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2022-2023年考博英语-北京科技大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题A farmer must learn the kinds of crops best( )the soils on his farm.问题1选项A.accustomed toB.committed toC.applied toD.suited to【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。A项accustom to“习惯于”,B项commit to“把投入,交付”,C项apply to“适用于,应用于”,D项suit to“适合于”。句意:农民必须了解最适合他农场土壤的作物种类。四个选项中,只有suit to最合适;因此,该题D项正确。2. 翻译题根据最新统计,67%的美国人能上网,该比例是中国的6倍。尽管互联网作用巨大,但许多问题远远没有解决,如:病毒侵入和信息安全。即使这些问题最终有可能得到解决,也需要艰辛的努力和多年时间。【答案】答:According to the latest statistics, 67% of the U.S. population have access to the Internet, which is six times that of China. Despite the influential role of the Internet, many problems are far from settled, such as the invasion of viruses and information security. Even if it is possible to find final solutions, it will take painstaking efforts and many years.3. 单选题Some states in the US have set( )standards concerning math and science tests.问题1选项A.energeticB.vigorousC.rigorousD.grave【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项energetic“精力充沛的,积极的”,B项vigorous“有力的”,C项rigorous“严厉的,严格的”,D项grave“重大的,严肃的”;根据空格后面的standard(标准)以及关键词math and science tests(数学和科学测试),结合句子的语境,只有C项符合。句意:美国的一些州已经为数学和科学考试设置了严格的标准。因此,该题选择C项正确。4. 单选题Oil companies in the U.S. are already beginning to feel the pressure as a result of which refinery workers and petroleum-equipment-manufacturing employees are being( ).问题1选项A.laid outB.laid offC.laid downD.laid aside【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A项lay out“展示,安排”,B项lay off“解雇,休息”,C项lay down“放下,制定”,D项lay aside“搁置,储蓄”。根据句子关键词workers(工人)和employees(雇员)可猜测,空格部分表示“解雇”,因此四个选项中只有B项符合。句意:美国的石油公司已经开始感受到压力,因为炼油工人和石油设备制造员工正在被裁员。因此,该题选择B项正确。5. 单选题Eyespots, the most rudimentary eyes, are found in protozoan flagellates, flatworms, and segmented worms.问题1选项A.principalB.perceptiveC.primitiveD.persistent【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。rudimentary表示“基本的,退化的,未发展的”;A项principal“主要的,资本的”,B项perceptive“洞察力强的,思维敏捷的”,C项primitive“原始的,远古的”,D项persistent“执着的,坚持不懈的”。句意:眼斑存在于原生动物鞭毛虫、扁虫和分节虫中,是未发展的眼睛。根据句意可知,rudimentary在句子中表示“原始的,未进化的”意思,只有C项符合。故该题选择C项正确。6. 单选题In the United States there are more people who are obese today than twenty years ago.问题1选项A.gainfully employedtB.upwardly mobileC.excessively overweightD.privately educated【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。obese表示“肥胖的,过胖的”;A项gainfully employed“被高薪聘用”,B项upwardly mobile“ 走向富裕的,走向上层社会的”,C项excessively overweight“过度超重”,D项privately educated“私立学校”。句意:在美国,现在肥胖的人比20年前要多。根据句意可知,只有C项中的weight表示体重,故该题选择C项正确。7. 单选题Top marathon runners tend to be lean and light, star swimmers are long thighs with huge feet and gold medal weightlifters are solid blocks of muscle with short arms and legs. So, does your physical shape-and the way your body works-fit you for a particular sport? Or does your body develop a certain way because of your chosen sport?“Its about 55:45, genes to the environment,” says Mike Rennie, professor of clinical physiology at Britains University of Nottingham Medical School Rennie cites the case of identical twins from Germany, one of whom was a long-distance athlete, the other a powerful sportsman, so, “They look quite different, despite being identical twins.”Someone whos 1.5 meters tall has little chance of becoming an elite basketball player. Still, being over two meters tall wont automatically push you to Olympic gold. “Unless you have tactical sense where needed, unless you have access to good equipment, medical care and the psychological conditions, and unless you are able to drive yourself through pain, all the physical strength will be in vain,” said Craig Sharp, professor of sports science at Britains Brunel University.Jonathan Robinson, an applied sports scientist at the University of Baths sports development department, in southwest England, points