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模板:开头:三部分:引述题目,表达正反两方面的观点,陈述自己的观点;引述题目:反问法;正反两方面的观点:用转折词,比如while、but、despite、although等,例如While some people can find beauty in the mosr common places, true beauty is only found in the exceptional.There can be no doubt that some of the worlds most common things are beautiful, yet it is ofthen the exceptional objects that possess the true beauty.陈述自己的观点:例如:I believe that ,becauseIn my view,this is becauseIt is cleat thatAfter weighing the evidence, it si certain that 三个例子:1、 The speaker asserts that. It has some merits in terms of /from a normative standpoint. However, I disagree with the speaker for some reasons, including/ as discussed below.适用于单纯观点,不涉及争论的话题。2、 Where/ does it / can we .while/ even though/ there can be no doubt some people I would like to agree with that 3、The speaker asserts/considers that _. While this claim seems plausible in the abstract, it suffers several practical problems/ flaws under/ with a close scrutiny. 主体段:三部分:主题句、例子、例子如何支持主题句主题句:没有固定格式,只要能总结概括该段主旨就行例子:for example ,for instance one example of that is A second instance of is in whichConsider that Like that 例子支持主题句:不断地重复主题关键词,把例子和主题句联系起来。结尾:两部分:明确告知读者文章结束;总结文章的中心思想告知读者结束:in conclusion, ultimately, As the bulk of the evidence show, The example above all support the idea that 总结中心思想:In conclusion,the example above all support the idea that ETS官网公布的ISSUE新题库 This page contains the Issue topics for the Analytical Writing section of the GRE? revised General Test. When you take the test, you will be presented with one Issue topic from this pool. Each Issue topic consists of an issue statement or statements followed by specific task instructions that tell you how to respond to the issue. The wording of some topics in the test might vary slightly from what is presented here. Also, because there may be multiple versions of some topics with similar or identical wording but with different task instructions, it is very important to read your test topic and its specific task directions carefully and respond to the wording as it appears in the actual test. 1 As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. 当人们越来越依赖技术去解决问题,人类独立思考能力却退化。Whether the ability of thingking of human beings will deteriorate in the future if people tend to combat with problems through tecnology? While some people suggest that peopele become increasingly lazier as a result of the development of techniques, some others hold strongly that we think and deal with dillemas more productively and effectively than before. In my opinion, the development of teconoly relies on human independent thinking ability, and in ture enhance the ability. As far as I am concerned, .We Human Beings are dependent on technology more than before. Many probles and task require the involvement of techniques, such as mathematics calculating, logic deduction and many dangerous outdoor task, such as mine deducing, electricity conducting and so on.In sum,tecnology has been developing since it appeared and people increasingly rely on it. However, form an overall point, the capability of thinking is enhancing all the time, thus promoting the former. All in all, these two subjects are complementary and promoting each other. 