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2013届高三一轮复习小专题测试1一、单项填空 In Australia, surfing is a popular sport among young people _ they can seek excitement and adventure.AthatBwhichCwhereDhow 【答案】C【解析】 考查定语从句。本题的先行词是 sport,在从句中充当状语,因此选择 where,相当于 in which。In the end, it was Becky _ he turned for a gentle word and a smile.A on whomB in whomC. to whomD for whom 【答案】C【解析】 考查定语从句。句意:最后,为了一句温柔的话和微笑,他向 Becky 求助。turn to sb. 向某人求助。We hope the measures to control house prices,_ are taken by the government, will succeed.AwhichBthatCwhatDas 【答案】A【解析】 考查定语从句。which are taken by the government 是定语从句,修饰先行词 the measures, which 在从句中作主语。Theyve won their last three matches, _ I find a bit surprising actually.AthatBwhenCwhatDwhich 【答案】D【解析】 考查定语从句。后半句是非限制性定语从句,which 代指前面整句话的内容,在从句中作 find 的宾语。Ill never forget the days _ I learned hard in my senior high school, _ changed my whole life.Athat; whichBwhen; whichCwhich; whenDthat; that 【答案】B【解析】 考查定语从句。第一空引导限制性定语从句,先行词为 the days,引导词在从句中充当时间状语,用 when;第二空引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为前面整句话,用关系代词 which,所以选B项。_ is known to us all is that the Chinese government has spared no efforts to protect people from fake food.AAsBItCThatDWhat The examination will begin at 10:30Those who come late _ to the examination room.Ahave not been admittedBdont admitCwill not be admittedDdidnt admit 【答案】C【解析】 考查动词的时态和语态。admit 和定语从句的先行词 those 是动宾关系,因此要用被动语态,由此可以排除B、D两项;另外,根据题干中第一句话的时态可知,第二句话应该用一般将来时。故选C项。The newspaper is owned by a foreign company, _ boss is Sir James Bex.AwhenBwhereCwhichDwhose 【答案】D【解析】 考查定语从句。whose 在句中引导定语从句,修饰先行词 company 并在从句中作 boss 的定语。The knee is the joint _ the thigh bone meets the 1arge bone of the lower leg.AwhenBwhereCwhichDthat 【答案】B【解析】 考查定语从句。句意:膝盖是连接腿节和小腿那块大骨的关节。根据句意可知空处引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词 the joint,且在从句中作地点状语,故用 where 来引导。Fayes fondest memory is of last year, _ the club gave a tea party for her birthday.AthatBwhichCwhereDwhen 【答案】D【解析】 考查定语从句。定语从句题的解题关键是在主句中找出先行词,然后把先行词“代入”从句中,判断其在从句中的“地位”和“作用”,此处先行词为 last year,在定语从句中作时间状语,应该用关系副词 when,故选D项。二、 完型填空It was a cold winters night when I stopped for gas on my way home from work. I was tired and had a slight 36 .I worked in a 37 doctors office and this was one of those days when the unexpected happened, making the schedule run 38 than usual. It seemed I was going to be late 39 home and my husband, being the 40 person, would be ready to pronounce me late once again. Maybe 41 I hurried, I could still make it home.I was heading inside to 42 for my gas when I noticed an older couple at the counter. I heard them asking for 43 to the local hospital. It was the same hospital that I had just 44 a few minutes ago.The young man at the counter was trying to be 45 in explaining how to get there, with two other people making 46 . One of them was 47 trying to give them a whole different route back. It was then that I walked over to the couple and said, “Would you like to follow me to the 48 ?”A look of 49 crossed the womans face.“Im going right by there,” I said, which wasnt a(an) 50 since I had just made up my mind to do 51 that.I got in my car and began the journey back. I was trying to watch to be sure they were right 52 me. It took only fifteen minutes to get there as rush hour traffic was beginning to 53 . I felt better than I had all day and my headache was nearly gone.Later, as I arrived home, my husband 54 , “So you arent ever late any more.” I said, “Sometimes its 55 to be late.”36. A. breakB. feverC. coldD. headache37. A. foreignB. commonC. busyD. noisy38. A. earlierB. laterC. easierD. simpler39. A. gettingB. cookingC. callingD. working40. A. toughB. punctualC. generousD. careful41. A. asB. sinceC. whileD. if 