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2022-2023年考博英语-沈阳药科大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题How many people are suffering from labor market problems? This is one of the most critical yet contentious social policy questions. In many ways, our social statistics exaggerate the degree of hardship. Unemployment does not have the same dire consequences today as it did in the 1930s when most of the unemployed were primary breadwinners, when income and earnings were usually much closer to the margin of subsistence, and when there were no countervailing social programs for those failing in the labor market. Increasing affluence, the rise of families with more than one wage earner, the growing predominance of secondary earners among the unemployed, and improved social welfare protection have unquestionably mitigated the consequences of joblessness. Earnings and income data also overstate the dimensions of hardship. Among the millions with hourly earnings at or below the minimum wage level, the overwhelming majority is from multiple earners, relatively affluent families. Most of those counted by the poverty statistics are elderly or handicapped or have family responsibilities which keep them out of the labor force, so the poverty statistics are by no means an accurate indicator of labor market pathologies.Yet there are also many ways our social statistics underestimate the degree of labor-market-related hardship. The unemployment counts exclude millions of fully employed workers whose wages are so low that their families remain in poverty. Low wages and repeated or prolonged unemployment frequently interact to undermine the capacity for self-support. Since the number experiencing joblessness at some time during the year is several times the number unemployed in any month, those who suffer as a result of forced idleness can equal or exceed average annual unemployment, even though only a minority of the jobless in any month really suffers. For every person counted in the monthly unemployment tallies, there is another part-time working because of the inability to find fulltime work, or else outside the labor force but wanting a job. Finally, income transfers in our country have always focused on the elderly, disabled, and dependent, neglecting the needs of the working poor, so that the dramatic expansion of cash and in kind transfers does not necessarily mean that those failings in the labor market are adequately protected.As a result of such contradictory evidence, it is uncertain whether those suffering seriously as a result of labor market problems number in the hundreds of thousands or the tens of millions, and hence, whether high levels of joblessness can be tolerated or must be countered by job creation and economic stimulus. There is only one area of agreement in this debatethat the existing poverty, employment, and earnings statistics are inadequate for one of their primary applications, measuring the consequences of labor market problems.16. Which of the following does “labor market problems” (Paragraph 1) refer to?17. The author contrasts the 1930s with the present in order to show that _.18. Which of the following proposals best responds to the issues raised by the author?19. The authors purpose in citing those who are repeatedly unemployed during a twelve-month period is most probably to show that _.20. According to the text, one factor that causes unemployment and earnings figures to over-predict the amount of economic hardship is the _.