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北师大版小学英语教材的配套教辅英语伴你成长 及 课堂活动手册答案书目:五年级下册 英语伴你成长 (供一年级起始用)六年级上册 英语伴你成长 (供三年级起始用) 北京市课改教材 课堂活动手册 五年级上册答案:第一单元1. Tapescript:a. Jack was on the moon in his dream. b. Jane was in the bedroom at four yesterday afternoon. c. Tim had a science class this morning. d. Bob had an English class yesterday. e. Ken was on the farm last week. f. Uncle Booky was in the supermarket this morning. Keys: a. Yes. b. No. c. No. d. Yes. e. Yes. f. No. 2. Tapescript:It was Saturday yesterday. Ken and Ann were in the park. There was a tree near them, and there was a monkey behind the tree. Ann was afraid. It was Mocky. Ann was happy. They had lunch near the river together. They had lots of fun together.Keys: 4 2 1 5 3 3. Tapescript: a. In Anns dream, she was an astronaut. Ken and Mocky were astronauts, too.b. Ken and Ann were on Mars. Martians were their friends. They had a good time.4. Tapescript: Tommy was in Shanghai last week with his parents. It was very hot there, but Tommy was happy. He had many books from his grandparents. They all had a good time together.Keys: No. (2) Yes (3) No (4) Yes 5. Tapescript: Mocky had a good time last Sunday. He was at Unlce Bookys house. They had a big dinner together. After dinner they were in the forest. There were many big birds. Mocky had a dream at night. In the dream, he was a big bird in the sky. 6. race river read red rectangle ride remember etc. lemonade late lunch Lulu early slow close etc.7. (1) were (2) was (3) were (4) were (5) had (6) was (7) had (8) had 8. doctor teacher pilot dancer vet policeman juggler astronaut9. (1) In my dream, I was in the forest with Mocky.(2) In my dream, I had many new toys.(3) In my dream, the children were in the swimming pool.(4) In my dream, Denny had a birthday party. 10.a. The thief was at home in the morning.b. The thief was in the movie theater in the evening / morning / afternoon. c. The thief was on the bus in the evening / morning / afternoon.d. The thief was in the supermarket in the evening / morning / afternoon.e. The thief was in the police station in the evening / morning / afternoon.11. had was was was was had12. A. 右上角的图片 B. No. No. Yes. No. 第二单元1Tapescript: a. Eric was sick yesterday. He didnt go to school.b. John didnt play with his friends yesterday afternoon. He watched TV at home c. Jack didnt sit next to Jim this morning. He sat next to Mary.d. They didnt have a birthday party last night. They went to the movie theater.Keys: a. 图二 b. 图一 c. 图二 d. 图二2Tapescript: - Paul, you didnt clean the table, you didnt clean your room, you didnt wash your socks. What did you do in the morning?- Mom, I visited grandma. She coughed a lot yesterday. I helped John with his homework. And I cooked dinner for you. Keys: Wrong Wrong Right Wrong Right Right3. Tapescript: Yesterday was my birthday, and it was Sunday. I got up late at about nine oclock. In the morning my grandma came. She gave me a birthday gift. It was a pen. We ate birthday cake together. My friend Jenny called me in the afternoon. We went to the library together.Keys: (1) Right (2) Right (3) Wrong (4) Right (5) Wrong (6) Wrong 4. Tapescript: Yesterday was the last day of the vacation. Wang Ling got up very early. She cleaned her bag first, and then went to the shop for some new pencils and books. She put everything into her bag. In the evening she didnt watch TV. She went to bed early.5. (1) No. (2) No. (3) Yes. (4) No. (5) Yes. (6) Yes.sweater: weather head bread please: read cheap jeans bike: sight hi pig: him hit office 6. (1) wentgo was (2) went tovisitedatehad (3) washadcamehad7. (1) He was at home. He cleaned the room. (2) She read an English book. (3) I watched a football match. 8. wassawplayedweregavedidnt9. (1) He put a banana into his mouth. (2) Ken hit him on the shoulder. (3) Mike played football in the park with his friends. (4) He went into the kitchen because he was hungry.10. He talked with John in the office at eight in the morning. He visited the new school at nine in the morning. He went to see the doctor at eleven thirty in the morning. He ate dinner with his family at one at noon. He made a birthday card for Lucy at three thirty in the afternoon. He went swimming at five in the afternoon. He ate dinner with Mom at seven in the evening. He watched the football game on TV at nine at night.11. (4) (2) (3) (1) in the forest hungry breakfast small bed ran 第三单元1 Tapescript:a. Mary watched TV yesterday evening. She didnt do her homework.b. It was Sunday yesterday. The children went to the park and had a good time there.c. I didnt run in the race. But I was in the swimming race yesterday.d. John ran in the first race. He came first.e. Bob jumped very well in the competition.f. Did you visit John yesterday? Yes, I did. But he wasnt at home.答案:a. 图片二 b. 图片一 c. 图片二 d. 图片二 e. 图片一 f. 