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活页练习完成句子错题1.The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be _ as the present one.正在为下一届亚运会建造的体育馆将是目前这个体育馆的三倍大。 ( big)2.They sat together around the table, with _.他们关着门围着桌子而坐。 (shut)3.If you drive like that, you may find yourself in a situation _.如果这样开车,你可能会发现自己处于失控的境地。 (lose)4._ the plane than he could found himself surrounded by the reporters. 他刚下飞机就发现自己被记者围了起来。 (get)5.Such knowledge is still useful _ to similar situations in other countries. 这种知识被应用于其他国家的类似情况时,仍然有效。 (when)6.My mother wont take part in the party _.除非受到邀请,否则我母亲不会参加这次聚会。 (unless)7.Barack Obama delivered a speech to 1,000 local youths during his visit to Shanghai, _ Fudan University and Tongji University.奥巴马来上海访问期间向当地一千名青年学生发表了演讲,其中的大多数学生来自复旦大学和同济大学。 (belong)8._ ,he finally defeated Voldemort who killed his parents.尽管他很年轻,他最终还是打败了杀死自己父母的伏地魔。 (as)9.In the Asian Games in Guangzhou, China got nearly _ as Japan.在广州亚运会上,中国获得的金牌几乎是日本的四倍之多。 (many)10.If someone tells you something all good without any side effects o the medicine, the she or he must _. (tell)如果有人告诉你这药一切都好,没有任何副作用,那么她或他一定在撒谎。11._ she is very diligent, she often fails in the physical examination.尽管她很勤奋,但她经常在物理考试中不及格。 (despite)12.With _ in the hall, the visiting professor delivered an impressive speech on the art of language.学生们在大厅就座后,来访的教授发表了关于语言艺术的令人难忘的演讲。(seat)13.Global warming has become a serious problem, _ more attention.全球变暖已成为一个严重的问题,我们应给予更多关注。 (pay)14.Not a word did he say to his roommate about it, just as if _.对于这件事他对室友只字未提,好像什么都没有发生一样。 (happen)15.They are accustomed _ at meals.他们习惯了吃饭时不说话。 (talk)16.Quebec, Canadas largest province, occupies a vast territory nearly _ France.魁北克是加拿大最大的省,它占地广阔,几乎是法国的三倍大。 (size)17.Not only _ English, but also he does well in maths.他不仅对英语感兴趣,而且他数学学得也很好。 (interest)18.On the table _ , which contains many photos.桌子上有个旧信封,里面装有许多照片。 (lie)19.If we _ last year, we could have gained a good harvest.如果去年雨水充足的话,我们就会获得大丰收。 (have)20.The news _ has caused many people to sell their houses at lower prices.房价就要下跌的消息使得很多人低价卖掉了他们的房子。 (fall)21.The harder you work, _ you will make.你工作越努力,将越有进步。 (much)22.Everything is going smoothly because the coach, as well as his team members, _.因为教练以及他的队员都认为训练很重要,因此一切进展很顺利。 (attach)23.With the rapid development of science and technology, I cant imagine _ in ten years.由于科技的迅猛发展,我无法想象我的家乡十年之后会是什么样子。 (what)24.President Obama admits that Americans arent _ than they were four years ago.奥巴马总统承认美国人不如四年前富有。 (well)25.Totaling approximately 230,000 people, the town has nearly_ as that one.这个城市总共有大约23万人口,接近那个城市的两倍。 (population)26.Tonny, together with another two men _ last month for trying to build a nuclear reactor in his apartment.因为试图在公寓里建一个核反应堆,托尼和另外两个人上个月被捕了。 (arrest)27.It has been agreed that well have to finish the work _.一致认为,无论花多少时间我们都将不得不完成这项工作。 (take)28._ gave Martin the chance to go to a college in one of the northern states.奖学金的获得给了马丁去北方一个州上大学的机会。 (win)29.Sandy could do nothing but _ that he was wrong.桑迪只好向老师承认了他错了。 (admit)30._ to the zoo was the chance to see the pandas.吸引我到动物园的是有机会看到大熊猫。 (attract)31.By total area, including its waters, Canada is _ in the world, after Russia.从整个面积来说,包括(被)水(覆盖)的面积,在全世界加拿大是仅次于俄罗斯的第二大国家。 (large)32.A number of paintings in this castle are believed _ in a fire in 2009.人们相信城堡的大批油画在2009年的一次大火中被毁了。 (destroy)33.We are working on the assumption _ for the conference on time.我们假象着大家会按时来参加会议的。 (turn)34.According to my father ,movies, such as the one you talked about yesterday, _.根据我父亲的观点,像昨天你谈论的那类电影不值得一看。 (worth)35._ and you will find the purple one is softer.比较一下这两把牙刷,你就会发现紫色的这把更柔软。 (compare)36.The first thing _ was all the vivid colors surrounding me- purple, red and yellow.首先,我注意到的是围绕在我周围的鲜艳的颜色-紫红色,红色和黄色。(aware)37._ that such a remarkable amount of history has been recorded and preserved by so many generations.有如此大量的历史被数代人记录和保存下来是我们家庭的荣耀。 (credit)38.The newly-built hospital is reported _ the latest instruments made in the USA.据报道,新建医院配备了美国产的最新设备。 (equip)39.The department to _ is in the charge of Mr. Smith.他所属的系邮史密斯先生分管。 (belong)40.When Martial _ and led him upstairs, he made no resistance.当马提雅尔抓住他的胳膊带他上楼时,他没有反抗。 (seize)41.Ive never heard of this writer, and he is not mentioned in the history book. He seems _.我从未听说过这位作家,并且在历史书中也未提到过。他似乎被遗忘了。 (forget)42._ is of no importance.他是否出过国并不重要。 (abroad)43.Seldom _ video games ever since they entered college.自从升入大学后,他们就很少玩电子游戏了。 (play)44.When he came back to himself, he _ in a damp basement.当他苏醒时,他发现自己被锁在一个潮湿的地下室里。 (lock)45.Thats _ from others.这就是他与众不同之处。 (different)46.The reason why the lake smells terrible is that large quantities of water _.这个湖很难闻的原因是大量的水已被污染。 (pollute)47.Nowadays customers may pay the same price _ for better service.如今与过去相比,消费者付一样多的钱,能得到更好的服务。 (used)48.Fives hours is _ for you to travel from Beijing to Shanghai in 2011 on a high-speed railway linking the two cities.在2011年,乘坐城际高铁从北京到上海需要5个小时的时间。 (take)49.These chemicals may potentially be destructive if not _.如果不认真处理,这些化学物质很可能具有潜在的破坏性。 (deal)50.Never before _ as powerful as it is today.我们国家从没有像现在一样看起来那么强大。 (seem)51.It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones; he _ in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones.很可能巨石王和这些石头有关,他可能参与了纪念碑的规划或帮助运输、竖起这些石头。 (hand)52.So _ that Bill became a very successful businessman quite soon.比尔工作非常努力,不久就成了一位非常成功的商人。 (work)53._ is sure to change as one puts it into practice.当付诸实践时,任何计划好了的事都一定会改变的。 (whatever)54._ , three years had passed and all three of us became very close friend.不知不觉三年已经过去了,我们成为了非常亲密的朋友。 (before)55.John said hed been working in the office for an hour, _.约翰说他在办公室连续工作了一小时,这是真的。 (true)56.He wrote another letter _ more detailed information about the job.他又写来一封信询问该项工作的更详细的信息。 (ask)57.Do you feel like dining out for a change or would you rather we two _ at home?你是愿意变化一下,到外面去吃饭,还是愿意我们俩在家吃呢? (have)58.There were many talented actors out there just waiting _.外面还有许多有天赋的演员等待着被发掘。 (discover)59.Dont be too rude to your father. Never in his life _ in that way up to now.不要对你的父亲那么粗鲁。到现在为止,在他的一生中,还没有人对他那样讲过话。 (speak)60.How we wish that we _ those people who have been buried in the ruins for 76 hours!我们多么希望我们能救出慢在废墟中长达76小时之久的人们。 (rescue)活页练习完成句子错题答案1. three times as big2. the door shut3. where you lose control4. No sooner had he get off5. when (it is) applied6. unless (she is) invited7. most of whom belong to8. Young as he was9. four times as many gold medals10. by telling a lie11. Despite the fact that 12. (all) the students seated13. to which we should pay14. nothing has happened 15. to not talking16. three times the size of17. is he interested in18. lies an old envelope19. had had enough rain20. that house prices will fall21. the more progress22. attaches (great) importance to training23. what my hometown will be like24. better off25. twice as large a population/ twice a population as large26. was arrested27. no matter how long it takes28. Winning the scholarship29. admit to the teacher30. What attracted me31. the second largest country32. to have been destroyed33. that all will turn up34. are not worth watching35. Compare the two toothbrushes36. (that) I was aware of37. It is to our familys credit38. to have been equipped with39. which he belongs40. seized him by the arm41. to have been forgotten42. Whether he has been abroad (or not)43. have they played44. found himself locked45. where he is different46. have been polluted 47. as they used to48. what it will take49. carefully dealt with50. has our country seemed51. could/may/might have had a hand in52. hard did he work53. whatever has been planned54. Before we knew it55. which was true56. asking for/that asked for57. had dinner58. to be discovered59. has he been spoken to60. could rescued

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