问题1选项A.Shortage of jobs providing adequate income.B.Deficiencies in the training of work force.C.Trade relationships among producers of goods.D.The overall causes of poverty.问题2选项A.more people were unemployed in the 1930sB.social programs are more needed nowC.unemployment now has less severe effectsD.now there is a greater proportion of elderly and handicapped people among those in poverty问题3选项A.Innovative programs using multiple approaches should be set up to reduce the level of unemployment.B.A compromise should be found between the positions of those who view joblessness an evil greater than economic control and those who hold the opposite view.C.New statistical indices should be developed to measure the degree to which unemployment and inadequately paid employment cause suffering.D.Consideration should be given to the ways in which statistics can act as partial causes of the phenomena that they purport to measure.问题4选项A.there are several factors that cause the payment of low wages to some members of the labor forceB.unemployment statistics can underestimate the hardship resulting from joblessnessC.recurrent inadequacies in the labor market can exist and cause hardships for individual workersD.a majority of those who are jobless at any time does not suffer severe hardship问题5选项A.recurrence of periods of unemployment for a group of low wage workersB.fact that unemployment counts do not include those who work for low wagesC.establishment of a system of record keeping that makes it possible to compile poverty statisticsD.prevalence, among low wage workers and the unemployed, of members of families in which others are employed【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D【解析】16. 【选项释义】Which of the following does “labor market problems” (Paragraph 1) refer to? “劳动力市场问题”(第一段)指的是下列哪一项?A. Shortage of jobs providing adequate income. A. 提供足够收入的工作岗位短缺。B. Deficiencies in the training of work force. B. 劳动力培训不足。C. Trade relationships among producers of goods. C. 商品生产者之间的贸易关系。D. The overall causes of poverty. D. 贫困的总体原因。【考查点】事实细节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词Paragraph 1和labor market problems定位到原文第1段第1句,该句提到“劳动力市场问题困扰了很多人”。但是第1段第3句提到“在许多方面,我们的社会统计数字夸大了(exaggerate)困难的程度。”第2段第1句提到“然而,我们的社会统计数据也在许多方面低估了(underestimate)劳动力市场相关困难的程度”。由此可知,第1段主要介绍的是,统计数据对劳动力市场问题的夸大,第2段主要介绍的是问题,而本题要求选择的是劳动力市场的问题,因此,定位段是第2段。第2段提到了社会统计数据没有考虑的因素有“数百万工资非常低但是属于充分就业的工人(fully employed workers whose wages are so low)”、“找不到全职工作,只有兼职工作的人(part-time working because of the inability to find fulltime work)”、“在劳动力市场之外,但想要一份工作的人(else outside the labor force but wanting a job)”等。由此可知,劳动力市场提供的工作岗位不足,其提供的有足够收入的工作岗位也不足,A选项“提供足够收入的工作岗位短缺”符合原文。【干扰项排除】B选项“劳动力培训不足”、C选项“商品生产者之间的贸易关系”、D选项“贫困的总体原因”原文并未提及,均属于无中生有。17. 【选项释义】The author contrasts the 1930s with the present in order to show that _. 作者对比了20世纪30年代和现在,以表明_。A. more people were unemployed in the 1930s A. 20世纪30年代失业的人更多B. social programs are more needed now B. 现在更需要社会进步C. unemployment now has less severe effects C. 现在失业的影响没那么严重D. now there is a greater proportion of elderly and handicapped people among those in poverty D. 