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2016 年人教版英语中考分册复习知识点 Unit 1 Unit 2 重点句型 1 My name s Jenny I m Gina Nice to meet you 2 What s your his her name My His Her name is 3 What s your his her family first name 4 What s your telephone number It s 218 9176 5 What s his her telephone number 6 What s this that in English It s a ruler 7 Is this that your pencil Yes it is No it isn t 8 How do you spell pencil Spell pencil Can you spell pencil 9 Is that your computer game in the lost and found case 10 Call Alan at 495 3539 重点语法 be 在一般现在 时中的基本用法 I 用 am you 用 are is 跟着他 她它 He she it 用 is we you they 都用 are 单数名词用 is 复数名词都用 are be 的几种形式 is am are being was were been 主谓一致 主谓一致的 15 种常考情况 1 表示时间 重量 数目 价格 长度 数学运算等的词或短 语作主语时 尽管他们是复数形式 但如果把这些复数形式的词 或短语看作是一个整体 谓语动词用单数形式 Two months is quite a long time Twenty dollars is enough 2 动词不定式 动名词 从句或不可数名词作主语时 谓语动 词用单数 To see is to believe It is not easy to master a foreign language 3 由 and 连接两个成分作主语时 要根据其表示的意义来决 定谓语动词的形式 如果其表示的是一个整体的概念或指的是同 一事物 谓语动词用单数 如果其表示的是两个不同的对象时 谓语动词用复数 The writer and the teacher are coming The poet and teacher is one of my friends 4 集合名 词 people police 一般看作复数意义 其谓语动词 用复数 另外一些集合名词 family enemy class army 等作 主语时 谓语动词是用单数还是复数 要根据这些词在句中的实 际含义而定 当他们表示的是整体意义时 谓语用单数 当他们 强调个体成员时 谓语动词用复数形式 In England people eat fish and chips The Chinese people 民族 is a great people 5 名词性物主代词 mine yours his hers its ours theirs 等作主语时 谓语动词的数取决于该代词所表 示的意义是单数还是复数 His parents are young but mine are old 6 以 s 结尾的名词本身不表示复数意义时 谓语动词通常用单 数形式 如 news physics politics maths 等 No news is good news Physics is the most difficult subject for him 7 由 or either or neither nor not only but also 等词连接名词或代词作主语时 谓语动词的数和最接近的 主语一致 Neither you nor Li Hua has been to Shanghai before 8 以 there here 开头的句子 若主语不止一个 其谓语动词 的形式和邻近的那个主语一致 There is a table and four chairs in the room Here are some books and paper for you 9 trousers clothes glasses compasses chopsticks 等 作主语时 谓语动词用复数 但如果前面有 a pair of 短语时 谓语动词用单数 Jim s trousers are brown The pair of glasses is Mr Green s 10 由 a lot of lots of plenty of 名词 或 分数 名词 作主语 时 谓语动词的单复数根据名词的单复数而定 A lot of people have been to London Three fifths of the water is dirty 11 a number of 复数名词 作主语时 谓语动词用复数 the number of 复数名词 作主语时 谓语动词用单数 A great number of birds fly to the south in winter The number of lions does not change much if people leave things as they are 12 代词 something anything nothing everyone anybody no body each neither either little much one 等作主语 时 谓语动词用单数形式 Neither of us is a boy Each of them has an English dictionary One of the students was late for school 13 All some none most any 等代词作主语时 若其指复 数概念 谓语动词用复数形式 若其指单数形式 则谓语动 词用单数形式 Not all work is difficult Not all the students are here 14 有些形容词前面加上定冠词 the 如 the poor the old the yong the rich the dying 等用来表示一类人时 主语为复数意义 谓语动词用复数 The old are good taken care of 15 Many a 意为 许多 但因后面跟的是单数名词 谓语动词 应用单数形式 Many a student has passed the exam 练习 1 The news for my brother A are B were C be D is 2 A boy with two dogs when the earthquake rocked the city A were sleeping B is asleep C was sleeping D are asleep 3 Everyone except Tom and John there when the meeting began A are B is C was D were 4 Neither he nor I from Canada We are from Australia A is B are C am D be 5 Jim works hard on his Chinese and A so Lucy does B so is Lucy C so does Lucy D so Lucy is 6 Jenny and her parents going to visit the Palace Museum tomorrow A is B