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2017年秋季学期九校联考七年级期中水平测试 英语 试卷第一部分 听力(30分)第一节. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( )1. A.B.C.( )2. A.B. C.( )3. A.B.C.( )4. A.B.C.( )5. A. B. C. 第2节 . 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( )6. A. He is a good student .B. He is tall .C. He is Tom.( )7.A.Brown B.America C.A girl( )8. A. Im twelve.B. Im OK.C. Im from Beijing.( )9 A.Youre welcome . B. Thanks . C.Youre right.( )10. A. Its orange.B. Its an orange.C. Its here.第三节. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(10分)( ) 11. What are those in English? A.They are rulers. B.They are cars C.They are erases ( ) 12.Whose black shoes are thees? A. They re Jims. B. They re Peters C.They re Jim and Peters ( ) 13.Is the girls sister tall? A.Yes,she is B.No,she isnt C. Yes,she does. ( ) 14.What color are the shoes? A.Blue B. Brown C. Black( ) 15.What class is Nancy in? A.Class 1.Grade 8 B.Class 2.Grade 7 C.Class 1.Grade 7 第4节 . 听短文,完成下列表格。短文读两遍。(10分) From 16 Age 17 Look He has 18 eyes and a small nose. He is in a white coat and 19 pantsMomS telephone number 20 ( )16. A.China B.Japan C.Canada( )17. A.eight B.ten C.nine( )18. A.big B.short C.small( )19. A.white B.black C.yellow( )20. A.(010)9972-3687 B(010)8872-3678 C(010)8872-3687 第二部分 英语知识运用(30分)第一节.单项选择(15分)( ) 21.-Let me help you. - .A. Yes, you are . B.Thats OK C.Thank you D.Youre welcome.( ) 22. My mom is teacher.She is English teacher.A. an; a B. a; an C. an; / D. a; /( )23.What class are you in?I m in _, _.A. grade seven; class threeB. class Three; grade SevenC. Class Three; Grade SevenD. Grade Seven; Class Three( )24.-_ is your mother? -She is 39.A. How old B. What C. Where D. How( )25.Who is your sister?The girl red is my sister.A.in B.to C.from D.at( )26-How do you do? -_.A. How old are you? B. Fine, thanks. C. How are you? D. How do you do?( )27 Are you Mr. Green? _. A. Yes, you are B. Yes, I am C. No, you arent D. No, he isnt ( )28. What does your sister look like? _.A. She likes skirts B. She is from ChinaC. She is in Class 6 D. She is tall and has big eyes( )29. your dad a car? No,he A. Do;dont B. Do;doC. Does;doesnt D. Does;does( )30.-Tom ,is this your pen? -Yes, it is . A.yours B.his C.mine D.my( )31.I _ long legs , but my friend _ short legs.A. have , has B. has, have C. have , have D. has ,has( )32.Lucy and I are in grade ,but in different . A.same ; class B.same;classes C.the same ; class D.the same ;classes( )33._ are you from? Im from Nanjing.A. Who B. Where C. What D. How( )34.What color _ your _, Jack? Blue.A. are; pantsB. are; pantC. is; pantD. is; pants( )35. _Theyre books.A. Are these English books?B. Are those English books?C. How do you spell it?D. Whatre these in English? ( ) You are nice in this dress._A. Its right.B. No, it isnt.C. Thank you.D. OK.形容词第二节.完形填空(15分)Good afternoon! My 36 is Ellen. Im fifteen years old now. Im 37 Qingdao. Im in Shanghai now. Im a student. Im in No. 4 Junior High School. Im in Class Four, Grade Eight. I can 38 the word (单词) “eraser”E-R-A-S-E-R. I have a sister. 39 name is Eileen. She is in 40 Junior High School, too. But 41 are not in the same class. 42 is she? She is fine. Miss Li and Miss Ma are 43 . Miss Li is an English teacher. She is tall. And Miss Ma is 44 Chinese teacher. She has long black hair. They are in my school. We are 45 friends. ( )36. A. class B. name C. number D. year( )37. A. to B. in C. from D. of( )38. A. spell B. meet C. find D. think( )39. A. Your B. My C. His D. Her( )40. A. No. 2 B. No. 3 C. No. 4 D. No. 5( )41. A. it B. we C. they D. these( )42. A. Where B. How C. What D. Who( )43. A. teachers B. classmates C. sisters D. students( )44. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )45. A. fine B. OK C. good D. Nice 第三部分.