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短语巩固1.ask sb.for help我有困难时常请他帮助。I often ask him for help when I am in trouble. 2. attend sth. (school, a meeting,) 参加会议的人都同意这个意见。The people attending the meeting agreed to the idea.3. afford sth. / to do sth. 父母负担不起我出国的费用。My parents cant afford to let me go abroad.4. advise sb. to do sth老师建议我们多做阅读练习。The teacher advises us to do more reading practice. 5break away from sb.为了提高你的学习,你首先应该改掉你的坏的学习习惯。In order to improve your study, you should first break away from your bad study habits. 6. be considered as/to be 林肯被认为是美国历史上最伟大的总统之一。Lincoln was considered as one of the greatest president in USA. 7. catch up with sb.我努力学习英语为的是赶上大家。I study English hard to catch up with others.8. compare sb./ sth. with sb./ sth*Compare your composition with your partners, you will see whose is better.9. do well in (be good at )我每门功课除了英语之外都学得很好。Except English I do well in all the subjects. 10. devote oneself to sth./doing sth. 我把大部分时间都用在准备这次考试上了。 I devoted most of my time to preparing for the examination. 11. encourage sb. to do sth.;学生喜欢经常被老师和父母鼓励。Ss like to be often encouraged by teachers and parents.12.fail to do sth.因为堵车, 他没能按时参加会议。He failed to attend the meeting on time because of traffic jam. 13. get along well with sb./ sth.这项工作进展的很顺利。I am getting along well with the work.14. get into the habit of养成。的习惯 go for a trip 去旅游15. gain some knowledge / experience*Working as a tourist guide, I gained some experience in dealing with people.14. have difficulty / trouble in doing sth. 许多人在处理人际关系上有困难。Many people have difficulty in dealing with people.15. have something / nothing in common with sb.这两个女孩没有什么共同之处,却相处很好。These two girls have nothing in common but are getting along well with each other. 16. join sb. in sth. (take part in sth.)*Will you join us in the discussion?除了学习之外,学生应该参加一些社会活动。 Besides study, students should take part in some social activities.17. keep in touch with sb.18. keep fit 为了保持健康,我每天参加锻炼。 In order to keep fit, I take (part in) sports every day. 19. lose heart *Dont lose heart in face of failure. 面对失败, 不要失去信心。20. offer to do offer sb. sth. ( * offer sb. some money / help)今年我们学校给我们提供了两门选修课(optional courses)。This year, our school offers us two optional courses.21. play an important part / role in电脑在我们日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用. The computer plays an important part in our daily ( everyday) life . 22. prepare for sth. 为做准备我们应该努力学习为未来的生活做准备。 We should study hard to prepare for our life in the future.23. put forward提出同学们支持我在班会上提出的建议。 The students supported my advice which I put forward in the class meeting. 24. remind sb. of sth. 使想起 这幅图片使我想起了我的中学生活。 This picture reminded me of the middle school life.25. save ones life在救援队的救援下(rescue),许多生命被挽救。With the help of the rescue groups, many lives were saved. 27make good use of time 26. show sb. around 带某人参观 我们要充分利用时间为考试做准备。We will make good use of time to prepare for the exam. 27. separate sth. / sb. from sth. /sb. ( be separated from) 我们和灾区人民心连心,没有任何东西可以把我们分开。We are heart to heart with the people in disaster area. Nothing can separate us from each other. 28. set up ( a new hospital)政府在全力为地震灾区的孩子盖新学校。The government are trying its best to set up new schools for the children in disaster area. 80. struggle against灾区的人们不屈不挠与灾难抗争。_81. succeed in doing sth. manage to do, be able to do经过三个月的艰难跋涉,他们终于到达目的地。_82. spend time on sth. / doing sth. 你在数学上花时间太多了。_83. take a walk / a rest / a testtake offtake food / medicinetake a look attake a photo ( picture) oftake/have/show interest intake it easytake ones timetake pride in/be proud of在灾难面前,中国人民体现出伟大的民族精神,我们为祖国而自豪。_take ( an active) part intake on a new look奥运会即将召开,北京呈现一片新面貌。_take ones place (take the place of), (instead of)电脑不可能完全取代人类的劳动。_Computers cannot completely _ human labour. take place 北京近几年各方面发生了巨大变化,特别是环保方面。