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补充 同义词替换表 1 A A band of a herd of a flock of 一群 A range of an array of a list of a collection of a series of a set of 一系列 Accelerate speed up 加速 Accomplishment achievement 成就 完成 Accomplish achieve V 完成 达成 成就 Attend participate in 参加 Achieve obtain gain access to sth 得到 获得 Adapt to integrate into 使适应 融为一体 Aim n objective goal 目的 Aim at focus on concentrate on emphasize on 集中 强调 An array of a list of a set of a series of 一系列 Attempt to do try to do intend to do 尝试作 想要作 Approximately roughly about some around 大约 Appreciation interest 欣赏 As a result consequently as a consequence hence 因此 从而 As well as and 和 As well too 也 Associate with connect with link with relate to involve in 与 相关联 Attach to connect to link to serve 与 相连接 附着在 上 At will at random by chance by accident accidentally 随意地 Automatically ensure guarantee 确保 B Be similar to closely resembled have something in common 相似 Be used to be devoted to 专门用于 Be equivalent to be equal to 等同于 Be taken aback be surprised 吃惊 Briskly rapidly swiftly 快速地 C Calculate measure 衡量 Catch up with keep pace with 跟上步伐 Chief major dominant principle 主要的 Chronic long term 慢性病的 Complain illness 病症 Concern n focus 关心的问题 Concern v about 与 有关 Concept conception notion idea understanding 概念 理解 Condition regulate 调节 Confront encounter in the face of 面临 Concern care 关心 Consist of comprise 由什么组成 Concur with sb agree with sb 同意某人 Contaminate pollute poison 污染 Contend assert claim 断言 Contribute to result in lead to link to responsible for 导致 Cooperate with work with 与 协作 Convert to turn into 转为 转变为 补充 同义词替换表 2 Crop up crop out come up 出现 D Degenerated underdeveloped 退化 Distract from can not concentrate 使精力分散 Deadly fateful 致命的 Diminish decrease shrink 减少 Distort reality far from reality dishonest 不真实的 Distinction difference nuance 不同之处 Distinct distinguish different unique 不同的 Distinct variety of different kind of separate kind of 不同的 Distinguish tell 辨别 Due to because of 由于 Drawback defect ill 缺点 E Eat feed 喂食 进食 Endanger threaten 威胁 Engage in participate in join in 参与 Establish set up 建立 Establish find out figure out work out 查明 Evolvement development progress 发展 发育 Emphasize stress 强调 v Embark upon start launch 开始 Enlighten illuminate instruct educate 启蒙 给予知识 Entire whole 全部 Exceptional extremely 特别 特别好 F Fail to do failure to do can not do 没有能够做 Far from not at all 根本不 Fault flaw defect 错误 Form shape 形成 Foundation basis 基础 Finance sponsor fund 提供赞助 金钱 Free release set free 释放 Frequently often 经常 G Great milestone impact effect influence 对 具有很重要的影响力 Grant give 授予 Gas petrol 石油 H Hold harbor embrace 拥有 Halt stop hamper v 阻止 使停滞 Hurdle barrier n 阻碍 I Identical the same 一模一样 Imitate impersonate 模仿 Incline to do tend to do 倾向于做某事 Indicate show suggest signify identify 表明 补充 同义词替换表 3 Identify recognize 鉴别 In reaction to respond to 对 起反应 Interpret illustrate 解释 Introduce to import to 引入 K Key a important significant crucial essential play a vital an important part role in 重要的 关键的 Key n approach means method technique 方法 L Likelihood possibility 可能性 Link up connection 联系 M Master grasp 掌握 Match sth to assign sth to 把 和 搭配起来 Misconception misunderstanding mistaken view 错误的理解 Modify change alter 修改 改变 Manifestation demonstration 显示 表明 N Nature character characteristics 本质 特点 Non toxic less poisonous safe 无毒的 安全的 Novel a fresh new up to date 新潮的 创新的 Numerous a number of 许多 O Owing to thanks to contribute to 多亏 有赖于 P Pattern format 形式 模式 Pattern design 图案 Pore over study 研究 Poisonous toxic 有毒的 Portray describe 描写塑造 v Portrait description 描写塑造 n Preserve store 储存 Prevailing popular prevalent 盛行的 Present day modern society 现代社会 现在时代 Prodigious effort enormous effort 重大的努力 Produce trigger generate spawn bring about result breed spawn 激发 产生 Provide offer 提供 Protect A from B shelter A from B 使 A 不受 B 的侵害 Q Questionnaire survey 问卷调查 R Readily easily accessible 容易地 Reflect consider 考虑 Relate to understand appreciate 理解 Rely on depend on 依靠 Remarkable extraordinary 特别突出的 好的事物 Replace take the place of 取代 Residue remains relics relicts ruins 剩余物 废墟 补充 同义词替换表 4 Resemble like as 像 S Show reflect 表现 Significance importance 重要性 State Situation circumstance 状况 状态 情形 Striking noticeable 值得注意地 Struggle for strive for 努力地争取 Substantial considerable 想当可观的 Success achievement great outcome great progress huge development 成功 成就 Surprising unexpectedly uncommon 令人吃惊的 T Take to be used to get used to 对 习惯 Tale story fairytale 故事 Talent gift 天赋 Tuition formal teaching 正式的学校教育 Turn to consult 寻求帮助 求助于 Toxic poisonous 有毒的 U Unbiased without prejudice 无立场 不带任何偏见的 Up to depend on upon rely on 由 决定 Universal popular 普遍 