am C are D be 7 Henry with his friends volleyball every afternoon A play B plays C has played D have played 8 Fish and chips the most take away food in England A are B is C were D was 9 My family early in the morning A get B gets C has got D have got 10 Maths my favorite subject A be B is C am D are 11 How time flies Three years really a short time A is B are C was D were 12 liu Xiang and Yao Ming are world famous sports stars Of them are the pride of China A Both B Neither C All D None 13 Are the twins on the football team No neither of them on the team A is B are C were D be 14 Not only his parents but also his grandfather to a lot of places of interest in our country since hey came here A has gone B has been C have gone D have been 15 There are enough in the fridge We don t need to buy any A milk B tomatoes C tomatos D apple 16 A report says hundreds and thousands of trees in the Amazon rainforest last year A was cut down B have been cut down C were cut down D had been cut down Units3 4 复习要点 1 介绍家庭成员 This That is my sister brother mother These Those are my parents grandparents Is this that your sister brother Yes it is No it isn t Are these those your parents grandparents Yes they are No they aren t There are 3 4 5 people in my family They are my father my mother and I 2 关于方位介词或短语 表方位的介词或短语有 in on under behind near next to in front of across from My book is on my desk my pen is in my book Where is the backpack pencil It s in on under Where are the books pens balls They are in on under 3 把 带去给某人 take to e g Please take these things to your sister 把 带来给某人 bring to e g Can you bring my homework to school 二 代词 有两种 人称代词和物主代词 1 人称代词分为 第一 第二 第三人 称 且有单复数之分 2 人称代词的主格在句中做主 语 一般用在动词前 疑问句除 外 宾格在句中做宾语 多用于动词 介词后 3 形容词性物主代词起形容 词的作用 后面一定要跟名词 表 示该名词是属于谁的 4 名词性物主代词 形容词性物主代词 名词 如 This is my bag This is mine That is her ruler That is hers 一般看后面有没有名词 如有 就用形容词性物主代词 如无 就用名词性物主代词 请牢记下表 练一练 1 按要求写出相应人称代词 I 宾格 she 形容词性物主代词 we 名 词性物主代词 he 复数 us 单数 theirs 主格 its 宾格 2 想一想 把下表补充完整 3 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 That is not kite That kite is very small but is very big I 2 The dress is Give it to she 3 Is this watch you No it s not I 4 is my brother name is Jack Look Those stamps are he 5 dresses are red we What color are you 6 Show your kite OK they 7 I have a beautiful cat name is Mimi These cakes are it 8 Are these tickets No are not aren t here they 9 Shall have a look at that classroom That is classroom we 10 is my aunt Do you know job a nurse she 11 Where are I can t find Let s call parents they 12 Don t touch not a cat a tiger it 13 sister is ill Please go and get she 14 The girl behind is our friend she 三 其他代词 有反身代词 指示代词 不定代词 疑问代词 相互代词和关系代词 1 反身代词 表示某人自己的代 词 人称 数 单数 复数 第一人称 myself ourselves 第二人称 yourself yourselves 第三人称 himself herself itself themselves 反身代词在句中可作宾语 同位语 表语等 在使用时应注意它 和它所指代的名词和代词在人称 性 数上的一致性 Little Jimmy can dress himself now 小吉米现在能自己穿衣服了 作宾语 The boy in the picture is myself not anyone else 照片上的男孩不是别人 正是我自己 作表语 I myself made the mistake about your address 我自己把你的地址搞错了 作同位语 四 指示代词 指示代词是用来指示或标示人或事物的代词 表示 这个 些 那个 些 他们主要有 单 数 复 数 近指 this 这个 these 这些 远指 that 那个 those 那些 1 this these 往往指时间或空间较近的人或物 that those 可 指时间或空间较远的人和物 This gift is for you and that one is for your brother 这件礼物是你的 那件是你弟弟的 this 近指 that 远指 I like these games but Idon t like those 我喜欢这些游戏 但不喜欢那些 these 近指 those 远指 2 that those 