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2022-2023年考博英语-合肥工业大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题At planning meetings with the senior management I often had to endure predictable little jokes about me, but I took them _.问题1选项A.with a violent laughB.on my conscienceC.with a good graceD.in the best humor【答案】D【解析】考查短语辨析。A项with a violent laugh“狂笑”,B项on my conscience“在意”,C项with a good grace“情愿地,欣然地”,D项in the best humor“以最幽默的方式”。由前面句子的句意“在策划与高级管理人员的会议时,我经常不得不忍受那些不出所料关于我的小笑话”,结合后面的but转折可知,“以最幽默的方式”符合语境。句意:在策划与高级管理人员的会议时,我经常不得不忍受那些可以预见的关于我的小笑话,但我以最幽默的方式接受了它们。因此,该题选择D项正确。2. 单选题The airport police who _ the girl concluded that she was innocent and hadnt known about the drugs.问题1选项A.interrogatedB.shroudedC.ratifiedD.muffled【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A项interrogate“审问,质问”,B项shroud“覆盖,包以尸衣”,C项ratify“批准,认可”,D项muffle“蒙住,裹住,抑制”。由police“警察”可知,_ the girl表示“审问那个女孩”。句意:机场警察审问了这个女孩,得出的结论是她是无辜的,不知道毒品的事。因此,该题选择A项正确。3. 单选题Plato had an essentially antagonistic view of art and the artist, although he approved of certain religious and moralistic kinds of art.问题1选项A.ethicalB.responsiveC.feasibleD.hostile【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。antagonistic表示“敌对的,对抗性的”;A项ethical“伦理的,道德的”,B项responsive“响应的,应答的”,C项feasible“可行的,可能的,可实行的”,D项hostile“敌对的,敌方的,怀敌意的”。句意:尽管柏拉图赞同某些宗教和道德的艺术类型,但他对艺术和艺术家的看法本质上是对立的。因此,根据句意可知D选项正确。4. 单选题During our exploration, we discovered that people will exploit the newness and breadth of the Information Marketplace to support their wishes and _.问题1选项A.breachesB.premisesC.rutsD.predilections【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A项breach“违背,违反,缺口”,B项premise“前提,假定”,C项rut“发情期,惯例,性冲动”,D项predilection“偏爱,嗜好”。根据句子可知空格处填入的词和wishes“愿望”并列,那么四个选项中只有predilection符合语境。句意:在我们的探索过程中,我们发现人们会利用信息市场的新颖性和广度来支持他们的愿望和偏好。因此,该题选择D项正确。5. 单选题When she saw her boyfriends eyes skim reflectively over her body, she felt herself under his potent male gaze _.问题1选项A.deteriorateB.revoltC.blushD.blink【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A项deteriorate“恶化,变坏”,B项revolt“反抗,反叛,叛逆”,C项blush“脸红,感到惭愧”,D项blink“眨眼,使闪烁”。由When she saw her boyfriends eyes skim reflectively over her body“当她看到男友若有所思的目光掠过她的身上时”可知,空格处填入blush符合语境。句意:当她看到男友若有所思的目光掠过她的身上时,她感到自己在他强有力的男性目光下脸红了。因此,该题选择C项正确。6. 单选题Accidents are caused; they dont just happen. The reason may be easy to see: an overloaded tray, a shelf out of reach, a patch of ice on the road. But more often than not there is a chain of events leading up to the misfortunefrustration, tiredness or just bad temperthat show what the accident really is, a sort of attack on oneself.Road accidents, for example, happen frequently after a family quarrel, and we all know people who are accident-prone, so often at odds with themselves and the world that they seem to cause accidents for themselves or others.By definition, an accident is something you cannot predict or avoid, and the idea which used to be current, that the majority of road accidents are caused by a minority of criminally careless drivers, is not supported by insurance statistics. These show that most accidents involve ordinary motorists in a moment of carelessness or thoughtlessness.It is not always, clear, either, what sort of conditions make people more likely to have an accident. For instance, the law requires all factories to take safety precautions and most companies have safety committees to make sure the regulations are observed, but still, every day in Britain, some fifty thousand men and women are absent from work due to an accident. These accidents are largely the result of human error or misjudgmentnoise and fatigue, boredom or worry are possible factors which contribute to this. Doctors who work in factories have found that those who drink too much, usually people who have a high anxiety level, run three times the normal risk of accidents at work.1. The passage might be taken from _.2. The writer indicates that _.3. Which of the following is not mentioned as a factor of accidents?4. “Accident-prone” (Para 2) probably means _.5. Which of following could serve as the best title for this passage?