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( )1. Whats _ name? A. she B. her C. him( ) 2. _ have a new book. A. I B. me C. my( ) 3. Im going to take a picture _ front of the house. A. in B. on C. for( )4. Is this book _? A. she B. her C. hers( )5. Your scarf is nice. _ A. Thank you B. Its not nice. C. No, it isnt( )6. _ sun visor is that? A. Who B. Whose C. Whos( )7._ coats are these? A. Whose B. What C. Whos( )8. They want to act _ the balloons. A. to B. with C. for( )9. Is that _ camera? A. Peter B. Peters C. Peters( )10. Well take a picture _ Mr. Zhang. A. to B. for C. at( )11. Mary and Kate want _ go shopping. A. at B. to C. for( )12. These are _ puppets. A. Lucys B. Lucy C. Lucys( )13. Try these shoes _ . A. to B. on C. in( )14. These candles are _ A. Tom and Mary B. Toms and Marys C. Tom and Marys( )15. Lets fly a kite _ class. A. to B. after C. on( )16.Bob and I live _each other. A. in B. near C. there D. here( )17. Let s _ good friends. A. are B. is C. am D. be( )18.Betty is _ Class One. A. on B. in C. at D. to( )19.We are in _ same school. A. the B. / C. on D. an( )20.We live _ Green Road. A. to B. in C. on D. at( )21. Where_ you live. A. are B. do C. does D. be( )22.We live _Tian jin, China. A. on B. in C. at D. from( )23. I want _ you. A. see B. to see C. see to D. to see for( )24.Li Yan _a good friend. A. to B. has C. have D. does( )25. I live _ 56 Green Road. A. to B. in C. on D. at( )26._ that boy? A. Whose B. Who C. Whos D. What( )27. Lisa has beautiful _ hail. A. big B. bright C. pretty D. short ( )28. Peter is good at _. A. sing B. singing C. to sing D. sings ( )29. How old is your mother?-_38. A. She B. Shes C. Her D. Hes ( )30. The girl with big eyes _two little birds. A. is B. are C. have D. has( )31._do you live? A. What B. Who C. Where D. Whose ( )32.Im in Class Four._ you? A. How about B. How are C. What are D. What do( )33. Lets _singing and dancing. A. play B. like C. go D. to( )34. My uncle has _big nose and _ black hair. A. /, a B. the , a C. a, / D. an, /( )35. -Does Carl _ a round face? -Yes, he _ a round face. A. has, have B. have, has C. has, has D. have, have ( )36. My birthday is _ September. A. on B. in C. at( )37. When is _ birthday? I ts in October. A. Amys B. Amys C. Amys( )38. _the date? Its May 10thA. Whens B. Whats C. Wheres( )39. _ she have a pet? No, she doesnt. A. Do B. Is C. Does( )40. When is National Day? Its _. A. Oct. 1st B. May. 1st C. Jun 1st( )41. When _ you _ morning exercises? A. do, do B. do, does C. does, do( )42. Sometimes a policeman works _night. A. in B. about C. at( )43. I can play _ snow _ winter. A. with, in B. in, with C. with, about( )44. My birthday is _August. A. on B. at C. in( )45. I go to bed _ 10:00 in the evening. A. at B. in C. about ( )46.I _ a friend. Her name is Susan. She _singing and dancing.A. have, like B. have, likes C. has, likes D. has, like( )47. _good-looking boy! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a ( )48. Are they your parents? No,they _. A. dont B. are C. arent D. do( )49. How old are Lucy and Dick? _ eleven. A. Theyre B. theyre C. Were D. They( )50.My sister is _good actress. A. a B. an C. the D. ( )51. _does he do? Hes a postman. A. Whos B. Where C. Whats D. What( ) 52. _ that woman? Shes my English teacher. A. Whos B. Whats C. Wheres D. How( ) 53. What _ Mary do? She _a driver. A. does, is B. do, are C. are, is D. is, is( )54.Im good _Chinese. A. of B. for C. in D. at( )55. Are you interested in _. A. drawing B. draw C. draws D. drew( )56.Bob and I work_the same school. A;in B;near C ;there D;here( )57.Let me in introduce my sister _you. A;to B;for C;and D;be( )58.- _that woman Adancer. A,Whats B,Whos C,Wheres D,Whoses( )59.What does your brother want to_? -A policemaqn。 