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2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试西工大附中第四次适应性训练英 语第I卷第一部分 英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)第一节 语音知识(共5小题, 每小题1分,满分5分)1. mosquitoA. involveB. motorcycleC. concludeD. women2. plentyA. experienceB. passengerC. expressionD. generation3. supplyA. yourselvesB. quicklyC. recycleD. bicycle4. singerA. strongB. fingerC. singleD. stranger5. failureA. mountainB. bargainC. captainD. available第二节 情景对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)- Hello, can I help you?- Yes, Id like to go on a sailing holiday this summer in Italy.- 6 - No, I wanted to go to Sweden last year, 7 - Well, it is quite expensive. Sailing holidays start at about three hundred dollars.- Yes, my friends went in August last year. 8 The most I can pay is three hundred and eighty dollars.- Well, that should be enough. 9 - Well, Id prefer a lake in the mountains.- Okay. The Aqua Centre in North Italy will be the best for you. 10 - Okay. Can I pay by credit card? I havent got my cheque book. - Yes, thats fine.A. They paid four hundred and fifty dollars each.B. That costs $375.C. but I couldnt spare enough time.D. Would you like to be by the sea or a lake?E. Have you been sailing before?F. Youve got to pay $475.G. but I didnt have enough money.第三节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)11. Do you know if Linda is willing to take charge of the program?_, does it?A. It takes no time. B. It counts for nothing.C. It doesnt hurt to ask. D. It doesnt make sense.12. We all agree that _good knowledge of physics is a must in explaining such _natural phenomena.A. a; 不填 B. a; a C. 不填;a D. 不填;不填13. After that, he knew he could _any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.A. get away with B. get on with C. get through D. get across14. After the adjustment of financial policies, many netizens put up posts, 90 percent _carried the message of approval.A. of which B. of whom C. of them D. of what15. Use your head. Nothing taught by others can have the same effect on you as _learned by yourself.A. those B. that C. what D. the one16. Why did you drop the chance of earning big money?_. You know, I dont want to get rich by taking risks.A. All is well that ends well B. One mans meat is anothers poisonC. Better safe than sorry D. No sweet without sweat17. Studying alone, you are free to choose what to learn and when, _ you dont need others agreement.A. while B. if C. though D. as18. Full use should be made _our spare time, for the exam is drawing near. Exactly.A. with B. of C. for D. by19. As is known to all, Montreal is the second largest French-speaking city in the world, _.A. Paris is the largest B. Paris being the largestC. Paris to be the largest D. Paris be the largest20. _seems to be a strong competition in China for senior high students to enter universities does exist in other countries as well.A. It B. There C. What D. That21. Why do you look so worried?My computer broke down and my essay _ unfinished since.A. was left B. has left C. left D. has been left22. We must apply what we have learned to our daily work because in no case _ from practice.A. should theory separate B. should theory be separatedC. theory should separate D. theory should be separated23. “You _not be too careful in the exam. Do and check your papers carefully and you _not take your papers out of the examination room after the exam,” the teacher told us before the exam.A. must; should B. can; shall C. must; shall D. can; should24. Another cup of coffee? Thats your third since lunch.Yeah, well, I _ all night preparing for my history exam. I can hardly keep my eyes open.A. stayed up B. have stayed up C. have been staying up D. will stay up25. What has made him upset recently?_alone to face a troublesome milk case.A. Left B. Being left C. Having left D. To leave第四节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Steve Kimball started a career in March as a school-bus driver for First Student Norwich.The morning of April 8 seemed 26 , Kimball recalled, except that he didnt quite feel right. Noah got in the bus and noticed immediately that the driver didnt 27 well; he wasnt talking and joking 28as/the way the two of them are used to doing every morning.Throughout the brief ride to 29 more riders, Noah kept asking Kimball, Steve, are you all right?.Kimball said the boys persistence was getting him annoyed. So Noah 30 sent a quick text message to his parents 31 the driver was definitely sick but 32 he was OK. His father 33 the bus company immediately. Soon the ambulance came over and drove Kimball to the nearest 