技术越来越发达,人类对技术的依赖越来越严重,人类很多问题都需要技术的发明和创新来解决,包括繁杂枯燥的数学运算、危险的室外作业、科学计算、文件编辑、信息管理、专家系统、模式识别、定理证明等等;技术不能解决所有问题,比如依赖于人脑的逻辑推理、思考创新等,这些有助于人类思维的锻炼;技术可以使人从繁重枯燥的工作中解放出来,有更多的时间进行逻辑推理(有更多的时间做intellectual work),反而锻炼了人的思维。随着技术的进步,人类思考问题的范围和方式也在发生变化。人类开始思考许多原来没有考虑过的问题,古希腊哲学家说的圆圈的故事(ancient greek philosopher)If we compare the known part of the world to the space within a circle ,the unknown part of the world around the circle grows as the circle of our knowledge expands.tecknology provides people with effective instruments for intellectual work.宇宙探秘,基因遗传突变等。技术不断发展,人类对技术的依赖也越来越严重,但从总体上看,人类思维能力是不断提升的,反之也促进了技术的发展,所以,这两者是相辅相成的、相互促进的;Overall:除了技术外,人类的思考能力还受其他很多因素的影响,比如教育、生长环境、智商等;2 To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities. 要想了解一个社会最重要的特征,人们必须研究这个社会主要的城市。社会主要的城市确实可以体现出很多这个社会的重要特征,因为城市经济发达、信息流通畅通,交通方便,因此汇集了来自各行各界、各地的人们,他们在城市学习、工作、生活,因此城市成为了整个社会特征的最为集中的体现地;发达国家和发展中国家的区别,发达国家城市化水平高,人口大部分集中在城市,城市和农村差距不大,因此说社会的主要特征集中在城市是正确的,但是在发展中国家,社会最重要的特征却并不一定在主要城市中得到体现,比如中国,中国人口有14亿,农村人口8亿,主要城市人口不足2亿,中国社会巨大的贫困差距体现在城市与农村之间而不是城市内部,中国社会各种矛盾最激烈的体现在数不清中小城镇,体现出广袤的农村地区,那么中国的主要城市怎么体现出了中国社会最重要的特征了呢?恐怕不能; 要了解一个社会的重要的特征,除了研究这个社会主要的城市外,还应该研究中小城镇和农村,尤其是在比较贫困、城乡差距悬殊的发展中国家;3 Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed. 教育机构有责任劝阻学生不要从事不太可能成功的科学研究。论点:有保留的反对让步:教育工作者很professional,如果能适当地给予学生建议,可以避开一些研究价值小,难度大的学术领域,帮助学生更便捷地取得成功;Admittedly,有些研究领域确实非常难以取得成功,但是没有任何一个领域是unlikely成功的,要知道,该领域之所以成为研究领域,势必由前人开拓、奠定的,必然有一定的学术价值,如果付出足够的努力,是一定可以取得成功的;强行劝阻学生放弃研究学习领域,可能违背学生的意愿,不能充分发挥学生的积极主动创造性,造成才能的泯灭,降低学习的积极性,不利于培养人才。Overall:给予学生一定的指导和建议是必要的,但是不能强行劝阻每一个学生 from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed4 Scandals are useful because they focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could. 丑闻是有裨益的,因为它们让人们注意到一些问题,任何演说家和改革家都无法做到的。scandals确实可以使我们以极快的速度认识一些问题,这些问题是平常我们所注意不到的,比如sars,;scandals很容易误导public,由于mass media发达,scandals 往往被wide spread并且被exaggerated,使得很多人过于关注丑闻而忽略他们的achievement,比如bill clinton;很多时候,丑闻其实是欺骗利用公众的工具,比如电影为了提高上座率,而在电影上映前搞些明星丑闻,政治家为了竞选成功,不择手段编造丑闻辱骂对手。5 Claim: Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive. Reason: It is primarily in cities that a nations cultural traditions are preserved and generated. 结论:政府需要给社会主要城市提供财政支持,来保证其繁荣发展。原因:一个国家的文化传统主要是在城市中得以传承和发展。政府应该给主要城市提供充足的财政支持,因为城市是各种文化的集散地,有助于促进文化的繁荣;但文化并不等同于文化传统,大城市中的文化并不传统,而是杂糅了很多商业元素,以及异国文化元素,因此很不纯正。一个国家的文化传统并非主要在城市中传承,更多的是保存在民间,城市中的文化已经被商业所异化,有更多的商业色彩,而失去了原汁原味的传统文化;大城市税收丰富,还有私人赞助private patronage,因此政府投资的重要性不是很突出,而传统文化丰富的明见则比较贫穷,而且很多文化传统正在流失,因此迫切需要政府的投资。予以保护; 保存和传承传统文化,还需要其他很多措施,比如培养传承人、列入非物质文化遗产保护项目、开采濒临灭绝的民间艺术等;6 A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college. 在进行大学教育以前,国家应该要求所有的学生学习统一的国家课程。论点:有保留的反对Pro:可以确保学生在学科学习水平上有统一的标准和要求,从而为进行统一的大学教育打下基础;可以确保学生统一学习国家的历史文化;可以提高边远地区、贫困地区教育质量,实现教育公平;Con:谁来决定课程的内容,家长、学校、地方、国家,不同的主题对教育有不同的notion,因此会有不同的想法,如果强行实行国家规定的统一的课程很可能会遭到反对,从而降低课程学习的效果和效率;与此同时,把课程制定责任交给官僚也是不令人信任的Bureaucracy: Its ill-conceived to delegate decisions about education toa few bureaucrats. 统一的课程忽视了地方的实际需求,不利于充分发挥地方教育的优势资源,降低地方投入教育的积极性,从而conterproductive,例:少数民族地区,更应该学习自己的语言和文化;学生的知识水平、智力发育不同,难以设置一个适用于所有人的统一的起点和标准,不能因材施教:Teach students in accordance of their aptitude。