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第 1 页 共 9 页 2017 学年奉贤区调研测试 英语试卷 I Listening Comprehension Section A 1 A interviewer and interviewee B teacher and student C doctor and nurse D boss and secretary 2 A 9 00 B 9 10 C 9 30 D 9 35 3 A pass the journal B listen to the woman C repeat his request D take the journal himself 4 A exciting B disappointing C interesting D satisfactory 5 A to make a budget for her B to buy a gift for Mary C to give her mother information about Mary D to give some suggestions 6 A he wants to finish his study B he wants to earn a lot of money C he wants to finish his study D he wants to have a good rest 7 A The woman should not get involved in the situation B The woman should not be angry with the friends C he will explain to the woman what happened D he will talk to Sally and Mark soon 8 A good weather tomorrow B the vacation plan C getting up early in the morning D possible heavy traffic 9 A interested B fascinated C hostile D reluctant 10 A intelligence determines admission to college B highly motivated students usually do well in college C successful college students are usually intelligent D a successful college motivates its students Section B Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following news 11 A two terms B three terms C four terms D five terms 12 A because he had been a policeman B because he earned a law degree in a night school C because they had formed a good opinion of him D because there was a large population of black people in Los Angeles 13 A they want people in Los Angeles voted B an introduction about Thomas Bradley major of Los Angeles C the reasons why white candidates failed in the vote D something Thomas Bradley did for the vote Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage 14 A he has more than fourteen pills a day B he has two pills a day C he has four times a day D he has nine pills a day 第 2 页 共 9 页 15 A all of them B three kinds of medicine C two kinds of medicine D almost none 16 A children over twelve years old B older people with a fever C old people with heart attack D adults with a cold Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation 17 A she has made an attempt to become pregnant B she has requested her supervisor to transfer her to another department C she has bought the new equipment for the laboratory D she has complained to the government about the issue 18 A because the new equipment is not available now B because the patient has made too many complains C because the hospital wants to tighten its budget D because the new equipment carries a health risk 19 A a technician in the hospital lab B a doctor working in the hospital C a teacher working in the school D head of hospital administration 20 A she will be likely to quit her job B she still feels at a loss as what to do C she will complain to the administration D she will fight to get her income back II Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Different background shouldn t mean less education Fifty years ago in a primary school classroom two boys aged 11 took an examination called the 11 plus 21 would make decisions about the rest of their lives Paul passed and went to a grammar school Baz failed the examination and went to a secondary modern school They did not see each other again for years Many grammar schools 22 establish hundreds of years ago to teach the Latin language to children who were not from rich families They encouraged students to study 23 they were 18 and then to go to university Secondary modern school students left at 16 usually with fewer qualifications than grammar school students Baz says the secondary modern school had 24 few resources and the quality of teaching was not as good Things have changed In the 1960s and the 1970s comprehensive schools were created Today 90 percent children aged 11 to 16 from the same area to the same school without 25 take any entry examination The British often disagrees about the best way 26 educate their children Many people say that comprehensive schools help more children to succeed because they provide everybody 27 similar opportunities in a fairer way Another view though is that more intelligent children especially 28 from poor homes are better supported at grammar schools Now the government plans to open new grammar schools 29 almost two million children will go to the same type of school that Paul attended And Paul and Baz Aged 60 they met again and compared 30 had happened to them After university Paul qualified as a teacher Baz went to work in a factory at 16 and later became an engineer In fact Baz had a much higher salary than Paul so perhaps life is fair after all Section B A impressive B movements C eventually D extreme E comparison F reverse G unloved H partnership I absolutely J mask K applied 第 3 页 共 9 页 There s nothing more annoying than settling down to sleep and hearing the sound of a mosquito buzzing around you The only thought most of us ever give to this noise is I need to get rid of this insect immediately but it turns out that the mosquito is actually quite a n 31 creature A term of scientists from Oxford University in the UK in 32 with the Royal Veterinary College in London and Chiba University in Japan recently published a study that found some interesting facts about the world s most 33 insect By placing eight cameras inside a tiny film studio the scientists could study several mosquitoes up close The high tech cameras filmed the insects at 1 000 frames per second meaning the scientists were able to study the insects 34 in never before seen detail However it wasn t always straightforward Recording mosquitoes during free flight represented a huge technical challenge due to their small size 35 wing beat frequency and the presence of large antennae and legs that can 36 the view of their wings Simon Walker of Oxford University co author of the study wrote Published in the journal Nature the study found that mosquitoes flap their wings around 800 times a second As a 37 house flies flap their wings about 200 times a second and hummingbirds 50 times a second Richard Bomphrey of the Royal Veterinary College the study s leader believes that mosquitoes have a unique flying method that sets them apart from other flying insects We predicted that they must make use of clever tricks as the wings 38 their direction at the end of each half stroke he wrote in the study Hopefully the discovery of the mosquito s special abilities will be of benefit to engineers in the future The findings could lead to better aircraft or even improvement to tools like lenses or pumps But the scientists hope their study can one day be 39 to new developments in more human