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2018年高考广东听说考试真题C录音稿及答案Part AFor thousands of years, human beings have been fascinated by whales. It is uncertain when, how or why the ancestors of the whale gradually moved into a purely aquatic environment. Freed from the gravity of the land, the whales evolved to become the true ocean beings of the planet. For most of our shared history, our relationship with the whales has been a distant one. If a memory remains behind the eyes of these gentle creatures, it is rarely if ever shown. Rather our first furtive attempts to enter the whales domain seem greeted with curiosity and a longing for communication and understanding.Part B视频录音W: Hi, Dr. Brown. I know you just got back from a business trip. M: Yes, I just came back last Friday. W: How was the trip? M: It was good. I did a training program for a trade company. W: Hum, what was the program about? M: It was about how to dress properly at work places. W: Really? I am going to start my first job, but I am a bit worried about what to wear for work. M: Dont worry. Most employers are flexible with dress code. They are allowing their employees to wear casual clothes at work.三问:1. 他们为什么这样做?Why do they do so?电脑回答: Some studies showed that people are more productive when they are wearing casual clothes. Employees also like the casual wear, because they dont need to buy many clothes especially for work. Actually, people started to wear casual clothes on Fridays in the 1990s. Today, employees in many companies can wear casual clothes on most weekdays.2. 那意味着我可以穿任何衣服吗?Does that mean I can wear any clothes?电脑回答: Not exactly. For example, if you need to do a business presentation or attend a formal meeting, you need to dress formally. Generally speaking, some types of clothes are not considered suitable at work places. Sandals, sports wear, vests and shorts are clothes that are usually too casual for the office.3. 我怎么知道在我的公司该穿什么?How can I know what to wear in my company?电脑回答: Usually, many companies have rules and regulations about dress code. You may check your company handbook for detailed information. You can ask some senior employees in your company for some tips. That would be most helpful.五答:1. When did Dr. Brown come back? He came back last Friday.2. What company was Dr. Browns training program for? It was for a trade company.3. What are the benefits of wearing casual clothes at work? People are more productive and they dont have to buy many clothes especially for work.4. When do people need to dress formally? When doing a business presentation or attending a formal meeting.5. Who can you ask for tips about dress code in your company? Senior employees.PART C你将听到一段独白,独白播两遍。听完独白后,用自己的话复述独白的内容。梗概:Mary获赠照相机,某日偶然拍下盗贼照片,帮助警察破了案。关键词:camera(照相机) taking photos(照相) thief(盗贼) evidence(证据) arrest(逮捕)录音原文:A New CameraMary received a present from her father at her birthday party. It was a new camera. Her father showed her how to take clear and good photos. Mary loved the present very much. Since then, she often took the camera with her and enjoy taking photos wherever she went. One afternoon, when she was taking photos by the window of her room on the second floor, she noticed something strange through the camera. She saw two strangers breaking into a house in a neighborhood, whose owners were on holiday overseas. Soon, she realized they were thieves. Mary immediately shouted and asked her father to call the police. At the same time, she used her camera to take a lot of photos of the thieves. When the police arrived, the thieves had already run away. Mary showed the police the photos she had taken. Some of them caught the thieves faces very clearly. The police thanked her and made a copy of all the photos of the thieves. These became important evidence. One month later, the thieves were arrested and Mary received a certificate from the police to honor her assistance in the case. Mary felt very happy and proud.知识改变命运2 / 2


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