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答案是供选单词前标的数字 Unit 1 A 1 Economic crises destroy the capitalist system and they grow in size and duration 2 Stability also depends upon the flexibility of the local economy 3 He was sentenced to do hard labor without the option of a fine 4 She states her views very definitely 5 Did he actually say in so many words that there was no hope of a cure 6 The baby felt ignore by her parents 7 You need to convince the employers that you can do the job 8 Companies will have to do more than this if they are to survive the earthquake 2 flexibility 1 duration 3 option 4 definitely 5 actually 6 ignore 7 convince 8 survive Unit 1 B 1 The two countries maintain friendly foreign relationship with each other 2 It is vital for the human beings to do something to save the earth 3 You can omit the parts of the story that parts of the story that are not interesting 4 The little girl had a really rough time when her father died 5 They emphasize the importance of careful driving 4 rough 3 omit 1 maintain 2 vital 5 emphasize assume overall competitive 汉译英 1 你的老师在评卷的时候会把你生病的情况考虑在内 2 因为他总是轻信别人 所以很容易受伤 3 他的肤色跟他是不是好律师无关 4 我们需要与所有的客户建立和保持积极的关系 并高效处理客户 的投诉 5 关键不在于你说了什么话 而在于你实际上做了哪些事情 1 Your teacher will take your recent illness into consideration when judging your examination 2 He is likely to get hurt because he always trusts people easily 3 His color isn t relevant to whether he is good lawyer 4 We are required to build and maintain positive relations with all customers and handle the customers complaints efficiently 5 It s not what you say but what you really do that counts Unit 2 A 1 I don t like this young woman she seems a social 2 The novel the imagination of thousands reader 3 God knows How can I six exam a week 4 A tiny star cans in the darkness 5 There are good chances of in this firm 6 Mrs Hill is on Tom s marrying Susan 7 Some professions are with people who have not grown up 8 How should this girl see the coldness of the letter 2 capture 1 butterfly 4 spark 3 endure 6 keen 5 promotion 7 stuff 8 innocent Unit 2 B 1 After years of great effort their company into one of the largest in the industry 2 Be careful not to yourself in their local conflicts 3 They soon developed a very relationship 4 This is a n opportunity that will lead you to success 5 They will to build another laboratory building 4 unique 2 engage 1 flourish 3 intimate 5 precede preferable caution complicated Unit 3 A 1 His dominant was to take all things into earnest consideration 2 She tried to our friendship 3 This was my big chance and I it with both hands 4 The new airports will tourism 5 He came over and a piece of paper into my hand 6 Shanghai is a city with a large population 7 I ll over and see you this evening 8 A dropped cigarette is being for the fire 6 transient 7 pop 8 blame 4 facilitate 3 grab 5 shove 1 trait 2 undermine Unit 3 B 1 Each better has there tries That was his second try or 2 Home prices are holding in most regions 3 He is always in what he says and does 4 This country refuses stubbornly to its past war crimes 5 Politically the social atmosphere is 3 accurate compatible 4 compensate 1 hit 2 stable 5 loose resource maintain Unit 4 A 1 They were full of when they saw my new car 2 the doctor tired to help the function of his limbs 3 Let me assure you that it was not done 4 The smooth space flight experts say marks a big for Chinese scientists 5 He failed to to the medicine 6 This medicine cans the pain in no time 7 The boy really enjoyed the useful and work in science 8 Advertising is often the most method of promotion 1 envy 6 lessen 8 effective 3 intentionally 5 respond 7 creative 2 restore 4 breakthrough Unit 4 B 1 Let s now carry the discussion a bit further in a more formal 2 Many grocery stores sell pet foods to owners eager to please their pets 3 it is a very stable pattern producing results through effort 4 In this map the towns are by a red dot 5 Her father her interest in music Compromise quality loosely 5 foster 3 conversely 1 fashion 2 diverse 4 indicate Unit 5 A 1 He her on her last physics paper 2 After dinner I took a around the park 3 A hundred years ago people at the idea 4 They are determined to carry forward the 5 The conference