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2022-2023年考博英语-首都师范大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Charles has not the least ( )of giving up his research.问题1选项A.ideaB.intentionC.mindD.desire【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。idea “主意”;intention“意图,意向”;mind “想法,感觉”;desire “愿望,欲望”。句意:查尔斯丝毫没有打算放弃他的研究的意向。答案B2. 单选题This document is ( )unless it is officially stamped.问题1选项A.invalidB.acuteC.deliberateD.confidential【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。 invalid “无效的”;acute “严重的”;deliberate “故意的”; confidential “机密的,保密的”。句意:这份文件除非有官方盖章,否则就是无效的。由后半句unless 这个条件可知A项正确。3. 单选题The place did not appear to be popular, for it was completely deserted, and in any case ( )to traffic.问题1选项A.inadequateB.incompatibleC.inaccessibleD.insignificant【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。 inadequate“不充分的”; incompatible “不相容的”;insignificant“不重要的”; inaccessible“不可到达的 ”;be inaccessible to “无法到达的”。 句意:这个地方看上去不受欢迎,因为它完全被遗弃且车辆无论如何也无法进入。由completely deserted可知车辆无法进入,答案C4. 单选题Ours has become a society of employees. A hundred years or so ago only one out of every five Americans at work was employed, i.e. worked for somebody else. Today only one out of five is not employed but working for himself. And when fifty years ago being employed meant working as a factory laborer or as a farmhand, the employee of today is increasingly a middle-class person with a substantial formal education, holding a professional or management job requiring intellectual and technical skills. Indeed, two things have characterized American society during these last fifty years: middle-class and upper-class employees have been the fastest-growing groups in our working population, growing so fast that the industrial worker, that oldest child of the Industrial Revolution, has been losing in numerical importance despite the expansion of industrial production.Yet you will find little if anything written on what it is to be an employee. You can find a great deal of very dubious advice on how to get a job or how to get a promotion. You can also find a good deal of work in a chosen field, whether it be the mechanist, trade or bookkeeping. Every one of these trades requires different skills, sets different standards, and requires a different preparation. Yet they all have employee-ship in common. And increasingly, especially in the large business or in government, employee-ship is more important to success than the special professional knowledge or skill. Certainly more people fail because they do not know the requirements of being an employee rather than because they do not adequately possess the skills of their trade; the higher you climb the ladder, the more you get into administrative or executive work, the greater the emphasis on ability to work within the organization rather than on technical abilities or professional knowledge.1.It is implied that fifty years ago( ).2.According to the passage, with the development of modern industry,( ).3.According to the writer, professional knowledge or skill is( ).4.From the passage it can be seen that employee-ship helps one( ).问题1选项A.eighty percent of American working people were employed in factoriesB.twenty per cent of intellectuals were employeesC.the percentage of intellectuals in the total work force was almost the same as that of industrial workersD.the percentage of intellectuals working as employees was not so large as that of industrial workers问题2选项A.factory laborers will overtake intellectual employees in numberB.there are as many middle-class employees as factory laborersC.employers have attached great importance to factory laborersD.the proportion of factory laborers in the total employee population has decreased问题3选项A.less important than awareness of being a good employeeB.as important as the ability to deal with public relationsC.more important than employer-employee relationsD.as important as the ability to co-operate with others in the organization问题4选项A.to be more successful in his careerB.to solve technical problemsC.to be more specialized in his fieldD.to develop his professional skill【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:A第4题:A【解析】第1题:推理判断题。由“when fifty years ago “being employed” meant working as a factory laborer or as a farmhand, the employee of today is increasingly a middle-class person with a substantial formal education, holding a professional or management job requiring intellectual and technical skills. 50年前,“受雇”意味着当工厂工人或农场工人,而今天的雇员越来越多地是受过正规教育的中产阶级,从事需要智力和技术技能的专业或管理工作。”可知50年前受雇人群以工人为主,技术类人才较少。故D项正确。C项原文内容不符,AB项文中未提及。答案D第2题:细节事实题。由第段中“middle-class and upper-class employees have been the fastest-growing groups in our working population, growing so fast that the industrial worker has been losing in numerical importance despite the expansion of industrial production. 