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2022-2023年考博英语-中国政法大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题In the long run, the new system, which is uniform and simpler, will save money.问题1选项A.In the course of long experienceB.On account of financial difficultiesC.With the view of enriching the peopleD.In the light of economic reckoning【答案】A【解析】考查词义辨析。In the long run表示“从长远看”;A项In the course of long experience“在长期经验的过程中”,B项On account of financial difficulties“因为财政困难”,C项With the view of enriching the people “以富民的观点”,D项In the light of economic reckoning“根据经济计算”。句意:从长远来看,统一且更简单的新系统将节省资金。因此A项正确。2. 单选题A petitioner brought a bill in equity before the court.问题1选项A.warrantB.answerC.documentD.complaint【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。Bill in equity意思是“平衡法控诉书”,即一种诉状;A选项warrant“证明,委任状”;B选项answer“回答,答辩”;C选项document“文件,公文”;D选项complaint“抱怨”,也可以表示法律上的“控告”。句意:请愿人向法院提交一份平衡法控诉书。根据句意D项正确。3. 单选题The refusal of some countries to extradite persons accused or convicted of terrorist acts has focused attention on the problems caused by the political offense exception to extradition. Extradition is the process by which one country returns an accused or convicted person found within its borders to another country for trial or punishment. Under the political offense exception, the requested state may, if it considers the crime to be a “political offense,” deny extradition to the requesting state.Protection of political offenses is a recent addition to the ancient practice of extradition. It is the result of two fundamental changes that occurred as European monarchies were replaced by representative governments. First, these governments began to reject what had been a primary intent of extradition, to expedite the return of political offenders, and instead sought to protect dissidents fleeting despotic regimes, second, countries began to contend that they had no legal or moral duty to extradite offenders without specific agreements creating such obligations. As extradition laws subsequently developed through international treaties, the political offense exception gradually became an accepted principle among Western nations.There is no international consensus, however, as to what constitutes a political offense. For analytical purposes illegal political conduct has traditionally been divided into two categories. “Pure” political offenses are acts perpetrated directly against the government, such as treason and espionage. These crimes are generally recognized as nonextraditable, even if not expressly excluded from extradition by the applicable treaty. In contrast, common crimes, such as murder, assault, and robbery, are generally extraditable. However, there are some common crimes that are so inseparable from a political act that the entire offense is regarded as political. These crimes, which are called “relative” political offenses, are generally nonextraditable.Despite the widespread acceptance of these analytic constructs, the distinctions are more academic than meaningful. When it comes to real case, there is no agreement about what transforms a common crime into a political offense and about whether terrorist acts fall within the protection of the exception. Most terrorists claim that their acts do fall under this protection.Nations of the world must now balance the competing needs of political freedom and international public order. It is time to reexamine the political offense and nonpolitical crimes. The only rational and attainable objective of the exception is to protect the requested person against unfair treatment by the requesting country. The international community needs to find an alternative to the political offense exception that would protect the rights of requested persons and yet not offer terrorists immunity from criminal liability.61. In the passage, the author primarily seeks to _.62. According to the passage, when did countries begin to except political offenders from extradition?63. According to the author, the primary purpose of the political offense exception should be to _.64. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would agree with which one of the following statements about the political exception?65. The author would most likely agree that the political offense exception _.问题1选项A.define a set of termsB.outline a new approachC.describe a current problemD.expose an illegal practice问题2选项A.When the principle of extraditing accused or convicted persons originated.B.When some nations began refusing to extradite persons accused or convicted of terrorist acts.C.When representative government began to replace European monarchies.D.When countries began to refuse to extradite persons accused or convicted of common crimes.问题3选项A.ensure that terrorists are tried for their actsB.ensure that individuals accused of political crimes are not treated unfairlyC.distinguish between political and nonpolitical offensesD.limit extradition to those accused of “pure” political offenses问题4选项A.The exception is very unproven.B.The exception is probably illegal.C.The exception is used too little.D.The exception needs rethinking.问题5选项A.has in some cases, been stretched beyond its intended useB.has been used too infrequently to be evaluatedC.has been a modestly useful weapon against terrorismD.has never met the objective for which it was originally established【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】61.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“在文章中,作者主要寻求”。文章第一段最后一句提到了Under the political offense exception, the requested state may, if it considers the crime to be a “political offense,” deny extradition to the requesting state.(根据政治罪例外,如果被请求国认为罪行为“政治罪”,可以拒绝向请求国引渡),可知文章首先讲述了某些国家拒绝引渡大部分原因是政治庇护,然后作者在第二段解释了什么是引渡和什么是因为政治原因拒绝引渡,这是对当今社会中出现问题的总体描述而展开整篇文章的论述,故C项“描述当前的问题”正确。A项“定义一组术语”完全不是作者想要描述的内容;B项“概述一种新方法”文章没有提到什么新方法,B项不选;D项“揭露违法行为”,文章主要是第三段有描述,其他段落都没有提及,所以D项也不选。因此该题选C。62.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“根据短文,各国从什么时候开始把政治犯引渡除外了?”。根据文章第二段前两句Protection of political offenses is a recent addition to the ancient practice of extradition. It is the result of two fundamental changes that occurred as European monarchies were replaced by representative governments.(对政治犯罪的保护是对引渡的古老做法的新近补充。这是代议制政府取代欧洲君主制之后发生的两大根本性变化的结果。)由此可知,代议制政府取代欧洲君主制之后政治犯引渡就受到了保护,即政治犯引渡例外,所以C项“代议制政府开始取代欧洲的君主政体”正确。A项“当引渡被指控者或被定罪者的原则起源的时候”,文中没有相关信息提及此内容,A项不选;B项“当一些国家开始拒绝引渡被指控或判定犯有恐怖主义行为的人的时候”,第一段首句提到The refusal of some countries to extradite persons accused or convicted of terrorist acts has focused attention on the problems caused by the political offense exception to extradition. (一些国家拒绝引渡被指控或被判定犯有恐怖主义行为的人,引起了人们对政治犯罪例外引渡所引起的问题的关注。),由此可知一些国家开始拒绝引渡被指控或判定犯有恐怖主义行为的人这一行为引起了人们对这一问题的关注,而不是引起各国开始把政治犯引渡除外的原因,因此B项不正确;D项“当各国开始拒绝引渡被指控或被判犯有普通罪行的人的时候”,文章首句提到了是“一些”而不是所有国家,与原文不符,D项错误。因此该题选C。63.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“作者认为,政治犯罪例外的主要目的应该是为了什么?”。根据文章最后一段第三句The only rational and attainable objective of the exception is to protect the requested person against unfair treatment by the requesting country.(政治犯罪例外的唯一合理和可实现的目标是保护被请求人不受请求国的不公平待遇)可知,作者认为政治犯罪例外的主要目的是保护政治犯不受请求国的不公平待遇,因此B项“确保被控犯有政治罪行的个人不受不公平对待”正确。A项“确保恐怖分子的行为受到审判”,根据文章最后一句The international community needs to find an alternative to the political offense exception that would protect the rights of requested persons and yet not offer terrorists immunity from criminal liability.(国际社会需要找到政治犯罪例外之外的替代办法,既保护被请求人的权利,又不给予恐怖分子刑事责任豁免。)可知确保恐怖分子的行为受到审判是作者在提出国际社会需要找到政治犯罪例外之外的替代办法时所论述的内容,所以,该项不是政治犯罪例外的主要目的,A项错误。C项“区分政治犯罪和非政治犯罪”,根据最后一段前两句Nations of the world must now balance the competing needs of political freedom and international public order. It is time to reexamine the political offense and nonpolitical crimes.(世界各国现在必须在政治自由和国际公共秩序的相互竞争的需要之间取得平衡。是时候重新审视政治犯罪和非政治犯罪了。)可知,区分政治犯罪和非政治犯罪是为了让各国在政治自由和国际公共秩序的相互竞争的需要之间取得平衡,所以C项错误。