常常用来代替前面已提到过的名词 以避免重复 those 代指复数 形式 that 代指单数形式 The computer works faster than those we bought last year 这些计算机比我们去年买的工作速度快 The life in the country is more peaceful than that in the city 乡村生活比城市的生活要安静 对于上文中所提到的事物 英语中常用 that 或 those 表示 而汉语却常用 这 表示 如 I had a bad cold That s why I didn t attend the lecture 我感冒了 这就是我为什么没去听讲座的原因 Those are the DVDs you want 这就是你要的 DVD 碟片 Units 5 6 重点句型 Do you have a basketball Yes I do No I don t Let s watch TV No that sounds boring That sounds great Do you like hamburgers Yes I do No I don t I like French fries I don t like tomatoes 重点语法 名词 一 名词的分类 名词分为专有名词和普通名词 专有名词 指个人 地方 机构等专有名称 如 China Shanghai Li lei 普通名词 又分为个体名词 某类人或东西中的个体 如 fighter gun country 集体名 词 若干个体组成的集合体 如 family team police class 物质名词 无法分为个体的实物 如 cotton tea air 抽象名词 动 作 状态 品质 感情等抽象概念 如 health happiness 个体名词和集体名词又叫做可数名词 物质名词和抽象名词又叫做不可数名词 二 名词的数 可数名词都有单数和复数之分 规则的可数名词变复数的规则如下 1 一般情况加 s books mouths houses girls 2 以 s sh ch x 结尾的 es classes boxes matches 3 辅音字母 y 结尾的 变 y 为 i 再加 es cities countries parties factories 4 以 o 结尾的 词多数 es heroes Negroes potatoes tomatoes zeroes zeros 以 o 结尾并且词尾有两个元音字母 s radios zoos bamboos pianos kilos photos 是特殊 5 以 f fe 结尾的改 f 或 fe 为 v 再 es 例如 leaves lives wives knives halves wolves The thief s wife killed three wolves with some leaves and knives in half of her life 但是 也有一些 s 如 roofs proofs gulfs beliefs handkerchiefs handkerchieves 不规则的可数名词变复数的规则 1 man men woman women tooth teeth foot feet child children mouse mice 2 单复数相同 sheep fish deer means Chinese Japanese fish 如表示不同种类的 鱼时复数是 fishes There are many kinds of fishes in that lake 3 以 man woman 修饰名词构成合成词时 两个词都变化 man servant men servants 男仆 boy girl students woman doctor women doctors 4 复合名词的复数形式 son in law sons in law 主体名词变化 film goer film goers grown up grown ups 如果没有主体名词 在词尾加复数 5 字母 阿拉伯数字的复数 形式一般加 s 或 s There are two l s in the word all It happened in the 1960 s 1960s I will not accept your if s and but s 6 物质名词一般没有复数 有时用复数形式表示不同 种类 wheats fruits vegetables 有时表示更广的词义 wood woods water waters sand sands 7 定冠词加姓氏的复数表示一家人 the Turners the Smiths the Wangs 8 集体名词 people police cattle 总是作复数 people 作民族 种族时有单复数两种形式 Many cattle are kept Several police were on duty The Chinese are a brave and hard working people The English are a funny people 9 集体名词 class public family population team crew committee 等单复数都有 但意义不同 The class is big The class are taking notes in English The population in China is larger 80 of the population in China are peasants 10 hair fruit 通常作单数 表示总体 His hair is grey a rich harvest of fruit 如果表示若干根头发 表示种类的水果时 可以加复数词尾 He had a few white hairs What fruits are on sale in this season 11 以 s 结尾的学科名词只作单数 mathematics physics politics 等 news 12 glasses trousers scissors shoes spectacles 等常用复数 但如果 这些词前用 a pair of this pair of that pair of 等修饰时谓语动词有 pair 来决定 Where are my glasses My new pair of trousers is too long Here are some new pairs of shoes 13 不可数名词没有复数形式 如果表示 一个 的概念 可用 单位词 a piece of news information advice bread cake paper meat coal a bottle of ink a grain of rice a cake of soap 说明 可数名词和不可数名词之间并没有截然的界限 可数 名词可以转变为不可数名词 同样不可数名词也可以转变为 可数名词 要看清整个上下文的具体内容 三 名词的所有格 有生命的名词所有格的构成 A 一般在词尾 s the teacher s office Xiao Li s sister s husband s mother B 以 s 结尾的复数名词只加 workers rest homes the masses request C 不以 s 结尾的复数名词加 s children s toys Women s Day D 复合名词只在最后一个词的后面加 s my sister in law s brother E 表示共同所有的几个名词 只在最后一个词的后面加 s This is Tom James