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2022-2023年考博英语-外交学院模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Markets had feared that Dolly might disrupt production in the Gulf of Mexico, but the storm missed the oilfields before bearing( )Texas.问题1选项A.down onB.down atC.away atD.away to【答案】A【解析】考查固定短语搭配。bear down on“逼近,袭击,冲向”。句意:市场曾担心飓风多莉可能会打断墨西哥湾的生产,但风暴在逼近德克萨斯之前没有击中油田。因此A选项正确。2. 单选题He had a fall and have a( )fracture in a bone.问题1选项A.hairgripB.hairpieceC.hairlineD.hairstyle【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项hairgrip“发夹”;B选项hairpiece“假发”;C选项hairline“发际线,极细的线,细缝”;D选项hairstyle“发型”。hairline fracture是一医学术语,“骨裂”,即一种如头发般的单处骨折裂痕。句意:他摔了一跤,骨裂了。因此C选项正确。3. 单选题Have you ever received( )of what has happened to her?问题1选项A.the wordB.wordsC.wordD.the words【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项the word“这个词;某个特定的词或话”;B选项words“歌词,台词,谈话,言语”;C选项word“消息,音信,谣言,传说”;D选项the words“特指某些单词”。句意:她发生了什么事情,你得到她的消息了吗?因此C选项正确。4. 单选题Lying( ) far back in the mountains, the coal had to be hauled from a deep valley.问题1选项A.as it isB.as it didC.was isD.did it【答案】B【解析】考查强调句用法。“过去分词+as it is(was)”“现在分词+as it does (did)”是一种强调语气的表示原因的结构。由于lying为lie的现在分词,故用“现在分词+as it does (did)”这个句型,此句相当于:As it lay far back in the mountains.句意:由于煤矿位于深山深处,所以必须从深谷里运来。因此B选项正确。5. 单选题The senator was accused of waffling on major issues.问题1选项A.vaguingB.stiffeningC.vacillatingD.reshuffling【答案】A【解析】考查同义形容词辨析。A选项vaguing“模糊的,含糊的,不明确的,暧昧的”;B选项stiffening“变硬,(使)变粘稠”;C选项vacillating“踌躇的,摇摆的”;D选项reshuffling“重新安排,重新排序”。句意:这位参议员被指责在重大问题上含糊其辞。Waffling“优柔寡断的,模糊不清的”,A选项与该词意思最相近,因此A选项正确。6. 单选题It is fashionable in the sixties but definitely passe in the eighties.问题1选项A.clivoseB.demodeC.abrimD.xenial【答案】B【解析】考查近义形容词辨析。A选项clivose“小山的,丘陵的”;B选项demode“陈旧的;老式的”;C选项abrim“充满着的”;D选项xenial“主客关系的;款待的”。句意:那在六十年代是时髦的,但在八十年代肯定是过时了。passe“已过盛年的;过时的;凋谢的”,B选项与该词词意最相近,因此B选项正确。7. 单选题Critics called the proposal a( )game that is not easily recognizable.问题1选项A.boardB.ballC.homeD.shell【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项board“木板,甲板,膳食,董事长”;B选项ball“球,舞会”;C选项home“家,住宅,产地,家乡,避难所”;D选项shell“壳,贝壳,炮弹,外形”。shell game为固定搭配,意为“骗局”。句意:批评人士称该提议是一场难以辨认的骗局。因此C答案正确。8. 单选题Just as the authors book on eels is often a key text for courses in marine vertebrate zoology, their ideas on animal development and phylogeny( )teaching in this area.问题1选项A.preventB.defyC.replicateD.inform【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项prevent“预防,防止;阻止;妨碍,阻止”;B选项defy“藐视;公然反抗;挑衅;使落空”;C选项replicate“复制;折叠;重复;折转”;D选项inform“通知;告诉;报告;告发;告密”。句意:就像作者关于鳗鱼的书经常是海洋脊椎动物学课程的关键文本一样,他们关于动物发展和系统发育的观点也影响着这一领域的教学。因此D选项正确。9. 单选题Mike Devine, chief financial officer of New York-headquartered Coach, which makes luxury hand bags, said at a conference recently a move was in the pipeline.问题1选项A.in the jobsB.in the worksC.in the jobD.in the work【答案】B【解析】考查短语辨析。A、C、D选项均表示“在工作中”;B选项in the works“正在准备阶段;在进行中或准备中”。句意:总部位于纽约的奢侈品手袋制造商Coach的首席财务长迈克迪瓦恩(Mike Devine)最近在一次会议上表示,正在酝酿一项举措。in the pipeline“在运输中;在进行中;在准备中”。B选项与该词意思最相近,因此B选项正确。10. 单选题I am to inform you, that you may, if you wish, attend the inquiry, and at the inspectors discretion state your case( )or through an entrusted representative.问题1选项A.in depthB.in secretC.in personD.in excess【答案】C【解析】考查介词短语辨析。A选项in depth“深入地;全面地”;B选项in secret“秘密地;私下地”;C选项in person“本人;亲自”;D选项turn up“出现;发生;开大;发现;卷起;使仰卧”。句意:我要通知你,如果你愿意,你可以参加调查,并根据调查人员的决定亲自或委托代表陈述你的情况。因此C选项正确。11. 单选题This crisis will test the Prime Ministers mettle.问题1选项A.planB.judgmentC.staminaD.knowledge【答案】C【解析】考查同义名词辨析。A选项plan“计划,平面图”;B选项judgment“判断,裁判,判决书,辨别力”;C选项stamina“耐力,持久力,毅力”;D选项knowledge“知识,学问,知道,认识,学科”。句意:这场危机将考验首相的勇气。Mettle“勇气,气质,耐力”,C选项与该词意思最相近,因此D选项正确。12. 单选题The marksman waited for the pheasant to( )cover.问题1选项A.seekB.breakC.getD.take【答案】B【解析】考查固定短语搭配。