问题1选项A.a text bookB.a science fictionC.a popular magazineD.an annual report of a company问题2选项A.British people are often absent minded.B.doctors should work in factories to avoid accidents.C.drivers are the factor leading to road accidents.D.there are always some people who fail to observe regulations.问题3选项A.anxietyB.tirednessC.bad weatherD.carelessness问题4选项A.liable to have accidentsB.likely to be killed in accidentsC.responsible for road accidentsD.possible to avoid accidents问题5选项A.Causes of AccidentsB.Prevention of AccidentsC.Results of AccidentsD.Accidents and Anxiety【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:C第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“这篇文章可能出自”。本文主要讲述的是事故发生的人为原因,第一段点明主题Accidents are caused; they dont just happen.(事故是人为造成的,不是自然发生的);第二段和第三段讲交通事故发生的人为原因;第四段进一步分析举例论证事故发生的人为因素。这样的文章结构相比较而言更可能出现在教科书上,A项“一本教科书”正确;事故的原因不可能会出现在B项“一本科幻小说”、C项“一本受欢迎的杂志”或者D项“一份公司年度报告”中。因此,该题选择A项正确。2.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“作者指出”。根据第四段中的For instance, the law requires all factories to take safety precautions and most companies have safety committees to make sure the regulations are observed, but still, every day in Britain, some fifty thousand men and women are absent from work due to an accident.(例如,法律要求所有工厂采取安全预防措施,大多数公司都有安全委员会以确保这些规定得到遵守,但是,在英国每天仍然有大约5万名男女由于事故而缺勤)可知,A项“英国人经常心不在焉”和D项“总有一些人不遵守规章制度”与文章不符;B项“医生应该在工厂工作以避免事故”没有提到;根据第三段最后一句These show that most accidents involve ordinary motorists in a moment of carelessness or thoughtlessness.(这些数据表明,大多数事故都是由于普通司机一时的粗心大意造成的)可知,C项“司机是导致交通事故的因素”表述无误。因此,该题选择C项正确。3.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“下列哪一个选项没有被提到是导致事故的因素?”。第一段最后一句话指出But more often than not there is a chain of events leading up to the misfortunefrustration, tiredness or just bad temperthat show what the accident really is, a sort of attack on oneself.(但往往是一连串的事件导致了不幸沮丧、疲劳或只是坏脾气事故其实是对自己的一种攻击。)可知,A项“焦虑”和B项“疲惫”正确;根据第三段最后一句These show that most accidents involve ordinary motorists in a moment of carelessness or thoughtlessness.(这些数据表明,大多数事故都是由于普通司机一时的粗心大意造成的)可知,D项“粗心大意”也正确;只有C项“天气不好”在文中没有提到。因此,该题选择C项正确。4.【试题答案】A【试题解析】语义推测题。题干意思是“第二段中的Accident-prone可能是什么意思?”。根据第二段Road accidents, for example, happen frequently after a family quarrel, and we all know people who are accident-prone, so often at odds with themselves and the world that they seem to cause accidents for themselves or others.(例如,交通事故经常发生在家庭争吵之后,我们都知道那些accident-prone的人,他们经常与自己和世界发生冲突,以至于他们似乎给自己或他人造成了事故。),结合语境可以推测,“accident-prone”的意思是“容易发生事故的”,A项“容易发生事故”正确;B项“可能在事故中死亡”、C项“对交通事故负责”和D项“可能避免事故”都不对。因此,该题选择A项正确。5.【试题答案】A【试题解析】主旨大意题。题干意思是“下列哪一个可以作为这篇文章的最佳标题?”。整篇文章通篇讲述的是引起事故的一些因素和原因,因此A项“事故的原因”最符合;B项“预防交通事故”、C项“事故的结果”和D项“事故和焦虑”概括都不够准确。因此,该题选择A项正确。7. 单选题Their secrets returned to _ them 12 years later when the bodies were discovered buried in the grounds.问题1选项A.highlightB.forgoC.fosterD.haunt【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A项highlight“突出,强调,使显著”,B项forgo“放弃,停止,对断念”,C项foster“促进,抚育(他人子女一段时间)”,D项haunt“常出没于,萦绕于,经常去”。该句的主语是their secrets“他们的秘密”,结合returned to“回来”可知,用haunt表示“萦绕于”符合语境。句意:12年后,当尸体被发现埋在地下时,他们的秘密再次困扰着他们。因此,该题选择D项正确。8. 单选题The corporation I head took a deep breath of clean air last week and went cold turkey. Smoking on the job in the home office was absolutely forbidden. Now we provide a smoke free working environment. Why?Anything that kills 350,000 Americans each year deserves decisive action, and all the brawny cowpokes and tawny-haired sirens cannot blow enough advertising smoke to obscure the fact that one out of every seven deaths in this country is linked to smoking. The costs related to it are also sapping our economy. One recent report estimates that smokers utilize the health-care system at least 50 percent more than nonsmokers; they waste 30 minutes each workday fumbling with matches and