现在,贫困人口中老年人和残疾人的比例有所提高【考查点】推理判断题【解题思路】根据题干关键词contrasts the 1930s with the present定位到原文第1段。本段第4句提到“今天的失业不会(does not have)像上世纪30年代那样带来可怕的后果(the same dire consequences)”,并介绍了当时的情况,由此可知,进行对比的目的是为了说明今天失业带来的影响没那么严重,C选项“现在失业的影响没那么严重”表述正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“20世纪30年代失业的人更多”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有;B选项“现在更需要社会进步”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有;D选项“现在,贫困人口中老年人和残疾人的比例有所提高”,可定位到原文第1段最后一句,该句提到“现在的统计的贫困人口中(Most of those counted)大多数是老年人、残疾人等”,原文并不是说现在这两类人更多了,而是说他们在统计的贫困人口中占比更多,该选项属于偷换概念。18. 【选项释义】Which of the following proposals best responds to the issues raised by the author? 以下哪一项建议最好地回应了作者提出的问题?A. Innovative programs using multiple approaches should be set up to reduce the level of unemployment. A. 要通过多种途径建立创新方案,降低失业水平。B. A compromise should be found between the positions of those who view joblessness an evil greater than economic control and those who hold the opposite view. B. 在那些认为失业是比经济控制更大的祸害的人和持相反观点的人之间,应该找到一种妥协。C. New statistical indices should be developed to measure the degree to which unemployment and inadequately paid employment cause suffering. C. 应当制定新的统计指数,以衡量失业和报酬不足的就业造成痛苦的程度。D. Consideration should be given to the ways in which statistics can act as partial causes of the phenomena that they purport to measure. D. 该考虑到统计数据是如何成为它们声称要衡量的现象的部分原因的。【考查点】推理判断题【解题思路】本题要求选出对作者提出的问题的建议,那么首先需要知道作者提出的问题是什么。本文的结构是“分分总”,围绕劳动力市场的问题,第1段说介绍“社会统计数字在一些方面夸大了(exaggerate)劳动力市场相关困难的程度”;第2段介绍“社会统计数据在一些方面也低估了(underestimate)困难的程度”;最后一段总述“现有的贫困、就业和收入统计数据(the existingstatistics)不足以(are inadequate for)用于衡量劳动力市场问题的后果”。由此可知,作者在本文中提出的问题是“现有的数据不足以衡量劳动力市场问题的后果”;由第2段可知,劳动力市场的问题主要是“可提供的工作岗位不足;可提供的有足够报酬的工作岗位不足”。因此,C选项“应当制定新的统计指数,以衡量失业和报酬不足的就业造成痛苦的程度”是个可行的建议。【干扰项排除】A选项“要通过多种途径建立创新方案,降低失业水平”、B选项“在那些认为失业是比经济控制更大的祸害的人和持相反观点的人之间,应该找到一种妥协”、D选项“该考虑到统计数据是如何成为它们声称要衡量的现象的部分原因的”,都不是针对作者提出的问题提出的建议,与题干无关。19. 【选项释义】The authors purpose in citing those who are repeatedly unemployed during a twelve-month period is most probably to show that _. 作者引用那些一年中反复失业的人的目的很可能是为了表明_。A. there are several factors that cause the payment of low wages to some members of the labor force A. 有几个因素导致某些劳动力的工资偏低B. unemployment statistics can underestimate the hardship resulting from joblessness B. 失业统计数据可能低估了失业带来的困难C. recurrent inadequacies in the labor market can exist and cause hardships for individual workers C. 劳动力市场上经常出现的不足对个体劳动者来说,可能会存在困难,或者可能给他们带来困难D. a majority of those who are jobless at any time does not suffer severe hardship D. 在任何时候,大多数失业的人并没有遭受严重的苦难【考查点】推理判断题【解题思路】根据题干关键词repeatedly unemployed定位到原文第2段第3句,该句提到“低工资(Low wages)和反复或长期失业(repeated or prolonged unemployment)经常相互作用,破坏了自给自足的能力。”并且在后面几句话中对反复失业进行了介绍。另外,第2段的第一句为本段的核心句,指出本段的主旨是“统计数据低估了劳动力市场问题的困难程度”。第3句提到的“低工资和反复或长期失业”是现有的失业统计数据没有考虑的因素,而它们又确实是劳动力市场存在的问题。因此,作者引用这些反复失业的例子应该是为本段的主旨服务的,B选项“失业统计数据可能低估了失业带来的困难”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“有几个因素导致某些劳动力的工资偏低”,低工资和反复失业是两个不同的问题,该选项不符合题意;C选项“劳动力市场上经常出现的不足对个体劳动者来说,可能会存在困难,或者可能给他们带来困难”,这是第2段介绍的反复或长期失业的人的困难本身,并不是作者引用的目的,该选项属于本末倒置;D选项“在任何时候,大多数失业的人并没有遭受严重的苦难”,原文说的是失业的人有困难,该选项表述错误,且不符合题意。20. 【选项释义】According to the text, one factor that causes unemployment and earnings figures to over-predict the amount of economic hardship is the _. 根据这篇文章,导致失业和收入数据高估经济困难程度的一个因素是_。A. recurrence of periods of unemployment for a group of low wage workers A. 