V Virtue advantage strength 优点好处 W Work out figure out reckon 计算出 作出 补充 同义词替换表 5 1 1 解决 Solve deal with cope with handle resolve address tackle work out figure out 2 损害 Damage hurt injure harm impair undermine jeopardize 3 给与 Give offer render impart provide supply afford 4 培养 Develop cultivate foster 5 优势 Advantage merit virtue benefit upside strength 6 缺陷 Disadvantage demerit drawback downside weakness 7 使迷惑 Puzzle bewilder perplex baffle 8 重要的 Key crucial critical important significant vital substantial indispensable imperative 9 认为 Think believe insist maintain assert conclude deem hold argue be convinced be firmly convinced be fully convinced 10 保护 Protect conserve preserve 11 确保 Assure ensure guarantee pledge 12 有害的 Bad baneful evil harmful detrimental 13 要求 Request demand needs requisition 14 消除 Eliminate clear remove clear up take away smooth away 15 导致 Lead to bring about result in cause spark off conduce to procure induce generate 16 因此 So therefore thus hence consequently as a consequence accordingly as a result because of this as a result of this 17 增长至 Grow to rise to increase to go up to climb to ascend to jump to shoot to 18 降低至 Dip to fall to decline to decrease to drop to go down to reduce to slump to descend to sink to slide to 19 保持稳定 Level out do not change remain stable remain still remain steady be stable maintain the same level remain unchanged be still remain the same level stay constant keep at the same level level off stabilize keep its stability even out 20 急剧的 Dramatically drastically sharply hugely enormously steeply substantially considerably significantly markedly surprisingly strikingly radically remarkably vastly noticeably 21 平稳地 Steadily smoothly slightly slowly marginally gradually moderately mildly 22 宣称 Allege assert declare claim 23 发生 Happen occur take place 24 原因 Reason factor cause 补充 同义词替换表 6 25 发展 Development advance progress 26 有益的 Useful helpful beneficial profitable rewarding advantageous 27 影响 Influence impact effect 28 明显的 Clear obvious evident self evident manifest apparent crystal clear 29 占 Comprise take up account for constitute consist of make up occupy hold compose 30 与 相比 Compared with compared to in comparison with in comparison to by comparison with by comparison to 31 对比而言 By contrast in contrast on the other hand on the contrary conversely 32 展示 Show reveal illustrate demonstrate depict present represent describe 33 大约 Approximately almost about around nearly roughly 34 波动 Fluctuate go ups and downs display a fluctuation demonstrate a fluctuation 35 事实上 Practically in practice essentially in essence in reality in effect in fact as a matter of fact it is a fact that 36 换言之 Namely that is to say in other words to put it like this to put it differently to put it from another way to put it from another angle 37 Concern with relate to 与有关 38 grow increase rise concentrate on focus on 39 Under the title name achievement success 40 tend to do sth plan to do sth 41 want to do sth desire to to sth 42 be associated with be connected with be linked to 与 有关联 43 approach method way key intensely extremely very 44 establish found set up establishment organization 45 offer sb sth supply sb with sth provide sb with sth grant 46 argument disagreement work mater piece 著作 47 contract agreement 合同 合约 48 no without have no 没有 49 chaos mess 混乱 50 monument landmark 里程碑 51 help sb with assist sb in doing sth reach a hand to sb 帮助某人作某事 52 competitor rival recognize as look assume as 补充 同义词替换表 7 2 1 dislike distaste 2 test examine 3 effect impact influence from to range from to 4 ignore neglect 5 unfold carry on 6 be reluctant to do reject refuse object to 7 before prior to 8 predict estimate anticipate obey abide by comply with 9 account for explain elucidate illustrate 10 in essence in fact indeed 11 discrepancy difference shade 12 forgo give up 13 context environment circumstance situation 14 radical different extremely different 15 put another way in other words 16 sort out find out figure out plausible reasonable 12 fear worry pollute contaminate 13 predict anticipate forecast 14 over state exaggerate 15 actually indeed in fact true 16 disappear extinct 灭绝 17 seem to do assume to do 18 solve cope with deal with 解决 19 accelerate speed up 20 impact effect influence response to react to 21 opinion poll survey reason factor 原因 因素 22 entitle name overwhelming dominant 23 field domain 学科领域 24 oppose against 25 for example such as for instance to be specific 补充 同义词替换表 8 26 lead to result in 导致 27 extremely seriously 严重地 28 perception view 观点 看法 29 association society 协会 30 encounter with face confront 面对 31 postpone to delay 32 