Overall:课程的制定应该由多方协商,根据地方、学校和个人的实际需求设置课程,同时开设国家课程和地方课程,国家课程包括国家的历史、文化、宗教、哲学等,地方的课程包括地方传统习俗、生活方式相关的一系列内容。7 Some people believe that government funding of the arts is necessary to ensure that the arts can flourish and be available to all people. Others believe that government funding of the arts threatens the integrity of the arts. 有些人认为政府对艺术的资助是有必要的,资助能够保证艺术繁荣发展,并且让所有人享受艺术。也有人认为政府对艺术的资助会威胁到艺术的完整性。政府对艺术进行投资确实可以扩大艺术的影响范围,让所有人都享受到艺术,比如政府通过自主穷人团体中的艺术发展,让穷人们享受到和富人们一样的艺术,有助于社会的公平;政府资助可以扩大艺术的影响范围,但却不一定带来艺术的繁荣,这是因为:首先,艺术作品时艺术家内心世界的反应,是艺术家有感而发的结果,凝结着艺术家的思想和心血,从这个意义上来说,政府自主与否并不是关键,关键是艺术家有没有创造艺术品的欲望和能力;其次,如果政府资助艺术,艺术家沉溺安逸,不思创造,就很可能危害艺术的发展;再者,政府资助艺术也会损害艺术的独立性,艺术应该独立于政府、权力之外,不受权力的干涉,独立发展,但是如果受到政府资助,是不是意味着艺术的发展应该迎合官僚主义者的兴趣和需求,而置艺术本身和人们的需求于不顾呢?个人和民间社会资金的注入为艺术繁荣发展做了很大的贡献,政府投资艺术并不是必须的,历史上政治混乱、政府无暇顾及艺术发展的时候,恰恰是艺术发展最为繁荣的时候,比如中国的春秋战国时期,比如欧洲启蒙运动时期。The speaker asserts that the government should invest in art in order to make it flourished and be available to ordinary perple. I fundamentally agree wuith the speaker, while still keeping some doubt and uncertainty of this assertion, as disscussed below.Funded by the government, the art can expand its slope of influcence, thus covering increasingly more perople. which will elevate their possibility of enjoying the art and ensure the justice amng people of different social economic status. For instance, sponsoring the art among the poor groups, the governments effort can make a great difference for these peoples lives, making them more colouring and exciting, and these people more satisfying and happy. In this way, can the government not only make it possible for everyone to approach art, but also promote the prosperity of art.However, some other perople may argue that, enven though funding by government can expand the influence of art, but not necessarily enhance the prosperity of it. To begin with, art is reflection of the eomotion and feeling of artistessentially and fundamentally, There is no way to inspire anything if the artist have nothing to commute or express, even the rich funding from government. Rather, the key of plentiful production is constructed on the basement of artists human affection and emotion. Whats more, undue funding may bring about the contradictory circumstance, such as these artist rely totally on the funding, having no desiring to creat and become increasingly lazier and more and more clumzy. If this is the case, then the funding function nothing but kill the vitality of art. Last but not least, its well known that art should be independent from the political intervention and keep away from any kinds of corruption.Nonetheless, if the governement sponsor the art, should it still keep independence or succumbing to the political power or bureaucracy and leave the desire and requirment of common people behind?This question is hard to answer enven for the most succesful artist or the most noble maetros. Therefore, the only way to avoid this dillemma basically is to put the end to accept the funding from government or any bureacracies.Apoart from the government funding, social and pricvate sponsorship also make sense