一群低工资工人失业期的复发B. fact that unemployment counts do not include those who work for low wages B. 事实上,失业人数并不包括那些低工资的人C. establishment of a system of record keeping that makes it possible to compile poverty statistics C. 建立一个记录保存系统,使编纂贫困统计数据成为可能D. prevalence, of members of families in which others are employed D. 低收入工人和失业者普遍存在于其他家庭成员都有工作的家庭中【考查点】事实细节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词over-predict定位到原文第1段,本段介绍统计数据夸大了困难程度。本段最后两句提到“在数以百万计的时薪处于或低于最低工资水平的人中,绝大多数人都来自多收入者、相对富裕的家庭”,“贫困统计中的大多数人都是老人或残疾人,或者有家庭责任,这使他们无法成为劳动力”。由此可知,统计数据统计的失业或贫困数据,包括了很大一部分家庭条件不错,只是自身失业或收入低的人,或者说包括一些由于自身原因本就不属于劳动力的人,这些人本不应该包括在失业或贫困数据内,这导致了数据高估了经济困难程度。因此,D选项“低收入工人和失业者普遍存在于其他家庭成员都有工作的家庭中”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“一群低工资工人失业期的复发”,是原文第2段介绍统计数据低估困难程度的因素,不符合题意;B选项“事实上,失业人数并不包括那些低工资的人”,也是原文第2段介绍统计数据低估困难程度的因素,不符合题意;C选项“建立一个记录保存系统,使编纂贫困统计数据成为可能”,原文并未提及相关信息,该选项属于无中生有。2. 单选题The use of force must always be a last _; discussing or promoting military options is unwise and may be counterproductive.问题1选项A.destinationB.resortC.electionD.mitigation【答案】B【解析】考查上下文语义。A选项destination“目的地,终点”;B选项resort“手段”;C选项election“选举;当选;选择权”;D选项mitigation“缓和;平静”。句意:使用武力必须永远是最后的_;讨论或推动选择军事行动是不明智的,而且可能适得其反。根据后面一句,本句表达的是争取不使用武力,B选项resort“手段”最符合语境。注意C选项election没有“选择”的意思,不能选。因此,本题最佳选项为B。3. 单选题Up to this point there has been solid evidence that certain pathological mental states, like depression, are linked with a significantly higher risk of cardiovascular death, but the relationship between normal personality traits likes optimism and health have not been as thoroughly studied. Dr. Giltay carefully controlled the base line risk factors like blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking and alcohol consumption in his study. Even after controlling for these confounding variables, there was still a significant excess of mortality in the pessimists compared with the optimists. And when he factored in the subjects own perception of their healthoptimists, not surprisingly, report feeling betterpessimists still had higher morbidity and mortality.What about the possibility that some of the pessimistic subjects were simply suffering from undiagnosed depression? After all, depression is a strong risk factor for cardiovascular mortality. Dr. Giltay conceded that the subjects were not psychiatrically screened for depression or any other mental disorder, so this is a possibility. But he said depression was unlikely to explain the correlation between pessimism and mortality. Perhaps, but we know that depression exists, too, on a spectrum. Mild chronic depressive states like dysthymia could easily masquerade as everyday pessimism, so this study cannot rule out mild depression as a contributor to excess mortality in the pessimistic subjects. Still, assuming that these findings are replicated and optimism does indeed confer a survival advantage, how mechanism could explain it?One possibility is that optimists may simply cope better with adversity than pessimists do and engage in behaviors that are more likely to promote health. It is well known, for example, that optimism is strongly associated with seeking social support and coping better with stress. There might even be biological differences between optimistic and pessimistic people that give optimists an edge. This is not so