to the importance of technique. “In swimming only 5-10 per cent of the propelling force comes from the legs, so technique is vital.”Having the right physique for the right sport is a good starting point. Seventeen years ago, the Australian Institute of Sport started a national Talent Search Program, which searched schools for 14- l6-year-olds with the potential to be elite athletes. One of their first finds was Megan Still, world champion rower. In 1987, Still had never picked up an oar in her life. But she had almost the perfect physique for a rower. After intensive training, she won gold in womens rowing in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.Other countries have followed the Australian example. Now the explosion of genetic knowledge has meant that there is now a search, not just for appropriate physique but also for “performance genes.”1. It can be concluded from the passage that( ).2. The case of identical twins from Germany shows that( ).3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by Craig Sharp as a required quality for a sportsperson to win an Olympic gold medal?4. Seventeen years ago Megan Still was chosen for rowing because( ).5. The word “elite” in Paragraph 5 means( ).问题1选项A.physical strength is more important for sportspersons successtB.training conditions are more important for sportspersons successtC.genes are more important for sportspersons successtD.psychological conditions are more important for sportspersons successt问题2选项A.environment can help determine peoples body shapetB.genes are the decisive factors for peoples body shapetC.identical twins are likely to enjoy different sportstD.identical twins may have different genes for different sportst问题3选项A.The physical strength.tB.The right training conditions.tC.The talent for the sports.tD.The endurance for pains.t问题4选项A.she had the talent for rowingtB.her body shape was right for a rowertC.she had the performance genestD.she was a skillful rowert问题5选项A.the most wealthytB.the most skilledtC.the most industrioustD.the most intelligent【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:B【解析】第1题:推理判断题。题干意思是“从文章中,可以推断出”。本文讨论的是决定一个人能够成为优秀的运动员的原因,根据文章最后一句话Now the explosion of genetic knowledge has meant that there is now a search, not just for appropriate physique but also for “performance genes.”(现在,基因知识的爆炸意味着现在有了一项研究,不仅是关于合适的体格,还有“表现基因”)可推断,人类先天的基因条件对于塑造一个成功的运动员来说更为重要;故C项“基因对运动员的成功更重要”符合题意。A项“身体力量对运动员的成功更重要”和D项“心理状况对运动员的成功更为重要”文章没有提及;B项“训练条件对运动员的成功更为重要”只在第三段提到,不够全面。因此,该题选择C项正确。第2题:细节推理题。题干意思是“来自德国的同卵双胞胎的案例表明了”。根据题干定位到文章第二段one of whom was a long-distance athlete, the other a powerful sportsman, so, “They look quite different, despite being identical twins.”(其中一个是一个长跑运动员,另一个是力量型运动员;所以,“他们虽然是同卵双胞胎,但是体型完全不同),由此我们可以推断,即便有基因因素,但是后天的体型还是由环境决定的,故A项“环境可以帮助决定人们的体型”符合题意。B项“基因是决定体型的决定性因素”,内容与原文相反;C项“同卵双胞胎可能喜欢不同的运动”和D项“同卵双胞胎可能对不同的运动有不同的基因”文章没有提及。因此,该题选择A项正确。第3题:细节判断题。题干意思是“下面哪项没有被Craig Sharp提到作为一个运动员赢得奥运会金牌的必要素质?”。根据题干定位到文章的第三段Unless you have tactical sense where needed, unless you have access to good equipment, medical care and the psychological conditions, and unless you are able to drive yourself through pain, all the physical strength will be in vain(除非你有必要的战术意识,除非你有良好的设备、医疗护理和心理状况,除非你能让自己克服疼痛,否则所有的体力都将是无用的)可知,作为一个运动员赢得奥运会金牌的必要素质就是吃苦耐劳,故D项“吃苦耐劳”正确。A项“体力”、B项“正确的培训条件”和C项“体育天赋”只是部分,比较片面。因此,该题选择D项正确。第4题:细节事实题。题干意思是“十七年前,梅根斯蒂尔被选为赛艇选手是因为”。根据题干定位到文章的第五段,In 1987, Still had never picked up an oar in her life. But she had almost the perfect physique for a rower. After intensive training, she won gold in womens rowing in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.(1987年,斯蒂尔一生中从未拿起过船桨,但她几乎拥有划艇运动员最完美的体格,经过高强度训练后,她在1996年亚特兰大奥运会上赢得了女子赛艇金牌),由此可知斯蒂尔被选为赛艇选手是因为她的完美体格,故B项“她的身材适合划船”正确。A项“她有划船的天赋”没有提及;C项“她有表现基因”,完美的体格与“表现基因”是两个概念;D项“她是一个熟练的赛艇手”,内容与原文不符。因此,该题选择B项正确。第5题:语义推测题。题干意思是“第五段的elite是意思”。