and have contributed to the development of art to a great degree especially in several specific periods. That is to say, when the political is in the state of disorder, the properity of artalways come out as a conseqence of other factors, as disscussed above. For example, in The spring and Autumn Period of ancient China and The Renaissance Period of Medieval Europe, the art experience a ephemeral flourishment. as a resul of, at least in part of, the elimination of political power.In sum, its not incorrect to say that government funding is meaningful and helpful to the development to art in some aspects, especially in the expansiveness and dissemination of art, yet on the ohter hand, its not essential to ask for sponsor from government, and more serous, excessive funding may cause more disturbing consequence, such as harming the vitality of art. 8 Claim: In any fieldbusiness, politics, education, governmentthose in power should step down after five years. Reason: The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership. 结论:如商业、政治、教育、政府,在任何领域中的掌权者应该在五年后就让位。原因:对于任何机构,最可靠的成功途径是通过新领导阶层带来革新。领导人的革新可以带来新生力量,为企业带来源头活水,有利于企业的发展,从这个意义上来说,领导人应该在五年任期后下台;新的领导进入机构后,会带来他自己的unique理念和态度,从而打破很多规则,为机构注入生机,使得机构more active可以有效防止corruption。如果一个领导在一个地方呆的时间过长,往往形成裙带关系,造成腐败。领导人的频繁更换,则可能造成政策的不协调、不一致,很多项目不能在五年内完成,造成资源浪费、效率低下;更严重的还会导致机构发展缺少长期规划,造成发展滞缓,陷于困境;成功的途径还有很多种,诸如精简机构、降低成本,提高工作效率,推进技术革新等等;9 In any field of endeavor, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field. 任何研究领域,如果不首先接受该领域中过去成就的影响,就不可能会有意义重大的成功。接受过去成就的影响可以更好地吸取经验和教训,避免犯错误、走弯路,因此往往可以使一个人取得更大的成功,正如牛顿所说,“如果说我比别人看得更远些,那是因为我站在了巨人的肩上”,把他的成就归结为受到了以前成就的影响;但是说在任何领域不接受过去成就的影响就不能取得重大意义的成功未免太过于绝对了,很多新领域中所做的开创性的工作,可能没有受到过去成就的影响,但也取得了巨大的成功,比如爱因斯坦的相对论受到了哪一个成就的影响呢?取得重大意义的成功的影响因素有很多种,比如科研工作者的想象力、创造力、耐力、韧劲,人格品质,对其他学科知识的吸收借鉴等,都有助于取得重大意义的成就;10 Nations should pass laws to preserve any remaining wilderness areas in their natural state, even if these areas could be developed for economic gain.国家应该通过法令保护任何存留的原生态地区保持原状,即便这些地区可以用作商业开发。原生态地区具有非常高的生态价值,比如调节局部气候,保持水土等,虽然这些作用和价值不是很明显,但却对该地区的生态系统的稳定有着深远的意义;保护原生态地区不一定就是维持原状,可以通过人工作业的方式改善该地区的生态环境,比如在大西北沙漠地区植树造林、绿化环境,在丘陵地区栽树种菜、维持水土,这些措施都将更有利于这些地区环境的保护;保护原生态地区不一定就必然不能开发,两者并不一定冲突,完全可以在保护该地区生态平衡的基础上,开展诸如生态旅游类似的经济行为,从而使这些地区发挥经济效益,为保护这些地区提供经费支持,从而更好地保护这些地区的环境;11 Peoples behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making. 人们的行为多是被外界力量所左右,难以被自己控制。人是社会化的动物,人生活在社会中,其行为不可避免地受到周围环境的影响;很多情况下,人的行为是社会所规定的,通过法律规章等,这些规定是次要的,可以保持社会稳定,保护私有财产,促进人际和谐;(好)但是,从根本上说,人的行为是内心、思想活动的体现,是受到人的大脑的控制的,内因才是决定人的行为的最重要的因素;12 Governments should offer a free university education to any student who has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition. 对任何被大学录取但无法承担学费的学生,政府应该为他们提供免费大学教育。论点:有保留的赞成Pro:教育是一个国家生存和发展的前提和基础,高等教育在整个教育体系中处于核心地位,是一个国家综合实力和竞争力的重要来源保证,因此国家应投入充足的财政资金发展教育,尤其是高等教育。比如美国,凭借无法超越的教育优势,确立了其世界智库的地位。资助贫困学生上大学,可以实现教育公平,保障每个人上大学的权利。Con:很多国家的经济基础薄弱,义务教育基础尚未完善,可能无法建立完善的贫困生资助资助。对这些国家来说,当务之急是发展经济,保障义务教育。政府资助可以以奖学金、助学金的形式下发,制定评价标准,这样可以激励大学生在学术领域做出突出成就,对于学校、社会、国家以及学生个人都是有帮助的。除了政府之外,还可以有其他的资助方式,包括慈善机构,个人,企业等尤其对企业声望来说是个好事。自身的例子,文平励志奖学金,就是文平房地产为我校设置的一个奖学金,用以资助贫困学生,每人每年2000元。Overall:政府有必要为贫困大学生提供免费的大学教育,但是可以通过奖励优秀学生,鼓励社会资金投资大学等方式,保障贫困学生获得读大学的opportunity。