far-fetched if you consider that depression is associated with alterations in many neurotransmitters and hormones, which can adversely affect physical health. At this point, pessimism in the absence of clinical depression is not considered a disease or a risk factor for developing one. But if these data are replicated, perhaps it should be. If thats the case, then trials of optimism-enhancing treatments, including psychotherapies and probably antidepressants, wont be far behind. After all, there is already preliminary evidence that serotonin-enhancing antidepressants can alter normal personality traits like sociability, even in people without depression.But even if pessimism could be “treated”, would that guarantee a longer life? Judging from recent research in depression, it may be no slam-dunk. Efforts to decrease heart disease and mortality by treating depression have been disappointing. Two large randomized trials involving depressed heart-attack patients found no survival benefit in treating them with either cognitive behavior therapy or serotonin-enhancing antidepressants, though their depression did improve. In the end, pessimists have enough to fret about without worrying that their own temperament will doom them to a short life. If pessimists should worry about anything, though, it is that they may have an undiagnosedand treatabledepression.21. We can convincingly infer from the first paragraph that _.22. Comparing pessimists with optimists, which of the following statements is NOT true?23. The optimism-enhancing treatments can _.24. According to the last paragraph, we can conclude that _.25. The passage mainly wants to tell us that _.问题1选项A.normal personality guarantees good healthB.pessimism constitutes a fatal threat for healthC.the relationship between pessimism and death is being investigatedD.pessimism results in mortality问题2选项A.Optimists have better perception of their future.B.Pessimists have higher morbidity.C.Optimists are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease.D.Optimists enjoy longer lives than pessimists.问题3选项A.help develop normal personalityB.help decrease heart diseaseC.help enhance the life spanD.help cure the clinical depression问题4选项A.depression could be treatableB.doctors are aware of the causes for depressionC.pessimists have to worry about their shorter life spanD.treating depression can cure heart disease and other fatal diseases问题5选项A.pessimism is very common among urban citizensB.pessimists are doomed to live a shorter lifeC.optimism guarantees a longer and healthier lifeD.pessimism is highly risky for our health【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:A第5题:D【解析】21. 判断推理题。根据题干定位到第1段,第1句the relationship between normal personality traits likes optimism and health have not been as thoroughly studied.(乐观主义等正常人格特征与健康之间的关系还没有得到彻底的研究。)由此判断,正常的人格特征与健康之间的关系还有待研究,A选项“正常的人格确保了健康”过于肯定,排除;第3句Even after controlling for these confounding variables, there was still a significant excess of mortality in the pessimists compared with the optimists.(即使在控制了这些混杂变量后,与乐观主义者相比,悲观主义者的死亡率仍然要高出很多。)由此判断,导致死亡的因素有很多,比如前文的blood pressure, cholesterol“血压、血脂”等,而悲观主义与死亡之间有很大的关系,B选项“悲观主义是健康的一个致命威胁”与原文表述一致;D选项“悲观导致了死亡”表述过于绝对,未考虑其他因素,排除;第1段最后一句And when he factored in the subjects own perception of their healthoptimists, not surprisingly, report feeling betterpessimists still had higher morbidity and mortality.