图片二2 Tapescript:Lucy, Nancy, Joe and Tim had a race yesterday. Tim ran very well. He came first. Joe didnt run well. He came last. Nancy came behind Tim. Lucy was third in the race.Keys: Lucythird Nancy second Joefourth Tim first3. Tapescript:1) - Did she eat any bananas this morning? -Yes, she did.2) - Did he run in the first race? -No, he didnt.3) -Did they clean the house this morning?- Yes, they did.4) - Did you watch TV last night?- No, I didnt. 4. Tapescript:- Hi, Kevin, where were you last week?- I was on vacation.- Where did you go?- I went to France. - Wow! What did you do there? - I did many things. I cant remember them all now.- Did you visit museums there?- Yes, I did.- Did you go shopping there?- No, I didnt. But I ate French food a lot. Keys:1) false 2) true 3) false 4) true 5) false 6) true 5. 1) sunny sofa 2) zoo is 3) has whose 4) zebra please 5) jeans bags 6) mouse nice 6. 1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th fifth 6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth 10th tenth 7. First he went to Beijing. He ate Beijing duck there. Then he went to Xian. He visited the museum there. After that, he went to Chengdu. He visited a friend there. Then he went to Hangzhou. He had a good time there. Then he went to Shanghai. He went shopping there.8. 1) first 2) was 3) did 4) fourth 5) jumped 6) Yes, I did.9. 1) Did you go to school at that time? 2) Did you have English classes at that time? 3) Did you have computer classes at that time? 4) Did you watch TV at that time?10.略11. 1) The first Olympic games were in Greece. 2) People from Greece watched the first Olympic Games. 3) Runners ran 200 m in the race. 4) Women couldnt run in the race. 5) Today people love the Olympic Games.第四单元1. Tapescript:a) Anns birthday is in September.b) Kens birthday is in March.c) Mockys birthday is in October. d) Tommys birthday is in November. e) When is your birthday?Keys: Anns birthday: Sep Kens birthday: Mar Mockys birthday: Oct Tommys birthday: Nov 2. Tapescript: 1) When is New Years Day?2) When is Childrens Day?3) What is the tenth month in a year?4) What is the third season in a year?5) Which month has only 28 days?6) Kate was 10 years old last year. How old is she now?Keys: 1) January 1st. 2) June 1st. 3) October 4) autumn 5) February 6) eleven years old3. Tapescript:1) Tommy is nine years old last year.2) Jimmy is twelve years old.3) My birthday is in the fourth month of the year.4) Sues birthday is in January. 5) He had a birthday party last moth. 6) In Beijing, it is hot in winter.Keys: 1) no 2) yes 3) yes 4) yes 5) no 6) yes4. Tapescript: John was in China last year. He came to Beijing on June 10th. Then he went to Guangzhou by train on July 2nd. It was very hot there at that time. He didnt like it. He went to Chengdu on July 15th. He was there for two weeks. Then he went to Lhasa on August 4th. At last he went back to Beijing on September 24th. He was in Beijing for about 3 months. Why? Because he loved Beijngduck. 5. September sun sunny sleep Saturday class start sky She shopping shy sheep finish wish shirt shoes6. (1) January is the first month and December is the last month. (2) Nancys birthday is the last day of the fourth month of the year. Her birthday is April 30th.(3) Its New Years Day today. Its January 1st.(4) Sam was ten years old last year. How old is he now? He is eleven. (5) In Beijing it is hot in summer, but cold in winter. 7. B A D C8. d e f c b a9. Tim went to Hainan for vacation with his parents on July 11th.He went to school on September 1st. They played football with class 2 on September 15th.He got the third prize in the writing competition on October 1st.He went to Joys birthday party on October 14th.His dad gave a new bike to him on October 26th.10. a. The first day on the Chinese calendar is Chinese New Year. b. Its usually in February but sometimes its in January too.c. Chinese people often have a big family dinner together.d. They eat a lot of good food and they eat Jiaozi, too.e. They get up early. They ear new clothes and visit friends.f. Because they can get gifts on New Years Day.第五单元1. Tapescript: 1) - Who is the tallest student in your class? - Peter is the tallest one.2) - How much does a lion usually weigh? - It can weigh about 180 kilograms.3) - How tall are you?- I am 145 centimeters tall.4) - Which is bigger, Chongqing or Shanghai? - Chongqing is bigger than Shanghai.Keys:1) 图一 2) 图一 3) 图一 4) 图一 1 Tapescript:- Hi, Jack! How tall are you? - Hi, Mary. I am 145 centimeters tall. How tall are you?-I am 149 centimeters tall. - How much do you weigh?- 45 kilograms. - And how old are you?- I am eleven years old. It was my birthday yesterday.- Wow! Happy birthday! My birthday is May 2nd. Keys: a. True b. False c. True d. False e. True f. True 3. Tapescript:- Good morning, teacher. I want a new student card.- OK. Whats your name?- My name is Linda. - How old are you?- 10 years old.- When is your birthday? - Its June 29th- How tall are you?- One hundred and thirty-nine centimeters tall.- How much do you weigh?