全文初稿The speaker asserts that governments should shoulder the responsibility to subsidize students to get invovled in university who cannot afford the tuition.While I agree with the speaker fundamentally in terms of benefiting the country as a whole and improving educational equity throughout the country. However, the statement fails to consider many other factors that may be reasonble and more desirable no matter on the personal level or societal level.Admittedly, education has a overriding impact on a nations development, no matter a developing country or a developed one, on nearly every areas, such as economics, national defense, culture properity and so on. We enven cannot imagine what will be going on in a specific nation devoid of various stages of education, which would suffer the odds to get back to pre-history state. Even in nowadays, one state without equiping with advanced and sophisticated intellectual will not have the opportunity to conmpete or cooperate on the global level, let along promote the development of economics and politics, or any valuable intelligence of Human Beings. Take America as an example, these great achievemets in so many fields such as science ang business, may not be made sure to achieve without the assistance and support of sophisticate education. Its generally accepted that America is the NO.1 all of the world, which in my opinion, in great part contributable to the advanced and sound education systems.As we all know that, every qualified student should be granted the chance to receive the high-quality education whatever his or her socai-economic status, just because they have the civil right of this like the rich. In this level, to help the students facing economical dillemas, the governments actually promote the process of educational fairness, which is valuable and desirable to citizens and society as a whole.However, not all countries heve the ability to afford the tuition for these students. Mant nations in this planet are undergoing serious economic hardship and thousands of people in these country are suffering hunger and diseases, with many of them die alomost everday due to lack of food, water and necessary drugs. No doubt, the primary task of these countries is to do theis besr to fully take good advantage to the resources, including money to moderate of resolve these uegent problems, causing to lag the development of education. Consequently, they donot have any excess energy to heip the poor students ant more. Nevertheless, the society also have the responsibility to ensure the access to university of these students. In spite of severe occasions, the governmets can take measures to encourage social contributions to support these students to receive higher education, which hit two birds with one stong by helping these students and reducing the burden of the state at the same time.Overall, I concede the atatement that goverments should spare no effort to help these students. Neverthelee, there are still other effective and positive measures to employ especially for those countries struggling in plighe and lacking the power to pay the expenditure.13 Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the students field of study. 