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第 1 页 共 7 页 人教版 新起点 2019 2020 学年小学英语五年级上学期期末考试试卷 D 卷 姓名 班级 成绩 小 朋 友 带 上 你 一 段 时 间 的 学 习 成 果 一 起 来 做 个 自 我 检 测 吧 相 信 你 一 定 是 最 棒 的 一 Read and write 找朋友 请在句子中找出一个含有与 共 1 题 共 5 分 1 5 分 判断下列各组单词画线部分的发音是否相同 skirt bird shirt purse nurse sure daughter because autumn 二 Read and choose 根据内容 选词填空 共 5 题 共 5 分 2 1 分 There is a park near at the house 3 1 分 I am going to see read a film tonight 4 1 分 Xiaoyong has got a Japan Japanese kite 5 1 分 What s of for lunch 6 1 分 2019 四下 黔东南期末 It s warm hot in Beijing It s cool cold in Harbin 三 Look and complete 看图 完成句子 共 6 题 共 6 分 第 2 页 共 7 页 7 1 分 看 I have a pen 8 1 分 根据所给词义写单词 That girl is May She has 一只风筝 It s 在树上 May 不会 climb the tree 她 is crying Miss Fang is crying her Now the kite is 在 她的手里 She is 高兴 Miss Fang is 高兴 too Look She is flying the kite with May now 9 1 分 She t Chinese in a school 10 1 分 单词拼写 1 口渴的 2 疲劳的 3 快乐的 4 饥饿的 5 生病的 6 亲爱的 11 1 分 Thomas Edison was a great 12 1 分 We can row a on West Lake 第 3 页 共 7 页 四 Read and choose 补全对话 将句子的字母编号写在 共 1 题 共 1 分 13 1 分 从方框中选择适当的选项补全下列对话 A At 7 10 am B I think it s good for health to go to bed early C I often watch TV after I finish my homework at nine o clock D When do you get up E I often go home at 4 45 pm Sam Hello Rose Rose I get up at 7 o clock What about you Sam Me too When do you eat breakfast Rose And you Sam I usually have breakfast at 7 25 am When do you go home in the afternoon Rose Sam When do you watch TV Rose Sam So when do you go to bed Rose Usually at 9 30 pm 第 4 页 共 7 页 Sam You re right 五 Read and answer 阅读理解 共 2 题 共 11 分 14 1 分 阅读理解 There are three pupils in the picture What are they doing They are catching insects in the park The girl is catching a butterfly with a sweep net The boy in blue is catching a beetle on the tree The other boy with a cap is catching a ladybird on a stone Now the ladybird is on the ground It is moving towards a tree Can it climb the tree I don t know Let s wait and see Oh it can climb Look It is climbing up the tree It can jump too An insect usually has six legs and two pairs of wings Catching insects is very interesting Some insects are good They are our friends Some are bad insects You can catch and kill the bad ones 1 An insect usually has 6 and 2 of wings 2 There are and insects in our world Kill those bad ones 3 Look at the ladybird It s a tree 4 Children like to catch insects because it is 5 Some insects are our so we should protect 保护 them 15 10 分 阅读理解 Li Wei has a good friend His name is Peter They are in the same class They go to school five days a week At school they play table tennis after class They stay at home at the weekends Peter likes Chinese food He likes rice and cakes very much Li Wei and Peter like making things Look they are making a plane now They like flying planes on Sunday morning Peter speaks English and a little Chinese Li Wei speaks Chinese and a little English They often teach each other 1 Li Wei and Peter are in different classes 第 5 页 共 7 页 2 They go to school from Monday to Friday 3 They often fly plane after class 4 Li Wei teachers Peter English and Peter teaches Li Wei Chinese 5 Peter likes eating rice and cakes 六 Read and write 书面表达 共 1 题 共 1 分 16 1 分 看图片 以 My Favourite Season 为题写一篇短文 提示 你最喜欢的季节是哪一个 喜欢它的原因是什么 这季节的天气是什么样的 你在这个季节喜 欢进行什么活动 第 6 页 共 7 页 参考答案 一 Read and write 找朋友 请在句子中找出一个含有与 共 1 题 共 5 分 1 答案 略 二 Read and choose 根据内容 选词填空 共 5 题 共 5 分 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 三 Look and complete 看图 完成句子 共 6 题 共 6 分 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 12 答案 略 四 Read and choose 补全对话 将句子的字母编号写在 共 1 题 共 1 分 13 答案 略 五 Read and answer 阅读理解 共 2 题 共 11 分 14 答案 略 15 答案 略 第 7 页 共 7 页 六 Read and write 书面表达 共 1 题 共 1 分 16 答案 略


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