and Dick s room F 表示各个所有关系的几个名词 在每个名词后分别加 s Jenny s Jean s and Mary s rooms face to the south G 名词短语只在最后一个词后加 s a quarter of an hour s talk 名词所有格的用法 1 名词所有格主要用于表示有生命的名 词 表示所 属关系 Lei Feng s dairy the Working People s Palace of Culture 2 也可用于表示时间的名 词 today s paper an hour s drive Friday s work 3 也可用于表示地理 国家 城市等名词 the country s plan the farm s fruit China s population 4 也可用于表示由人组成的集体名 词 our Party s stand 党的立场 5 也可用于表示度量 价 值的名词 two dollars worth of books a pound s weight 现代英语中 这种用法越来越多 凡不能用 s 属格的情况可用 of 属格表示所属关系 the City of New York a map of China 特别是下列情况要用 of 属格 当名词有较长的定语时 the name of the girl standing at the gate Have you read the articles of the students who were with us yesterday 所修饰的名词前有数量词时 a play of Comrade Li s some friends of my brother s 所修饰的名词前有一个指示代词时 that performance of the teachers 双重所有格 当 of 前面的名词有不定冠词 指示代词 疑问代词 不 定代词或数词如 a an this that these those two three four any some several no few another 等修饰 时 用双重所有格 双重所有格只用于表示人的名词并且都 是特指的 a poem of Lu Xun s a friend of his hers Which novel of Dicken s are you reading some friends of my brothers 5 几种特殊情况 the key to the door keys to the exercises notes to the text answers to the question tickets for the film movie a check for 1500 anyone else s book the monument to the people s heroes the entrance to the station cinema 在现代英语中 of 属格大都可用 s 所有格代替 相关练习 1 I feel tired I have so much work to do and don t have much time for myself you should take i think A health B time C lesson D erecise 2 Ask the naughty boys not to manke any I can t fall asleep A noise B sound C voice D singing 3 During Christams people get together and sing Christams songs for A thanks B wishes C interest D fun 4 we have at seven in the morning A breakfast B lunch C supper D dinner 5 Please give me a when you arrive OK I ll tell everything as soon as I get there A hand B present C ring D ride 6 We watch evening news on Channel I of at 7 00 in the evering A MTV B CAAC C CCTV D WTO 7 Can you tell me when is Yes It s on the third Sunday in June A Mother s Day B Father s Day C Tree Planthing Day D Thanksgiving Day 8 Where is Tom He s left a saying that he has something important to do A excuse B sentence C message D news 9 If you want to know the meaning of a word you can look it up in a A diary B diagram C newspaper D dictionary 10 The waiter or the waitress usually gives us a before we order dishes in a restaurant A menu B bill C list D form 11 Some are flying kites near the river A child B boy C boys D childs 12 What would you like to drink girls A Two cup of coffee B Two cups of coffee C Two cups of coffee D Two cup of coffees 13 My school is about twenty walk from here A minute B minutes C minute s D minutes 14 It s bedroom It s clean and tidy A Lily ang lucy B Lily ang Lucy s C Lily s ang Luck D Lily ang Luck s 15 They are those bags Please put them on the bus A visitor B visitors C visitor s D visitors 16 A lot of stone tables and chairs are of the river and the number of them is growing A on both side greater B on each sides more C on both sides larger D on each side more 17 I am thirsty Would you bring me please A some bread B some water C some cakes D some eggs 18 These Germans want to have some for supper so they decide to catch now A fish many B fishes much C fish much D fishes many 19 The guide has some new She can show them to us A rice B food C jacket D pictures 20 I m afraid