大学应该要求每个学生选修自己专业以外的各种学科。论点:有保留的赞成In so far as the take the course outside the students fields of study may expand him a wide spectrum of vision ,I fundamentally agree with the speaker that the real truly educated should be based on the learning a wide scope of knowledge.However,close scrutiny reveals that overstate either the importance of of the professional knowledge or the information outside will lead into jeopardize situation. Pro:各学科领域之间相互关联,融会贯通,可以促进本专业的学习;since variosu displines were interralted ,the study of course outside the students own field may benefit the study of theri own major.如力学的理论可以用于美术,公共行政学需要了解心理学、政治学、管理学的发展。促进人的全面发展,science law medicine broaden ones horizion达芬奇既是科学家、也是艺术家。学生的专业本身有时候不一定是学生所爱好和感兴趣的,有可能是为了找一个更好的工作或者迫于父母的压力而选择的,基于此,学校要求学生选择其他领域的、学生感兴趣的课程,可以增加学生的学习兴趣,提高学习积极性,By exploring subjects outside their own major,students may find new academic fields where lie their real interest and potential gift.比如De Brogile开始是文学专业的,后来接触了量子力学才发现他的兴趣所在,后来提出了phase wave理论。现代社会需要的跨学科、跨领域的复合型人才,没有一个领域是独立存在的,都和其他学科领域相互影响、相互借鉴,因此需要一个人具有多方面的知识才能更好地处理生活和工作中的各种问题;In todays society,its impossible for those who focus theis attention on the concerning fields to satisfy the needs of future society.毕加索将几何应用于绘画,出现了立体派。Con:意味着付出更多的时间和精力,对于一些智力和学习能力不好的学生来说,反而可能会博而不精,得不偿失;可能会忽视主要课程的学习。Unduly emphasize the importance of studying the courses outside may lead to neglecting the knowledge of certain fields of study,and thereby have no capacity to engage any realm of employment or research work. 只有在自己的专业上有很深的理解,才能做出成就,比如居里夫人,在很多年的研究之后,才发现了镭。 Overall:在学好本专业的前提下,应该鼓励学习能力强学有余力的学生学习其他领域的课程,而对于成绩较差的学生则以本专业学习为主,不能要求每一个学生这样做。 14 A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college. 在进行大学教育以前,国家应该要求所有的学生学习统一的国家课程。论点:有保留的反对Pro:可以确保学生在学科学习水平上有统一的标准和要求,从而为进行统一的大学教育打下基础;可以确保学生统一学习国家的历史文化;可以提高边远地区、贫困地区教育质量,实现教育公平;Con:谁来决定课程的内容,家长、学校、地方、国家,不同的主题对教育有不同的notion,因此会有不同的想法,如果强行实行国家规定的统一的课程很可能会遭到反对,从而降低课程学习的效果和效率;与此同时,把课程制定责任交给官僚也是不令人信任的:Its ill-conceived to delegate decisions about education toa few bureaucrats. 统一的课程忽视了地方的实际需求,不利于充分发挥地方教育的优势资源,降低地方投入教育的积极性,从而conterproductive,例:少数民族地区,更应该学习自己的语言和文化;学生的知识水平、智力发育不同,难以设置一个适用于所有人的统一的起点和标准,不能因材施教:Teach students in accordance of their aptitude。Overall:课程的制定应该由多方协商,根据地方、学校和个人的实际需求设置课程,同时开设国家课程和地方课程,国家课程包括国家的历史、文化、宗教、哲学等,地方的课程包括地方传统习俗、生活方式相关的一系列内容。15 Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers. 教育机构应该积极鼓励学生选择那些为将来高收入工作铺路的研究领域。论点:有保留的赞成Pro:lucrative是社会决定的,代表着市场需求和社会对人才的要求,一般情况下,越是lucrative的careers,对社会的贡献也越大。学生只有以此为导向,才能更好地适应社会需求,学有所用,实现自己的价值。lucrative jobs能维持自己的生活,给自己提供物质保障,从而得以继续学习研究。大学培养人才,国家和社会都有投入,只有工作才能对社会和国家做出实质性的贡献,因此鼓励学生 choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers,大学才会为社会做贡献。大学生的就业率是当前衡量大学综合实力的重要指标,也是大学为之孜孜以求的目标,因此更应该重视job对课程选择的影响;Con:有些学术领域并非lucrative careers,比如哲学、文学、历史、心理学,但并不意味着这些学科不重要,就应该被忽视,学习这些课程可以丰富mind,提高一个人的psychological和spirit层次。Overall:Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers16 Some people believe that in order to be effective, political leaders must yield to public


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