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2022年考博英语-浙江大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 翻译题1999年,中国开始进入老龄化社会。2004年年底, 60岁以上的人口达到1.43亿,占全国人口总数的10.97%。至此,中国成为世界上拥有最多老龄人口的国家。有专家说1990年到2033年是中国的“人口红利”(population bonus)期, 出生率下降,老龄人口还不算太多,这一时期是有助于经济发展的。2010年到2013年中国劳动力人口将达到9亿人,在这之后“红利”会变成“赤字”,也就是说,这以后需要照顾的老龄人口会迅速增加。据说2030年后的二十年是中国老龄化最严峻的时期。因此,要做好充分准备,好好利用人口红利期来解决严重的老龄化问题。有报告称,中国是典型的成为富裕国家前就面临老龄化社会的国家。这是长期的问题,也需要很长时间才能解决。中国一直坚持计划生育政策,人口增长的趋势得到了有效的控制。据估计,中国到2030年的总人口将达到14. 65亿,届时会面临老龄化和人口出生率下降两大压力,这也一定会给国家的经济和社会发展带来巨大的压力。这份报告还指出,中国在解决老龄化问题的意识、条件及法规上都严重滞后,因此,必须把这个问题的解决纳人到未来国家发展策略中。我们要及早关注老龄化人口的医疗资源,完善社会保障体系。在老龄人口达到顶峰前,建立一个健全的国家性社会保障机制。【答案】Since 1999, China has entered into a situation of the aging society. There will be 143 million Chinese aged 60 or over, accounting for 10. 97 percent of the population to the end of 2004. At this point, China became the country who have the largest number of Aging population. Some experts say that it is Chinas population bonus between 1990 and 2033 when birthrate is decreased and the number of old people is not too much, which helps to develop the economies.The total working age population will reach 900 million from 2010 to 2013. After that, the “population bonus” will turn “demographic deficit”, which means that caring for the increasing number of elderly people will grows rapidly. It is said that the worst of the crisis for Chinas aging population hit the twenty years after 2030. Therefore, we should be well prepared so as to deal with the serious problem of agedness by making full use of population dividend.China is the typical country facing the aging population before being rich one according to a report. Its going to be a perennial problem and could take a long time to resolve. China has stuck to its family-planning policy to efficiently control the tendency of increasing population. It is estimated that Chinas total population will reach 1.465 billion in 2030 when the government would face an aging population and a decreased birthrate, which will also block the development of economy and society.The report also points out that for china there are serious lags in the consciousness, the reality of conditions and the relevant regulations about aging population, and thus we should put it into the overall national development strategic layout. We should pay more attention to the medical resources on the aging populations as early as possible, improve the social safety net, and set up the all-sided guaranteeing system before the aging population reaches the peak.2. 单选题Before the ( ) of hospitals, the family or communal sauna (桑拿)was favored by Finished women for giving birth. Today, saunas are found in health clubs and gymnasiums around the world.问题1选项A.adventB.adventureC.advertD.advance【答案】A【解析】句意:在医院出现之前,产房妇女青睐于家庭或公共桑拿。今天,桑拿在世界各地的健身俱乐部和健身房随处可见。advent到来,出现;adventure冒险; advert谈到;advance发展,前进。选项A符合句意。3. 单选题As a result of the strike, the Government is urging people to be( )with electricity.问题1选项A.economicB.economicalC.economyD.economics【答案】B【解析】形近词辨析。economic经济学的;经济的;economical节俭的;经济的;economy经济的;廉价的;economics经济学。句意:政府敦促人们节约用电。选项B符合句意。4. 单选题The defence lawyer was questioning the old man who was one of the ( )of the murder committed last month.问题1选项A.witnessesB.audiencesC.viewersD.observers【答案】A【解析】句意:辩护律师正在询问上个月谋杀案的目击者之一的老人。witnesses表示目击者,符合句意。5. 单选题Although not an economist himself, Dr. Smith has long been a severe critic of the governments( )policies.问题1选项A.economicB.economicalC.economyD.economics【答案】A【解析】形近词辨析。economic经济学的,经济的;economical节约的,节俭的;economy经济;economics经济学。句意:虽然Smith博士本人不是经济学家,但他长期以来一直是政府经济政策的严厉批评者。选项A符合句意。6. 