lighters, sucking seductive poisons.Still, a ban can create serious personnel problems. Since 25 percent of our employees smoke, we are offering them on-the-job smoking-cessation classes and counseling. Our medical office provides Nicorettes, a sugarless chewing gum formulated to ease the physical withdrawal from nicotine. Most of our 3,000 home-office, employees support our new policy, smokers and nonsmokers alike, but there is a querulous minority that asks why we are “discriminating against smokers.” We are not. Our policy affects all employees. Smokers are not a protected class. No matter what their race, color, religion, sex or national origin, they cannot smoke at work.We are not trying to dictate personal lifestyles. We encourage our employees to quit smoking altogether, but they cannot smoke on the job. We simply cannot afford their habit. According to a congressional study, the cost to the economy averages $65 billion annually in increased medical bills, premature death and time lost from work. And as a major participant in the field of health-care financing, we have an obligation to prove that, if properly conceived, a smoke-free working environment is attainable. This isnt a crusade. This is a business decision.1. According to the passage, which of the following is true?2. Which of the following could be inferred from the passage?3. The purpose of this article is _.4. Which of the following is not used by the author as justification for regulating tobacco smoking on the job?问题1选项A.The smoking employees, on the whole, felt uncomfortable about the corporations rules that permitted no smoking in the workplace.B.The ban on cigarette smoking was introduced at the company gradually and conditionally.C.Smokers were considered a querulous minority at the main office of the firm.D.Smoking was banned at the firms headquarters abruptly and completely.问题2选项A.Cigarette advertising generally makes use of the appeal of seductive images.B.Cigarette advertising tends to remind people of the relationship between smoking and a good life.C.Cigarette advertising, as a rule, is designed to mislead nonsmokers.D.Most cigarette advertising is targeted at strong and attractive men and women.问题3选项A.to criticize the habit of cigarette smoking as a health hazardB.to emphasize the attainability of a smoke free working environmentC.to defend the practice of controlling smoking in the workplaceD.to present an argument for making smoking a solely job-related issue问题4选项A.The assumption that smokers, due to their time-consuming habit, are not as efficient at work as nonsmokers.B.The notion that tobacco smoking seriously contaminates the working environment.C.Smoking-related health problems that cause premature deaths.D.The fact that the national economy is weakened by smoking-related costs.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B【解析】1.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“根据文章,下列哪一项是正确的?”。文章第一段指出The corporation I head took a deep breath of clean air last week and went cold turkey. Smoking on the job in the home office was absolutely forbidden.(我负责的公司在上周深吸了一口新鲜空气,然后就彻底戒掉了吸烟坏习惯。在家庭办公室里工作,吸烟是完全禁止的。),根据went cold turkey(快速戒掉坏习惯)这个词语,可以推断出公司是突然禁止吸烟,故D项“公司总部突然全面禁止吸烟”正确,由此也可知B项“该公司逐步、有条件地实行了禁烟令”错误;根据第三段中的Most of our 3,000 home-office, employees support our new policy, smokers and nonsmokers alike, but there is a querulous minority that asks why we are “discriminating against smokers.”(在我们的3000名家庭办公室员工中,大多数人支持我们的新政策,吸烟者和不吸烟者都是一样的,但有少数人抱怨说,我们为什么要“歧视吸烟者”。)可知,关于公司的禁烟令,包括吸烟者和不吸烟者在内,大部分的员工是支持的,只有少数人有抱怨,这其中可能有吸烟者可能也有不吸烟者,因此A项“总的来说,吸烟的员工对公司规定不允许在工作场所吸烟感到不舒服”和C项“在公司的主要办公室里,吸烟者被认为是少数爱发牢骚的人”错误。因此,该题选择D项正确。2.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“下列哪一项可以从文章中推断出来?”。根据第二段中的Anything that kills 350,000 Americans each year deserves decisive action, and all the brawny cowpokes and tawny-haired sirens cannot blow enough advertising smoke to obscure the fact that one out of every seven deaths in this country is linked to smoking.