D项“将引渡限制在那些被指控为纯粹政治罪行的人”,根据第三段最后两句However, there are some common crimes that are so inseparable from a political act that the entire offense is regarded as political. These crimes, which are called “relative” political offenses, are generally nonextraditable.(然而,也有一些普通犯罪与政治行为是如此密不可分,以至于整个犯罪都被视为政治犯罪。这些犯罪被称为“相对”政治犯罪,通常是不可引渡的。)可知,引渡不止是限制在“纯粹”政治犯,也限制这些“相对”政治犯。因此该题选B。64.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“从文章中可以推断出,作者将会同意下列哪一种关于政治例外的陈述?”。根据文章最后一段中第二句 It is time to reexamine the political offense and nonpolitical crimes.(是时候重新审视政治犯罪和非政治犯罪了)和最后一句 The international community needs to find an alternative to the political offense exception that would protect the rights of requested persons and yet not offer terrorists immunity from criminal liability.(国际社会需要找到政治犯罪例外之外的替代办法,既保护被请求人的权利,又不给予恐怖分子刑事责任豁免)可知,作者认为政治犯罪例外需要重新审视,其中reexamine与rethink为近义词,所以D项“这个例外需要重新思考”正确。A项“这个例外是未经证实的”,根据第二段最后一句As extradition laws subsequently developed through international treaties, the political offense exception gradually became an accepted principle among Western nations.(随着引渡法通过国际条约的发展,政治犯罪例外逐渐成为西方国家普遍接受的原则。)可知,A项错误;B项“这种例外可能是非法的”和C项“例外使用得太少”都没有提到。因此该题选D。65.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“作者很可能同意政治犯罪例外”。根据第四段最后两句 When it comes to real case, there is no agreement about what transforms a common crime into a political offense and about whether terrorist acts fall within the protection of the exception. Most terrorists claim that their acts do fall under this protection.(在实际案件中,对于如何将普通犯罪转变为政治犯罪,以及恐怖主义行为是否属于例外的保护范围,没有达成一致意见。大多数恐怖分子声称他们的行为确实受到这种保护。)和最后一段第二句It is time to reexamine the political offense and nonpolitical crimes.(是时候重新审视政治犯罪和非政治犯罪了。)可推断,政治犯罪例外在某些情况下保护了恐怖分子,所以这是超出了预期的用途,故A项“在某些情况下,已经超出了预期用途”正确。B项“使用得太不频繁而无法进行评估”,根据第二段最后一句the political offense exception gradually became an accepted principle among Western nations.(政治犯罪例外逐渐成为西方国家普遍接受的原则。)可知,西方国家普遍使用政治犯罪例外,所以B项错误。C项“是对付恐怖主义的适度有效的武器”,文章已经提到对部分恐怖分子起了保护作用,所以C项错误。D项“从未达到它最初设立的目标”没有提到。因此该题选A。4. 单选题For a country such as Britain, _ depends on a manufacturing base that can mean inefficiency.问题1选项A.whoB.itC.thatD.which【答案】D【解析】考查定语从句。根据句意和结构,此处应该是一个非限定性定语从句。先行词在从句中作主语,且不指人,而who指人,that一般不用于引导非限制性定语从句,it不能引导从句;故用which。本句句意是:对于像英国这样依赖于一个制造基地的国家,那样意味着低效率。D选项正确。5. 翻译题中国与西方国家的合作是互利的。中国经济的发展,不仅改善了本国人民的生活,也为世界经济的增长提供了新的推动力,为发达国家提供了更多的商业机会。中国是一个潜力巨大的新兴市场,西方国家技术先进,资金雄厚,两者经济上具有很强的互补性。西方一些国家对华采取歧视性的贸易政策,不仅损人,最终也会损害自己的利益。【答案】参考译文:The cooperation of the West and China is mutually beneficial to each other. The economic development of China not only improve the quality of natives life, but also give new impetus to world economy and provide more opportunities for the developed countries in business. China is an emerging market with great potential, while Western countries have advanced technology and abundant capital, both of which are highly complementary in economy. Some western countries adopt discriminatory trade policies against China, which will not only does harm to others, but also does harm to their own interests in the end.6. 单选题The copper pot has become tarnished after many years of neglect.问题1选项A.lost its lusterB.become glossyC.been removedD.been buffed【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。become tarnished表示“变得晦暗的,失去光泽的”;A项lost its luster“失去光泽”,B项become glossy“变得光滑”,C项been removed“被移除”,D项been buffed“被抛光”。句意:这只铜壶多年没管了,已经失去了光泽。因此A项正确。7. 单选题The lady was in anguish until she knew that her husbands life was saved finally.问题1选项A.distressB.despairC.questionD.dilemma【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。anguish表示“痛苦,苦恼”;A项distress“不幸,悲痛”,B项despair“绝望,丧失信心”,C项question“询问,怀疑”,D项dilemma“进退两难”。句意:那位女士非常痛苦,直到她知道她丈夫的生命终于得救。根据句意该题选A。8. 