elite表示“精英”,根据elite后面的关键词athlete(运动员)可以推测,从事运动行业的人都是有技巧的,所以elite在这里是表示“skilled(有技巧的)”,故B项“最熟练的”正确。A项“最富有的”、C项“最勤劳的”和D项“最聪明的”都不是“有技巧的”的意思。因此,该题选择B项正确。8. 单选题Every year, as the price of goods rises, the inflation refuses to(1)even from the high educational institutions.In the US, according to a 2005 survey by the College Board,(2)at state universities rose by an average of 7.1 percent annually, after a year when inflation grew much less. At private schools it was up 5.9 percent. The survey which(3)more than 3,000 colleges and universities did not provide clear reasons for the continued increases. It did say that the price of goods and services at universities have risen rapidly. Some of the fastest growth has been in employee health(4), and professional salaries.Living expenses on campus have also(5). At the university of Southern California student dining hall, a buffet meal cost $5.50 in 2004. But now its $9. The US government often provides (6)assistance to students lunch in primary and high schools, but these favorable policies usually dont(7)universities.Some students said the food on campus is sometimes even more expensive than that at restaurants(8)campus. To compensate the rise in tuition and living expenses, the federal and state governments(9)universities and private sources have provided(10)for students. Of all the full time undergraduates about 62 percent have a grant covering 30-50 percent of their tuition, according to the College Board.问题1选项A.stay awayB.stand outC.step downD.set off问题2选项A.faresB.paymentC.chargesD.tuition问题3选项A.attendedB.coveredC.includedD.composed问题4选项A.welfaresB.advantagesC.benefitsD.goods问题5选项A.rolled upB.gone upC.sat upD.taken up问题6选项A.managementB.economicC.policyD.financial问题7选项A.apply toB.suit forC.adjust toD.gear for问题8选项A.inB.toC.offD.over问题9选项A.as well asB.the same asC.as far asD.such as问题10选项A.graspsB.grainsC.groundsD.grants【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C第5题:B第6题:D第7题:A第8题:C第9题:A第10题:D【解析】第1题:考查词组辨析。A项stay away“远离”,B项stand out“站出来,坚持到底”,C项step down“走下,逐步减低”,D项set off“出发,动身”。根据句子Every year, as the price of goods rises, the inflation refuses to( )even from the high educational institutions中的from可知,stay away from固定用法,表示“远离”。句意:每年,随着商品价格的上涨,通货膨胀甚至对高等教育机构也产生了影响。故该题选A。第2题:考查名词辨析和上下文语义。A项fares“票价,车费”,B项payment“支付,付款”,C项charges“费用”,D项tuition“学费”。根据空格后的at state universities rose by an average of 7.1 percent annually(在州立大学,平均每年增长7.1%)可知,空格处表示“学费”。句意:根据美国大学理事会(College Board)2005年的一项调查,美国州立大学的学费平均每年上涨7.1%,而过去一年的通货膨胀幅度要小得多。故该题选D。第3题:考查动词辨析。A项attend“参加”,B项cover“覆盖,包括,涉及”,C项include“包括”,D项compose“构成,写作”。根据句子The survey which( )more than 3,000 colleges and universities did not provide clear reasons for the continued increases可知,空格处填入“包括,覆盖”,所以A、D项排除;而include指把某事物包括进另一些大的事物,很明显这里表示的不是包括进来,所以只有B项符合。句意:这项涵盖了3000多所高校的调查并没有给出持续增长的明确原因。故该题选B。第4题:考查名词辨析和上下文语义。A项welfare“福利”,B项advantage“优点”,C项benefit“利益,好处”,D项good“好处,善行”。根据句子Some of the fastest growth has been in employee health( ), and professional salaries可知,professional salaries和employee health( )都是in的宾语,所以推测空格部分表示为“员工健康福利”。句意:增长最快的是员工健康福利和岗位薪水。故该题选C。第5题:考查词组辨析和上下文语义。A项roll up“卷起,出现”,B项go up“增长,上升”,C项sit up“熬夜,端坐”,D项take up“拿起,开始从事”。上文提到因为通货膨胀的影响,学校的各种费用都有所上涨,根据句子Living expenses on campus have also( )可知,空格也是表示“上升,上涨”。句意:学校的生活费用也增长了。故该题选B。第6题:考查词义辨析。A项management“管理”,B项economic“经济的,经济上的”,C项policy“政策,方针”,D项financial“金融的,财政的”。根据句子The US government often provides( )assistance to students lunch in primary and high schools可知,空格部分应该表示“学生的午餐资助”。句意:美国政府经常为中小学生提供午餐资助。故该题选D。第7题:考查词组辨析。A项apply to“适用于”,B项suit for“适合做”,C项adjust to“调节,调整以适应”,D项gear for“装备”。上文提到“美国政府经常为中小学生提供午餐资助”,下文接着说到but these favorable policies usually dont( )universities可知,这一句表达的是“但是这些优惠政策通常没有提供给大学”。所以该题选A符合句意。第8题:考查句子逻辑。A项in“在里面”,B项to“对于”,C项off“不在,偏离”,D项over“在上面,从上方”。根据句子Some students said the food on campus is sometimes even more expensive than that at restaurants( )campus可知,than表示比较,前面提到food on campus(校园里的食物),后面提到restaurants( )campus可知,空格处表示“校外”。