中产阶级和上层阶级雇员一直是我国劳动人口中增长最快的群体,其增长速度如此之快,以至于尽管工业生产在扩大,但工人在数量上的重要性却在下降。”可知知识分子雇员的数量增多,而工业工人的数量减少。故D项正确。第3题:细节事实题。由第二段中 And increasingly, especially in the large business or in government, employee-ship is more important to success than the special professional knowledge or skill. 越来越多的人,尤其是在大企业或政府部门,员工关系比特殊的专业知识或技能对成功更重要。可知A项“专业技能或知识没有员工关系重要”是对原文的同义转换。故A项正确。第4题:推理判断题。由第二段中“the higher you climb the ladder, the more you get into administrative or executive work, the greater the emphasis on ability to work within the organization rather than on technical abilities or professional knowledge. 你爬得越高,就越会从事行政或执行工作,就越强调在组织内工作的能力,而不是技术能力或专业知识。”可知在公司内部良好的工作关系能使人们的职业生涯更成功。答案A5. 单选题While fashion is thought of usually in relation to clothing, it is important to realize that it covers a much wider domain. It is to be found in manners, the arts, literature, and philosophy, and may even reach into certain areas of science. In fact, it may operate in any field of group life, apart from the technological and utilitarian area and the area or the sacred. Its operation requires a class society, for in its essential character it does not occur either in a homogeneous society like a primitive group, or in a caste society.Fashion behaves as a movement, and on this basis it is different from custom which by comparison, is static. This is due to the fact that fashion is based fundamentally on differentiation and emulation. In a class society, the upper classes or the so-called social elite are not able to differentiate themselves by fixed symbols or badges. Hence the more external features of their life and behavior are likely to be imitated by classes immediately below them, who, in turn, imitated by groups immediately below them in the social structure. This process gives to fashion a vertical descent. However, the elite class finds that it is no longer distinguishable, by reason of the imitation made by others, and hence is led to adopt new differentiating criteria, only to displace these as they in turn are imitated. It is primarily his feature that makes fashion into a movement and which has led one writer to remark that a fashion, once launched, move to its doom.As a movement, fashion show little resemblance to any of the other movements which we have considered. While it occurs spontaneously and moves along in a characteristic cycle, it involves little in the way of crowd behavior and it is not dependent upon the discussion process and the resulting public opinion. It does not depend upon the mechanisms of which we have spoken. The participants are not recruited through agitation. No morale is built up among them. Nor does the fashion movement have, or require an ideology. Further, since it does not have a leadership imparting conscious direction to the movement, it does not build up a set of tactics. People take part in the fashion movement voluntarily and in response to the interesting and powerful kind of control which fashion imposes on them.1.It is known from the first paragraph that ( ).2.Which of the following statements is true?3.According to the author, a fashion movement( ).4.It can be inferred from the passage that a fashion movement( ).问题1选项A.fashion operates in every societyB.fashion is found only in a few fields of group lifeC.fashion originates in a class societyD.people like to keep up with fashion in a primitive society问题2选项A.Fashion, as a movement, is static.B.A fashion is destined to disappear once it is launched.C.A fashion will never vanish once it is launched.D.The upper classes play a little role in fashion movements.问题3选项A.will eventually develop into a social organizationB.has little in common with other movementsC.has a powerful leadership guiding itD.has a set of symbols and values问题4选项A.is a form of expressive behaviorB.contributes a great deal to the way of crowd behaviorC.can boost the morale of its participantsD.functions in the same way as specific social movements【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A【解析】第1题:细节事实题。由题干定位到第一段“Its operation requires a class society, for in its essential character itdoes not occur either in a homogeneous society like a primitive group, or in a caste society. 时尚的运作需要一个阶级社会,因为就其本质而言,它既不发生在像原始群体那样的同质社会,也不发生在种姓社会。” 可知时尚智慧发生在阶级社会。答案C第2题:细节事实题。由第二段“It is primarily this feature that makes fashion into a movement and which has led one writer to remark that a fashion, once launched, move to its doom. 正是这一特点使时尚成为一种运动,并使一位作家评论说,一种时尚,一旦推出,就走向灭亡。”可知答案B第3题:推理判断题。由第三段“As a movement, fashion show little resemblance to any of the other movements which we have considered. 作为一场运动,时尚与我们所考虑过的其他运动几乎没有相似之处。”可知时尚运动与其他运动几乎没有相似之处。答案B第4题:推理判断题。此题可用排除法 由“it involves little in the way of crowd behavior.”可排除 B 项;由“No morale is built up among .” 