A选项seek“寻求;寻找;探索;搜索”;B选项break“打破;骨折;违犯;弄坏;失灵;打断;终止”;C选项get“使得;获得;受到;变成;成为;变得;到达”;D选项take“拿,取;带去;使达到;偷走;夺取;买下”。根据固定搭配break cover“跳出来;跳出躲藏处;从隐藏处出来”可知该题选break。句意:狙击手等着这只野鸡从隐蔽处出来。因此B选项正确。13. 单选题Prices for bikes at that store run( )250 dollars.问题1选项A.as high asB.as high toC.so high toD.so high as【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。as high as/to都意为“高达”,但是后面明确接的是高达的数字时,用to。as虽然也是高达,但是用在两者作为比较的时候用的,如Tom is as high as his sister. 句意:那家商店的自行车价格高达250美元。因此B选项正确。14. 单选题This company has now introduced a policy( )pay rises are related to performances at work.问题1选项A.whichB.whereC.whetherD.what【答案】B【解析】考查引导词辨析。从语义上分析,后半句应是修饰policy的一个定语从句。 which不可以用来引导该定语从句,因为which总要在从句中充当一定的成分。whether与what不引导定语从句。where相当于in which。当然,与where相比,在从句中我们更常用whereby 来充当关系代词。句意:这家公司现在实行一项新工资政策,加薪与绩效挂钩。因此B选项正确。15. 单选题The wizened old man in the home for the aged was still active and energetic.问题1选项A.tractableB.texturedC.adeptD.shriveled【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项tractable“易于管教的;易驾驭的;易处理的;驯良的”;B选项textured“起纹理的;质地不平的;(艺术、文学、音乐等)有神韵的”;C选项adept“熟练的;擅长的”;D选项shriveled“枯萎的”。句意:敬老院里那位干瘪的老人依然精神抖擞。wizened“干瘪的;枯萎的;消瘦的”。D选项与该词意思最相近,因此D选项正确。16. 单选题Dont get mixed up in any( )business.问题1选项A.funnyB.mistyC.foggyD.behind【答案】A【解析】考查固定短语搭配。A选项funny“有趣的,好笑的,滑稽的”;B选项misty“模糊的;有雾的”;C选项foggy“有雾的;模糊的,朦胧的”;D选项behind“在的后面;朝后面”。根据固定搭配funny business“见不得人的活动,不规矩的事,不道德的行为”可知该题选funny。句意:不要卷入任何不道德的行为中。因此A选项正确。17. 单选题He was here( )the stroke.问题1选项A.inB.onC.withD.to【答案】B【解析】考查固定短语搭配。on the stroke“准时地”。句意:他准时到了这里。因此B选项正确。18. 单选题Julia Gillard, Australias prime minister, was forced to drop a controversial proposal to funnel the processing of people seeking asylum in her country through Malaysia.问题1选项A.channelB.siphonC.clagD.scintillate【答案】A【解析】考查近义动词辨析。A选项channel“引导,开导;提供资金;输送;开辟水道,形成凹槽”;B选项siphon“用虹吸管吸出;抽取”;C选项clag“阻碍;妨碍;凝结”;D选项scintillate“发出火花;闪烁”。句意:澳大利亚总理朱莉娅吉拉德(Julia Gillard)被迫放弃一项有争议的提案,该提案要求通过马来西亚来处理在澳大利亚寻求庇护的人。funnel“流经狭窄空间;通过漏斗将导入;汇集,传送”,A选项与该词词意最相近,因此A选项正确。19. 单选题Ozone is a bluish gas that is harmful to breathe. Nearly 90% of the Earths ozone is in the stratosphere and is referred to as the ozone layer. Ozone absorbs a band of ultraviolet radiation called UVB that is particularly harmful to living organisms. Stratospheric ozone is constantly being created and destroyed through natural cycles. Various ozone depleting substances however, accelerate the destruction processes, resulting in lower than normal ozone levels. Reductions in ozone levels will lead to higher levels of UVB reaching the Earths surface. The suns output of UVB does not change; rather, less ozone means less protection, and hence more UVB reaches the Earth. Studies have shown that in the Antarctic, the amount of UVB measured at the surface can double during the annual ozone hole. Laboratory and epidemiological studies demonstrate that UVB causes non melanoma skin cancer and plays a major role in malignant melanoma development. In addition, UVB has been linked to cataracts.Dramatic loss of ozone in the lower stratosphere over Antarctica was first noticed in the 1970s by a research group from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) who were monitoring the atmosphere above Antarctica from a research station. Folklore has it that when the first measurements were taken in 1975, the drop in ozone levels in the stratosphere was so dramatic that at first the scientists thought their instruments were faulty. Replacement instruments were built and flown out and it wasnt until they confirmed the earlier measurements, several months later, that the ozone depletion observed was accepted as genuine. Another story goes that the BAS satellite data didnt show the dramatic loss of ozone because the software processing the raw ozone