单选题The energy crisis, which is being felt around the world , has dramatized how the careless use of the earths resources has brought the whole world to the brink of disaster. The overdevelopment of motor transport, with its(1)of more cars, more highways , more pollution, more suburbs, more commuting, has(2)to the near-destruction of our cities, and the pollution not only of(3)air , but also of the earth satmosphere. The disaster has arrived in the(4)of the energy crisis.Our present(5)is unlike war, revolution or depression. It is also unlike the great natural disasters of the past. Worldwide resources(6) and energy use have brought us to a state(7)long-range planning is essential. What we need is not a continuation of our present serious state, which(8) the future of our country, our children, and our earth,(9)a movement forward to a new norm in order to work rapidly and effectively on planetary problems.This country has been falling back under the continuing exposures of loss of(10) . There is a strong demand for moral revival and(11)some devotion that is vast enough and yet(12)enough to enlist the devolution of all. In the past it has been only in a war in(13)of their own country(14)any people have been able to(15)themselves wholeheartedly.This is the first time we have been asked to defend ourselves and what we hold dear in(16)with all the other inhabitants of this planet, who(17)with us the same endangered air and the same endangered oceans. There is a(18)need to reassess our present course, and to(19)new methods through which the world can survive. This is priceless(20).问题1选项A.manufactureB.increaseC.presenceD.expansion问题2选项A.attributedB.contributedC.amountedD.brought问题3选项A.urbanB.ruralC.localD.downtown问题4选项A.formB.caseC.eventD.course问题5选项A.surroundingB.environmentC.circumstanceD.situation问题6选项A.exploitationB.explorationC.explosionD.exposition问题7选项A.thatB.whyC.whenD.where问题8选项A.influencesB.endangersC.restrainsD.transforms问题9选项A.butB.yetC.orD.and问题10选项A.responsibilityB.conscienceC.moralityD.dedication问题11选项A.ofB.byC.withD.for问题12选项A.personalB.collectiveC.compulsoryD.unanimous问题13选项A.protectionB.defenseC.rescueD.maintenance问题14选项A.whenB.whyC.thatD.what问题15选项A.engageB.donateC.sacrificeD.devote问题16选项A.comparisonB.accordanceC.cooperationD.connection问题17选项A.regulateB.exhaustC.dominateD.share问题18选项A.mutualB.commonC.universalD.general问题19选项A.deviseB.alterC.initiateD.modify问题20选项A.challengeB.opportunityC.attemptD.notion【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:C第4题:A第5题:D第6题:A第7题:D第8题:B第9题:A第10题:C第11题:D第12题:A第13题:B第14题:C第15题:D第16题:C第17题:D第18题:B第19题:A第20题:B【解析】(1)根据原文:汽车运输的过度发展,伴随着更多的汽车,更多的高速公路,更多的污染,更多的郊区,更多的通勤,已经导致了我们城市几乎毁灭。选项B符合句意。(2)contributed to导致;attributed to归因于;amounted总计。句意:所有的这些因素导致了城市的近乎毁灭。选项B符合句意。(3)根据原文:不仅污染了当地的空气,而且污染了地球的大气层。选项C包括了其他三个选项,所以更符合原文。(4)in the form of以的形式。这里指这场灾难以能源危机的形式出现。(5)surrounding环境,周围的食物;environment多指自然环境;circumstance境遇;situation情形,情况。句意:我们现在的情况不同于战争、革命或萧条。选项D更符合原文。(6)exploitation开发,开采;exploration探测;explosion爆炸,爆发;exposition展览会。根据原文,这里应该指对资源的开采,选项A正确。(7)先行词是state,where在这里引导主语从句,修饰state。(8)influences影响;endangers 危及;restrains限制;transforms变换,变形。根据原文,这里指由于资源和能源的过度使用,这种状态已经危及到了国家、儿童以及地球的未来,所以选项B正确。(9)根据原文:我们需要的不是继续我们目前严重的状态,而是朝着一种新的规范前进,以便迅速和有效地解决问题。根据上下文可知,这里为转折的关系。选项A符合句意。(10)responsibility责任,义务;conscience良心,道德心;morality道德,美德;dedication奉献。根据原文,这个国家在道德丧失的持续暴露下一直在倒退。选项C符合原文。(11)根据句意可知,and连接并列句,前面是demand for,后面也应该填介词for。(12)personal个人的,亲自的;collective集体的,共同的;compulsory必修的,强制的;unanimous全体一致的。(13)in defense of country保卫国家,为固定搭配。(14)这里为强调句,所以用that引导,不充当任何成分。(15)根据原文:在过去,只有在保卫自己的国家的战争中,任何人都能全心全意地献身于自己的国家。选项D符合原文。(16)comparison比较;accordance一致,和谐;connection连接,关系;in cooperation with与合作。句意:这是我们第一次被要求与地球上所有其他居民合作,保卫我们自己和我们珍视的东西。