focused use The more we know about mosquitoes the better our chance of understanding their flight behavior how they carry disease and 40 how to stop them from doing so Walker wrote III Reading Comprehension Section A Artists have long claimed alcohol and other drugs as inspiration for their creativity But is there really a n 41 between intoxication 醉酒 and inspiration A recent study published in Consciousness and Cognition explored the effects of moderate drunkenness on people s creativity The authors suggest that alcohol s well known effect in 42 executive function may be helpful for these types of creation problems Sometimes a reduced ability to 43 one s attention can have positive implications for select cognitive tasks they write The findings raise the question of whether drugs that 44 attention and focus in particular stimulants 兴奋剂 would have the opposite effect on creative thinking 45 very little research has been done on the issue and what results exist so far have been mixed The outcomes may well vary according to individual 46 to the drugs 47 some research has found that while stimulants can 48 test performance for those who are less intelligent for the smartest folks the drugs can have the opposite effect If less executive function is linked to more creativity this may also explain why artists writers and musicians appear to be more 49 to have an addiction Perhaps creative people are more likely than others to be 50 to drugs in the first place as a possible source of inspiration And then if reduced executive function is 51 in part for their initial talent this too could make them more easily influenced by 52 once they start using Having less executive control before you even take drugs means you ll have less ability to stop once you start 第 4 页 共 9 页 Whatever the real relationship between drunkenness addiction and art the authors 53 that their study findings don t give people 54 to get drunk to inspire the muse 冥想 Co author Jennifer Wiley associate professor of psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago told the British Psychological Society s Research Digest We tested what happens when people are slightly drunk not when people drank to 55 There could be no argument from these findings that drinking excessively would have the same effects A glass of wine or two however may occasionally help 41 A attraction B reservation C connection D decoration 42 A strengthening B damaging C maintaining D assessing 43 A block B reduce C disturb D control 44 A remain B drop C shift D increase 45 A However B Moreover C Instead D Therefore 46 A additions B responses C oppositions D contrasts 47 A For example B On the contrary C As a result D On the other hand 48 A conceal B executive C improve D delete 49 A vital B likely C ideal D difficult 50 A attracted B contributed C responded D withdrawn 51 A responsible B illegal C natural D impossible 52 A confusion B ambition C addiction D exhaustion 53 A lower B monitor C function D caution 54 A sacrifice B privacy C appreciation D license 55 A priorities B extremes C bottom D Affection Section B A I was standing in the checkout line behind a woman who looked to be in her 60s When it was her turn to pay the cashier greeted her by name and asked her how she was doing The woman looked down shook her head and said Not so good My husband just lost his job and my son is up to his old tricks again The truth is I don t know how I m going to get through the holidays Then she gave the cashier food stamps 食品券 My heart ached I wanted to help but didn t know how Should I offer to pay for her groceries ask for her husband s resume As I walked into the parking lot I spotted the women returning her shopping cart I remembered something in my purse that I thought could help her It wasn t a handful of cash or an offer of a job for her husband but maybe it would make her life better My heart pounded as I approached the woman Excuse me I said my voice trembling a bit I couldn t help overhearing what you said to the cashier It sounds like you re going through a really hard time right now I m so sorry I d like to give you something I handed her the small card from my purse When the woman read the card s only two words she began to cry And through her tears she said You have no idea how much this means to me I was a little startled by her reply Having never anything like this before I didn t know what kind of reaction I might receive All I could think to say was Oh Would it be OK to give you a hug After we embraced I walked back to my car and began to cry too The words on the card 第 5 页 共 9 页 You Matter A few weeks earlier a colleague gave me a similar card as encouragement for a project I was working on When I read the card I felt a warm glow spread inside of me Deeply touched I came home and ordered my own box of You Matter card and started sharing them 56 Which of the following is TRUE according to the first three paragraphs A The woman s family mainly depends on her son B The cashier helped the woman by giving her some food for free C The woman and her family were having a tough lime D The author wondered why the cashier was familiar with the woman 57 The woman cried when she got the card probably because A it greatly encouraged her B she could use it to buy food C it could solve her present problem D it could land her husband a job 58 The underlined word startled in Paragraph 10 probably means A interested B grateful C ashamed D astonished 59 From the article we can tell that the author is a person A smart B kind hearted C knowledgeable D confident B Seek Out a Unique Beach VISIT Oregon For sun and fun away from the crowed beaches of Florida check out the Oregon coast and its 363 miles of gorgeous shoreline stretching from the Columbia River south to the redwood forests of California Every beach is public and free The coast is a perfect place to watch sea lions sun themselves or simply see the mighty Pacific weaves crash in the sunset followed by a seafood feast in one of the busy fishing communities located between the coves 小海湾 says Bramblett July and August aren t peak gray whale migration season but there s still a good chance you could catch a glimpse of some of the 200 whales that spend the summers off the Oregon coast SLEEP Next to a lighthouse Imagine yourself an ancient mariner when you book a room overlooking the Pacific Ocean at the Heceta Head Lighthouse Bed and Breakfast in Yachats Oregon The working lighthouse which dated to 1894 cast a bright beam 21 miles out to sea making it the brightest light on the Oregon coast The cliff top rooms at the Light Keeper s home nearby aren t cheap you ll sell out up to 385 for a weekend night during