discussed the fair of income and wealth 6 Women s social has changed much over the years 7 Before he could find the word she had cut him short with a question 8 In time you ll the beauty of this language 8 appreciate 2 stroll 1 compliment 6 status 5 distribution 7 fitting 4 enterprise 3 scoff Unit 5 B 1 As soon as the comes out the mist will 2 But apparently it s not one our congressmen are brave enough to properly 3 We him of taking bribes 4 I see no of his success 5 Whatever difficulties you you can always talk to us and we will try to help 5 confront 2 execute 3 charge multiply Quit 4 prospect 1 vanish avoid Unit 6 1 we couldn t the old lady to travel by air 2 The test is used to a variety of diseases 3 The foreigners marveled at the of terracotta warriors 4 The temple is supported by columns 柱子 5 Will you him away because he can t walk 6 I needed money so at the time 7 Life is a battle from to grave 8 He his long beard 2 diagnose 1 induce 8 stroke 3 miracle 5 wheel 6 desperately 4 massive 7 cradle 1 Many parents claimed to be by the amount of violence in the film 2 The little boy going to bed in the dark 3 Jeans are not for a formal party 4 I don t know if I should make my hair or leave it straight 5 Therefore each hour of this day will I for it can never return 5 cherish 4 curl 2 dread 1 disgust Severely ingredient 3 appropriate criticize 1 他们试图在学校争取更多的人支持他们的作品 They tried to will more people over to support their works in the school 2 汤姆父母的举止极少有相似之处 Tom s parents have little in common in their manners 3 整顿饭都很好 尤其是葡萄酒更好 The whole meal was good but the wine in particular was excellent 4 由于大雪 他迟到了 He was late as a result of the heavy snow 5 她觉得自己好像是个大笨蛋 She felt like a fool Unit 7 1 will you accept his view on the 2 This dictionary is available in electronic 3 He planted some flowers on the balcony that over the street 4 We that food price os likely to go down 5 The prices here are I paid 4 for a pineapple juice 6 Scientists that sea level is rising 7 Western ideas slowly though the East 8 We are going to them economic assistance 6 claim 4 anticipate 1 issue 3 project 7 penetrate 5 ridiculous 8 render 2 version 1 The great artist s spread all over the country 2 The number of children in the school is less 3 It s very that she didn t reply to our letter 4 You can on him to help you 5 Our economy is and foreign companies are confidently pumping in capital 3 odd 1 fame 2 decrease decade 5 boom 4 rely media wield 1 他们权衡之后决定冒一次险 派士兵去叛乱地区 They decided to take a calculated risk on the second thoughts and sent soldiers to the rebellious region 2 就人们向其寻求各种建议这点来说 今天的因特网起到了百科全书的作用 The Internet serves as an encyclopedia in the sense that people turn to it for all kids of advice today 3 对于一个有如此多粉丝的产品来说 个别消费者拒绝人云亦云也不要紧 To a product with so many fans it doesn t matter that a few consumers refuse to follow suit 4 他的刚愎自用只能把我们领到以前的老路上去 His stubborn pride only leads us down the same path we have been down before 5 几十年来新闻媒体决定了公众什么时间讨论什么内容 For decades the news media have been setting the agenda for public discussion Unit 8 1 the workers are a heating system 2 a of hot air hit us as we stepped off the plane 3 the museum is on the main street 4 I it will take a year to build the house 5 there s been a in our plans 6 Canada is a country rich in mineral 7 the college rules that prevented women from enrolling 8 the cruel man his wife and child 4 estimate 3 locate 1 install 5 switch 2 blast 6 resource 8 abandon 7 remove 1 the new aircraft has performed very well in its trial 2 the incident left traces on his mind 3 I plainly some objections remain 4 the teacher had a knowledge 5 the of our appeal is freedom of speech scale scatter 1 initial 4 extensive 2 Permanent evaluation 3 perceive 5 core 1 你老是这样花钱 总有一天要父债 If you keep on spending like that you will end up indebt 2 文化的性质及其发展对图书馆的发展具有积极的影响 The nature and development of culture will have a positive effect on library grown 3 核电站附近的动物正在遭受我们所不知道的辐射的影响 Animals that live near the nuclear plants are being exposed radiation we don t know 4 In ports will have to be scale back until exports begin to rise again 5 这种新式飞机在最初几次试飞中表现性能良好 The new aircraft has performed very well in its initial trials


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