选项C符合句意。(17)share with sb. 与共享,共同拥有。句意:这些居民与我们共享着同样濒危的空气和同样濒危的海洋。只有选项D能与介词with搭配。(18)mutual彼此的,相互的;universal普遍的;general一般的。这里指共同的需要。(19)devise设计,想出;alter改变;initiate发起,创始;modify修改。想出新的方法。选项A符合原文。(20)challenge 挑战;opportunity 机会,时机;attempt 企图,尝试;notion概念。这是一个无价的机会。选项B符合原文。7. 单选题The belief that the universe is improving and that good will ( ) triumph over evil prevails.问题1选项A.ultimatelyB.conclusivelyC.feasiblyD.terminally【答案】A【解析】ultimately最后,根本,基本上; conclusively 最后地,决定性地; feasibly可行地; terminally最后,在末端,致命地。句意:宇宙正在进步,正义终将战胜邪恶的信念盛行。选项A符合句意。8. 单选题His birthday was( )in a big hotel and attended by about 200 people.问题1选项A.inspectedB.installedC.celebratedD.interfered【答案】C【解析】动词词义辨析。根据句意可知句中是指庆祝生日,所以选项C正确。inspect调查,检查;install安装;interfere干涉,妨碍。9. 翻译题与你的个人外表和自我态度一样,你做生意的方式也可以使客户产生良好的印象。当拜访客户时,很重要的一点是谈话开门见山。他并不会真的对你所谈论的天气情况,前一天晚 上的总统演说,或是星期天的橄榄球赛感兴趣。他也不会对你夸奖他的西装好看,和墙上的照片中他女儿的模样令人倾倒感兴趣。这样的闲聊是一种不真诚的表现形式,而且侵占了他的时间。我一直认为直截了当是最有效的,因此我向你保证任何一个商人都会因为你能这样做而对你尊重有加。正如外表决定了人的第一印象,外表也同样决定了产品、地点以及公司的第一印象。比方说,你也许注意到了生意兴隆饭店的泊车服务生会把劳斯莱斯、奔驰、凯迪拉克等 汽车停在最显眼的位置,这样你在走向饭店门口的时候一定会看到它们。我过去以为这么做是因为有钱人给了更多的消费,但真实的原因是每个成功的饭店经营者都懂得良好的形象能推销食品。他想告诉公众:我们招待的是懂格调的客人。因此,很明显,我们的食物一定是精心烹饪的。一个干净整洁的外表也表示你讲效率有条理 我所知道的公司无不希望拥有这样的形象。如果你曾经走进过汽车维修站一间干净而整齐的车库,我确信你会和我一样,认为把车留在那里进行维护感觉更舒服一些。【答案】Just like your personal appearance and attitude, the manner you adopt in doing business can also make a good impression on your customers. When visiting clients, its important to get right to the point. Hes not really interested in the weather youre talking about, the Presidents speech the night before, or Sundays football game. He wont be interested in you complimenting him on his suit or the way his daughter looks in the pictures on the wall. Such small talk was a form of insincerity and encroached on his time. I have always believed that it is most effective to be direct, so I can assure you that any businessman will respect you for being able to do so.Just as appearance determines a persons first impression, appearance also determines the product, place and companys first impression.For example, you may have noticed that the parking attendants at a thriving restaurant park rolls Royce, Mercedes Benz, Cadillac and other cars in the most prominent locations, so that you are sure to see them when you walk to the door of the restaurant. I used to think it was because rich people gave them more money, but the real reason is that every successful restaurateur knows that good looks sell food. He wanted to tell the public: were entertaining style-conscious guests. Therefore, it is obvious that our food must be carefully cooked.A clean and tidy appearance also indicates that you are efficient and organized an image that every company I know would like to have. If youve ever walked into a clean, tidy garage in a garage, Im sure youll agree with me that it feels better to leave your car there for maintenance.10. 单选题Job-related illnesses are growing in frequency. In 1985, there were 390,000 cases of illnesses that were job related, including lung and bladder(膀胱)cancers, skin ailments, emphysema(肺气肿), and heart disease. There were also 100,000 deaths. Many of these illnesses and deaths are attributable to chemically hazardous substances.An obvious approach to reducing occupational illnesses is to rid the workplace of the chemical agents or toxins that are the source of many of the problems. However, sometimes that is not financially feasible or technically possible. An alternative approach is to capitalize on the fact that not all individuals are equally susceptible to health hazards in the workplace. For example, until the early 1970s when strict safety standards were introduced, all