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第五届国际英语电视大赛-城市文化交流形象大使 城市决赛小学讲故事内容参考1. 小学A组:守株待兔 Waiting for a Hare To Turn UpThere was a peasant in the state of Song.One day a hare dashed up,knocked against a tree in his field,broke its neck and fell dead.Then the peasant put down his hoe and waited by the tree for another hare to turn up.No more hares appeared, however,he became the laughing-stock of the state.宋国有个耕田的人。他的田地中有个树桩,一只兔子奔跑撞到树桩上,撞断脖子而死。于是他放下农具,守候在树桩边,希望再捡到兔子。兔子是不会再捡到的,自己却成了宋国人的笑料。长城 Great WallIt is a national defense project in ancient China and is also the most famous city wall in China.It goes from the Yalujiang River in the east to Jiayuguan pass in Gansu Province in the west.The Great Wall stretches from more than 12,000 li,so it is called Ten Thousand Li Great Wall.长城是中国古代国家防御工事,也是中国最有名的城墙,东起鸭绿江西至甘肃嘉峪关。绵延1.2万多里,因此又被称为“万里长城”。母亲节Mothers Day Mothers Day is 2nd Sunday in May.Children take their mother out (usually for dinner).They also give their mothers cards and gifts. 母亲节在每年5月的第二个星期日。孩子们会带他们的母亲外出(通常是用晚餐),他们也会送母亲卡片和礼物。小学B组:换个角度看生活 Seeing Life in a Different Light An elderly couple had two daughters. The older daughter was married to a man who sold umbrellas, while the younger one was married to a man who sold straw hats. Therefore, whenever it was a fine day, the mother would sigh: “Oh, its a bad day for my elder son-in-law.” But if it was a rainy day, she would sigh as well:“Nobodys going to buy my younger son-in-laws straw hats.” So she was never happy, rain or shine. But her husband saw the matter in a different light. He was happy, rain or shine. On sunny days, he would think that his younger son-in-law would sell lots of straw hats, and on rainy days he would think of his elder son-in-law doing well selling his umbrellas.In reality, happiness is a kind of attitude. It is never far from you, depending on whether you are contented or not.一对老两口有两个女儿,大女儿嫁给了一个卖雨伞的,二女儿嫁给了一个卖草帽的。所以,每当遇到晴天的时候,做母亲的就会叹气:“哎!大女婿的雨伞卖不出去了。”遇到雨天,她还是会叹气:“二女婿的草帽没人买了!”,所以,晴天雨天老太太都不高兴。可是老先生却恰恰相反,晴天时他想到二女婿的草帽会卖得好,雨天时他想到大女婿的雨伞会卖得好,所以不论晴天雨天,老先生都很高兴。其实,幸福就是一种心情,它离你不远,关键是看你知不知足。中国结Chinese Knot Chinese Knots are typical local manual weaving arts of China .Chinese Knots date back to ancient times when rope knots were not only the necessity of peoples daily life but also played an important role in recording history. 中国结是中国特有的手工编织工艺品。中国结的起源可以追溯到上古时期,当时的绳结不仅是人们日常生活中的必备用具,同时还具有记载历史的重要作用。鸟巢National Stadium or the Bird Nest National Stadium or the Bird Nest is the major venue of the 29th Olympic Games in 2008,located in Beijing Olympic Park.During the Olympic Games in 2008,the stadium was used to hold such events as opening ceremony ,closing ceremony ,track and field events and so on . 国家体育场(又称鸟巢)是北京2008年第29届奥运会的主体育场,位于北京奥林匹克公园内。该体育场在2008年奥运会期间承担奥运会开闭幕式和田径比赛等赛事活动。小学C组:孟母三迁 Mencius Mother Moves House Three TimesMencius (372-289BC) was a famous Chinese philosopher.His father died when he was still a boy, and his mother made a living by weaving ,At that time their home was near a graveyard and funeral processions often passed by. His mother feared that the environment would impact negatively on her son, so she moved their home to the State of Zou.But the new home was near a market.The boy was amused by the shouting and wrangling of the peddlers. His mother decided again to move. This time, they lived near a school .Inspired by the scholars and students ,Mencius began to study. His mother sent him to private tutor next door.From then on ,he studied hard and became a universally respected man of great learning. 孟子(约公元前372-289年)是中国著名的思想家,他幼年丧父,靠母亲织布为生。当时,孟子家住在墓地旁边,送葬的队伍常常从门前经过,孟母生怕孩子受到坏影响,决心离开此地搬到邹国去。但是,他们在邹国的新家靠近集市,孟子听着喧闹的叫卖场,看着商人们讨价还价。孟母看到这种情况,决定再次搬家。这次,他们搬到了学校附近,在朗朗读书声的熏陶下,孟子渐渐地喜欢上了读书,孟母就送他去邻家教书先生那里学习。从此,孟子潜心钻研,成了人人尊敬的大学问家。画蛇添足 Drawing a Snake With LegsIn the state of Chu, a man who had held a sacrifice gave the goblet of sacrificial wine to his stewards. “This is not enough for us all,” said the stewards ,“but more than enough for one. Lets draw snakes on the ground, and the one who finishes first can have the wine.”The man who finished first picked up the goblet, but holding it in his left hand went on drawing with his right.“ I am adding some legs,” he said.Before he finished the legs, though, another steward completed his drawing and took the goblet from him.“A snake has no legs,” said this last.“ Why should you add legs?” So he drained the wine instead.And the one who had drawn the legs had nothing to drink.楚国有个人春季祭祖,赏给他的门客一杯酒。门客互相商量说:“几个人喝它不够,一个人喝绰绰有余。让大家在地上画蛇,先画成的人喝这杯酒。”一个人先画了蛇,拿过酒要喝。于是,他左手拿酒杯,右手继续画蛇,说道:“我能给它画脚。”他还没画好,另一个人的蛇画好了,夺去他的酒杯,说:“蛇本来没有脚,你怎么能给它添上脚呢?”于是把酒喝掉了。给蛇画脚的人最终没有喝到酒。京剧Beijing OperaBeijing Opera arose around 1840 in Beijing and was prevalent in 1930s and 1940s when it was called National Opera.The Beijing Opera performance system named after Mei Lanfang has been Viewed as a representative of the oriental opera performance style.Its an important representation of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation and its many artistic elements are used as symbols in traditional Chinese culture.京剧形成于北京,盛行于20世纪三四十年代,时有“国剧”之称。以梅兰芳命名的京剧表演体系已经被视为东方戏剧表演体系的代表。京剧是中国民族传统文化的重要表现形式,其中的多种艺术元素被用做中国传统文化的象征符号。中学组演讲题范围初中组: 与同学和谐相处之道 The Art to live in Harmony with Classmates 我的人生理想 My Dream 用别人的眼睛看自己 To See yourself with other peoples eyes 关于著名品牌“可口可乐”的思考Thoughts on the Famous Brand-Coca-Cola高中组:Cultural Differences Between Chinese and Western in My Eyes 我眼中的中西文化差异 My View On Internet 互联网之我见 How to Realize My Dream? 怎样才能实现我人生的梦想? The Chinese Spirits of Dayu Controlling Floods 大禹治水的中国精神4

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