句意:一些学生说,学校的食物有时甚至比校外餐馆的更贵。故该题选C。第9题:考查词组辨析。A项as well as“和一样,也”,B项the same as“与一致”,C项as far as“至于,直到”,D项such as“比如,诸如”。根据the federal and state governments( )universities and private sources可知,federal and state governments(联邦政府和州政府)与universities and private sources(大学和私立院校)是并列成分,所以空格处应该是一个连词性短语表并列,只有A项符合;故该题选A正确。第10题:考查名词辨析。A项grasp“理解,领会”,B项grain“粮食,颗粒”,C项ground“地面,战场,根据”,D项grant“拨款,补助金”。前面提到To compensate the rise in tuition and living expenses(为了补偿学费和生活费的上涨),可知,the federal and state governments as well as universities and private sources have provided( )for students一句中的空格部分表达的是“提供补助金”。句意:为了弥补学费和生活费的上涨,联邦政府、州政府、大学和私立院校都为学生提供了助学金。故该题选D正确。9. 问答题Why do so many Americans distrust what they read in their newspapers? The American Society of Newspaper Editors is trying to answer this painful question. The organization is deep into a long self-analysis known as the journalism credibility project.Sad to say, this project has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want.But the sources of distrust go way deeper. Most journalists learn to see the world through a set of standard templates (patterns) into which they plug each days events. In other words, there is a conventional story line in the newsroom culture that provides a backbone and a ready-made narrative structure for otherwise confusing news.There exists a social and cultural disconnect between journalists and their readers, which helps explain why the “standard templates” of the newsroom seem alien to many readers. In a recent survey, questionnaires were sent to reporters in five middle-size cities around the country, plus one large metropolitan area. Then residents in these communities were phoned at random and ask the same questions.Replies show that compared with other Americans, journalists are more likely to live in upscale neighborhoods, have maids, own Mercedeses, and trade stocks, and theyre less likely to go to church, do volunteer work, or put down roots in a community.Reporters tend to be part of a broadly defined social and cultural elite, so their work tends to reflect the conventional values of this elite. The astonishing distrust of the news media isnt rooted in inaccuracy or poor reportorial skills but in the daily clash of world views between reporters and their readers.This is an explosive situation for any industry, particularly a declining one. Here is a troubled business that keeps hiring employees whose attitudes vastly annoy the customers. Then it sponsors lots of symposiums and a credibility project dedicated to wondering why customers are annoyed and fleeing in large numbers. But it never seems to get around to noticing the cultural and class biases that so many former buyers are complaining about. If it did, it would open up its diversity program, now focused narrowly on race and gender, and look for reporters who differ broadly by outlook, values, education, and class.1. What is the passage mainly about?2. What triggers Americans distrust in their newspapers according to the findings of the journalism credibility project?3. What does “standard templates” (Para 3) refer to?4. What is the root of Americans distrust in their newspapers?5. What should the newspaper industry do to solve the problem concerning reporters according to the author?【答案】答:1.It is about causes of the public disappointment about newspaper.2.Low-level errors and puzzlement about readers real wants.3.A conventional story line with a ready-made narrative structure.4.The different world views between reporters and their readers.5.Ensure reporters diversity in outlook, values, education, and class.【解析】1.主旨大意题。题干意思是“这篇文章主要关于什么?”。文章第一段开头指出Why do so many Americans distrust what they read in their newspapers?