
Farmers market。What day is it today。What day was it yesterday。It was Monday.。What a beautiful classroom。Day2 Farmers market Where will they go shopping。


1、Day5&6,Farmers market,What day is it today?,It is.Monday/Tuesday /Wednesday Thursday /Friday/Saturday /Sunday,What day was it yesterday?,It was Monday.,What is the date today?,It is .,Wee。

2、Day3,Farmers market,2020/9/17,Whats missing?,2020/9/17,play the pipa,swim,play basketball,sing a song,cook,watchTV,dance,play ping-pong,do kung fu,draw cartoons,go fishing,have music class,do homewo。

3、Day8,Farmers market,fresh,What a beautiful classroom! The are some small balloons in it. There is a camera. __________________________________________________________________________________________。

4、Day7 Farmers market surprise 惊喜 Mikes school sent him an invitation. sent (send的过去式 ) 寄 invitation 邀请函 1. Who is the invitation from? ( ) A. The school B. A good friend C. A classmate 2. What is。

5、Day2 Farmers market Where will they go shopping? When will they go? Who will they go with? How can they get there? What will they buy? Mrs Booth and Bill want to go shopping. Mrs Booth and Bill want。

6、Day4 Farmers market clean my room ed wash my clothes ed stay at home ed watch TV ed read read a book see saw a film have。

7、Mikes happy day Recycle 1.能掌握表示各个学科的单词及喜欢和不喜欢该学科 的理由。 2.能理解故事并能流利地朗读故事。 1.能看懂 Mike学校生活的 PPT,复习学科名称,理解 Mike对各科的喜好。 2.能用简单。

标签 > 人教版PEP六年级下册recycle[编号:1907096]

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