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面对高考,相信广大考生都面临着这样或者那样的心理问题,稍微归纳一下,考生常见的心理问题可以分为以下几种:时常焦虑:对考试的担心考试焦虑问题主要体现在对考试的担心。临近考试,一些同学会出现记忆力比较差、学习效率比较低的情况。上课的时候注意力难以集中,表现出白天困倦而晚上又失眠多梦。个别女生还会出现生理周期异常,等等。这些问题都是需要注意的。考前怯场:对考试的恐惧另一个问题是考前怯场,越到考试越对考试恐惧。有的同学虽然其实学习不错,但由于始终对考试怀有较高的期望,便容易产生恐惧心理。他们总会问自己:“这次考试我考不好怎么办?”最终导致无法安心学习。在这个时候,许多人出现一种想学学不进,不学不甘心的现象。本来想学习,拿起本书又不知从何学起;强迫自己学习的时候又安不下心来;不学吧,看到周围的同学在努力学习,又不甘心。这是很多同学考前焦虑和怯场的表现。那么碰到这种状况应该怎么处理呢?其实很简单,两种方式:第一种办法就是学不进也“硬学”。我们为什么学不进去?原因可能来自两个方面:第一,我们没有目标;第二,虽然我们有目标,但是没有计划。很多同学学习的时候没有计划,没有想过今天应该学些什么,在这种情况下有的时候就会不知道怎么学,不知道学多少。所谓硬学,就是列个计划,然后把计划付诸于行动。尤其到课程结束之后,所有时间都由自己安排的时候你更需要有一套完整的计划。有了计划,你就会清楚今天要做什么,然后是把每天需要做的事按照重要程度的顺序依次完成。当然如果计划改变了,或者计划提前完成了,剩余的时间也可以用背单词这样简单的任务来填充。通过背单词我们可以不浪费时间地找到效率,效率上来了之后,学什么也都不在话下了。第二种办法就是彻底不学了。你可以真的放松一下,做些你喜欢做的事情。真正的兴趣爱好可以让人在投入其间享受的时候把心灵彻底放松,休息之后你就可以精力满满地回来学习了。需要提醒的是放松的时候也需要全身心投入,否则的话就会玩的时候想着学,学的时候想着玩这种状态更要不得。当然我们鼓励“硬学”,彻底放松我们只能偶尔为之。毕竟考前时间有限,一学不进去就放松,对学习时间的冲击还是挺大的,除非你的放松也能严格按着计划来执行。考场慌乱:出现克拉克现象许多考生一到考场上便心慌胸闷、手足出汗、注意涣散、心烦意乱,进考场内大脑一片空白,出考场之后什么都明白了这就是考场慌乱现象。这个现象心理学上叫做“克拉克现象”。克拉克是澳大利亚著名的运动员,长跑健将,在1963年到1968年之间曾先后17次打破世界记录,但他在运动巅峰期参加过两次奥运会,一次都没能拿到冠军。其中的原因显然不是他的水平不够,而是赛场压力太大,导致比赛时大失水准。面对考场压力,我们需要把眼界放开。高考并非世界上最重要的一件事情,在未来的人生路上我们还会面对更多更大的压力,所以我们不要害怕压力,和奥运会决赛场上的运动员相比,考试的压力其实不值一提。考后自责:对成败的错误归因有的同学第一次摸拟,第二次摸拟考试没有考好不仅是模拟考试之后,平时学习也一样许多同学就开始觉得对不起老师的教诲,对不起同学的关心,对不起父母的爱,甚至觉得人生失败,自己活着都没什么意义了。其实,带有这种情绪的话,既影响平时的学习,也影响考后的恢复。在模拟考试期间,考得不好的如此,考得好的有的时候也高兴不起来。考好了他会想:“这次摸拟考好了,是不是别人没发挥好,我发挥超常才考得那么好呀?”没考好他又要问:“老师我怎么那么笨呀?”这些同学不论成绩怎么样都对自己不放心。其实考后的自责,很多时候其实是多余的。其实“自责”更重要的是对自己负责,而不是担心别人对你的看法。家庭压力:父母的教育与期待相对而言,有些同学家里的压力特别大一点。例如有些同学家庭条件一般,父母却在这些年来对这些同学奉献很大,父母的期待很高。这些同学如果觉得两次摸拟考试,包括平时的学习完不成父母的期望,在即将到来的高考面前,压力会让他们更加不堪重负。人际敏感:缺乏社会支持系统缺乏社会支持也容易影响考试的表现。就是说在和其他人相处过程中,一些人会表现出不自在感和孤立感,包括自卑感、懊恼、孤独等状态,这种现象叫做人际敏感。在面临高考的同学中,可能会有这样一些人:他们平时与人接触较少,独来独往的。这些人在这一阶段也容易出现应对考试的不良心态。在考试之前,出现一点反常的心理焦灼状态是正常的。很多同学因为有好朋友,可以互相交流,发现大家身上或多或少都有类似的问题便感觉问题不大。但是如果你和别人交流较少的话,就会觉得自己有问题因为看起来别人都是正常的。当然,这种“别人都好,只有我自己糟”的感觉可能只是一种错觉而已,而这种错觉多半是因为缺乏与人交流的结果。人们在公开场合交流的时候,常常是把自己最优秀的一面表达出来,如果与他人缺乏深入接触的的话,就容易产生这种错觉,感觉别人都很正常,每个人都神采飞扬。而如果有朋友的话就会有社会支持,就会知道大家可能都是如此既然一些精神上的压力是常态,也就没有什么特别值得紧张的了。别人沟通比较少的、缺少朋友的同学,在平时学习中也许感觉不到什么不便,毕竟高中学习一般都是各自为战。但在考前压力较大的情况下,这些同学就要小心一下自己的心理状态了。Face the entrance, I believe the majority of candidates are facing psychological problems one way or another , slightly summarize , candidates common psychological problems can be divided into the following categories:Often anxiety : fear of examsTest anxiety problems mainly in the fear of the exam. Close examination , some students will be relatively poor memory , learning efficiency is rather low . When the class difficulty concentrating , showing daytime sleepiness and insomnia at night . Some girls will appear abnormal menstrual cycles , and so on. These issues are important to note .Exam stage fright : fear of the examAnother problem is the exam stage fright , more to the exam more exam fear. While some students actually learn is good, but because the exam is always cherished high expectations, it is easy to generate fear. They always ask myself: This is not good how do I test exam ? Eventually lead to learning at ease.At this time, the emergence of a lot of people want to learn not enter , do not study the phenomenon can not be reconciled . Originally wanted to learn , pick up this book and do not know where to begin ; force yourself to learn when they keep still ; do not learn it, to see the students around trying to learn , and can not be reconciled . This is a lot of anxiety and stage fright students exam performance . So how to deal with such situation should be handled? In fact, very simple, in two ways:The first approach is to learn not into it hard to learn . Why do not we learn to go ? The reason may come from two aspects: First, we do not have goals ; Second , although we have goals , but no plan. Many students learn when no plan, no thought of today should learn something, in this case , sometimes it will not know how to learn , do not know how to learn . The so-called hard science, is out a plan , and then put plans into action . Especially after the end of the course , when all the time by their own arrangements you need a complete set of plans. With the program , youll know what to do today , then is to be done in accordance with the daily needs of the importance of the order is completed. If you plan to change course , or completed ahead of schedule , the remaining time can also be used the word back to fill this simple task . Through word back that we can not waste time to find efficiencies , after efficiency up, learn what also goes without saying.The second way is not completely learned . You can really relax , do you like to do. The real hobbies that people can enjoy it in the meantime put the mind relax , after the break you can come back full of energy to learn . Need to