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考研考博-考博英语-厦门大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题Scientists are searching for the oldest tree_because it can leach them a great deal about many issues related with climate change.问题1选项A.livelyB.aliveC.livingD.live【答案】B【解析】lively活泼的, 生动的; alive活着的, 现存的, 可作后置定语; living活的, 活跃的, 只作前置定语; live活的, 生动的; 实况转播的。句意:科学家们正在寻找现存的最古老的树, 因为它可以让他们了解许多与气候变化有关的问题。选项B符合句意。2. 单选题In fact,the country has exhibited considerable flexibility, relaxing its position on many_issues,including agricultural subsidies.问题1选项A.surpassingB.commodiousC.contentiousD.judicable【答案】C【解析】surpassing胜过的, 优秀的; commodious宽敞的, 方便的; contentious有争议的, 诉讼的; judicable 应受审判的。句意:事实上, 该国表现出相当大的灵活性, 在包括农业补贴在内的许多有争议的问题上放松了立场。选项C符合句意。3. 单选题Despite much discussion, and efforts by both womens and business groups to break the glass ceiling down, the worlds biggest companies are still almost_run by men.问题1选项A.exceptionallyB.excessivelyC.exclusivelyD.exceedingly【答案】C【解析】exceptionally例外地,异常地; excessively过分地, 极度; exclusively排外地, 专有地; exceedingly非常地, 极度地。句意:尽管女性和商业团体为了打破“玻璃天花板”经过多次讨论并为此付出很多努力,但世界上的大公司仍然几乎完全由男性经营。选项C符合句意。4. 翻译题I was deeply shocked by a recent survey that suggested 30 per cent of job applicants embellished the truth or lied on a curriculum vitae. Can the figure really be that low? (1)I had always assumed CVs were filled with evasions, half-truths and downright untruths. But, the news that merely 70 per cent of workers are honest has shaken my lack of faith in my fellow humans. The only consolation is that people often fib in anonymous surveys, just as they do on resumes, which means the real proportion may be higher.One prediction rang true from the research by the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors. (2).It was that the incentive for falsehood is growing, as unemployment balloons and competition for jobs rises. In coming months recruiters will therefore be bombarded with CVs making extremely misleading claims.It was the same during the downturn of the early 1990s. Then, one acquaintance obtained a graduate traineeship at a large bank by bumping his third-class degree up to a 2:1. A journalist colleague meanwhile admitted to me that his degree from a top university was entirely fictional. (3). Another contemporary explained away a year lost to bone idleness by telling prospective employers that he had been writing a field guide to the wild flowers of the Pyrenees (比利牛斯山脉). I night have lied on my own CV, if an east coast Scottish upbringing bad not lumbered me with the subliminal conviction that I would burn for eternity in hell if I did.(4). A company whose services include background checks on job applicants, says that inaccuracies on CVs divide into three main groups. First, there are honest mistakes, typically made when candidates muddle dates. Second, there is deliberate fibbing about qualifications. Mr Thomas says: A lie told 20 years ago to get a job can become part of the liars reality. So he tells it again when he switches jobs, even though he has become a successful finance director. Third, applicants close up suspicious gaps in their employment history. In one case investigated by Kroll, a candidate turned out to have spent a three-month gap in prison for fraud.About 65 per cent of businesses take up references for shortlisted job applicants, according to research by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Fewer than half said they found out anything useful. (5). This is hardly surprising now that the fear of litigation prevents past employers from saying anything more revealing than: Yes, Derek worked for us. He has a beard and knows a bit about databases. Less than 40 per cent of businesses bother to check academic and professional qualifications.Read the passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese【答案】1.我一直认为简历中充斥着借口,半真半假和彻头彻尾的谎言。但那则只有70%的工人是诚实的新闻让我对我自己的想法感到疑惑。2.虚假动机正在逐渐增加。因此,在未来几个月中,招聘人员会见到更多的足以误导其决策的简历。3.同时期的另外一个人也曾向雇主谎称自己曾花一年的时间编纂过有关比利牛斯山野花的一本野外工作指南,而其实那东西是临时抱佛脚的产物。4. 一个对求职者做背景调查的服务公司说,简历的不准确分为三组。第一,诚实的错误,确实是候选人搞错了日期。5.对诉讼案的恐惧导致以往的雇主不敢说除了“是的,迪瑞克曾为我们工作。