34 .The doctor said I suffered a severe heart attack, Kimball said Thursday, 35 recovering at his Norwich home. Kimball said. God worked a miracle 36 Noah. He saved my life, plain and simple. Kimball wasnt the only one 37 . On Tuesday, First Student held a ceremony at Noahs school 38 him for his heroic leadership. Company officials 39 him with a plaque (匾牌) and a $50 prize.You are being 40 for your quick thinking and showing great care and 41 for your driver, and because of you, he will be just fine, the plaque 42 .Noah doesnt care for the sudden 43 . He had to be coaxed (哄劝) by Kimball to attend Tuesday s ceremony. I just did what was the right 44 to do, he said.But Noah wasnt shy when asked whether he was45 Steves return to work.“Oh, yeah!” he said.26. A. strange B. normal C. noisy D. busy27. A. perform B. behave C. serve D. look28. A. as if B. in caseC. the way D. now that29. A. pick up B. drop off C. pull up D. carry out30. A. calmly B. quietly C. faithfully D. sincerely31. A. when B. as C. which D. that32. A. admitted B. declared C. insisted D. indicated33. A. called B. remindedC. responded D. visited34. A. school B. neighborhoodC. hospital D. bus-stop35. A. still B. even C. soon D. thus36. A. by B. for C. in D. without37. A. admirable B. desperate C. hopeful D. thankful38. A. in terms of B. in honor of C. in memory of D. in favor of39. A. provided B. sent C. supplied D. presented40. A. recognized B. involved C. approved D. remembered41. A. guidance B. concern C. curiosity D. determination42. A. agrees B. applauds C. reads D. writes43. A. celebration B. shock C. instruction D. excitement44. A. attitude B. thing C. person D. time45.A. looking up to B. getting along with C. living up to D. looking forward to第二部分 阅读理解 (共二节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)ABlogging may have psychological(心理的) benefits for teens suffering from social anxiety, improving their self-esteem and helping them relate better to their friends, according to the new research published by the American Psychological Association. Research has shown that writing a personal diary and other forms of expressive writing are a great way to release emotional stress and just feel better, said the studys lead author, Meyran Boniel-Nissim, PhD, of the University of Haifa, Israel. Teens are online anyway, so blogging enables free expression and easy communication with others.Blogging has a stronger positive effect on troubled students well-being than merely expressing their social anxieties and concerns in a private diary, according to the article published online in the APA journal Psychological Services. Opening the blog up to comments from the online community strengthens those effects.The researchers randomly surveyed high school students in Israel, who had agreed to fill out a questionnaire about their feelings on the quality of their social relationships. A total of 161 students - 124 girls and 37 boys, with an average age of 15 - were selected because their scores on the survey showed they all had some level of social anxiety or stress. All the teens reported difficulty in making friends or relating to the friends they had. The researchers assessed the teens self-esteem, everyday social activities and behaviors before, immediately after and two months after the 10-week experiment.Four groups of students were assigned to blog. Two of those groups were told to focus their posts on their social problems, with one group opening the posts to comments; the other two groups could write about whatever they wanted and, again, one group opened the blog up to comments. The number and content of comments were not evaluated for this experiment. The students could respond to comments but that was not required. Two more groups acted as controls - either writing a private diary about their social problems or doing nothing. Participants in the writing and blogging groups were told to post messages at least twice a week for 10 weeks.Four experts, who held masters or doctors degrees in consulting and psychology, assessed the bloggers social and emotional condition via their blog posts. Students were assessed as having a poor social and emotional state if they wrote a lot about personal problems or bad relationships or showed evidence of low self-esteem.Self-esteem, social anxiety, emotional stress and the number of positive social behaviors improved significantly for the bloggers when compared to the teens who did nothing and those who wrote private diaries. Bloggers who were instructed to write specifically about their difficulties and whose blogs were open to comments improved