可排除C项;由“As a movement, fashion show little resemblance to any of the other movements which we have considered. 作为一场运动,时尚与我们所考虑过的其他运动几乎没有相似之处。”可排除D项。故答案A6. 单选题For more than 20 years, weve been supporting educational programs that ( )from kindergartens to colleges.问题1选项A.spreadB.shiftC.moveD.range【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。 range from “从到(一个范围)”; spread from “从传播”; shift from “从转移”; move from “从搬走”。句意:20多年以来,我们一直在支持从幼儿园到大学的教育项目。该句表示从幼儿园到大学这个跨度范围,故D项正确。7. 单选题Fewer and fewer of todays workers expect to spend their working lives in the same field, ( )the same company.问题1选项A.all elseB.much worseC.less likelyD.let alone【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。all else “其他所有”;much worse “更差”;less likely “最不可能的是”;let alone“更不必说”。句意:当今人们越来越不希望一生只干同样的工作,更不用说只待在一家公司了。D项符合句意,答案D8. 翻译题A philosophy of culture begins with the assumption that the world of human culture is not a mere aggregate of loose and detached facts. It seeks to understand these facts as a system as an organic whole. For an empirical or historical view it would seem to be enough to collect the data of human culture. Here we are interested in the breadth of human life. We are engrossed in a study of the particular phenomena in their richness and variety.But a philosophical analysis sets itself a different task. Its starting point and its hypothesis are embodied in the conviction that the varied and seemingly dispersed rays may be gathered together and brought into a common focus.The idea that people can behave naturally, without resorting to an artificial code tacitly agreed upon by their society, is as silly as the idea that they can communicate by a spoken language without commonly accepted semantic and grammatical rules. Like language, a code of manners can be used with more or with less skill for laudable or for evil purposes, to express a great variety of ideas and emotions. In itself, it carries no moral value, but ignorance in use of this tool is not a sign of virtue. Inarticulateness should not be mistaken for guiltlessness.【答案】译文:哲学文化始于这样一种假设上,即人类文明并不仅仅是松散而孤立的事实的累积。哲学试图把现象作为系统的有机整体来解释。译文:但是哲学分析给自己设定了不同的任务。它的研究起点和假设体现在这样一种论断中:即不同的和分散的光线会被聚焦在一起,成为共同的焦点。译文:那种认为人们可以我行我素,无需借助一种全社会都默认的人为制定的规范的想法,就像认为人们可以用一种没有被普遍认可的语法规则的语言来进行交流的想法一样愚昧。译文:就像语言一样,一种行为准则可以用或多或少的技巧来表达各种各样的想法和情感,或用于值得称赞的目的,或用于邪恶的目的。9. 单选题An argument was ( )because they dislike each other so much.问题1选项A.ridiculousB.inevitableC.excessiveD.conservative【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。 ridiculous “荒唐的,荒谬的”;inevitable “不可避免的”; excessive “过量的”;conservative “保守的”。句意:由于他们彼此都很讨厌对方, 所以争论就难以避免。根据上下文关系可知B项符合句意,答案B10. 单选题Apart from philosophical and legal reasons for respecting patients wishes, there are several practical reasons why doctors should ( )to involve patients in their own medical care decisions.问题1选项A.enforceB.endowC.endeavorD.enhance【答案】C【解析】解析:考查动词辨析题。enforce “实施,执行”;endow “赋予,捐赠”;endeavor “努力,尽力”;enhance“提高,加强”。句意:出于哲学和法律方面的考虑,医生应尊重病人的意愿,除此之外,还有几个实际原因解释了为什么医生应该努力让病人参与他们自己的医疗事项。C项符合句意,答案C11. 单选题Sams close ( )to his brother made people mistake them for one another.问题1选项A.accuracyB.confusionC.probabilityD.resemblance【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。accuracy“精确性”;confusion“混乱”;probability “可能性”; resemblance“相似”。句意:Sam跟他兄弟长得很像,人们经常把他们弄混。D项符合题意,答案D12. 单选题I would never have ( )a court of law if I hadnt been so desperate.问题1选项A.sought forB.accounted forC.turned upD.resorted to【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。seek for“寻求,追求”;account for“对做出解释”;turn up “出现,发生”;resort to “依靠,求助于,诉诸”。句意:如果我没到如此绝望的地步,我是不会诉诸法律的。根据前后句意可知D项符合,答案D13. 翻译题Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong,have governed my lifethe longing for love,the search for knowledge, and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasyecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of living for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves lonelinessthat terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss.I have sought it finally,because in the union of love I have seen the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, at last. I have found.One fairly common reason is that parents overindulge their children out of a sense of guilt. Parents who both hold down full-time jobs may feel guilty about the amount of time they spend away from their children and may attempt to compensate by showering them with material possessions. Other parents overindulge because they want their children to have everything they had while growing up, along with those things the parents yearned for but didnt get. Still others are afraid to say no to their childrens endless requests for toys for fear that their children will feel unloved or will be ridiculed if they dont have the same playthings their friends have.The British are the