A,do B,/ C,are D,is( )60.Where_your patents read books? A,does B,do C,are D,am( )61.My father ahd my uncle are both . A,a fireman B,firemans C,firemen D,fireman( )62.Can you guess_? A,who is he B,who he is C,he is who D,he who is( )63.Let tell you an interesting story. A,he B,his C,hes D,him( )64.My brother_great_his uniform. A,looks,in B,looks,on C,look,in D,look,on( )65.Lucys mother is a nurse. She often_people_her work. A,help,on B,help,in C,helps,on D,helps,in( )66.Lei Feng is a great man. We should_. A,learn from he B,learn from him C,learns from he D,learns from him( )67.Peter wants_a policeman in the future A,to is B,to be C,be D,is( )68.Look, those _ _ are_.A,woman,policewoman B,women,policemenC,man,policemen D,men,policemen( )69. These are yours. A. face paints B. faces paint C. face paint D. face painting( )70. But why balloons and dolls? A. so much B.so many C. lot of D. so any( )71. Please . A. try on them B. try them on C. try they on D.try on it( )72.Whose are these? A. paper chain B. papers chain C.paper chains D. chain paper( )74. Is this old scarf? A.a B.an C.the D ./ ( ) 75. nice camera it is! A.What B.Where C.How D.What a ( ) 76.Put away . A.it B.them C.pen D.the scarf ( ) 77.Lisa is ill. Please take care of .A.she B.her C.him D.his ( ) 78.How is the sister? A.boy B.boys C.boys D.the boys ( ) 79.Where the girl come from? A.are B.is C.does D.do( ) 80.Her brother and I _ good friends. A.am B.is C.are D.be( ) 81.He is a friend of A.mine B.my C.me D.I ( ) 82.- _ are the two boys? -Theyre Tom and Dick. A.Where B.Who C.What D.How( ) 83.There are four_in his family. A.people B.peopies C.peoplees D./( ) 84._ you love your parents? A.Does B.Are C.Do D.Is( ) 85.Her father is a doctor.How_ yours? A.are B.old C.many D.about( ) 86.Where_ your brother work? He _in a hospital. A.does,work B.do,works C.does,works D.do,work( )87.Is this your kite?-No,mine_on the bed. A,is B.am C.are D.be ( ) 88.Whose is this room?Its_. A.Lily and Lucy B.Lilys and Lucy C.Lily and Lucys D.Lilys and Lucys ( ) 89.Mike,come to_,please. A.here B.there C.the home D.the door ( )90._is your bike?-The green one is mine. A.What B.Which C.Whose D.Where()91.Thedictionariesare .A.TomandDicksB.TomsandDick C.TomsandDicksD.TomandDick()92. textbookisthis? A.Who B. WhosC.WhoseD.What()93.Carlcantfind belt. A.her B.his C.hes D.hers()94.These arenice. A.photosB.photo C.photoesD.picture()95.Thisroomis .A.LilysandLucys B.LilysandLucy C.LilyandLucysD.LilyandLucy()96.-Whereismysharpener?-Icant itA.lookat B.lookfor C.find D.lookafter()97.Thechildrenwanttosinganddance theparty.A.on B.at C.for D.with()98.Peterwantstoact flowersintheclass.A.about B.for C.with D.of( ) 99.This is my sweater._is in the bedroom. A.You B.Yous C.Your D.Yours()100.Where_ _youcomefrom? A.doB.areC.isD.does()101.Thiswhaleis_. A.myB.mineC.yourD.our( )102.-He is_his mask. A.find B.looking for C.look for D.finding()103.Areyougoodat_? A.swimB.swimmingCswimsDswiming()104.Theboyoften_ _abearattheparty. A.playB.playsC.toplayD.playing( )105._thishismask? A.AreB.IsC.DoD.Am( )106._shoesareunderthebed. A.Her B.HersC.MineD.Yours( )107.Yourdictionaryis_there. A.inB.onC.at D.over( )108._worry.Letmehelpyou. A.DoB.NotC.DontD.Cant ( )109.-Whose mask is that?-Its_. A.his B.he C.him D.my ( )101.Lookattheseskirt. _skirtsarethey? A.Whose B.Whos C.Who D.whoses( )102._areallfriendsof_. Ilike_.A.They,my,their B.They,me,them C.They,mine,their D.They,mine,them( )103._your brother a teather? A.Are B.Is C.Am D.can( )104.I like_. A.dolphin B.zebras C.whale D.seal( )105._this his mask? A.Are B.Is C.Do D.Am( )106.-Tom,is this_shirt?-Yes,its_. A.you,my B.your,mine C.he,I D.his,her( )107.Lets play games_school. A.at B.in C.on D.after( )108.She likes_. A.play the piano B.piaying the piano C.playing piano D.play piano ( )109.Mybikeisblack. _isblue. _isred.A.His,Her B.He,Her C.His,Hers D.His,She( )110.Thismyknife._isonthetable. A.You B.your C.YoursD.Youre( )111、Is this_video camera? A.you B.your C.yours D.yous( )112、That blouse isnt_.Its_. A.Marys.my B.Peters.mine C.Maiy.mine D.Peter,me( )113、Can I see your new camera?-_ A,Certainly B.Thats right C.That OK D.Thats all right ( )114.Im going to_in front of the house. A.taking picture B.take picture C.take a picture D.takes a picture( )115.