单选题The United States Supreme Court has not always resolved legal issues of concern to Native Americans in a manner that has pleased the Indian nations. Many of the Courts decisions have been products of political compromise that looked more to the temper of the times than to enduring principles of law. But accommodation is part of the judicial system in the United States and judicial decisions must be assessed with this fact in mind.Despite the “accommodating” nature of the judicial system, it is worth noting that the power of the Supreme Court has been exercised in a manner that has usually been beneficial to Native Americans, at least on minor issues, and has not been wholly detrimental on the larger, more important issues. Certainly there have been decisions that cast doubt on the validity of this assertion. Some critics point to the patronizing tone of many Court opinions and the apparent rejection of Native American values as important points to consider when reviewing a case. However, the validity of the assertion can be illustrated by reference to two important contributions that have resulted from the exercise of judicial power.First, the Court has created rules of judicial construction that in general, favor the rights of Native American litigants. The Courts attitude has been conditioned by recognition of the distinct disadvantages Native Americans faced when dealing with settlers in the past. Treaties were inevitably written in English for the benefit of their authors, whereas tribal leaders were accustomed to making treaties without any written account, on the strength of mutual promises sealed by religious commitment and individual integrity. The written treaties were often broken, and Native Americans were confronted with fraud and political and military aggression. The Court recognizes that past unfairness to Native Americans cannot be sanctioned by the force of law. Therefore, ambiguities in treaties are to be interpreted in favor of the Native American claimants, treaties are to be interpreted as the Native Americans would have understood them, and, under the reserved rights doctrine, treaties reserve to Native Americans all rights that have not been specifically granted away in other treaties.A second achievement of the judicial system is the protection that has been provided against encroachment by the stales into tribal affairs. Federal judges are not inclined to view favorably efforts to extend states powers and jurisdictions because of the direct threat that such expansion poses to the exercise of federal powers. In the absence of a federal statute directly and clearly allocating a function to the states, federal judges are inclined to reserve for the federal governmentand the tribal governments under its chargeall those powers and rights they can be said to have possessed historically.61. According to the passage, one reason why the United States Supreme Court “has not always resolved legal issues of concern to Native Americans in a manner that has pleased the Indian nations” (lines 1-2) is that _.62. The authors attitude toward the United States Supreme Courts resolution of legal issues of concern to Native Americans can best be described as one of _.63. It can be inferred that the author believes that the extension of the states powers and jurisdictions with respect to Native American affairs would be _.64. The authors primary purpose is to _.65. It can be inferred that the author believes the United States Supreme Courts treatment of Native Americans to have been _.问题1选项A.Native Americans have been prevented from presenting their concerns persuasivelyB.the Court has failed to recognize that the Indian nations concerns are different from those of other groups or from those of the federal governmentC.the Court has made political compromises in deciding some casesD.the Court has been reluctant to curtail the powers of the federal government问题2选项A.wholehearted endorsementB.restrained appreciationC.detached objectivityD.cautious opposition问题3选项A.possible only with the consent of the Indian nationsB.favorably viewed by the United States Supreme CourtC.in the best interests of both state and federal governmentsD.detrimental to the interests of Native Americans问题4选项A.contrast opposing viewsB.reevaluate traditional beliefsC.reconcile divergent opinionsD.provide evidence to support a contention问题5选项A.reasonably supportive in most situationsB.irreproachable on legal groundsC.guided by enduring principles of lawD.misguided but generally harmless【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】61.