the most. All of these results agreed with the two- month follow-up.The authors admitted that the skewed(有偏向的) sex rate was a limitation to the study. However, the researchers analyzed the results separately by gender and found that boys and girls reacted similarly to the experiment and there were no major differences. However, they said future research should attempt to control the subjects sex.46. Theselectionofstudentsfortheexperimentwaslargelybasedon_. A. theirsocialrelationships B. theirself-esteem C. theirproblemsinsociallife D. theirwillingnesstofilloutaquestionnaire 47. Whatsthefunctionof“controls”(Paragraph4)intheexperiment? A. Towritedownsomesocialproblemsinaprivatediary. B. Topostmessagestotheblogandrespondtocomments. C. Tohelpevaluatethenumberandcontentofblogcomments. D. Toofferacomparisonforcheckingtheexperimentalresult. 48. From the experiment we can know that_. A. writing private diaries makes no difference to the relief of ones emotional stress. B. teenagers opening their blogs up to comments have more psychological benefits. C. the positive effects of expressing ones emotions by blogging dont last very long. D. those describing bad relationships on blogs tend to develop more mental problems.49. Whatcanbeinferredfromthelastparagraph? A. Theauthorsinsistedthatalltheresearchfindingswereaccurate. B. Sexratehadbeentakenintoaccountbeforethesurveywasconducted.C. Theauthorswereintendedtoimprovetheexperimentinthefuture. D. Similarreactionsofboysandgirlsindicatedthefailureoftheexperiment. BTiangong-1 (or Heavenly Palace) space module(舱) is the first step toward Chinas plan to build a space station around 2020. Its launch by China has upset some countries, which are asking why China did not add on to the International Space Station that has been in place since 1998. After all, the Americans, Russians, Europeans and Japanese are using one platform to experiment in space. Questions have also been asked about Chinas ultimate purpose in space and suggestions made that there is something as unpleasant as the theme in a James Bond movie, in which Chinese-looking enemies were at the root of some evil plot to control the world. Chinese dont see themselves that way, and never in history have they been flag-planting colonialists. Most Westerners are schooled in the exploits of the great European explorers, headed by Christopher Columbus and James Cook, and followed closely by the groups of culture egotists(自大者) with a mix of guns, gold and the Bible in their hands. In contrast, Zheng He, the great Chinese navigator, took fleets to Africa and the Middle East to promote goodwill, with gifts of chinaware and art. No flags claiming possession of distant colonies. But this is strange to Western society. In this century, it is clear that space cannot be claimed by one nation. Yet advantage of technology in space does seem to be on some minds. Former US president Ronald Reagan caused shocks and worries with his ambitious Star Wars program. So when China shot down its own satellite as a test in January 2010 there were anxieties in the West about Star Wars-like scenario(剧本) becoming reality in the near future.50. The launch of Tiangong-1_. A. is appreciated by countries like the USA and Japan B. will bring trouble to the western countries in space C. is part of Chinas plan to set up a station in space D. will help China be a member of the Space Station51. It is most probable that the US, Russia, Europe and Japan_. A. are competing against one another in space wars B. feel anxious about Chinas setting up a space station C. are cooperating to compete against China in space D. have warned the world of Chinas final purpose52. The author of the passage mentions Zheng He_. A. to tell people China will never be enemies of world peace B. to compare him to the great European explorers like Columbus C. to indicate that he is the pride of the Chinese people D. to show that the Chinese people are as great as other peoples53. From the last paragraph, we can infer that_. A. Chinas shooting down its satellite made the scenario become reality B. some countries are trying to be ahead of the others in space exploration C. China will be in control of the world if she starts space exploration D. if a nation has a better technology in space, it will start a star warCA yoga master made a shocking statement that Abraham Lincoln had been a Himalayan yogi in a past lifeLincoln delivered a proclamation setting up Thanksgiving as an American holiday in 1863Research throws light on a possible Hindu (印度的)origin for the American celebration of ThanksgivingThe holiday of Thanksgiving has