(为什么这么多美国人不相信他们在报纸上看到的东西?),接着下面几段都是在研究美国人不相信报纸的原因,所以答案为It is about causes of the public disappointment about newspaper(它是关于公众对报纸失望的原因)。2.细节事实题。题干意思是“根据新闻可信度项目的调查结果,是什么引发了美国人对他们的报纸的不信任?”。文章第二段指出this project has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want.(这次新闻机构可信度调查计划结果只获得了一些低层次的发现,比如新闻报道中的事实错误,拼写或语法错误,和这些低层次发现交织在一起的还有许多令人挠头的困惑,譬如读者到底想读些什么),由此可知答案为Low-level errors and puzzlement about readers real wants(低级错误和对读者真实需求的困惑)。3.细节事实题。题干意思是“第三段的标准模板指的是什么?”。根据题干定位到第三段,最后一句指出In other words, there is a conventional story line in the newsroom culture that provides a backbone and a ready-made narrative structure for otherwise confusing news.(换句话说,在媒介机构的新闻采编室中存在着一套约定俗成的写作模式,为新闻报道提供了主干框架以及可直接套用的叙述结构),由此可知答案为A conventional story line with a ready-made narrative structure(有现成叙述结构的传统故事线)。4.细节事实题。题干意思是“美国人对报纸不信任的根源是什么?”。根据第六段最后一句The astonishing distrust of the news media isnt rooted in inaccuracy or poor reportorial skills but in the daily clash of world views between reporters and their readers.(人们对新闻媒体令人震惊的不信任,其根源并不是报道失实或低下的报道技巧,而是记者与读者的世界观每天都发生着冲突)可知,答案为The different world views between reporters and their readers(记者和读者的不同世界观)。5.细节事实题。题干意思是“作者认为,报业应该如何解决记者的问题?”。文章最后一句指出If it did, it would open up its diversity program, now focused narrowly on race and gender, and look for reporters who differ broadly by outlook, values, education, and class.(如果新闻界真的注意到了问题的关键,它就应该进一步开放其多样化项目,这个项目现在还只单纯考虑招收不同种族和性别的员工,而进一步寻找那些世界观、价值观、教育水平和社会阶层大相径庭的各种记者),可知答案为Ensure reporters diversity in outlook, values, education, and class(确保记者在观点、价值观、教育和阶层上的多样性)。10. 单选题He treated a twenty-one-year-old girl with a stubborn case of headache.问题1选项A.panicB.persistentC.severeD.stern【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。stubborn表示“顽固的,顽强的”;A项panic“恐慌的”,B项persistent“执着的,坚持不懈的”,C项severe“严峻的,严厉的”,D项stern“严厉的,坚定的”。句意:他治疗了一个患有顽固性头痛的21岁女孩。根据句意可知,该题选择B项正确。11. 翻译题One of the unintended consequences of the flattening world is that it puts different societies and cultures in much greater direct contact with one another. It connects people to people much faster than people and cultures can often prepare themselves. Some cultures thrive on the sudden opportunities for collaboration that this global intimacy makes possible. Others are frustrated, and even humiliated by this close contact, which, among other things, makes it easy for people to see where they stand in the world in relation to everyone else. All of this helps to account for the emergence of one of the most devastating forces today the suicide bombers and other terrorist organizations which have no regard for human lives and which it is in our best interest to wipe out.【答案】答:世界扁平化的一个意想不到的后果是,它使不同的社会和文化可以更多地直接接触。人们之间联系的速度之快使人和社会措手不及。一些文化因全球亲密关系突然带来的合作机会而蓬勃发展。另一些文化则因为这种亲密接触而感到沮丧,甚至感到自尊受到伤害,原因是这种亲密接触的后果之一:使人们轻易地发现彼此在世界中的位置。所有这些都有助于解释为什么出现了当今最具破坏性的力量之一自杀式炸弹袭击者和其他恐怖主义组织,他们不顾人的生命,消灭他们最符合我们的利益。12. 单选题If innovators are not financially rewarded for their innovations, the incentive for path-breaking innovation will eventually dry up.问题1选项A.investmentB.resourceC.inspirationD.stimulus【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。incentive表示“动机,刺激”;A项investment“投资”,B项resource“资源”,C项inspiration“灵感,鼓舞”,D项stimulus“刺激,激励”。句意:如果创新者的创新没有得到经济上的奖励,那么对开创性创新的激励最终会枯竭。根据句意可知,选择D项正确。13. 单选题Under the rules of the International Olympic Committee, Jim Thorpe forfeited his amateur status when he played semiprofessional baseball in 1911.问题1选项A.tested tB.exploited tC.announced tD.lost【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。forfeit表示“丧失权利、名誉、生命等”;A项test“测试”,B项exploit“开发,开拓”,C项announce“宣布”,D项lost“丢失,丧失”。句意:根据国际奥委会的规定,当吉姆索普在1911年参加半职业棒球比赛时,他就丧失了业余棒球运动员的身份。根据句意可知,该题选择D项正确。14. 单选题Very few people could understand the lecture the professor delivered because its subject was very( ).问题1选项A.obscureB.indefiniteC.dubiousD.intriguing【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项o


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