be reminded that they also need to relax threw himself into , otherwise, they would play when thinking about school , learn when thinking about playing - this state even worse .Of course, we are encouraged to hard science and completely relax , we can only occasionally. Exam time is limited , a school does not go to relax , the impact on learning time is still getting bigger , unless you can relax strict executed according to plan .Exam panic : the emergence of the phenomenon ClarkA lot of candidates to the examination room will palpitation , chest tightness , foot sweating, attention deficit , upset, the brain is a blank writing the exam , after the exam understood everything - this is the exam panic phenomenon . This phenomenon is called psychology Clark phenomenon .Clark is one of Australia s famous athletes, long-distance athlete , between 1963 to 1968 has worked to break the world record 17 times , but he participated in the Olympics twice the peak of the movement , once failed to win the championship . The reason is obviously not his level is not enough, but the game too much pressure , causing the game Taishishuizhun .Face exam stress, we need to look release. Entrance is not the worlds most important thing, the way of life in the future we will face more and greater pressure, so we should not be afraid to pressure , and the Olympic final field athletes compared to the exam actually worth a mention.After the test remorse : error attributed to the success ofSome students first simulation , the second simulated exam does not test well - not just after the mock examinations usually learn , too - many students began to feel sorry for the teacher s teaching , the students concerned sorry , Im sorry parents love , life, failure even feel himself alive have no meaning. In fact , with this sentiment , it usually only affects learning , but also affect the recovery after the test .During exams , exam so poorly , sometimes do well not happy . Good test he will think: This simulation test well , is not someone else did not play well , I only managed to get so extraordinary play okay ? Did not test well , he also asked: My teacher how stupid you? These students, regardless of how all of their achievements are not assured. In fact, after the examination of remorse , when in fact many are redundant. In fact, remorse More importantly, they are responsible , and not worry about what others think of you .Family stress : parental education and expectationsIn contrast, some students home a little pressure is particularly great . For example, some students home conditions in general , but in recent years the parents of these students to dedicate a large , high expectations of their parents. If you think these students simulated exam twice , including parents usually able to fulfill the expectations of learning , in the face of the upcoming college entrance examination , the pressure will make them even more overwhelmed.Interpersonal sensitivity : lack of social support systemsLack of social support is also likely to influence test performance. That is in the process of getting along with others , some people will feel uncomfortable and exhibit a sense of isolation , including inferiority , upset , lonely and other states , a phenomenon called interpersonal sensitivity . In facing the entrance of the students , there may be some people like this : they are usually less contact with people , loners . At this stage these people are also prone to bad mentality to cope with exams.Prior to the examination , appeared a little anxious abnormal mental state is normal. Because many students have good friends , you can interact with each other , they discovered that the body has more or less similar problems will feel a big problem . But if you communicate with others less , they would feel that they have a problem - as it seems others are normal.Of course , this people are good , only my own bad feeling it might just be an illusion , and this illusion is mostly because of the lack of results to communicate with people . When people communicate openly and often put their best side expressed, in the absence of further contacts with others , then it is easy to produce the illusion , others are feeling is normal , everyone in high spirits . And if you have friends , they would have social support , they will know that we may have been true - since some mental pressure is normal , there is nothing particularly worth tense up With a computer PC ronran.com. Others less communication , lack of friends of the students, in the usual learning may not feel any inconvenience , after high school are usually fighting each other . But in the larger exam pressure , these students should be careful about their mental state of the.

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