that there is no for you in my car because there are already five people A land B fround C room D floor Units7 8 重点句型 1 How much is the red sweater It s eight dollars 2 How much are these white pants They re ten dollars 3 Can I help you What color do you want Here you are I ll take it them 4 When is your birthday My birthday is January fifteen 5 How old are you I m thirteen 6 When is the school trip It s April 19th 重点语法 基数词的构成及用法构成 1 1 12 的表述 1 12 各有各的形式 即 one two three four five six seven eight nine te n eleven twelve 2 13 19 的表述 13 19 的数字皆以 teen ti n 结尾 其中 fourteen sixteen seventeen eighteen 和 nineteen 分别 由 four six seven eight nine 加后缀 teen 变成的 eighteen 中只保留一个 t thirteen fifteen 分别由 three 和 five 转花而 来 3 20 90 数字的表达 20 90 的数字皆以 ty 结尾 其中 sixty seventy eighty ninety 分别由 six seven eight 和 nine 加后缀 ty 构成 eighty 中只保留一个 t 其他同上 4 20 99 之间的数字的表达 20 99 之间的数词须在十位和个位 之间加连字符 如 twenty five 5 百位以上的数字的表达以及 读在表达百位以上的数字时 必 须在百位 十位和个位之间加 and 在读音时也应读上 and 如 104 可表达 为 one hundred and four 486 读作 four hundred and eighty six 6 万 的表 达 英语中没有万和 亿单词 只有百 hundred 千 thousand 百万 million 十亿 billion 英语中表示 万 时 用 10 千 如 forty thousand 四万 表示 亿 时需 用百万来表示 如 two hundred million 两亿 7 1 000 以上的 数字 从后向前 数 每三位数加 第一个 前为 thousand 第二个 前为 million 第三个 前为 billion 3 333 333 333 读为 three billion three hundred and thirty three million three hundred and thirty three thousand three hundred and thirty 8 hundred thousand million 前有若有具体数字时 要用单数形 式 但如果他们后面有 of 则要用复数形式 同时 前面不能再 加具体的数目 序数词的构成及用法 1 第一 第二 第三分别为 first second third 2 第四到第十九都有相应的基 数词加 th 构成 有几个特殊 即 fifth eighth ninth twelfth 3 第几十把 y 改为 i 加 eth twentieth ninetieth 4 序数词之前要加定冠词或代词 但序数词表名词时 可不用冠 词 Who won first 序数词表 再一 又一 时不用定冠词 只需在前面加 a He failed once Then he tried a second time 5 序数词的缩写形式是在数字后面直接加上序 数词最后两个字母 构成 1 st 2nd 3rd 4th 21st 22nd 34th 6 100 以上的序 数词的表示方法 第 100 为 100th 读作 one hundredth 101st 读作 one hundred and first 其他的 依次类推 分数的表示法 1 分数的表示法 分子用基数词 分母用序数词 当分子大与一 时 分母用复数形式 2 3 two thirds 3 5 three fifths 2 整数与分数之间用 and 连接 One an hour and a half 3 分数的用法结构为 分数 of the 名词 表示 的几分之几 当其作主语时 谓语动词的单复数取决于短语中名词的复 数 One third of the shop assisstant in this departmentstore men 年月日的表达法 公元 1900 年 读作 nineteen hundred 公元 1908 年 nineteeen and eight 或 nineteen hundred and eight 或 one nine oh eight 2004 年 11 月 25 日 November 25 th 2004 thNovemb 读作 November the twenty fifth two thousand and four 在表示时间时 英语中常用日 月 年或月 日 年的顺 序 如 2004 年 6 月 1 日在英 语中可写为 June1 2004 或 1 June 2004 或 1 6 2004 或 1 6 2004 在美国也可写为 6 1 2004 或 6 2004 时间的表达法 8 21 读 作 twenty one past eight 或 eight twenty one 8 56 读作 four to nine 或 eight fifty six 8 30 读作 eight thirty 或 half past eight 在表达时刻时 如果在 30 分钟内 可用 past 和 after 如 9 25 作 twenty five past nine 或 twenty five after nine 如果超过 30 分钟 则用 to 如 9 55 读作 five to ten 1 What s the date today It s A Saturday B June C June 1st 2 Can you see any potatoes in picture A the second B second C two 3 I hear we will have a holiday in A two day s two day s time B two day two days time C two days two day time 4 The man on the left is Beckham a famous football player A two B second C three 5 He believed his lucky number was ten so he decided to live on the floor A lowest B ten C tenth 6 Which class won the match in the end I m not quite sure Maybe did A Class Third B Class three C third Class D Class Three 7 How often are the Olympic Games held four years A Every B Each C In D For 8 Could you please tell me what time it