pressing urgent 紧急 急迫 33 measure solution method 解决方法 34 key crucial significant important 关键 重要 35 but yet enormous importance great significant 36 launch start derive from get from 37 revert to get back to distinction identity 38 immense great in the domain of in the field of 39 couple with along with a mass dollar accumulate dollar 40 essential feature principle 41 seize grasp 42 innovative fresh drab dull single 43 entirely totally be restricted to be limited to 44 needs demand 45 dub call name reflex reaction response 46 result from originate frombe critical for be important to 47 demanding difficultretune adjust 48 seek for search foroutlook view 49 figure out find outtrack follow 50 in response to respond to react to 51 prominence importance revolution invention 52 in relation to in association withsociety association 53 treatise workfeature characteristics 54 commercial exploitation commercialize do with due to because of 55 objective impersonal impartial foster develop 56 account explanation illustrationsubstantial consider enough 57 be acknowledged be realizedpilot program trial program 补充 同义词替换表 9 58 configuration structurephenomenal surprising 59 make stride make progressregardless of despite of 60 perpetuate keep maintainaccess to sth get sth 61 vital importance extremely important 62 rest depositartificial manmade 63 make a comeback return re enterbig popular 64 ignite trigger a field of a domain of 65 encompass unifyimply indicate 66 breakthrough milestonearound the corner is coming 67 materialize realizetide trend 68 agency organizationreckon deem 69 approach methodspot find out 70 boost promoteprospect future 71 feature portray elusive pessimistic 72 match up to sth equal with impressive great 73 impact effect influencefragile vulnerable 74 indigenous people native peopletend to look after 75 undermine destroy damageinevitable unavoidable 76 renaissance revive for instance for example 77 operate run 78 failure incidentrare unusually 79 tension pressure 80 prime get ready to do 81 inclusion impurity 82 occur happen 83 analyze closely examine 84 detect examine 85 trigger produce 86 induce encourage 87 regardless in spite of considerable substantial 88 important crucial 89 opinon perspective standpoint 补充 同义词替换表 10 90 fame prestige 91 relieve alleviate alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe 92 force coerces into coerce means you make someone do something s he does not want to compel 93 enlarge magnify magnify means make something larger than it really is 94 Lonely solitary if someone is solitary there is no one near him her 95 small minuscule very small minute 96 praise extol stronger than praise compliment polite and political 97 hard working assiduous someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly 98 difficult arduous if something is arduous it is difficult and tiring and involves a lot of efforts 99 show demonstrate to demonstrate a fact means tp make it clear to people 100 avoid shun if someone shuns something s he deliberately avoid that something or keep away from it 101 fair impartial someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something 102 always invariably the same as always but better than always 103 forever perpetual a perpetual state never changes immutable something immutable will never change or be changed 104 quiet tranquil calm and peaceful serene calm and quiet 105 expensive exorbitant it means too expensive that it should be 106 respect esteem 107 worry fret if you fret about something you worry about it 108 cold chilly unpleasantly cold icy extremely cold 109 dangerous perilous very dangerous hazardous dangerous especially to people s safety and health 110 nowadays currently 111 stop cease if something ceases it stops happening or existing 112 part component the components of something are the parts that it is made of 113 difficult formidable 114 strange eccentric if some one is eccentric s he behaves in a strange way or his her opinion is different from most people 115 rich affluent if you are affluent you have a lot of money 116 approximately 将近 nearly almost 117 dubious skeptical if you are skeptical about something you have doubts on it 118 scholarship fellowship 119 attractive appealing pleasing and attractive absorbing something absorbing can attract you a great deal 补充 同义词替换表 11 120 diverse miscellaneous a miscellaneous groups consists of many different kinds of things 121 rapid meteoric ATTENTION meteoric is only used to describe someone achieves success quickly 122 despite not withstanding FORMAL 123 best optimal used to describe the best level something can achieve 124 sharp