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Unit3 A taste of English humor Period 3 GrammarLearning aims: To learn about the ing form as the Predicative, Attribute & Object ComplementTo discover and learn to use some useful structuresImportant points: To learn about the ing form as the Predicative, Attribute & Object ComplementDifficult points: To master the usages of ving with different functionsLearning guide: lead, read and practice预习案Finish the following exercises:作宾语1.I am looking forward to_(see) you again.2.Its no use _(try ) to make me believe you.3.We dont allow _ (smoke), so you must go to the smoking room.1、工作之余,袁隆平喜欢听小提琴曲。After work ,YuanLongping_to violin music.2、这些天他在考虑换工作。These days he is_his job.作主语 (英译汉) 5.Seeing is believing. ( )6. Acting was his job.( )7 The window needs cleaning/to be cleaned.( )8.Its no use arguing with him( )归纳总结 接动名词做宾语的动词有: 接动名词做宾语的动词短语有: 探究案课文原句 1. His acting is so amusing that all of us kept laughing all the time.3. What he likes most is making others laughing.观察思考 -ing形式放在系动词之后作 ,用来泛指某种动作或行为,以说明主语的身份、性质或情况。巩固运用 1. His job is _.2. What he likes most is _. 归纳总结及物动词后接人,其-ed 式形容词一般修饰_,译为_-ing式形容词一般修饰_,译为_ 联想拓展 interest (sb). _, _ amuse _, _astonish _, _ surprise _, _ tire_, _ confuse _, _ bore _, _ please _, _课文原句1.What a surprising answer.2.The fly swimming in the soup seems quite content with the soup.观察思考结论:单个动词的-ing形式作定语位于被修饰名词的_,既可以表示被修饰者的_或_,也可以表示被修饰者的_巩固运用 1. v-ing 作定语表性质(1), an interesting lesson= a lesson (that is ) a surprising result = a result (that is )一个惊人的结果2.v-ing 作定语表用途(4), a walking stick = a stick for 手杖 drinking water = water for 饮用水3.v-ing作定语表示动作正在进行a running man = a man (who is ) The man running in the picture is Liu Xiang. v-ing短语作定语表示动作正在进行,此时相当于一个 从句.The customer sitting at the table is very angry.The customer (who is at the table )is very angry.课文中观察 1.Eating shoes mouthful with great enjoyment makes the sad situation entertaining.2. You will find it astonishing that the number of the death in Wenchuan Earthquake is 55239.3. We see soldiers searching the lost day and night without a good rest.联想 这样的补足语有(astonishing, amusing, disappointing, boring, encouraging, inspiring, moving, tiring, interesting, surprising )归纳总结能用-ing形式作宾语补足语的几类动词:1) 表示感觉和心理状态的动词,常见的有(三看,二听,一感觉,一注意,一观察)see(_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) sb. doing sth等。如:We saw a light burning in the window. 2) 使役动词,常见的有have(_,_,_) sb. doing sth等。“让sb一直做某事” I wont have you doing that. Im sorry to have kept you waiting.I cant get the clock going again.学习:(1)动词-ing形式用作宾语补足语,宾语与补足语有_关系,表示“动作_(即处于发生的过程中)”。如:She caught them stealing her apples. 她撞见他们偷她的苹果。(them与stealing有主动关系;在“撞见”时,正在偷) 试比较以下句子:I saw the boy climb the wall. 我看见小孩爬墙。(_)I saw the boy climbing the wall. 我看见小孩正在爬墙。(_)检测案一选适当的动词的正确形式填空miss astonish search act save As we know, an unexpected earthquake hit Wenchuan on 5.12.The result is _ . I t caused many death and even more people _ and injured. Immediately, the government sent over 100 thousand soldiers there to rescue_ them. We can see the soldiers_ for the missing and injured persons throughout the whole disaster area(灾区). We can see them_ the injured one after another. _ is convincing. Please act at once.二. 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Dont leave the water _ while you brush your teeth.A. run B. running C. being run D. to run2. Tell Mary that theres someone _ for her at the door.A. waiting B. waited C. waits D. to wait3. The _ waiter came up to us and said, “You are welcome.”A. smiling B. smiled C. smile D. to smile4. A phone call sent him _ to the hospital.A. hurry B. hurrying C. to hurry D. hurried5. Do you know the boy _ under the big tree?A. lay B. lain C. laying D. lying6. I can hardly imagine Peter _ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. A. sail B. to sail C. sailing D. to have sailed7. There are lots of places of interest _ in our city.A. needs repairing B. needing repaired C. needed repairing D. needing to be repaired8. The drunken husband knocked against the table and sent the bowls _ in all directions before he was sent _ by his wife.A. flying; to sleep B. flying; sleeping C. to fly; to sleeping D. to fly; to sleep9. When we got back from the cinema, we found the lamp _ but the door _.A. being on; shut B. burning; shutting C. burning; shut D. on; shutting10. As is known to us all, traveling is _, but we often feel _ when we are back from travels.A. interesting; tired B. interested; tiring C. interesting; tiring D. interested; tired11. The woman found it no good _ her daughter too much money.A. giving B. being given C. given D. gave12. As the stone was too heavy to move, I left it _on the ground.A. laying B. lay C. lying D. lain13. Johns bad habit is _ without thorough understanding.A. read B. being read C. to be read D. reading


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