他留着胡子, 对我们的数据有所了解”以外的话, 这些在当今都不足为奇。5. 单选题Happiness used to have a much broader meaningtied to the idea of a_and meaningful life一 but now its almost indistinguishable from pleasure.问题1选项A.virtuousB.depravedC.viciousD.malicious【答案】A【解析】virtuous善良的, 有道德的;depraved堕落的,卑鄙的;vicious恶意的, 刻毒的; malicious蓄意的,恶毒的。句意:在过去, 幸福有一个更广泛的含义与道德高尚和有意义的生活观念紧密联系在一起但现在几乎和快乐无法区分。选项A符合句意。6. 单选题The following qualifications are essential for the post: an honors degree in English,_in shorthand and typewriting and some experience in journalism.问题1选项A.proficiencyB.expertiseC.knowledgeD.familiarity【答案】A【解析】proficiency精通, 熟练; expertise专门技术; familiarity熟悉。句意:应聘该职位必须具备以下条件:英语荣誉学位, 速记和打字熟练, 有一定的新闻工作经验。选项A符合句意。7. 单选题Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it and this_produces artificial cold surrounding it.问题1选项A.absorptionB.transitionC.consumptionD.interaction【答案】A【解析】absorption吸收; transition过渡, 转变; consumption消费, 消耗; interaction相互作用。句意:水从固体变成液体, 会吸收附近所有物质的热量, 这种吸收会在周围产生人工寒潮。选项A符合句意。8. 单选题In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote pan of Eastern Europe_Europe into a great war.问题1选项A.pitchedB.imposedC.insertedD.plunged【答案】D【解析】pitched倾斜; 投掷; imposed强加的; inserted插入; plunged投入, 陷入。句意:1914年, 东欧一个偏远地区发生的一件显然无关紧要的事件使欧洲陷入了一场大战。选项D符合句意。9. 单选题The more time scientists spend designing computers the more they marvel at the human brain. Tasks that baffle(难住)the most advanced supercomputer recognizing a face, reading a handwritten note 一 are childs play for the 3-pound organ. Most important, unlike any conventional computer, the brain can learn from its mistakes. Researchers have tried for years to program computers to imitate the brains abilities, but without success. Now a growing number of designers believe they have the answer: if a computer is to function more like a person and less like an over-grown calculator it must be built more like a brain, which distributes information across a vast interconnected web of nerve cells, or neurons.Conventional computers function by following a chainlike sequence of detailed instructions. Although very fast, their processors can perform only one task at a time. This approach works best in solving problems that can be broken down into simpler logical pieces. The processors in a neural-network computer, by contrast, form a network much like the nerve cells in the brain. Since these artificial neurons are interconnected, they can share information and perform tasks at the same time. This two-dimensional approach works best at recognizing patterns.Instead of programming a neural-network computer to make decisions, its maker trains it to recognize patterns in any solution to a problem by repeatedly feeding examples to the machine.Neural networks come in all shapes and sizes. Until now most existed as software simulations(模拟品)because redesigning computer chips took a lot of time and money. By experimenting with different approaches through software rather than hardware, scientists have been able to avoid costly mistakes. 1.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that the most advanced supercomputer ( ).2.What is NOT true of a conventional computer?3.The main feature of a neural-network computer is that( ) .4.The expression this two-dimensional approach in the second paragraph refers to ( ).5.Scientists use software rather than hardware in their experiments because ( ) .问题1选项A.can recognize a face and read a handwritten noteB.can learn from its mistakesC.weighs only 3 poundsD.cannot distribute information across an interconnected web of nerve cells问题2选项A.It must be programmed before it works.B.It can only solve one problem at a time.C.It is good at solving one problem at a time.D.It is trained to recognize patterns instead of making decisions.问题3选项A.its processors act as an interconnected web of neuronsB.it is programmed to make decisionsC.its networks are of all shapes and sizesD.its neurons are artificial问题4选项A.the conventional computer and the neural computerB.making decisions and recognizing patternsC.sharing information and performing tasksD.the computer and the human brain问题5选项A.it can avoid redesigning computer chipsB.it can save a lot of time and moneyC.it can avoid making mistakesD.it is more like the human brain【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.