(当他考虑到受试者自己对健康的看法时,毫不奇怪,乐观者的预见能力更好悲观者仍然有更高的发病率和死亡率。)由此判断,该研究用悲观者与乐观者对比,不仅研究其死亡率的不同,而且研究其对自己健康水平的看法的不同,C选项“人们正在研究悲观主义和死亡之间的关系”表述不够准确。因此,本题最佳选项为B。22. 事实细节题。本题选择表述不正确的一项。A选项“乐观主义者对他们的未来的预见能力更好”,根据关键词定位到第1段最后一句when he factored in the subjects own perception of their healthoptimists, not surprisingly, report feeling better.(当他考虑到受试者自己对健康的看法时,毫不奇怪,乐观者的预见能力更好。)由此判断,乐观者对未来健康状况的预见能力更好,A选项与原文相符;B选项“悲观者发病率更高”,根据关键词定位到第1段最后一句pessimists still had higher morbidity and mortality.(悲观者仍然有更高的发病率和死亡率。)B选项与原文表述一致;C选项“乐观者不太可能患心血管疾病”,根据关键词定位到第1段第1句there has been solid evidence that certain pathological mental states, like depression, are linked with a significantly higher risk of cardiovascular death.(有确凿的证据表明,某些病理精神状态,如抑郁症,与心血管疾病死亡风险显著升高有关。)由此判断,心血管病与不好的精神状态有关,乐观者是好的心理状态,他们患心血管病的可能性不大,C选项与原文表述相符;D选项“乐观者比悲观者的寿命更长”根据关键词定位到原文倒数第2句In the end, pessimists have enough to fret about without worrying that their own temperament will doom them to a short life.(最后,悲观者有足够多的烦恼,而不必担心他们自己的性格会注定他们的生命短暂。)由此判断,悲观者的生命不一定短暂,此外原文没有关于乐观者与悲观者寿命长短的比较,D选项的表述不正确。因此,本题最佳选项为D。23. 事实细节题。题干“乐观疗法可以”可定位到原文第3段trials of optimism-enhancing treatments, including psychotherapies and probably antidepressants(乐观疗法的尝试,包括心理疗法,可能还有抗抑郁药)。A选项“有助于发展正常的人格”,可定位到第3段最后一句there is already preliminary evidence that serotonin-enhancing antidepressants can alter normal personality traits(初步证据表明,提高血清素的抗抑郁药可以改变正常的人格特征),即乐观疗法可以帮助发展正常人格,A选项与原文相符;B选项“有助于减少心脏病”,可定位到原文第4段第2句Efforts to decrease heart disease and mortality by treating depression have been disappointing.(通过治疗抑郁症来减少心脏病和降低死亡率的努力一直令人失望。)由此可知,治疗抑郁症并不能减少心脏病,心理疗法是用来治疗抑郁症的,因此它也不能减少抑郁症,B选项与原文不符;C选项“有助于延长寿命”,可定位到原文最后一段第1、2句But even if pessimism could be “treated”, would that guarantee a longer life? Judging from recent research in depression, it may be no slam-dunk.(但即使悲观主义可以“治疗”,这就能保证更长的寿命吗?从最近对抑郁症的研究来看,这可能不是一件容易的事。)由此可知,寿命不一定能被延长,C选项与原文不符;D选项“有助于治愈临床抑郁症”,可定位到原文倒数第3句though their depression did improve.(尽管他们的抑郁症确实有所改善),选项中cure是治好的意思,与原文improve“改善”不符。因此,本题最佳选项为A。24. 事实细节题。根据题干定位到最后一段。A选项“抑郁症是可治疗的”,可定位到原文最后一句If pessimists should worry about anything, though, it is that they may have an undiagnosedand treatabledepression.(不过,如果说悲观者应该担心什么的话,那就是他们可能患有一种未被诊断的、可治疗的抑郁症。)由此可推断,抑郁症是可治疗的,A选项与句意相符;B选项“医生意识到了抑郁症的原因”,可定位到第3段This is not so far-fetched if you consider that depression is associated with alterations in many neurotransmitters and hormones(如果你认为抑郁症与许多神经递质和激素的改变有关,这就不是那么牵强了)全文只有这个地方提到了抑郁症可能与神经递质和激素的改变有关,并没有其他地方提及抑郁症的成因,无法得知医生是否意识到了抑郁症的原因,B选项排除;C选项“悲观者不得不担心他们更短的寿命”,可定位到最后一段倒数第2句pessimists have enough to fret about without worrying that their own temperament will doom them to a short life.(悲观主义者有足够多的烦恼,而不必担心自己的性格会注定他们的生命短暂。)由此判断,悲观者不需要担心寿命短暂的问题,C选项与原文表述相反,排除;D选项“治疗抑郁症可以治好心脏病和其他致命的疾病”,可定位到最后一段第3句Efforts to decrease heart disease and mortality by treating depression have been disappointing.(通过治疗抑郁症来减少心脏病和降低死亡率的努力一直令人失望。)由此可知,治疗抑郁症并不能治好心脏病,D选项的表述与原文相反,排除。因此,本题最佳选项为A。25. 作者意图题。题干“这篇文章主要想告诉我们”,本文第1段介绍了某些病理精神状态,比如抑郁,与心血管疾病死亡风险显著升高有关,以及Dr. Giltay的实验表明与乐观者相比,悲观者的死亡率和发病率更高;第2段讨论了悲观者死亡率更高的可能原因可能有抑郁症,并提出为什么乐观者身体更健康的问题;第3段回答了上文提出的问题,并提出乐观疗法有可能可以治疗抑郁症;第4段总结悲观者可能患有未被查出的抑郁症,但即使抑郁症可以被治疗,也不能延长寿命。A选项“悲观主义在城市居民中很常见”,本文并未就悲观主义是否常见进行讨论,排除;B选项“悲观者注定活得更短”,可定位到最后一段倒数第2句pessimists have enough


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