42. A. payB. changeC. waitD. search43. A. opinionsB. troubleC. directionsD. money44. A. reachedB. visitedC. calledD. left 45. A. skilledB. helpfulC. experiencedD. active 46. A. commentsB. promisesC. jokesD. offers47. A. onlyB. stillC. evenD. ever48. A. stationB. officeC. hospitalD. hotel49. A. panicB. reliefC. sadnessD. peace50. A. dutyB. factC. reasonD. lie51. A. partlyB. properlyC. exactlyD. perfectly52. A. acrossB. beforeC. besideD. behind 53. A. go upB. die downC. speed upD. turn down54. A. teasedB. shoutedC. burstD. laughed55. A. possibleB. specialC. goodD. safe【解题导语】 一个寒冬的夜晚,作者偶然遇到一对需要帮助的老年夫妇,于是她不顾身体的疲惫与不适,自告奋勇为对方带路。36D 根据倒数第三段最后一句中的my headache was nearly gone可知作者当时疲惫不堪,而且有轻微的头疼。37C 上一段中提到作者在晚上下班后非常疲惫,而且感觉头疼,再结合下文可推知办公室的工作十分忙碌。38B 由下文的going to be late以及pronounce可知出乎意料的事情的发生使下班时间比平时晚。39A根据下文中的make it home可知作者可能到家的时间会晚一些。40B根据本句后半部分中的内容可知作者的丈夫非常守时,否则就不会责怪作者回家晚了。punctual守时的,准时的,符合语境。41D如果作者抓紧时间,也许还能够按时回到家。42A 由下文的at the counter可知此处是作者走进里面去支付买油的费用。43C 根据下一段开头部分中的explaining how to get,there可知这对老夫妇是在询问如何到达当地医院,此处direction表示方向。44D文章第一段提到作者下班后就来加油,此时遇到了一对问路的老年夫妇,由此可推知作者几分钟前刚刚离开她工作的那家医院。45B根据本句中的explaining how to get there可知在柜台服务的年轻男子努力提供帮助,告诉他们如何到达那个地方。46A 由下文可知,年轻人在尽力为对方指路时,另外两个人在关于路线的问题上发表议论。47C 这几个人都想给这对夫妇指路,其中一人甚至试图给他们指出一条完全不同的回来的路线。48C 根据43空后面的内容可知作者知道对方要去医院,于是主动提出要为他们引路。49B女士不知如何去医院,此时有人主动带路,她自然感到很欣慰。relief表示宽慰,欣慰,符合语境。50D虽然作者刚从那家医院出来,可是作者说自己正好要路过那里,这并非谎言,因为作者诚心要帮助对方。51C 作者当时确实打定主意要那么做,exactly表示确实。52D作者是在给这对夫妇引路,要确保他们在后面跟着。53B 由于交通高峰开始减退,他们只花了15分钟就到达了那家医院。die down逐渐停止,变弱。54A文章第二段后半部分提到作者每逢回家晚的时候,丈夫都要说她,此处是他在取笑作者。55C 根据倒数第三段最后一句话可知此处作者想表达的是有时候晚归的感觉很好。第三部分:阅读理解Museum of the Moving Image(MMI) (Monday Closed)As the best museum in New York City and with a balance of hands-on(实际操作的)activities and information, its the rare bird that can entertain and educate people of different ages. Its a perfect destination for a family trip of a couple hours. Pros - Excellent movie screenings. Easy subway access. Cons - Difficult to reach by car. New York Hall of Science(NYHS) (Monday Closed)Being New York Citys only hands-on science and technology center, it is an interactive science museum focused on its audience of children. It has the most hands-on exhibits in an NYC museum, and its a fun destination for ages 5 and up. Older folks might take great interest in the NASA rockets outside the museum, but dont bother unless youve kids to keep you company.Pros - Cool interactive science exhibits, the rockets. Cons - Hard to reach by public transportation. Queens County Farm Museum(QCFM) (Year-round 7 days a week)It is an actual farm in New York City and home to animals your kids can feed and a yard full of a climbing plant whose fruit can be made into wine. Good chance to meet sheep, goats, pigs, chickens and cow! The animals are mostly readily accessible to visitors. And the museum sells feed for young hands willing to get licked by sheep and goats. Pros - Outdoor fun. Cons - Expensive Festivals, long bus ride, no subway. Queens Museum of Art(QMA) (Monday and Tuesday Closed)Opened in 1972 to serve as a cultural center for the borough(行政区), it exhibits art by local and international artists. Its best exhibits are on the two Worlds Fairs, and of course, the Panorama of New York City, a giant, highly detailed diorama(透景画)of all five New York City boroughs. Pros - The Panorama!, great gift shop. Easy subway access.Cons not much for kids. 64. The least likely choice for 5-year-old Jack to make among the museums is .A. MMI B. NYHS C. QMA D. QCFM 65. According to the text, which of the following is NOT true?A. All the museums mentioned above lie in New York City. B. No other museum in New York City is better than MMI.C. Lucky visitors can see grapes in one of the museums.D. NYHS has the most hands-on activities in America. 