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个性化教学辅导讲义 学科: 英 语 任课教师: 授课时间: 2012年 9月 11日 (星期二) 姓名苏启航年级六年级性别男教学课题 Module1 what are shall we do?教学目标知识点:本课的生词短语,一般将来时复习,课文理解与重点句翻译考 点: 课本惯用短语及词汇,一般将来时等能 力:渗透学校任务型教学,能正确地理解课文并结合语境使用恰当的时态重点难点本课的生词短语,一般将来时复习,课文理解与重点句翻译课前检查作业完成情况:优 良 中 差 建议:课文读熟,按照语音熟记本课生词 课堂教学过程教学内容 Unit2单词,课文及语法补充讲练基本句型背诵及默写 一、完成句子1. 我打算明天和朋友去野炊。 I_ _ _ have a picnic with my friends. =I _ have a picnic with my friends. 2. 下个星期一你打算去干嘛? 我想去打篮球。 What _ _ _ _ _ next Monday? I _ _ _ play basketball.=What _ you do next Monday? I _ play basketball. 3. 你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?是,她要去买一些水果。 _ your mother _ _ go shopping this _? Yes, she _. She _ _ _buy some fruit. 4. 你们打算什么时候见面。 What time _ you _ _ meet? 5.我哥哥准备明年学英语。My brother_ next year. 6今天下午我打算去看足球赛。 I_the football match this afternoon. 7.天要快要下雨啦。 It_ rain soon. 8.我6点钟要到火车站接汤姆I_Tom at the station at six. Unit2同步单词,课文及语法补充讲练一、Unit2课文同步复习及讲练Unit2 单词表单词去钓鱼爱愚蠢的上演今晚,在今晚国王词组过关Work With Language 及课文出现的短语周一周二周三周四周五周六周日老实说,实话实说我很乐意。国王为什么不你最好做到时见八点二十分与一起怎么样吃晚餐去游泳去钓鱼今晚你为什么不让我想想上演,开始你愿意跟我们一起去吗?基本句型背诵及默写1. (让我想想).2. Im not going to do (任何事).3.- go with us? (你愿意) - .(我很乐意)4. Ill .(到时见)5. come to our house at twenty past eight? (你为什么不)6. watch the football game on TV tomorrow evening? 你打算吗?7. ?(明晚怎么样)8. . (老实说)9. What are you going to see?(电影)10. ask your parents first.(你最好)Unit2 知识考点分析【知识点01】课文句子:what are you going to do on Thursday morning? 分析:句子结构- 特殊疑问词“what”+一般疑问句构成特殊疑问句。 be going to be要与主语一致 将来时构成 will + V原 Shall (用语第一人称)用will 和be going to 表示将来,其肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句形式可表示如下:(1) be going to 肯定句否定句一般疑问句He is going to work there.He isnt (is not)going to work there.Is he going to work there?They are going to play games.They arent(are not)going to play games.Are they going to play games?(2) will 肯定句否定句一般疑问句He will work there.He wont (will not) work there.Will he work there?They will play games.They wont (will not) play games.Will they play games?注意:如果be going to 后面紧跟着的动词是go,come等,常常用be going 代替be going to go, be coming 代替 be going to come, 口语中尤其如此,e.g He is going to work there tomorrow.=He is going to work there tomorrow.He is going to come here next Sunday.=He is coming here next Sunday.【知识点02】课文句子:let me see. Im not going to do anything.分析: let me see 让我想想 =“let me think.” anything 不定代词关于不定代词(1)something(4)anything(7)nothing(2)someone(5)anyone(8)no one(3)somebody(6)anybody(9)nobody 不定代词在用法上与代词单数用法相同,如:There is something on the table. (1)(3) 多用于肯定句;Is there anybody in the room? (4)(6) 多用于一般疑问句和否定句;Nobody likes it. (7)(9) 表示否定。 l Im not going to do anything. 我不打算做什么。与Im gong to do nothing. 意思相似。 (可比较:something / anything / nothing /everything) 【知识点03】句型Would you like to? 的回答可以是: Id love to. / Id like to. / Id be glad to. 