(任何每年杀死35万美国人的事情都应该采取果断的行动,所有强壮的牛仔和黄褐色头发的迷人的女人都不能充分地鼓吹香烟广告,来掩盖这个国家七分之一的死亡与吸烟有关的事实。)可以推断,香烟广告通常都是以诱人的形象来展示,故A项“香烟广告通常利用诱人形象的吸引力”正确;B项“香烟广告倾向于提醒人们吸烟和美好生活之间的关系”从文中推断不出来;C项“一般来说,香烟广告是为了误导不吸烟的人”也不正确,香烟广告既可能诱导不吸烟者也可能误导吸烟者;D项“大多数香烟广告的目标是强壮和有吸引力的男人和女人”颠倒了文章意思。因此,该题选择A项正确。3.【试题答案】C【试题解析】主旨大意题。题干意思是“这篇文章的目的是什么?”。通读全文可知,文章第一段通过公司突然禁烟的做法引出了无烟工作环境的观点,第二段阐述了提供无烟工作环境的原因,即吸烟的一系列危害,接着第三段讲到了公司为了实行禁令为员工做的一些努力和大多数员工对禁令的支持,然后最后一段总结,吸烟导致的增加的医疗费用、死亡和工作时间损失都会给经济造成一定的损失,所以提供无烟工作环境是一个商业的决策;综合全文我们可以推断出,这篇文章的目的是给“提供无烟工作环境”这一策略做辩护,C项“为在工作场所控制吸烟的做法辩护”符合题意;A项“批判吸烟的习惯对健康有害”和B项“强调无烟工作环境的可获得性”都是文章的部分内容,不足以概括全文;D项“提出一个关于让吸烟成为仅仅是与工作相关的问题的论点”不符合文意。因此,该题选择C项正确。4.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“下列哪项不是作者用以作为管制工作期间吸烟的理由?”。由第二段最后两句The costs related to it are also sapping our economy. One recent report estimates that smokers utilize the health-care system at least 50 percent more than nonsmokers; they waste 30 minutes each workday fumbling with matches and lighters, sucking seductive poisons.(与此相关的成本也在侵蚀我们的经济。最近的一份报告估计,吸烟者使用医疗保健系统的人数至少比不吸烟者多50%;他们每天要浪费30分钟的时间摸索火柴和打火机,吸食诱人的毒药。)以及最后一段中的倒数第二句According to a congressional study, the cost to the economy averages $65 billion annually in increased medical bills, premature death and time lost from work.(根据一项国会研究,每年因吸烟而增加的医疗费用、过早死亡和工作时间损失给经济造成的损失平均为650亿美元)可知,A项“由于吸烟者耗时的习惯,所以在工作效率不如不吸烟者的假设”、C项“与吸烟有关的导致过早死亡的健康问题”和D项“与吸烟有关的成本削弱了国民经济的事实”都是禁止工作期间吸烟的理由;只有B项“吸烟严重污染工作环境的观点”没有提到。因此,该题选择B项正确。9. 单选题Traditionally, the study of history has had fixed boundaries and focal pointsperiods, countries, dramatic events, and great leaders. It also has had clear and firm notions of scholarly procedure: how one inquires into a historical problem, how one presents and documents ones findings, what constitutes admissible and adequate proof.Anyone who has followed recent historical literature can testify to the revolution that is taking place in historical studies. The currently fashionable subjects come directly from the sociology catalog: childhood, work, leisure. The new subjects are accompanied by new methods. Where history once was primarily narrative, it is now entirely analytic. The old questions “What happened?” and “How did it happen?” have give way to the question “why did it happen?” Prominent among the methods used to answer the question “Why” is psychoanalysis, and its use has given rise to psychohistory.Psychohistory does not merely use psychological explanations in historical contexts. Historians have always used such explanations when they were appropriate and when there was sufficient evidence for them. But this pragmatic use of psychology is not what psycho historians intend. They are committed, not just to psychology in general, but to Freudian psychoanalysis. This commitment precludes a commitment to history as historians have always understood it. Psychohistory derives its “facts” not from history, the detailed records of events and their consequences, but from a view of human nature that transcends history. It denies the basic criterion of historical evidence: that evidence be publicly accessible to, and therefore assessable by, all historians. And it violates the basic tenet of historical method: that historians be alert to the negative instances that would refute their theses. Psychohistorians, convinced of the absolute rightness of their own theories, are also convinced that theirs is the “deepest” explanation of any event and that other explanations fall short of the truth.Psychohistory is not content to violate the discipline of history (in the sense of the proper mode of studying and writing about the past); it also violates the past itself. It denies to the past an integrity and will of its own, in which people acted out of a variety of motives and in which events had a multiplicity of causes and effects. It imposes upon the past the same determination that it imposes upon the present, thus robbing people and events of their