workers in shipbuilding plants were exposed to excessively high levels of asbestos(石棉) dust, yet only some have, or will develop, respiratory problems such as asbestosis, lung cancer, and emphysema.Researchers have begun only a certain portion to attack the puzzling problem of work groups that are “hyper susceptible” to particular chemical agents or toxins. One approach is to use genetic information as a means of differentiating between those who will and will not have adverse reactions to the toxin. At present, there are several known genetic markers that signal an individuals predisposition to developing health problems in the presence of certain working conditions. For example, people with a pair of genes deficient in an enzyme called G-6-PD are more likely than others to experience a breakdown of red blood cells and consequent anemia(贫血)when they work with chemicals contained in TNT, or types of antimalarial drugs(抗疟药).Recent research also suggests that presence of a defective gene on the eleventh chromosome(染色体)reduces the bodys ability to remove excess cholesterol(胆固醇)deposits from artery walls(动脉壁), thus predisposing carriers of the gene to coronary artery(冠状动脉)disease. Presumably, individuals with this genetic anomaly(异常)would be more likely to have heart problems when stressful job situations are encountered than those without it.Accordingly, genetic screening is based on the premise that individuals have different genetic markers and some of these differences can be used to predict predisposition to occupational diseases. There is some evidence that certain companies have used the genetic screening to control the incidence of job-related illnesses. Some of the companies also had taken action as a result of the tests, including warning employees about potential health problems, transferring employees, suggesting that employees seek other jobs, using the data for replacement purposes, or changing the production process.1.The author states in the passage that chemically dangerous substances in the workplace( ) .2.The author gives an example of workers in shipbuilding plants( ).3.How many occupational diseases are listed in this passage?4.According to the passage, when a person has a defective gene on the eleventh chromosome, he or she is at the risk of developing ( ) .5.This passage is mainly about( ).问题1选项A.have nothing to do with occupational illnessesB.are responsible for many occupational illnessesC.play a minor role in bringing about such occupational diseases as lung cancer and emphysemaD.usually give rise to skin ailments问题2选项A.to show that workers are usually subject to bad working conditionsB.to prove there were no safety standards before 1970C.to warn workers against respiratory problemsD.to show that not all workers exposed to chemically dangerous substances are liable to occupational illnesses问题3选项A.SixB.SevenC.EightD.Nine问题4选项A.coronary artery diseaseB.pulmonary diseaseC.respiratory diseaseD.bladder cancer问题5选项A.how to reduce job-related diseaseB.the incidence of job-related diseasesC.genetic testing and the prevention of job- related diseasesD.the functions of genetic markers【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1.根据第一段的最后一句“Many of these illnesses and deaths are attributable to chemically hazardous substances.”许多这些工作相关的疾病和死亡可归因于化学危险物质。所以选项B正确。2.根据第二段的第三句“An alternative approach is to capitalize on the fact that not all individuals are equally susceptible to health hazards in the workplace.”另一种方法是利用并非所有人在工作场所同样容易受到健康危害这一事实。选项D符合原文。3.根据原文内容可知,第一段列举了lung and bladder cancers, skin ailments, emphysema, and heart disease等5种职业病以及第二段提及的asbestosis,所以一共是6种。选项A正确。4.