根据第一段最后一句if a computer is to function more like a person and less like an over-grown calculator it must be built more like a brain, which distributes information across a vast interconnected web of nerve cells, or neurons.可知选项D正确。2.根据第三段的内容可知选项D指的是neural-network computer而不是传统计算机。所以选项D正确。3.根据第二段第四句The processors in a neural-network computer, by contrast, form a network much like the nerve cells in the brain.相比之下, 神经网络计算机中的处理器形成的网络很像大脑中的神经细胞。选项A符合原文。4.根据第二段的最后两句可知, this two-dimensional approach指的是上文提到的share information and perform tasks。所以选项C正确。5.根据最后一段最后一句By experimenting with different approaches through software rather than hardware, scientists have been able to avoid costly mistakes.通过用软件而不是硬件来试验不同的方法, 科学家已经能够避免代价高昂的错误。选项B符合原文。10. 单选题There are several possible explanations for the greater job_in Japan in contrast to the great job mobility in the United States.问题1选项A.sensitivityB.creativityC.stabilityD.security【答案】C【解析】sensitivity敏感性; creativity创造性; stability稳定性; security安全性。句意:与美国巨大的工作流动性相比, 日本的工作稳定性更强有几种可能的解释。mobility的反义词为stability, 所以本题选C。11. 单选题The patients_symptoms to get appointments quicker and ask doctors to hide the truth from insurance companies.问题1选项A.feignB.obstructC.coinageD.conjure【答案】A【解析】feign假装, 捏造; obstruct阻隔, 妨碍;coinage造币; conjure祈求。句意:患者假装生病以便更快地得到预约, 并要求医生向保险公司隐瞒事实。选项A符合句意。12. 单选题If it is true that morality cannot exist without religion, then does not the erosion of religion herald the_of morality?问题1选项A.regulationB.basisC.beliefD.collapse【答案】D【解析】regulation管理, 规则; basis基础, 底部; belief信仰, 教义; collapse失败, 衰竭。句意:如果没有宗教, 道德就不可能存在, 那么宗教的侵蚀不就预示着道德的崩溃吗?选项D符合句意。13. 单选题As a person who combines care with_, Marisa completed her duties with_as well as zeal.问题1选项A.levity.resignationB.enthusiasm.meticulousnessC.vitality. willingnessD.empathy.rigor【答案】B【解析】levity.resignation轻率 屈从; enthusiasm.meticulousness热情 严谨; vitality.willingness活力 乐意; empathyrigor同情 严厉。句意:Marisa是一个细心与热情相结合的人, 她一丝不苟、兢兢业业地完成了自己的职责。选项B符合句意。14. 单选题Mark Moore, director of the Northwest Weather,warned skiers of the deadly avalanches that have_ the mountains of Washington state,killing nine people.问题1选项A.pummeledB.elaboratedC.executedD.alleged【答案】A【解析】pummel击, 打; elaborate详细描述; execute执行, 处死; allege宣称,断言。句意:西北气象局局长Mark Moore警告滑雪者, 致命的雪崩袭击了华盛顿州的山区, 造成9人死亡。选项A符合句意。15. 案例题Yoga,the ancient practice of postures, breathing and meditation, is gaining a lot of attention from the material world that its serious practitioners are trying to escape.Yoga practitioners are trying to keep themselves away from the material world.And no wonder. Americans who practice yoga are often well-educated, have higher-than -average household income and are willing to spend a bit more on so-called green purchases seen as benefiting the environment or society.Its kind of growing out of the crunchy stage of yoga to the Starbucks stage, said Bill Harper, publisher of Yoga Journal. From the videos and the clothes and the toe socks.people are pursuing this market with a vengeance. A glance through recent issues of his monthly magazine, whose readership has doubled in the past four years to 325,000, illustrates the point. There are four-color ads from the likes of Asics athletic shoes, Eileen fisher apparel and Ford Motor Co. Yoga Journal is now licensing a Russian edition and preparing to expand in other international markets. Americans spend some $2.95 billion a year on yoga classes, equipment, clothing, holidays, videos and more, according to a study commissioned by the magazine, fuelled in part by ageing baby boomers seeking less aggressive ways to stay fit.Roughly 16.5 million people were practising yoga in the United States early last year, in studios, gyms or at home, up 43 percent from 2002, the study found.Established sellers of yoga gear such as Hugger Mugger and Gaiam have been flooded with competition in the market for yoga mats, incense, clothing and fancy accoutrements ranging from