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小学五年级英语上册第三单元测试卷一、读一读,找出不同类的单词() B.potato C.pork() beans B.fish C.cabbage() B.tomato C.tofu B.healthy C.sweet()5.A.tomato B.potato C.eggplant二、将单词与图片连起来。 cabbage tofu fish apple eggplantgrapes green beans potato tomato mutton三、下面的单词缺字母了,后面的序号里给你准备了几个备用的,找出正确的填在括号里。( ) 1. sw_ _t A. ee B. ea C. ae ( ) 2. fr_ _ t A. ui B.ue C. ou( ) 3. s_ _ _ A. our B. ore C. oue( ) 4. to_ _ to A. ta B. ma C. pa( ) 5. eggpl_ _t A. en B. ea C. an四、选出你满意的,把序号填在前面的括号里。( ) 1. Whats _ favourite food? A. your B. you C. me ( ) 2. I dont like grapes. _sour A. they is B It is C. They are ( ) 3. What do you _ for dinner? A. have B. has C. had ( ) 4. Its a kind of vegetable. Its red. Its round. Its healthy. It_ A. an apple B. tomato C.had ( ) 5. What do you have_ dinner on Mondays. A. in B. on C. for ( ) 6. What do you have_Sundays. A. on B. in C. from ( ) 7. He _ mutton. A. like B. likes C. liked ( ) 8. Id like some _ A. fish B.fishs C. fishes ( ) 9. The banana is _ A. salty B. tasty C. sour ( ) 10. The beef is _salty. A. to B. too C. too much五、连连看,把下面的单词连成句子 1. would lunch for like what you ? 2. tofu fish and have I. 3. we Mondays have mutton cabbages and on ._ 4. have you do for lunch what ? 5. am I hungry . _六、 情景对话,给左边的问句选择正确的答语,把其编号写到左边的括号里。 ( ) 1. What do you have for lunch? A. Grapes ( ) 2. Whats your favourite food? B. Tofu ( ) 3. Whats you favourite fruit? C. Id like some beans. ( ) 4. What would you like? D. I have some tomato. ( ) 5. Do you like mutton? E. Yes , I do.七、阅读理解,根据对话内容判断下面句子的对错,正确的写“T”,不正确的写“”。Cook: Oh, its time for lunch. Look! This is the school menu(菜单). On Monday we have onions . On Tuesdays we have mutton and potatoes. On Wednesdays we have vegetable and pork. On Thursday we have chicken and tofu. On Fridays we have green beans and beef. What do you like , Amy? Amy: I like mutton. I like Tuesdays. Cook: What about you, Chen Jie? Chen Jie: I like beef . I like Friday!( ) 1. The children have lunch at school.( ) 2.They have mutton on Thursdays.( ) 3.They have chicken on Tuesdays.( ) 4. Amy likes Mondays.( ) 5.Chen Jie lkes Fridays.八、写一写你家里或学校的菜单,并写出你喜欢吃的食物和水果。 My Menu_


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