根据第四段的第一句“Recent research also suggests that presence of a defective gene on the eleventh chromosome reduces the bodys ability to remove excess cholesterol deposits from artery walls, thus predisposing carriers of the gene to coronary artery disease.”选项A正确。5.结合全文内容可知,文章的主要内容是关于基因的测试研究以及职业病的预防。选项C更符合原文。11. 单选题Women want the same pay if they hold the same jobs as men. At home, however, they do not expect their husbands to ( ) in the housework.问题1选项A.doB.haveC.shareD.divide【答案】C【解析】句意:如果妇女从事与男子相同的工作,她们希望得到相同的报酬。然而,在家里,她们不指望丈夫分担家务。Share in为常用搭配,表示分享,分担。选项C符合句意。12. 单选题You many have ever entered a bookstore just to take ( ) from a sudden shower, but you found time spent there was very enjoyable.问题1选项A.shieldB.shelterC.avoidanceD.protection【答案】B【解析】take shelter from为固定搭配,意为躲避。句意:许多人进入书店只是为了躲避骤雨,但你们会发现在那里度过的时光是非常愉快的。13. 单选题During the past years the( )of automobiles accidents in New York City has decreased.问题1选项A.degreeB.quantityC.numberD.amount【答案】C【解析】近义词辨析。quantity可以形容可数名词或不可数名词,作为数量通常为抽象的概念;number 用于形容可数名词,表示数;amount用于形容不可数名词,表示量。选项C用在此处最恰当。句意:在过去几年里,纽约的汽车事故数量减少了。14. 单选题The two friends sat in a corner and( )away to each other about the weather.问题1选项A.talkedB.chattedC.mutteredD.whispered【答案】B【解析】固定搭配。mutter咕哝,喃喃自语;whisper低声说;chat away意为闲谈,其他选项均不能和away搭配使用。15. 单选题Since 1970, when Sultan Qaboos came to power and launched Omans development, poverty has been largely ( ) and modern medical care has been provided throughout the country.问题1选项A.eliminatedB.illuminatedC.limitedD.increased【答案】A【解析】eliminated消除,淘汰;illuminated启发。句意:自1970年苏丹卡布斯掌权并开始阿曼的发展以来,贫困已基本消除,全国各地都提供了现代医疗服务。选项A符合句意。16. 单选题Do you forget to turn off the lights and heaters when you go out of a room? In 2040 it (1 ) not matter. They will turn themselves off and on again when you(2 ). You will choose the temperatures for each room, the lighting and the humidity. A sensor (3 ) the presence of a human (and, with luck, ignore the dog!) and turn the systems on, and when the humans (4) it will turn them off again.The sensors will work through the central home computer and they will do (5 ) more than just turn the fires and lights on and (6 ) for you. They will detect(7 ) electrical appliances, plugs or switches, isolate them (8 ) they cannot harm anyone, and then (9 ) you that they need repair.They will detect fire and if you are out of the (10) , the computer will call the fire brigade. It will also (11) the police (12) the sensors detect(13) intruder. This will not be too difficult (14 )the locks on the outside doors will be electronic. You will open them using your personal card the one you use for shopping maybe using a(15) known only to you. It will be (16) to lose the keys, and a housebreaker will have to (17) with the lock or with a window. It is not very difficult to make such tampering and (18) a signal to the computer.The computer will be more than a fireman-policeman-servant. It will be an (19) , and most of your entertainment will come right into your home. It does now, of course, but by 2040“entertainment” will mean much more. For one thing, you will be able to take part (20), rather thanjust watching.问题1选项A.willB.doC.canD.could问题2选项A.go outB.returnC.run outD.go away问题3选项A.will detectB.detectC.detectedD.detecting问题4选项A.comeB.leaveC.stayD.stand问题5选项A.manyB.muchC.a lot ofD.all问题6选项A.offB.onC.awayD.in问题7选项A.faultB.faultlessC.faultyD.faultiness问题8选项A.so muchB.so thatC.in thatD.by that问题9选项A.warnsB.warnedC.warningD.warn问题10选项A.houseB.homeC.roomD.unit问题11选项A.sendB.takeC.bringD.call问题12选项A.shouldB.couldC.canD.would问题13选项A.aB.theC.anD.some问题14选项A.becauseB.whereC.whyD.how问题15选项A.figureB.amountC.numberD.sum问题16选项A.impossibleB.impos


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