designer yoga bags to eye pillows.Vancouver, British Columbia-based Lululemon Athletica, for one, has seen sales of its yoga apparel rise to $100 million since Canadian entrepreneur Chip Wilson founded the company in 1998. Customers are snapping up its trendy pants and tops to wear to class and, increasingly, to the supermarket or out to dinner.Another expanding business, Exhale, markets itself as a mindbodyspa, with tony locations in Los Angeles, New York and other urban areas that combine yoga classes with facials, massage and alternative treatments such as acupuncture.Some question how all the consumption is changing a discipline with a strong spiritual foundation.Weve taken this ancient tradition, science, and art of yoga out of a culture and a religion and world view and weve tried to transplant to the other side of the planet, said Judith Hanson Lasater, a longtime yoga instructor and author who holds a doctorate in East-West psychology. I believe theres not a complete match-up.Even so, several entrepreneurs stressed that they are able to adhere to yogas healing principles while also turning a profit.1.Use three words to describe the practice of yoga.()2.The large consumption of yoga related products shows that yoga has developed into( ).3.Why do baby boomers go for yoga practice?4.Give an example to show that the yoga clothing of Lululemon Athletica is in fashion.()5.How does Exhale promote its yoga Classes?【答案】1.Postures, breathing and meditation.2.A big market.3.Because they want to seek less aggressive ways to stay fit.4.Customers are snapping up its trendy pants and tops to wear to class and, increasingly, to the supermarket or out to dinner.5.Exhale markets itself as a “mindbodyspa , with tony locations in Los Angeles, New York and other urban areas that combine yoga classes with facials, massage and alternative treatments such as acupuncture.【解析】1.根据第一段的第一句“Yoga,the ancient practice of postures, breathing and meditation,.”瑜伽, 一种古老的体式、呼吸和冥想的练习。2.根据第四段的内容可知, 瑜伽相关用品的大量消费表明瑜伽发展成为了一个巨大的市场。3.根据第六段的最后一句“.fuelled in part by ageing baby boomers seeking less aggressive ways to stay fit.”因为他们寻求不那么激进的健身方式。4.根据关键词“Lululemon Athletica”定位到倒数第五段, 根据最后一句话可找到答案。5.根据原文倒数第四段可找到答案。16. 单选题Certain animal behaviors, such as mating rituals seem to be_, and therefore_external factors such as climate changes, food supply, or the presence of other animals of the same species.问题1选项A.learned.immune toB.innate.unaffected byC.intricate.belong toD.specific.confused with【答案】B【解析】learned.immune to学到的 不受感染; innate.unaffected by先天的 不受影响; intricate.belong to复杂的 属于; specific.confused with特定的 混淆。句意:某些动物的行为, 如交配仪式, 似乎是与生俱来的, 因此不受外部因素的影响, 如气候变化, 食物供应, 或其他动物相同物种的存在。选项B符合句意。17. 单选题The government recently presented an ambitious plan to tackle the violence and_that follow when too many people drink too much too quickly in too small an area.问题1选项A.alienationB.delimitationC.barenessD.mayhem【答案】D【解析】alienation疏远,转让; delimitation定界; bareness赤裸, 裸露; mayhem蓄意的破坏, 故意的伤害罪。句意:政府最近提出了一项雄心勃勃的计划,以解决在一个面积太小的地区,如果有太多的人饮酒太多太快而制造的暴力和混乱。选项D符合句意。18. 单选题Although he was not caught cheating on the exam, the feeling of guilt_over and over again.问题1选项A.ascendedB.conqueredC.securedD.recurred【答案】D【解析】ascended上升, 追溯; conquered战胜, 征服; secured安全的, 有把握的; recurred重现。句意:虽然他在考试中作弊没有被抓, 但他的负罪感还是一遍又一遍地浮现。选项D符合句意。19. 单选题Preliminary figures show Bibb Countys tax digest is slightly_with state guidelines,which could result in a fine of up to $100,000.问题1选项A.out for the countB.out and outC.out of blastD.out of whack【答案】D【解析】out for the count死的, 毁了的; out and out彻底地; out of blast停工, 停产; out of whack不一致; 不正常。句意:初步数据显示,比伯县的税务摘要与该州的指导方针略有出入,可能会被处以最高10万美元的罚款。选项D符合句意。20. 单选题What small businesses need to learn from larger competitors is how developing a dynamic learning environment _innovation, strengthens market position, and develops a true competitive advantage.问题1选项A.propelsB.restrainsC.prescribesD.improvises【答案】A【解析】propel推进, 驱使;restrain抑制, 制止;prescribe规定, 开处方; improvise临时准备,即兴创作。句意:小企业需要向大的竞争对手学习的是如何开发一个动态的学习环境来推动改革、巩固市场地位,并发展真正的竞争优势。选项A符合句意。


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