- I weigh 39 kilograms. Keys: Name: Linda Age:10 Birthday: June 29th Height: 139cm Weight: 39kg4. Tapescript:One day, Lily, Tom and Lucy went to the supermarket together. They saw a scale. Lily said, “Lets check our height and weight.” Tom measured Lily first. She was 150 centimeters and weighed 45 kilograms. Lucy was shorter than Lily. Tom was 165 centimeters tall. He was very happy. But Lucy was not happy, because she was the heaviest. 5. Tapescript: Jack is a player. He always weighs before competitions. Last week, he was in a competition. Mike was in the competition, too. Mike was taller than Jack. But at last Jack won the competition. Why? Because Mike was heavier than Jack. What competition was it? Do you know? 6. fat can camera- planet second seventh map Ann back am eat biggest7. The first picture is the animal. 8. 1) tall 2) heaviest 3) shorter 4) tallest 5) younger 6) oldest左起:第一个女孩 Linda男孩从左到右顺次:Peter Fred Tom Nike9. 略10. a. 4 b. 2 c. 5 d. 3 e. 4 f. 1 第六单元1. Tapescript:a. - What was the date yesterday? - Yesterday was January 18th. b. - What did you do yesterday? - I helped my grandpa in the garden.c. - Which planet is bigger, Mars or the earth? - The earth is bigger. d. - Did you clean the house yesterday? - No, I didnt. I was at the library. Keys:a. 图一 b. 图一 c.图一 d. 图二2 Tapescript: Last week I went to Hainan for vacation. I went there by train. The train was late for three hours. The first day in Hainan I ate fish and crabs. And I had a bad stomachache. From the second to the fifth day, I couldnt go out, because it rained all day. It was sunny the last day. But I couldnt go swimming, because I didnt take my swimming suit. And I didnt take my camera. I had a bad vacation.Keys: Right Right Right Wrong Wrong3. Last Sunday, Susan and her mother went to the supermarket. Susan saw a beautiful skirt at the first floor. She looked at the price. It was 110 yuan. It was too expensive. Susan didnt buy it. They went to the second floor. There were many dresses, and they were cheap. At last Susan went back home with a nice new dress.Keys: wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong right 4. Mikes birthday is February 10th. Last winter vacation his parents took him to Hainan for his birthday. He was very happy. They went there by plane, and got there in the afternoon. Mike was very surprised, because it was hot in winter in Hainan. They went swimming there and had a good vacation. Keys: February 10th winterplanehotswimming5. a. panda b. camera c. skirt d. this e. vest6. Space: star Mars spaceship moon astronaut planet Month: January April October December Sports: race go fishing sail swim run Weather: snow windy sunny hot rainy 7. 1) The shoes store is on the third floor.2) The Childrens Day is in June. 3) The elephant is bigger than the rat.4) On Sunday, I go to the town center.5) What did you do yesterday? I read some books. 8. 略9. Mike visited John at the hospital. He didnt go the library. He wrote to uncle. He read the story book. He didnt clean the room.He didnt wash the socks. He watched football games on TV. He called Mom at her office. He didnt cook dinner for Mom. 10.1) Yes 2) No 3) Yes 4) No. 5) No 6) No 7) Yes10. The order of the pictures should be:b e d f a c Assessment1. Tapescript 1) - Hi, Peter. I didnt see you at Jims birthday party. Where were you? - I visited Uncle Sam with my parents. He came back from Kunming yesterday. 2) - You didnt do your homework yesterday afternoon, Jack.What did you do? - I was at the park with Tony.3) - Did you watch the English speaking competition on TV last night? - No, I didnt. I went to bed early. I was sick.4) - Judy, Im making a birthday book. Keys: 1) 左图 2) 右图 3) 右图 4) 左图2. Tapescript: a. How much do you weigh?b. How tall are you?c. When is your birthday?d. Where were you at four yesterday afternoon?e. What did you do at ten yesterday morning?f. Did you wash your face this morning? 答案略。3. Tapescript: - Jack, what date is it today? - Let me look at the calendar. Today is December 21st.- Thanks. Oh, Jack, there is a circle on January t twelfth. Why? - Thats my fathers birthday. And July 27th?- I won the first prize in the school singing competition.- December 31st?- Oh, thats my birthday. 4. Tapescript: It was December 23rd yesterday. And it was my English teachers birthday. He came to our school last week. I made a birthday card and gave him the card after class. He was very happy. He is from America. He was a doctor in America. The he went to a teachers school. After that, he came to China. He couldnt speak Chinese last week. But now he can say “Nihao”.Keys: a. No. b. No. c. Yes. d. No. e. Yes. f. No. 5. Tapescript: I had a bad day yesterday. In the morning, I was late for school because I didnt catch the bus. In the afternoon, I went to the movie theatre with Jack, but I didnt take the tickets. I walked home and near the house, a dog ran after me.

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