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总任务:学生比较中、美小学生的作息时间表,任务的结果是学生修正自己的作息时间,形成了一个新的、比较合理的作息时间。任务链:Task1:Guess the teachers timetable. Task2:Talk about Zhangpeng and Amys timetable.Task3:Make a survey: Talk about the partners timetable. Task4:Hand-in the timetable to the group leader and choose one to find out whose timetable it is.Task5:Listen or read something about the timetable of the ss in the USA. Find the difference between them. Task6:Discuss in class: talk about how to live a happy life. Make a suitable timetable: To do the suitable things at the suitable time.Task 7: Make a survey about your parents timetable.(homework)语言聚焦:When do you play sports/do morning exercises .?I usually play sports/do morning exercises at . What about you / And you? 学情分析:通过两年半的英语学习,大多数学生已能听懂有关熟悉话题的语段和简短的故事。能与教师或同学就熟悉的话题交换信息。能读懂短篇故事,但由于各种因素的影响,学生发展参差不齐。Process:Pre-tasks1)热身活动,激活思维Lucky 52 一组学生上台,看教师手中的单词卡片,分别做动作让其他学生用英语猜意义。T: What do you do every day?S1:面向同学,看单词卡片只做动作。如:做早操Ss: Do morning exercises/play sports.也可以在小组内仿照刚才的游戏进行活动,适时评价。(用游戏的形式复习上一课时学习过的短语,这些短语在本节课中学生也会用到,取到激活学生的思维的目的。)2)Guessing the teachers timetableT: Look! This is my timetable. Can you ask me some questions? You can ask me like this: When do you get up?(学生看教师的作息时间表,生问师答,学生根据教师的回答填表。最后教师看着学生完成的自己的作息时间表将自己的一天描述出来。给学生以示范,训练学生的问答能力。)My TimetableGet upEat breakfastGo to schoolWhile-tasks1.中国小学生作息时间的提取:把课本上的材料当做示范任务的材料,得出中国小学生的作息时刻表。1) Do you want to know Mikes timetable? Lets listen and choose.听做Lets try,Which one is Mikes timetable? 2) Zhang peng and Amy are talking now. When do they go to school? Lets listen and fill in the forms. (教师导入对话录音,让学生带着问题听音填表,抓住主要信息。) Zhang Peng AmyGet up at Get up at Eat breakfast at Eat breakfast at Go to school at Go to school at Then try to answer some questions?When does Amy get up? When does Zhang peng get up? When does Zhang peng eat breakfast? When does Amy eat breakfast? Let ss guess the time.2.本地小学生的作息时间的提取:通过访谈,找出本地小学生的作息时间。Do you want to know more about your partners timetable? Please make a survey: ask and answer in pairs. Try to make a dialogue like this: -When do you get up? -At 6:30. Then fill in the forms. 注明:第一栏不填采访对象姓名,只填相应的时间在横线上。 TIMETABLE get up eat breakfast go to school do morning exercises have English class eat lunch play sports go home eat dinner do homework watch TV go to bed First, the teacher makes a model, let the ss talk. The teacher moves around and takes the note about the ss errors. Help the ss do the survey. Let two pairs to act the dialogues out. The teacher leads the ss to listen carefully, and judge whether you do the same thing at the same time. And what is your difference?4) Group work. After that, hand in all the forms to the leader, then choose one to ask and answer .Try to find out whose timetable it is.(此设计让学生在小组内再次应用任务型语言教学做调查,语言表述更流利、正确。)3.美国小学生作息时间的提取:教师可以是给一段材料学生听或者读,然后和学生一起提取信息,得出美国小学生的作息时刻表。Search a passage or record an authentic dialogue about the America ss timetable.教师在网上下载相关录音或采访资料,还可以向学生简要介绍美国学生的在校生活,学生还可以通过提问教师的形式,完成表格。从而了解美国学生的生活、学习情况。Use “usually/ often/sometimes” to introduce.Get upClass meeting/Reading/WritingMath/HistoryLunchScience/Social studyArt/Gym/MusicGo homeSupperHomework/Watch TVGo to bed学生运用下列句型提问:When do they get up? 教师作答,或者请一位学生帮助回答。(利用小学生好奇心强,求知欲旺盛等心理特点,引入对美国小学生日常生活的探究,既渗透了文化知识,又引导学生利用互联网了解外面的世界,开拓他们的视野。)4.比较,修正本地的作息时间,得出一个比较合理的时间表。Talk about the difference between Chinese ss and American ss timetable. Then discuss in class: How to make the suitable timetable. To do the suitable things at the suitable time. Use the sentences: Can we get up at 10:00 a.m.? Can we eat lunch at 11:00 a.m.? Can we watch TV if you have homework to do after school? Can we do homework after class? Can we do morning exercise in the afternoon? Can we play sports after we get up in the morning?(教师引导学生结合现实生活讨论,说出他们心中认为的好的生活作息方式,让学生的思维真正“活”起来。教师的任务是给予鼓励和肯定,帮助他们弥补英语表达上的不足。)Focus on form(可以设置练习题)1) Today we use these sentences to know about somebodys daily life.When do you get up/play sports/do morning exercises .?I usually play sports/do morning exercises at . What about you / And you?I usually play sports/do morning exercises at . Sometimes I play sports/do morning exercises at .2) Correct the errors by the ss.Eg:When you get up? 更正为:When do you get up?I get up 6:30. 更正为: I get up at 6:30. Zhangpeng go to school at 7:00. 更正为:Zhangpeng goes to school at 7:00.3)Do some exercises:A. 看表格完成短文。Mr. Rabbits WeekendSaturdayread bookswatch TVclimb mountainsSundayplay footballclean the roomMr. Rabbit: I often _ on Saturdays. Sometimes I _ and _. Usually I _ and _ on Sundays. B. 读短文、看图片把正确的短语填在横线上。play the piano visit grandparents get up watch TV go shopping Every weekend I _ at 9:00, and _ at 10:30. I _ at 3:30 in the afternoon. I _ at 6:00 in the evening. I _ at 7:30 in the evening. This is my day.

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