66. We can know from the text that .A. people can visit only one of the museums any time and any dayB. visitors can pay a visit to all the museums by subway C. there is often a rare bird flying in the sky above MMI D. the Panorama is, as a matter of fact, a great gift shop【解题导语】 这篇文章介绍了纽约市四个博物馆的特点、开放的时间、适合参观的对象以及各自的利与弊。64C 细节判断题。MMI中讲到people of different ages,NYHS中提到focusing on its audience of children,QCFM中提到your kids can feed,由此可知A、B、D三项孩子都可以参观;由QMA中的Not much for kids可知孩子最不可能参观的就是C项。65D正误判断题。由第二则信息可知D项错在in America,应该是in New York City。66A推理判断题。根据四则信息提供的开放的时间可知,只有第三则信息中的博物馆(QCFM)Yearround 7 days aweek是全年开放的,故A项正确。Can Apes Really Learn to TalkWho are Sarah, Washoe, Koko, and Sherman? They are chimpanzees or gorillas who some scientists claim have learned how to talk to humans. In the past several years people have been astonished by reports that they communicate with humans. For example, Koko, a female gorilla, is said to understand and use hundreds of words. Koko, says her trainer, Francine Patterson, can carry on conversations in sign language about her feelings and plans.Researcher Talks BackRecently a Columbia University scientist caused an argument by challenging the conclusion that apes can in fact use language. The scientist, Dr. Herbert Terrace, thinks that the animals do not use language the way humans do. Dr. Terrace has caused such strong feelings among scientists studying ape language. Here lets listen to an imaginary conversation between Washoe, the first chimp to learn sign language, and Koko, the gorilla.Apes Are TalkingKoko: Did you hear what Dr. Terrace said about us? He claims we cannot create our own sentences. Instead, he says, we react to clues accidentally given by our trainer. He says we are like the famous horse Clever Hans. Hans was supposed to be able to solve arithmetic problems and then stamp out the answers with his hoof(蹄子).If the horse was asked what two plus two was, he would stamp four times. Although the trainer did not realize it, says Dr. Terrace, the horse was picking up clues from the trainer as to when to stop stamping.Washoe: I disagree with Dr. Terrace. My trainer, Dr. R. Allen Gardner and his wife, Beatrice, have seen me talking in sign language to other chimps.Koko: I heard that Dr. Terrace became unimpressed with ape language after studying a chimp named Nim. Dr. Terrace found that Nim usually made signs only after being prompted(提示)by his trainer. Yet when children learn a language, they start using many words on their own. Nim usually did not do this. Even when Nim did use additional signs, he did not add any new information. The signs (words) were repeated over and over again.Washoe: My trainer says that Nim wasnt given much of a chance to act on his own. He had so many different trainers, he became confused. That is not the best way to get chimps to communicate.Koko: Ill never understand humans. But the big question is: Can we really use language?Koko and Washoe (together): Well never tell.【解题导语】 一些科学家说,大猩猩在人的训练下能够使用手势语进行交流,但是最近哥伦比亚大学的一位科学家对这一说法提出质疑,这在研究猩猩语言的科学家中掀起波澜。48. 答案:C 考查推理判断。第二部分说,美国哥伦比亚大学的科学家 Herbert Terrace 说,动物不会像人类那样使用语言,他这一说法在研究猩猩语言的科学家中引起了强烈的反响。由此判断选C,这些科学家对他的言论很愤怒。49. 答案:B 考查细节判断。从文章中人和猩猩的对应关系看,Francine Patterson 是 Koko 的驯养师,而不是 Nim 的驯养师(A、D错);Dr. R. Allen Gardner 是 Washoe 的驯养师(B对);猩猩 Sherman 和著名的马 Clever Hans 都是被驯养者(C错)。由此判断匹配正确的是B项。50. 答案:B 考查细节理解。第三部分第一、二段 Koko 说,Herbert 怀疑动物只是对驯养师的某些提示作出偶然的反应。接着举了 Clever Hans 的例子进行解释,故B项正确。51. 答案:A 考查细节理解。由文章倒数第三段的内容可知,Nim 的驯养师太多,A项正确,其他三个选项都不是事实。

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