_take care of sb. sth. (look after sb., care for sb. be concerned about sb.) 84. try /do ones best to do ( make an effort to do sth., spare no effort to sth. , go all out to do sth) 政府承诺将尽一切努力为灾区人们尽快重建家园。_85. think aboutthink ofthink for oneself*You should think for yourself instead of just obeying others.86. turn into(change into, develop into)turn up *Its eight oclock. He hasnt turned up/appeared yet.turn to sb. for help(ask sb. fo help)87. walk up and down walk ones dogs88. wake up / wake sb. up 89. use ones head/brain90. write (back) towrite down91. work hard atwork out ( a plan/ a math problem)92.worry about sth. /sb./be worried about sth./sb. be anxious about sb.(2)介词、副词短语及连词93. all over the country / world我们的朋友遍天下。_94. as a matter of fact / in fact95. all the year round但愿一年到头是春天!_96. as a result / as a result of*As a result of his careless driving, he lost his life.我病了两周,结果期末考试没能通过。_97. as usual98. here and there在这座古城中,你到处都能看到文化遗迹。_99. in public过去我很腼腆,当众不爱说话。_100. not only but also我不仅喜欢打篮球还喜欢踢足球。_101. in this way / a different way*Only by doing it in this way, can you work out the problem.只有用这种学习你才能体会到学习的乐趣。_102. in a word*He is clever, hard working and honest. In a word, he is a good kid.103. thanks to 幸亏有了救援队员的及时救助,那么多人得以生还。_104. in other words我不能辜负家长和老师的期望,换句话说,我不能让他们对我失望。_105. tens of thousands of / thousands of/ hundreds of/ millions of 据报道数千人在这次地震中遇难。_106. in that case/in case of/in case*In that case, Im going alone.*Use the stairs in case of emergency. *Ring the alarm in case there is fire.我得赶快把你的地址记下来,谨防忘记。_107. to ones joy / surprise/ astonishment/ delight/ satisfaction/excitement使他们大为激动的是,那么多人伸出援助之手。_108. even if / even though即使我有足够的时间,我也不去泡吧。_109. as if / as though所有的事情我记得很清楚,就好像是昨天发生的一样。_110. ever since *I saw him in 1980. We havent met ever since.111. in (the) future111. a number of / a lot of / packs of / scores of / plenty of / quite a few + 可数名词sa good/ great deal of + 不可数名词112. as far as I know*As far as I know, we dont have such a restaurant in this neighborhood.113. ahead of time*With his help, we finished the work ahead of time.114. twice a day/ three times a week我每周去三次图书馆。_115. in all*We have 10 days in all to go before taking the exam. 116. after all*Dont get angry with your son. After all, hes a child. 117. for free/free of charge*He repaired my bike free of charge.*The singers gave five performances for free. All the money went to the areas hit by the severe earthquake.118. face to face ( side by side)119. once in a while/from time to time/now and then*Its good for children to live away from their parents once in a while.我不喜欢生活在农村,但我时常去那里野炊。_120. sooner or later/in time坚持下去,你迟早会成功。_121. at present目前中国的野生动物园还不多。_122. at one time*He was a teacher at one time.123.be in need of遭遇地震灾害的地区急需医生和药品。_124. be in debt因为迷上赌博,他负债累累。_125. be on diet 别劝我多吃,我正在节食。 _126. be out of breath爬到3000米高的山顶,我们都气喘吁吁。_127. be in charge of我是部门经理,负责销售。_128. It is said / thought / believed/ reported that Its clear thatIt seems thatIts clear / well-known/ certain that人们相信灾区人民一定会重建家园,而且新建的家园会更好。_ (The thief was believed to have got in through the open window.) 129. be angry with sb.130. be busy doing sth. / be busy with sth.最近我们忙着准备高考。_131. be in danger 汶川地震之后数万人的生命处于危险之中。_132. be different from我们现在的生活与20年前大不相同了。_133. be proud of我们为坚强的中华民族而自豪。_134. be tired of sth. / doing sth.我很厌倦一个接一个的考试。_135. be used to doing (别used to do)作为高三学生,我已经习惯熬夜了。_136. be worth doing/ sth. ( the time; the money; the effort; ) 西湖值得一游。_ 我下很大功夫努力提高英语,我觉得我的努力是值得的。 _137. be anxious about(be worried about)to do/for=be eager for/to do 在外面旅游了半个月,我们都渴望回家了。_138. (sb.) be familiar with sth. / (sth.) be familiar to sb.我在农村呆过10年,我对农村生活很熟悉。_142. the +比较级 the + 比较级*The higher you are, the farther you can see.


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