data from the satellite was programmed to treat very low values of ozone as bad readings. Later analysis of the raw data when the results from the British Antarctic Survey team were published, confirmed their results and showed that the loss was rapid and large-scale; over most of the Antarctica continent.Ozone occurs naturally in the atmosphere. The earths atmosphere is composed of several layers. We live in the Troposphere, ground level up to about 10km high, where most of the weather occurs such / as rain, snow and clouds. Above that is the Stratosphere, an important region in which effects such as the Ozone Hole and Global Warming originate. The layer next to space is the Exosphere and then going inwards there are the Thermosphere and the Mesosphere. Supersonic passenger jets fly just above the troposphere whereas subsonic commercial airliners are usually well in the troposphere. The narrow region between these two parts of the atmosphere is called the Tropopause. Ozone forms a layer in the stratosphere, thinnest in the tropics and denser towards the poles. The amount of ozone above a point on the earths surface is measured in Dobson units (DU)typically 260 DU near the tropics and higher elsewhere, though there are large seasonal fluctuations. It is created when ultraviolet radiation in the form of sunlight strikes the stratosphere, splitting oxygen molecules to atomic oxygen. The atomic oxygen quickly combines with further oxygen molecules to form ozone.The Ozone Hole of ten gets confused in the popular press and by the general public with the problem of global warming. Whilst there is a connection because ozone contributes to the greenhouse effect, the Ozone Hole is a separate issue. Over Antarctica (and recently over the Arctic), stratospheric ozone has been depleted over the last 15 years at certain times of the year. This is mainly due to the release of man-made chemicals containing chlorine such as CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons), but also compounds containing bromine, other related halogen compounds and also nitrogen oxides. CFCs are a common industrial product, used in refrigeration systems, air conditioners, aerosols, solvents and in the production of some types of packaging. Nitrogen oxides are a by-product of combustion processes, for example aircraft emissions.The ozone deplete on process begins when CFCs and other ozone depleting substances are emitted into the atmosphere where winds efficiently mix and evenly distribute the gases. CFCs are extremely stable, and they do not dissolve in rain. After a period of several years natural gases in the stratosphere combine with CFCs and this releases chlorine atoms, halons and methyl bromide. These in turn all release bromine atoms and it is these atoms that actually destroy ozone. It is estimated that one chlorine atom can destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules before it is removed from the stratosphere.The first global agreement to restrict CFCs came with the signing of the Montreal Protocol in 1987 ultimately aiming to reduce them by half by the year 2000. Two revisions of this agreement have been made in the light of advances in scientific understanding, the latest being in 1992. Agreement has been reached on the control of industrial production of many halocarbons until the year 2030. The main CFCs will not be produced by any of the signatories after the end of 1995, except for a limited amount for essential uses, such as for medical sprays. The countries of the European Community have adopted even stricter measures. Recognizing their responsibility to the global environment they have agreed to halt production of the main CFCs from the beginning of 