acute severe and intense 125 unbelievable inconceivable if you deem something inconceivable you think it very unlike to happen 126 famous distinguished used to describe people who are successful in their career 127 ancient archaic extremely old and extremely old fashioned 128 possible feasible if something is feasible it can be done made or achieved 129 of necessary to 130 without free from 131 about concerning related to 132 在 方面 in ways in aspects respects perspectives 133 用 方法 in ways in fashion in manner 134 rich wealthy affluent well to do well off 135 poor needy impoverished 136 good conducive beneficial advantageous 137 bad detrimental baneful undesirable 138 healthy robust sound wholesome 139 surprising amazing extraordinary miraculous 140 energetic dynamic vigourous animated 141 难的 difficult troublesome burdensome thorny 142 不可或缺的 necessary indispensable inevitable irreplaceable unavoidable 143 重要的 important crucial critical essential vital 144 be importance be of cruciality be of criticality be of essentiality be of vitality 145 巨大的 large enormous tremendous considerable appreciable 146 正确的 correct 仔细的 careful arduous assiduous 147 有道理的 reasonable rational and plausible 148 吸引人的 attractive inviting and appealing 149 足够的 adequate and sufficient 150 日常 daily day to day everyday 151 improve enhance promote strengthen optimize 补充 同义词替换表 12 152 solve resolve address tackle cope with deal with 153 destroy tear down knock down eradicate 154 develop cultivate foster nurture 155 encourage motivate stimulate spur plete fulfill accomplish achieve 157 destroy impair undermine jeopardize 158 influence impact 159 danger perils hazards 160 human beings mankind humane race 161 old people the old the elderly the aged senior citizens 162 teachers instructors educators lecturers 163 education schooling family parenting upbringing 164 young people youngsters youths adolescents 165 responsibility obligation duty liability 166 因素 cause reason factor determinant 167 联系 relationship relate A to B connection connect A to B association associate A to B 168 优点 advantage benefit superiority merit favorable aspects respects perspectives undesirable aspects respects perspectives 169 disadvantage detriment inferiority defect deficiency unfavorable aspects respects perspectives undesirable aspects respects perspectives 170 enjoyment pastimes recreation entertainment 171 children offspring descendant kid 高频短语 1 充满了 be filled with be awash with be inundate with be saturated with 2 努力 struggle for aspire after strive for spare no efforts for 3 从事 embark on take up set about go in for 4 在当代 in contemporarysociety in present day society in this day and age 5 a host of a multitude of a vast number of a vast amount of 6 对 有益处 be good for do good to be beneficial to be advantageous to 补充 同义词替换表 13 be conducive to 7 对 有害处 be harmful bad for be detrimental to be disadvantageous to be pernicious to 8 集中精力于 focus on devote oneself to dedicate oneself to commit oneself to engage oneself in employ oneself in 9 认为 think argue assert contend claim maintain note hold the viewpoint that hold the standpoint that hold the perspective that harbour an idea opinion that embrace a view that 10 反对 be against reject object oppose be opposed to become hostile to 11 支持 support take sides with advocate lend support to sing high praise of 12 导致 lead to trigger result in bring about contribute to give rise to give birth to be responsible for 13 归咎于 be ascribed to be attributed to 14 发展 develop 提高 increase 改善 improve A 及物动词组 promote advance enhance reinforce 补充 同义词替换表 14 名词 promotion advancement enhancement reinforcement B 不及物动词 rocket boom flourish prosper 15 有 负面含义 suffer run high risk ofhas 正面含义 boast embrace 16 中性含义 face be faced with be possessed of 面临 面对 be faced with be encountered with be poised on the brink of 17 破坏 destroy damage A decompose destruct B endanger threaten C impair decimate deteriorate D exercise practice perform damage danger upon 18 阻碍 limit A restrict restrain constrict constrain B obstacle barricade C smother curb D hinder impede 19 下结论 make a conclusion A draw a conclusion that reach a conclusion that arrive at a conclusion that B hammer a conclusion that crystallize a conclusion that 20 使用 use employ apply adopt resort to 21 innovate invent 22 attend to take care of 23 balanced equitable 24 virtual love simulate 25 small scale 小范围 marginal 边缘处的 26 dialect 方言 accent 腔调 27 look like resemble 28 chronic 长期的 慢性的 long term 长期的 29 on line net cyber 30 solely merely only 31 deplete 开采完 耗尽 exhaust 32 category categorize class classify


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