peak season price includes a seven course breakfast BEWARE Dangerous currents Unless you love cold water or wear a wet suit you may not wait to venture into the sea off the Oregon coast even during the summer But if you do be prepared for the U S Lifesaving Association Swim parallel to the beach until you re no longer being pulled out to sea then swim diagonally 成对角线地 toward the shore BRING Baby powder Use a generous amount of baby powder to remove sand rom your hands feet or hair The powder quickly absorbs moisture allowing sand to fall off easily 60 It can be inferred rom the section SLEEP that A the price of one night stay remains the same all the year around B those who stay there can have a free access to the beach and the lighthouse C those who want to stay there have to pay more during a tourist season 第 6 页 共 9 页 D the price includes the breakfast for seven people 61 What is suggested by the leaflet if you want to enjoy your stay at the beach A Avoid wearing wet suits B Never dive into the cold water off the coast C Bring baby powder to protect your skin from sand scratches D Don t swim straight toward the shore when there re dangerous currents 62 Oregon coast will provide you with all the following experiences EXCEPT A a perfect view of sea lions B a mariner like stay in the more than 100 year old lighthouse C a seafood feast in the popular local community D sun and fun of the less crowed beach C With the coming of big data age data science is supposed to be starved for of which the adaption can point a profound change in corporate competitiveness Companies both born in the digital era and traditional world are showing off their skills in data science Therefore it seems to have been creating a great demand for the experts of this type Mr Carlos Guestrin machine learning professor from University of Washington argues that all software applications will need inbuilt intelligence within five years making data scientists people trained to analyze large bodies of information key workers in this emerging cognitive technology economy There are already critical applications that depend on machine learning a subfield of data science led by recommendation programs fraud detection systems forecasting tools and applications for predicting customer behavior Many companies that are born digital particularly internet companies that have a great number of real time customer interactions to handle are all in when it comes to data science Pinterest for instance maintains more than 100 machine learning models that could be applied to different classes of problems and it constantly fields requests from managers eager to use this resource to deal with their business problem The factors weighing on many traditional companies will be the high cost of mounting a serious machine learning operation Netflix is estimated to spend 150m a year on a single application and the total bill is probably four times that once all its uses of the technology are taken into account Another problem for many non technology companies is talent Of the computer science experts who use Kaggle only about 1 000 have deep learning skills compared to 100 000 who can apply other machine learning techniques says Mr Goldbloom He adds that even some big companies of this type are often reluctant to expand their pay scales to hire the top talent in this field The biggest barrier to adapting to the coming era of smart applications however is likely to be cultural Some companies such as General Electric have been building their own Silicon Valley presence to attract and develop the digital skills they will need Despite the obstacles some may master this difficult transition But companies that were built from the beginning with data science at their center are likely to represent serious competition 63 Which one is obstacle for many traditional companies to popularize learning operation A Technological problem B Expert crisis C High cost D Customer interactions 64 What can not be inferred from the passage about the machine learning A Machine learning operations are costly in Netflix B Machine learning plays an important role in existent applications 第 7 页 共 9 页 C Machine learning experts are not highly paid in some non technology companies D Machine learning models are not sufficient to solve business problems in Pinterest 65 What s the author s main purpose in writing this article A To point out the problems facing machine learning experts B To call on companies to cultivate more experts in data science C To tell the readers the present situation of data science D To advice non technology companies to look beyond the advantages they face 66 Which of the following is the best title for this passage A Data science A forefront force in tech business B Corporate competition An obstacle to the transition C Machine learning A key to smart technology D Technique experts A decisive factor of the coming era Section C A Therefor it would be advisable to remain thoughtful of how you conduct yourself and deal with others around you B State out right that you ant to get along C In other words do not allow yourself to take out your negative emotions on others around you D Getting along with someone regardless of their passions isn t about being their best friend or sharing all their hobbies E You can only change how you interact with people you can not change them F So it is better to listen to what the conversation is about before speaking There are a lot of different people in the world but despite our differences we all want to get along Humans are social beings and we enjoy being treated nicely 67 It is about treating people with respect and care Be a good listener To start a conversation it is important to listen first especially when you are in a group Don t indulge 放纵 yourself in instant chant when you have just arrived Examine the situation and the conversation and then say whatever you think fit It is better to say something valuable rather than something meaningless 68 Don t try to change people It is not your job to change anyone else It is not in your power to change anyone else Let other people live how they want to live 69 If you do not like how someone acts you can arrange things so that you interact with them as little as possible You can always maintain a good attitude towards them so that your relationship with them might be change Keep a smile A little laughter goes a long way and a smile eases tensions where a frown can create tensions If someone teases you try to laugh at it off If someone is frowning smile at them Be mindful of your facial expression If you are persistently

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