1995. It was anticipated that these limitations would lead to a recovery of the ozone layer within 50 years of 2000. The World Meteorological Organization estimated 2045 but recent investigations suggest the problem is perhaps on a much larger scale than anticipated.1. It is a common mistake to associate the Ozone Hole problem with( ).2. Common household appliances contribute to( ).3. International agreements will eventually lead to( ).4. An apocryphal BAS story cites that equipment was changed to measure( ).5. The Ozone layer is destroyed by a by-product of CFCs reacting with( ).问题1选项A.the issue of the heating up of the earths atmosphereB.the measurement of CFCs in Dobson unitsC.the dramatic loss of ozone in the lower stratosphere over AntarcticaD.the higher levels of UVB reaching the Earths surface问题2选项A.global warmingB.the release of aerosols and solventsC.the stabilization of CFCs in the airD.the discharge of synthetic chemicals into the atmosphere问题3选项A.recent investigations into the strength of Dobson UnitsB.the cessation of the release of most CFC gases into the atmosphereC.the scientific understanding in the international communityD.the reduction of industrial production of many halocarbons问题4选项A.the location of the layer relative to the earthB.the satellite orbiting the earthC.the raw data of the dramatic loss of ozoneD.the apparently anomalous readings taken earlier问题5选项A.the normal components of the earths atmosphereB.chlorine atoms, halons and methyl bromideC.aircraft emissionsD.atomic oxygen【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:D第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第四段的第一句话“The Ozone Hole of ten gets confused in the popular press and by the general public with the problem of global warming.(大众媒体把臭氧空洞和全球变暖问题搞混了。)”。A选项“地球大气层升温的问题”正确;B选项“以多布森单位测量氯氟烃”;C选项“南极洲上空平流层低层臭氧的显著损失”;D选项“到达地球表面的较高水平的中波”不符合题意,因此A选项正确。2.判断推理题。根据题干可定位到文章第四段,第四段说到臭氧会导致温室效应,臭氧层的破坏与人类释放含氯的人造化学品,以及含有溴的化合物、其他相关卤素化合物和氮氧化物有关,这些化合物通常存在于家用电器中,从而导致全球变暖,由此可知家用电器可能与全球变暖有关联。A选项“全球变暖”正确;B选项“气溶胶和溶剂的释放”;C选项“氯氟烃在空气中的稳定性”;D选项“合成化学物质排放到大气中”都不符合题意,因此A选项正确。3.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章最后一段第三句话“Agreement has been reached on the control of industrial production of many halocarbons until the year 2030.(已就到2030年控制许多卤化碳的工业生产达成协议。)”,由此可知国际协议最终将导致卤化碳的减少。A选项“最近对多布森单位力量的调查”;B选项“停止向大气中释放大部分氯氟烃气体”;C选项“国际社会对科学的理解”都不符合题意,D选项“工业生产中许多卤化碳的减少”符合题意,因此D选项正确。4.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段第二句“Folklore has it that when the first measurements were taken in 1975, the drop in ozone levels in the stratosphere was so dramatic that at first the scientists thought their instruments were faulty.(民间传说,当1975年首次进行测量时,平流层的臭氧水平急剧下降,以至于起初科学家们认为他们的仪器出了问题。)”,由此可知科学家们更换仪器是为了测量差距过大的数据。A选项“这层相对于地球的位置”;B选项“卫星绕地球运行”;C选项“臭氧显著损失的原始数据”;D选项“明显不正常的读数”。因此D选项正确。5.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第五段的第二至四句话“CFCs are extremely stable, and they do not dissolve in rain. After a period of several years natural gases in the stratosphere combine with CFCs and this releases chlorine atoms, halons and methyl bromide. These in turn all release bromine atoms and it is these atoms that actually destroy ozone.(氯氟烃非常稳定,不会在雨中溶解。几年后,平流层中的天然气与氯氟烃结合,释放出氯原子、哈龙和甲基溴。这些原子依次释放出溴原子,而正是这些原子破坏了臭氧)”。A选项“地球大气的正常组成部分”;B选项“氯原子,哈龙和甲基溴”;C选项“飞机排放”;D选项“原子氧”。因此B选项正确。20. 单选题His strong sense of humor was( )make everyone in the room burst out laughing.问题1选项A.so as toB.such as toC.so thatD.such that【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项so as to“以便;以致”;B选项such as to“到如此程度以致;像这个样子因而”;C选项so that“以便;所以”;D选项such that“如此以至于”。to后面不能直接加句子,排除A/B, so that虽然可以是一个词组,但是在这个句子里,修饰的是“sense”,是个名词,应该用such。句意:他强烈的幽默感使房间里的每个人都捧腹大笑。因此D选项正确。


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