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四川大学锦城学院教案【听说课程】课程名称大学英语-4授课专业财会班级财会A3班课程编号课程类型必修课校级公共课( );基础或专业基础课();专业课( )选修课限选课( );任选课( )授课方式课堂讲授();实践( )考核方式考试( );考查( )课程教学总学时数64学时学 分 数4.0 教材名称n 试听:21 世纪大学英语应用型视听说教程4(修订版) 复旦大学出版社 n 听说:大学体验英语听说教程4(第三版),李霄翔,高等教育出版社 n 精读:全新版大学英语综合教程4(第二版),李荫华,上海外语教育出版社n 泛读:大学英语阅读教程2(南方版),北京大学出版社n 快读:大学体验英语快速阅读3,高等教育出版社指定参考书1.朗文当代高级英语辞典外语教学与研究出版社2.英文字根字典外文出版社n 新概念英语4: 流利英语(新版),亚历山大,外语教学与研究出版社n Black Cat 有声名著阶梯阅读Level 4,布罗迪,华东师范大学出版社n 大学英语四六级晨读经典365(第2 版),Mark,石油工业出版社 星火四六级系列授课教师李朝职 称讲师单 位通识教育中心授课时间星期二 1-2节/ 星期四 3-4节第1页四川大学锦城学院教案周 次第8周章 节名 称大学体验英语听说教程4(第三版) Unit8授 课方 式课堂讲授();实践课()教学时数共1课时时间分配Teaching Plan for Unit 8Teaching Aims: In this unit students listen to excerpts about standardized tests and their influences on school education. Students have an opportunity to talk about testing and assessment of students. Teaching Contents: 1. Real World Listening Focus2. Interaction LinkTeaching Aids: 1. Multimedia facility and textbook2. Chalks and blackboard Teaching Methods: 1. Communicative method2. Task- driving3. Analysis and ExplanationImportant Points:1. Master the key language points and learn how to use them in context2. Understand the cultural background of the storyDifficult Points: 1. Understanding the theme of Examination2. Appreciating features of spoken English as demonstrated in Unit 8第2页四川大学锦城学院教案周 次第8周章 节名 称Unit 8授 课方 式课堂讲授();实践课()教学时数1课时时间分配First period (45 mins)Teaching StepsStep 1: Lead -in (10 mins) Kyle Randal, from Educational Testing Service Center, is now answering students questions on standardized tests used for admission by colleges. What do you think the abbreviations of these tests stand for?Step 2 Understanding (10 mins)Concept Check 8Standardized Tests: What do you know about them? Do you often hear students on campus talking about various international tests they take for college admittance in order to further their education abroad?What are these tests? Do you know anything about international tests such as TOFEL, GRE, GMET, and IELTS? What do they test or measure? How are they scored? How to prepare for them? Step 3: Analyzing language points and cultural background related to Unit 8 (25 mins) Respond to the Ideas 1. Have you ever thought of studying abroad? Which country would you like to go to? What test do you think you need to take? What should be taken into your consideration when you choose a test to take? 2. Do you like standardized tests? Do you want to make choices all at the way during the exam? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these standardized tests? Extension Comment on one of the situations below and expand the discussion on standardized tests. Situation 1: Recently, in many schools, high scores translate into bonuses and raises for teachers, therefore, a low performance can put their jobs and their pride on the line. Situation 2: A fourth-grade teacher was criticized for “use of voice inflection” in asking questions and emphasizing certain key words gave the class an unfair advantage on the citys English exam. 第3页四川大学锦城学院教案周 次第8周章 节名 称Unit 8授 课方 式课堂讲授();实践课()教学时数1课时时间分配 Situation 3: It is reported that some teachers are involved in the cheating on high-stakes examinations like CET-4. Situation 4: Every year there are a certain number of students who committed suicide because of their failure in the exam. Bonus question 8 Do you know any other national and international standardized tests? Introduce one or two tests (for example, TOEFL, IELTS, or CET) which you have taken or you know about. What do these short forms stand for? What items does the test consist of? How is it scored? How long does it last?Try to describe them.Test-related Standardized tests Formal test State-mandated test Mandatory test Paper- and computer-based form Paper-based form Computer-adaptive form Scale Format Accountability 第4页

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