most voracious newspaper readers in the world. They read newspapers at breakfast: they walk to the bus reading a newspaper: they read newspaper on the bus, as they go to work: and on the way back home, after work, they are engrossed in an evening newspaper. There are many morning papers, both national and provincial. The most famous is The Times. Contrary to what many foreigners believe, this is not a government newspaper. The various newspapers usually have their own views on politics, but they are not organs of the political parties. Bold headlines and a variety of photographs are features of British press. Some newspapers, such as the sober Daily Telegraph and the Times, use photographs sparingly. The more “popular” newspapers, such as the Daily Mail, and the Sun, use pictures extensively.【答案】(1)对爱的渴望,对知识的追求,对人类苦难的难以承受的同情,是支配我一生的单纯而强烈的三种感情。(2)我最终找到了爱,因为在爱的结合中,我看到了古今圣贤以及诗人们所梦想的天堂,这正是我所追寻的人生境界。虽然它对一般的人类生活也许太美好了,但这正是我透过爱情所得到的最终发现。(3)全职工作的父母可能会为自己许多时间不在孩子的身边而感到内疚,从而可能通过给孩子买大量东西来补偿。(4)英国人是世界上最如饥似渴的读者。在吃早饭时,在去赶公交车的路上,在去上班的公交车上他们都读报,而在下班回家的路上,他们会全神贯注地读晚报。(5)不同的报纸通常有自己的政治观点,但他们不是政治党派的人。醒目的标题和各种各样的照片是英国新闻界的特色。14. 单选题In late autumn swallows fly south to much warmer lands, where they can find plenty of the small flying insects on which they( ).问题1选项A.are fedB.eatC.relyD.feed【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。feed on“以为食”,燕子以飞虫为食,两者之间是主动的关系,故排除A。句意:在晚秋时节,小燕子向南飞向更暖和的地方,在那里它们能找到许多可以当作食物的小飞虫。答案D15. 单选题The( )in Janets character has hindered her from advancement in her career.问题1选项A.weaknessB.meritC.defectD.shortcoming【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。weakness“弱点,嗜好”;defect“不足,缺陷”;shortcoming“缺点,短处”; merit“优点”。句意:詹妮特的性格缺陷阻碍了她事业的进步。由hinder “阻碍”可知性格方面的不足阻碍了她的进步。只有C符合题意。答案C16. 单选题The essential problem of man in a computerized age remains the same as it has always been. The problem is not solely how to be more productive, more comfortable, more content, but how to be more sensitive, more sensible, more proportionate, more alive. The computer makes possible a phenomenal leap in human proficiency; it demolishes the fences around the practical and even the theoretical intelligence. But the question persists and indeed grows whether the computer will make it easier or harder for human beings to know who they really are, to identify their real problems, to respond more fully to beauty, to place adequate value on life, and to make their world safer than it now is.Electronic brains can reduce the profusion of dead ends involved in vital research. But they cant eliminate the foolishness and decay that come from the unexamined life. Nor do they connect a man to the things he has to be connected to the reality of pain in others; the possibilities of creative growth in himself; the memory of the race; and the rights of the next generation.The reason why these matters are important in a computerized age is that there may be a tendency to mistake data for wisdom, just as there has always been a tendency to confuse logic with values, and intelligence with insight. Unobstructed access to facts can produce unlimited good only if it is matched by the desire and ability to find out what they mean and where they would lead.Facts are terrible things if left sprawling and unattended. They are too easily regarded as evaluated certainties rather than as the rawest of raw materials crying to be processed into the texture of logic. It requires a very unusual mind, Whitehead said, to undertake the analysis of a fact. The computer can provide a correct number, but it may be an irrelevant number until judgment is pronounced.To the extent, then, that man fails to make the distinction between the intermediate operations of electronic intelligence and the ultimate responsibilities of human decision and conscience, the computer could prove a digression. It could obscure mans awareness of the need to come to terms with himself. It may foster the illusion that he is asking fundamental questions when he is actually asking only functional ones. It may be regarded as a substitute for intelligence instead of an extension to it. It may promote undue confidence in concrete answers. If we begin with certainties, Bacon said, we shall end in doubts, but if we begin with doubts, and we are patient with them, we shall end in certainties.1.We can infer from the first two paragraphs that the author would be less critical of the computer if( ).2.In a computerized age, which one of the following should be given priority to?3.By saying that Facts are terrible things if left sprawling and unattended (Paragraph 4), the author aims to( ).4.The author regards computer as( ).问题1选项A.it can better improve human proficiencyB.it can break the boundary of the practical and theoretical intelligenceC.it ca


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