is now Certainly it s A ten and twenty B twenty past ten C ten twenty D both B and C 9 Although I failed four times my father encouraged me to have a try A second B third C fourth D fifth 10 LiuXiang 21 is an Olympic winner in the hurdles 跨栏 We re proud of him A 110 metre B 110 metres C 110 metre 11Harbin is a beautiful city people come here to visit the Sun Island every year A Thousands B Thousand of C Thousands of 12 Nanjing is a city with many places of interest tourists come here every year A Thousand of B Thousand C Thousands D Thousands of 13 How many people are there in Changsha About six A million B millions C millions of 14 How many students are there in your newly built school Two thousand in classrooms A four B fourth C forty D the fortieth 15 Our summer holiday is coming Two the students in our school will go to the beach A hundred B hundred C hundred of D hundreds of 16 The old tower looks nice It s about A twelve meter high B twelve meters high C twelve meter high D twelve meters high 17 In the past few years many tall buildings have been built in our city The tallest is an that stands in the centre A 80 floor building B 60 floor buildings C 80 floor buildings D 70 floors building 18 Do you know when the PLA was founded A On October 1 1949 B On August 1 1927 C On July 1 1921 D In May 1922 19 What s the population of the world It s more than A five billion B six billion C seven billion D eight billion 购物时的日常用语 1 我能帮你吗 What can I for you Can may I help you Is there anything I can do for you May I do something for you 2 Which shirt do you like What size color kind do you want What about these those What else do would you like 3 Can you show me I would like want some Have you got any I m looking for May I have a look at it them It s too big small How much is it are they Can it they be cheaper That s much too dear How much do you want I ll take it them Unit 9 Unit 10 重点短语 1 go to a movie 去看电影 2 learn about 了解 3 on weekends 在周末 4 speak English 说英语 5 play the guitar 弹吉他 6 play chess 下象棋 7 be good with 与 相处很好 8 help sb with sth doing sth 帮助某人做某事 9 play the drums 打鼓 10 play the piano 弹钢琴 11 want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 12 do Chinese Kungfu 表演中国功夫 重点句型 1 Let s go to the movies Sure That sounds interesting 2 What kind of movies do you like I like action movies 3 Do you want to go to a movie Yes I do I want to see an action movie 4 Does he she want to go to a movie Yes he she does No he she doesn t 5 I like thrillers and I also like action movies I like comedies but I don t like documentaries 6 What kind of shows are scary 7 Who is your favorite actor 8 Let s join the basketball club 9 What about you 10 Which club do you want to join I want to join the art club 11 Can you play the guitar Oh yes And I can play it well 12 Can you help the kids with swimming 13 What can you do I can dance 重点词语 1 want 的用法 及物动词 后面可接名词 代词 动词不定式 还 可以用 want sb to do sth I want to go to a movie I want him to come to my birthday party 2 say talk speak tell 的区别 Say 是及物动词 强调说话内容 后要跟宾语 但宾语只能是 话 而不能是人 What did he say about it He says Let me help you Talk 强调谈话的动作 不强调谈话 的内容 可以和 speak 替换 后 接 to 或 with sb 表示 与某人谈话 接 about 或 of 表示谈话 的内容 What are you talking about He s talking to us about you Tell 后面接双 宾语或复合宾语 表示 告诉 讲述 Miss Gao often tells us English st

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