-_are they?-They are my parents. A.Who B.What C.Where D.Whose( )116.My sister often _me stories. A.tell B.tells C.telling D.to tell( )117.My mother is going to take a picture_ _me tomorrow. A.in B,with C.from D.for( )118.Can you take the dictionary_my friend. A,to B.From C.With D.for( )119.This is dictionary. Its English dictionary. A . a, an B、an, a C、a, / D. /, an( ) 120. Is that activity book ? No, its . A . her,my B、his,I C、your,mine D. your,his( ) 121.My mother often does a lot of _.A、homework B、homeworks C、housework D、houseworks( ) 122.Does the _interview people?A、postman B、reporter C、teacher D、farmer( ) 123.The farmers_wheat.A、grows B、growing C、grow D、growes( )124. Is this eraser ,Lisa ?A . yours B.your C.her D. their( )125.Let help you . A .I B、my C、me D. our( )126. that his schoolbag ? Let me see. No, it isnt. A . Do B、Is C、Are D. Does( )127.Look the lovely dog! How cute! A . at B、in C、for D. of( )128. about your sister ? A . Where B、What C、Whose D. Who( )129.We like books. A. read B. reads C.reading D. read a ( )130. sharpener is this ? Its .A . Whos,Tom B. Whose, Toms C.Who , Toms D. Whose, Tom( )131.Li Hongs mother_in a hotel.A.work B.works C.working D.is working ( )132.Where is your grandpa?He is_home. A.at the B.in the C.at D.on( )133.We_homework every day.A.do B.does C.doing D.are( )134、_the teacher_us art?A、Does,teach B、Do,teach C、Does, teaches D、Do,teaches( )135、My brother likes_letters and newspapers.A、send B、sends C、sending D、to sending( )136.My mother often tells_interesting stories.A.I B.we C.me ( )137.I love my mother_.A.best B.like C.favourite( )138.My father often works_very late. A.to B.until C.from( )139._your grandma often_you interesting stories?A.Is,tell B.Are,tells C.Do,tell D.Does,tell()140.We often help Mary and she often_us,too.A.help B.helps C.helping D.help( )141. What_your parents do ? A.do B.does C.doing D.are( )142.My father _pets. A. take care of B. takes care of C. taking care of D. takes care ( )143.How do you _ your school ? A. liking B.likes C like D.at ( )144.He tells me _interesting story . A. the B. a C. some D. an( )145.Is that your sharpener ?- Yes, _ . A. I am B. he is C It is D. it is()146._aunt is a policewoman . A He B. Him C His D.Mine( )147. Please tell me something _ your school. A.on B.to C.in D. about( )148.Thank you _ your help. A. to B.on C.at D.for( )149.His friend_in a school A.study B. studies C.studyes D.studys( )150.I_our teacher, Our teacher_us,too A.love,loves B.love,love C.loves,loves D.loves,love( )151.I_from America,There_three people in my family A.am,is B.are,are C.am,are D,are,is( )152.Jacks shoes _ new . A. is B. are C. am D.be( )153. Please put_ away. A. they B. the C. them D. /( )154. Is this _ textbook? Yes, its _ . A. his, my B. her,I C. your, mine D.your, your( )155. _ schoolbag is this? Its Toms. A.Whos B. Whose C. Who D. Which()156. Dont _ your things like this. A.play B.left C. like D.leave( )157. Remember _ put your things away. A. to B.for C.from D.in( )158. -_ that her glue?No, it isnt. A.Do B.Does C.Are D. Is( )159. _ my dictionary. A. This is B.This C.Thiss D.That( )160. Whats _ name? A. she B. her C. him( )161. Lets fly a kite _ class. A. to B. after C. on( ) 162. _ have a new book. A. I B. me C. my( ) 163. Im going to take a picture _ front of the house. A. in B. on C. for( )164. Is this book _? A. she B. her C. hers( )165. Your scarf is nice. _ A. Thank you B. Its not nice. C. No, it isnt( )166. _ sun visor is that? A. Who B. Whose C. Whos( )167._ coats are these? A. Whose B. What C. Whos( )168. They want to act _ the balloons. A. to B. with C. for( )169. Is that _ camera? A. Peter B. Peters C. Peters( )170. Well take a picture _ Mr. Zhang. A. to B. for C. at( )171. Mary and Kate want _ go shopping. A. at B. to C. for( )172. These are _ puppets. A. Lucys B. Lucy C. Lucys( )173. Try these shoes _ . A. to B. on C. in( )174. These candles are _ A. Tom and Mary B. Toms and Marys C. Tom and Marys

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