【试题答案】C【试题解析】判断推理题。题干意思是“根据这篇文章,美国最高法院并不总是以一种让印第安人满意的方式解决印第安人关心的法律问题的一个原因是”。第一段第二句提到Many of the Courts decisions have been products of political compromise that looked more to the temper of the times than to enduring principles of law(最高法院的许多判决都是政治妥协的产物,这些妥协看起来更像是时代的缓和,而不是持久的法律原则),由此可知法院在案件的判决中做出了政治妥协,因此,C项“法院在判决一些案件时做出了政治妥协”符合题意;A项“美国原住民被阻止以有说服力的方式表达他们的担忧”,根据第二段第五行Some critics point to the patronizing tone of many Court opinions and the apparent rejection of Native American values as important points to consider when reviewing a case.(一些批评人士指出,许多法院意见的庇护语气和对印第安人价值观的明显拒绝,是复审案件时需要考虑的重要因素)可知,法院是拒绝美国原住民的价值观,而不是阻止他们以有说服力的方式表达自己的担忧,因此该项不正确;B项“法院没有认识到印第安民族的关注点不同于其他群体或联邦政府的关注点”,文中没有提到印第安人的关注点是什么;D项“法院一直不愿意削减联邦政府的权力”原文也没有提到;故该题选C。62.【试题答案】C【试题解析】观点态度题。题干意思是“作者对美国最高法院解决印第安人关心的法律问题的态度可以很好地描述为”。第二段第一句提到Despite the “accommodating” nature of the judicial system, it is worth noting that the power of the Supreme Court has been exercised in a manner that has usually been beneficial to Native Americans, at least on minor issues, and has not been wholly detrimental on the larger, more important issues.(尽管司法系统具有妥协性,值得注意的是美国本土居民在少部分事务上受惠于最高法院,而在重大问题方面,美国本土居民也并不因此受到损害),由此可知,作者对利弊都有表述,其态度是公正的,故C项“公平的客观”符合题意。A项“全心全意的支持”,第一段作者还提到了最高法院并不总是以一种让印第安人满意的方式解决印第安人关心的法律问题,所以全心全意的支持这种说法是错误的;B项“拘谨的感谢”,作者没有表达感谢,因此该项错误;D项“谨慎的反对”,作者表述了美国最高法院对印第安人关心的法律问题上有利有弊的解决方案,说作者是客观的态度更贴切题意;故该题选C。63.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“可以推断出作者相信各州在印第安人事务上的权力和管辖权的扩展将会是”。文章最后一段提到Federal judges are not inclined to view favorably efforts to extend states powers and jurisdictions because of the direct threat that such expansion poses to the exercise of federal powers.(联邦法官不倾向于赞成扩大各州权力和司法管辖权,因为这种扩大会对联邦权力的行使构成直接威胁),由此可知国家权力的扩张以及司法触及美国本土居民事务,联邦政府将会面临危险;该司法系统是国家提供的保护,所以,对于扩展各州在印第安人事务上的权力和管辖权是会得到美国最高法院的支持的,A项“只有得到印第安民族的同意才可能”过于绝对;B项“受到美国最高法院的认可”符合题意;C项“为了州和联邦政府的最大利益”,文章已经提到了会给联邦权力的行使构成直接威胁,所以该项错误;D项“对美国原住民的利益有害”,最后一段第一句提到A second achievement of the judicial system is the protection that has been provided against encroachment by the stales into tribal affairs.(司法制度的第二个成就是保护部落事务不受陈腐势力的侵犯),由此可知对美国原住民并不是有害的,因此该项错误;故该题选B。64.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“作者最主要的目的是”。最后两段句首作者用了first和second,可知作者是在举例论证,因此D项“提供证据支持论点”正确;A项“对比相反的观点”,文章最后两段的中心句是First, the Court has created rules of judicial construction that in general, favor the rights of Native American litigants.(首先,最高法院制定了一般有利于美国原住民诉讼当事人权利的司法构建规则)和A second achievement of the judicial system is the protection that has been provided against encroachment by the stales into tribal affairs.(司法制度的第二个成就是保护部落事务不受陈腐势力的侵犯),由此可知作者并没有对比相反的观点;B项“重新评估传统信仰”和C项“调和不同的意见” 文中没有提到;故该题选D。65.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“可以推断作者认为美国最高法院对印第安人的对待是”。本文主要讲到美国最高法院对美国本土居民的法律问题的处理是政治妥协,而并非遵循着法律原则,但是这种处理也是合情合理的,因为它并没有造成极大的危害。故A项“在大多数情况下都给予相当的支持”比较符合句意;B项“在法律上无可指责”,文章都提到了有时候法院对印第安人关心的法律问题没有遵循法律原则,所以该项错误;C项“受持久的法律原则指导”,文中提到也会受到政治妥协,该项也不正确;D项“被误导但一般无害”,文中没有提到误导;故该题选A。9. 单选题Thomas Paine was committed to speaking the truth bluntly _.问题1选项A.as he understood itB.he had understandingC.was understoodD.that his understanding was【答案】A【解析】考查语法。句子结构完整,所以空格处应该是做修饰的成分。A项as引导方式状语,表示“按照”,B项本身不符合语法结构;C项不应再出现谓语动词was;D项that在引导一个缺成分的从句,不符合语法结构。句意:托马斯潘恩(Thomas Paine)致力于直言不讳地说出他所理解的真相。故正确答案为A。10. 单选题Television advertising has been under constant scrutiny for the last few years.问题1选项A.counterattackB.pressureC.revisionD.examination【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。scrutiny表示“详细审查”;A项counterattack“反击,反攻”,B项pressure“压力”,C项revision“修订,修正”,D项examination“检查,查问”。句意:在过去数年里,电视广告一直不断受到详细审查。因此D项正确。11. 单选题Mark pursued Elizabeth with gentle manners, but was st


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