a Hindu origin, says Richard Salva, author of a book on the reincarnation (转世)of Abraham Lincoln entitled Soul Journey : From Lincoln to Lindbergh which is based on a statement by the great master of yoga, Paramhamsa Yogananda, who declared that Abraham Lincoln had been a Himalayan yogi in a past life, and that he was reborn as the famous pilot, Charles Lindbergh“During my search for signs of a past-life yoga practice,” SaIva said, “I noticed that President Lincoln repeatedly chose Thursdays as national days of prayer, fasting (禁食),and thanksgivingThis was interesting, because Thursday is considered a holy day a day for prayer, fasting, and spiritual reflection among Hindus, who call itguru day”“ Lincoln also set aside time on Thursdays to grieve for his son,Willie, who died in WashingtonClearly, Thursdays had a spiritual significance in Lincolns mind”In his book, Richard Salva presents more than 500 connections between Lincoln, Lindergh, and the ancient spiritual science of yogaThe connections run through every aspect of the human condition and provide convincing evidence that Lincoln had had a Hindu past life.More than one out of every five Americans today believes in reincarnationyet few are aware of how past-life patterns affect themSoul Journey tries to fill this gap, by offering a substitute experience of reincarnationThrough clear and persuasive similarities between the lives of Lincoln and Lindbergh, the book discovers how the hidden laws of fate and reincarnation impact the events of his or her daily lifeIt addresses other issues, such as the secret spiritual history of Americas greatest president, including his past life as a Himalayan yogi; the hidden clues that reveal past lives; the greatness he achieved; and the spiritual principles behind the yoga postures that millions now practice54. BasedonRichardSalvasview,_. A. HindusstartedtheholidayofThanksgiving B. theAmericanscopiedThanksgivingfromHindus C. ThanksgivinghadHindusroots D. CharlesLindberghhadbeenaHimalayanyogi 55. Wecandrawaconclusionfromthepassagethat_. A.inIndiaThursdayisareligiousday B.inIndiaalltheprayersaredoneonThursday C.AbrahamLincolnwasonceafamouspilot D.ParamhamsaYoganandaoncetaughtLincolnyoga 56. Itcanbeinferredfromthelastparagraphthat_. A. thebookdiscoversthelawsoffateandreincarnation B.yogaiscloselyconnectedwithreligion C.thebookgivesascientificdescriptionofLincolnsspirituallife D. LincolnandLindberghmusthaveinfluencedeachotheralot 57.WhenitcametothecomparisonbetweenLincolnandLindbergh, theauthorhelda_ attitude.A.neutral B.doubtful C.negative D.positiveDAfter spending a year in Brazil on a student exchange program, her mother recalled, Marie Colvin returned home to find that her classmates had narrowed down their college choices. “Everyone else was already admitted to college,” her mother, Rosemarie Colvin, said from the family home. “So she took our car and drove up to Yale and said, You have to let me in. ”Impressedshe was a National Merit(全国英才) finalist who had picked up Portuguese in BrazilYale did, admitting her to the class of 1978, where she started writing for The Yale Daily News “and decided to be a journalist,” her mother said.On Wednesday, Marie Colvin, 56, an experienced journalist for The Sunday Times of London, was killed as Syrian forces shelled the city of Homs. She was working in a temporary media center that was destroyed in the attack.“She was supposed to leave Syria on Wednesday”, Ms. Colvin said. “Her editor told me he called her yesterday and said it was getting too dangerous and they wanted to take her out. She said she was doing a story and she wanted to finish it. ”Ms. Colvin said it was pointless to try to prevent her daughter from going to conflict zones. “If you knew my daughter,” she said, “it would have been such a waste of words. She was determined, she was enthusiastic about what she did, it was her life. There was no saying Dont do this. This is who she was, absolutely who she was and what she believed in: cover the story, not just have pictures of it, but bring it to life in the deepest way you could.” So it was not a surprise when she took an interest in journalism, her mother said.58. From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 we can infer that .A. Yale University was her last choiceB. Yale must keep its promise to MarieC. Marie Colvin was confident of herselfD. Marie Colvin was good at persuading59. Marie Colvins story suggests some of the best qualities of being a journalist are .A. patience and confidence B. honesty and curiosityC. flexibility and creativity

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