individuality and of their complexity. Instead of respecting the particularity of the past, it assimilates all events, past and present, into a single deterministic schema that is presumed to be true at all times and in all circumstances.17. Which of the following best states the main point of the passage?18. It can be inferred from the passage that one way in which traditional history can be distinguished from psychohistory is that traditional history usually _.19. The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?20. The author of the passage puts the word “deepest” in Para.3 in quotation marks most probably in order to _.问题1选项A.The approach of psychohistorians to historical study is currently in vogue even though it lacks the rigor and verifiability of traditional historical methodB.Traditional historians can benefit from studying the techniques and findings of psychohistorians.C.History is composed of unique and non-repeating events that must be individually analyzed on the basis of publicly verifiable evidenceD.The psychological assessment of an individuals behavior and attitudes is more informative than the details of his or her daily life问题2选项A.relies on a single interpretation of human behavior to explain historical eventsB.interprets historical events in such a way that their specific nature is transcendedC.views past events as complex and having their own individualityD.turns to psychological explanations in historical contexts to account for events问题3选项A.What are some specific examples of the use of psychohistory in historical interpretation?B.When do traditional historians consider psychological explanations of historical developments appropriate?C.What sort of historical figure is best suited for psychological analysis?D.What is the basic criterion of historical evidence required by traditional historians?问题4选项A.draw attention to a contradiction in the psychohistorians methodB.signal her reservations about the accuracy of psychohistorians claim for their workC.emphasize the major difference between the traditional historians method and that of psychohistoriansD.question the usefulness of psychohistorians insights into traditional historical scholarship【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B【解析】17. 【试题答案】A【试题解析】主旨大意题。第一段提出“历史研究在传统上的特点”;第二段讲“现代历史研究的特点和它与传统历史研究的不同点导致了心理历史学的出现,谈及心理历史学的流行性”;第三段与第四段讲“心理历史学研究的特点与相比传统历史研究的不足”。因此,总的来说,文章谈及“心理历史学家研究历史的方式很流行,但是,相比传统历史研究,心理历史研究有些不足”因此A选项“虽然缺乏传统历史研究方式的精确性和严密性,但是心理历史学家研究历史的方式很流行”正确,符合题意。B选项“传统历史学家可以从研究心理历史学的方法和发现中获得帮助”,C选项“历史是由唯一的且不可重复性的事件构成,并且这些事件须在公开可验证的证据基础上进行单独分析”,D选项“对个人的行为和态度的心理评估比其日常生活的细节涵盖的信息量更大”均未在文中提及,可排除。故选A。18. 【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。定位到最后一段中谈及心理历史学的不足。It imposes upon the past the same determinism that it imposes upon the present, thus robbing people and events of their individuality and of their complexity.(它把决定当前情况的决定论强加给过去,这就剥夺了人和事件的独特性和复杂性。)Instead of respecting the particularity of the past, it assimilates all events, past and present, into a single deterministic schema that is presumed to be true at all times and in all circumstances.(它不是尊重过去的特殊性,而是把过去和现在的所有事件都吸收到一个单一的决定论模式中,假设这个模式在任意时间和任意环境中都是正确的。)由此可以推论出传统历史的特点是认为过去事件复杂且有各自个性。因此C选项“认为过去的事件是复杂的,有自己的个性”正确,符合题意。由第一段Traditionally, the study of history has had fixed boundaries and focal pointsperiods, countries, dramatic events, and great leaders.(按传统来说,历史研究的边界已固定,侧重于时代,国家,大事件和重要领袖)可知A选项“依赖对人行为的单一解释来解释历史事件”与原文不符,可排除。定位在第三段Psychohistory derives its “facts” not from history, the detailed records of events and their consequences, but from a view of human nature that transcends history.(心理历史学不从历史中寻找“事实”,(比如)对历史事件及其影响的详实完备的记录,而来自对创造历史的个体的精神分析,不从他们一生中的具体事件推导观点,而是来自超越历史的人性观。)可知,B选项“以超越历史事件的特定本质的方式来解释历史事件”属于现代心理历史学研究的特点,可排除。由第三段第一与第二句Psychohistory does not merely use psychological explanations in historical contexts. Historians have always used such explanations when th


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