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第七单元综合提优测评卷 (时间:60分钟 满分:100分) 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分) ( )1.A.pie B.hot dog c.cake ( )2.Adog Bcat clion ( )3.Ashe Bhe cshoes ( )4.A.there B.hair c.here ( )5.A.fruit B. orange c.banana ( )6.A.how old B.how many c.how much ( )7.Aon the sofa Bin the kitchen cin the bedroom ( )8.Ahave a look Bhave a try chave a clock( )9.A.Can I help you? B.Anything else? cwell done ( )10.A.How are you? B.Me too. CWhat would you like? 二、听录音,选择正确的答句。(5分) ( )1.A.Thank you. B.Some noodles,please. c.No,l dont. ( )2.A.A sandwich. B.A cup of coffee. c.A glass of milk. ( )3.A.Theyre ten yuanB.Its twenty yuan. c.Twenty cakes. ( )4.A.No,I cant. B.Well done. c.Yes,he can. ( )5.A.Yes,please. B.Thank you. c.At the snack bar. 三、听录音,判断所听句子与下列句子是(T)否(F)相符。(5分) ( )1. Some bananas,please. ( )2.1 want a clock. ( )3. How about you? ( )4. We have three bedrooms in our home. ( )5. Come and look.四、听录音,填入所缺单词。(10分) 1-_I help_? -Id like a_. 2. Look at this_.Its_yuan 3He can_and I can_ 4-How_ _ do you have? -I have_ 笔试部分(70分)五、判断下列单词画线部分读音是( )否()相同。(6分) ( )1. five love ( )2.black cake ( )3. good pie ( )4. fox like( )5. rubber robot ( )6.happy have六、选出不同类的一项。(5分) ( )1.Ashort Bfat cskirt ( )2.Acat B. hot c. Dog ( )3.Asocks B.shoes cfour ( )4.Along B.twenty c.four ( )5.A.how much B.how old chow many 七、英汉互译。(10分) 1多少钱一 2四十元一 3给我妹妹一 4真好看!一 5我能帮你吗?一 6in summer一 7these shoes一 8only twenty yuan一 9.the clothes shop 10well done! 一 八 、单项选择。(10分) ( )1.- are my shoes? - under the sofa. A. Where;Its B.Where;Theyre c. Wheres;Theyre ( )2.-Whats that? -Its umbrella. Aapple pie. B can ( )3.- would you like? -An apple pie. AWhat BHow cWho ( )4.- is it? -Ten yuan. A.How many B.How much c.What ( )5.-Do you like this ? -Yes,l do. I like . A. dogs;dogs B.dog;dogs c. dog;dog ( )6.- the cap? -Its on the bed. AWhats BWhos cWheres ( )7.- you like pandas? - A. Do;Yes,l do. B. Do;Yes,l dont. c. Do;No,l do. ( )8.Id like a cup of tea and two pies. How much ? Ais it. Bare they care there ( )9.-Here some noodles you. _Thank you. Ais;for Bare;for care;to ( )10. How old you? wwW .x k B 1.c Om Aare Bis cam九、根据所给情景,选择正确的表达方式。(10分) ( )1当你妈妈饿了时,你可以说: AHeres a cake for you. B.Heres cup of tea for you. CThis fan is for you. ( )2当你进入商店想买一个玩具熊猫时,你可以说: AThe panda is nice. BId like a toy panda. CThats lovely panda. ( )3.当你想知道雨伞的价格时,你会问: AHow old are you? BHow many umbrellas? CHow much is it? x k b 1.c o m ( )4.当你进入小吃店,营业员会这样问你: AWhat do you have? BCan I help you? CAnything else? ( )5.苏洋找不到她的裙子了,你想告诉她裙子在厨房里,你会说: AHeres your skirt. B.Your skirt is in the kitchen.CThis skirt is for you.10、 选出所给句子的答句。(10分)( )1. Whos that woman? AIts seven oclock.( )2. Is that your monkey? B.Yes,I do.( )3. Do you like tigers? C.Eight yuan.( )4. What time is it? DShes Miss Li.( )5. How much is it? E.No,it isnt十一、连词成句。(10分)w W w.xK b 1. c om1.toy these at animals look(.) 2. Salad a make lets fruit(.) 3 snack a heres bar() 4. Id hamburger like a and glass milk of a(.) 5.twenty yuan Miss Li We have(,.) 十二、选词填空。(9分) much sofa What help our twenty glass noodles Where 1.-Can I_you? -Id like a_of milk. 2.-How_is it? -Its_yuan. 3.-_about you,Dad? -Some_. 4.-_are_skirts? -Theyre on the_


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