love French food A It was delicious B I went to Paris with my parents C We visited a lot of museums D I had a good vacation E How was your vacation F But the shops were crowded 1 2 3 4 五 根据句意 用所给词的适当形式填空 10 分 1 The holiday is real exciting 2 He seems be thinking about something 3 He doesn t have a job So he has nothing do every day 4 Everyone likes to use the I 5 How many time have you been to Beijing 6 We do lots of outdoor active when spring comes 7 Mary is as care as her sister 8 There are many different between the two pictures 9 He can t decide when leave 10 The dress makes me look fat 6 六 书面表达 满分 10 分 从以下几个方面比较你和你最好的朋友 之间的异同 从以下几个方面比较 体 型 外貌 性格等方面 可能会用到以下单词 than as as fat serious outgoing short smart hard working 要求单词量不少于 60 词

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