【知识点04】start begin区别: start 开始、出发 (表示动作性较强,多表示开动、开设、创办。) begin 开始 (表示动作性较弱,描述状态的开始,特别是缓慢的开始多用begin。) 【知识点05】stupid - foolish - silly stupid 常指愚笨的,指智力差的、能力差等; 反义词clever; foolish 指显得缺乏判断力或普通常识的人或言行; 反义词sensible; silly 指极端愚蠢以致令人发笑或轻蔑。 【知识点06】on 上演 adv. The play is on. 那戏剧正在上演。 【知识点07】today,tonight, tomorrow, this/last/nest morning/afternoon/evening 以及tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening/night等前一般不加介词。 【知识点08】the Lion King 狮子王(美国迪斯尼卡通电影) 【知识点09】课文句子:Why dont you come to our house at twenty past eight?分析:Why dont you +动词原形= Why not + 动词原形所以课文句子可以同意转换为: ? 【知识点10】课文句子:Ill see you then!See you then, 表“到时见”,在口语中经常用到。【知识点11】 课文句子: Im going to watch it together with Mike and Yongxian.分析:together with 表“和.一起”。 注意: 注意就远原则,谓语动词单复数取决于离它远的那个主语。E.g. Lily together with her parents is going to Beijing tomorrow.(当主语后面跟有with, together with, like, except, but, no less than, as well as 等词引起的短语时,谓语动词与前面的主语一致.例如:The teacher together with some students is visiting the factory. He as well as I wants to go boating)【知识点12】 课文句子:My family are watching a stupid film when the football game is on. So I cant watch it. 分析:family 集体名词,当表家庭里的成员时,表复数含义,谓语动词用复数。当表家庭这个单数含义时,谓语动词用单数。 when 引导的时间状语从句,表“当的时候”,注意其后用正常语序。 so 连词,表“所以”,注意在英文中,因为(because)和所以(so)不能同时出现。【知识点13】 课文句子:What about tomorrow night? 分析:what about表“怎么样”,等于“How about”。 V-ing;“about”是介词,介词共性其后+n.【知识点14】 课文句子:To tell you the truth,I dont like playing table tennis.分析:To tell you the truth, “老实说”,truth为名词,其形容词为:true like的用法:第一,做动词用,表喜欢,后+v-ing; e.g. 你喜欢唱歌吗? 第二,作介词用:表“像”,如:look like “看起来像”。 E.g. 他看起来像他爸爸。 【知识点15】 课文句子:Youd better ask your parents first. 分析: had better 表“ 最好做某事 ”,后+V原E.g. 你最好早点去学校。 课后作业词汇拼读与识记plan_; pearl_; the Pearl River_; cruise_; instead_; have been to_; temple_; dimsum_; lot_; a lot of_; clothes_; yummy_; the Six Banyan Temple_;单词:汉译英计划_ 珠江_ 代替_ 庙_ 点心_ 许多_ 味道好的_ 珍珠_ 漫游;游弋_ 到过_ 许多_ 衣服_ 六榕寺_ 愚蠢_ 今晚_ 上演_注音拼读 pln kru:z lt insted templ p:l hpi ki tnait su:n pi s:f dilis aidi rait fii lv stju:pid听音选词1.( )/ti:/ ( )/bi:/ ( )/pi:/ 2.( )/di:p/ ( )/pi:p/ ( )/ti:p/3.( )/pa:t/ ( )/ba:t/ ( )/ta:t/ 4.( )/pa:s/ ( )/sa:s/ ( )/ba:z/5.( )/bi:bi:si:/ ( )/si:bi:si/ 6.( )/mt/ ( )/bt/ ( )/pt/( )/si:pi:si/7.( )/zi:/ ( )/vi:/ ( )/si:/ 8.( )/bi:m/ ( )/si:m/ ( )/mi:n/9.( )/nd/ ( )/snd/ ( )/bnd/ 10.( )/put/ ( )/fut/ ( )/kud/11.( )/fu:d/ ( )/du:m/ ( )/bu/ 12.( )/luk/ ( )/buk/ ( )/tuk/13.( )/get/ ( )/let/ ( )/keit/ 14.( )/weik/ ( )/wi:k/ ( )/veig/15.( )/jet/ ( )/wet/ ( )/jes/ 16.( )/pmp/ ( )/lmp/ ( )/bmp/17.( )/kit/ ( )/geit/ ( )/kid/ 18.( )/wil/ ( )/fil/ ( )/hil/19.( )/sn/ ( )/km/ ( )/sm/ 20( )/jki/ ( )/jmi/ ( )/jm/老师课后赏识评价老师最欣赏的地方:上课很认真 ,能够积极主动地去思考、预习、复习。老师的建议:课堂上一定要认真听讲并做好重难点记录,课后加强复习巩固,坚持同遗忘作斗争!

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