阅读理解(35分)第一节 判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(7.5分)Good morning! I am Lucy! Please look at the girl in the photo. She is my new friend Zhang Di. Look! She is in white and she has big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. She is nice. She is a new(新的) student in our class Class 5, Grade 7. She is from Fuzhou. We are thirteen years old. Her telephone number is 3552-7611. Zhang Dis English is good and her favorite actor is Madonna. Madonna acts (表演) in many (许多) movies (电影). Zhang Di and her sister like the movies very much. 根据短文内容判断正误。(正确的填 “T”, 错误的填 “F”)(7.5分)( )46. Zhang Dis eyes are big and her nose is small.( )47. Zhang Di and Lucy are fourteen years old.( )48. Zhang Di comes from Guangzhou.( )49. We can know Madonnas telephone number.( )50. Madonna is Zhang Dis favorite movie actor. X| k |B | 1 . c|O |m第二节 根据短文内容,选出正确选项.(10分)AIm Zhang Yue. I come from Beijing. Im twelve years old and Im a student. I have a bike. I go to school by (乘) bike. I can speak Chinese and English. This is my friend. Her name is Alice Brown. She is twelve years old, too. She likes red. We are in the same class. The man in the photo is Alices father. He is my English teacher. His name is Peter Brown. He has small eyes and a big nose. He likes black and white. He is a good teacher. Our classmates and I all (全都) like him. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。(10分)( )51. How old is Zhang Yue?A. Twelve. B. Thirteen. C. Fourteen. D. Fifteen. ( )52. What does Zhang Yue have?A. A car. B. A toy. C. A schoolbag. D. A bike. ( )53. Whats Alices family name? A. Brown. B. Miller. C. Smith. D. White.( )54. What does Alices father look like? A. He is an English teacher. B. He is tall and has small eyes.C. He has small eyes and a big nose. D. He has a round face and a wide mouth. ( )55. Which one is RIGHT(正确的)? w W w .x K b 1.c o MA. Zhang Yue can only speak Chinese. B. Alice and Zhang Yue are in the same class. C. Peter isnt a good teacher. D. Zhang Yue likes red. B根据表格选择正确的答案。(10分)Name Age FromClass GradeEnglish teacherTelephoneMaria13the U.S.A57Miss Wang9478-2345Gao Yu14China68Mr.Lee2522-8709Jane13England77Mr.Green5465-5676( )56.Jane is from_.A. the U.S.A. B. China C. England D.Canada( )57.Who is Marias English teacher?A. Miss Wang B.Mr. Lee C. Mr. Green D.Gao Yu( )58._are 13 years old.A. Maria B. Jane C. Maria and Jane D.Mr.Lee( )59._are in the same grade.A, Maria and Gao Yu B. Gao Yu and Jane C.Mr.Green and Mr.Lee D.Maria and Jane ( )60. Whats Mr. Lees telephone number?A. 5465-5676 B. 2522-8709 C. 9478-2345 D.2522-2345第三节 根据对话的情景,从方框中选择适当的句子填在画线处,使对话完整通顺。(7.5分)A:Do you have a new friend?B: 61 A:Whats her name?B:Her name is Lucy.A: 62 B:She is from Canada.A: 63 B:She is tall and she has a round face.A: 64 B:Yes, she does.A: 65 B:Its red.A:Look at the girl over there(那边).Is she Jane?B:Yes, you are right.A.What does she look like?B.Where is she from?C.Yes,I do.D.She is twelve.E.Does she have big blue eyes?F.She has many friend?G.What color is her hair? 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 第四部分 写作(25)第一节 用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)66. -Do you have (大眼睛) -Yes,I do.67.Lin Tao and LiLei are (好朋友).68. My mom has a (红色外套).69. They (来自于)Canada.70.-Here you are. -Thank you (非常)第二节 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(5分)71.My dad has big (foot).72. That girl _(have) a small nose .73. My book is lost. Please help me (find) it.74 Kangkang and I _(be) in the same class.75. -Whats (you) name? - My name is Linfeng.第3节 书面表达 (15分) 你学习英语已经有一段时间了,所以你和你的英语老师也相处了一段时间了。请你用所学的英语知识向同学们介绍一下你的英语老师 My English teacher。介绍一下老师的个人信息,外貌特征。再结合自己的想象写一篇50词左右的短文。 My English teacher

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