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2022年考博英语-山东大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 写作题Describe children surfing the net briefly and give your comments.【答案】Nowadays, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. The Internet is a collection of various services and resources for people. Almost all households have access to the Internet ; however, before people connecting the Internet, they need to be aware of its disadvantages and advantages. Children of net users have become a big concern. Most parents do not realize the dangers involved when their children log onto the Internet. When children are online, they can easily be lured into something dangerous. When children talk to others online, they do not realize they could actually be talking to a harmful person. As a result, there have been many cases where children have been convinced to meet people they have talked with online. In addition, children may also receive pornography online by mistake; therefore, causing concern among parents everywhere. Whether surfing the Web, reading newsgroups, or using email, children can be exposed to extremely inappropriate material. Pornographic sites tend to make sure they are the first sites to be listed in any search area; thus, children come across such sites easily.We could control the issue from the following three aspects. First and foremost, parents are responsible for their own children on the Internet because there are available services to protect children. Further, to keep children safe, parents and teachers must be aware of the dangers. They must actively guide and guard their children online and should talk to children about what is online and what might happen online. In addition, the companies should develop a number of tools available today that may help keep the Internet environment safer for children. In other words, children want to explore things; however, there are people on the Internet that are just too persuasive.2. 单选题Scientists are searching for the oldest tree _ because it can teach them a great deal about many issues related with climate change.问题1选项A.livelyB.aliveC.livingD.live【答案】B【解析】同根词词义辨析。lively “活泼的,充满生气的”;alive “活着的”;living “现存的”;live “生动的”。句意:科学家正在寻找活着的古老的树,因为可以教他们许多有关于气候变化的问题。选项B符合题意。3. 单选题The boy was very naughty, his mother( )punishment to make him obey.问题1选项A.took advantageB.made useC.resorted toD.turned for【答案】C【解析】动词词组辨析。took advantage “利用”,与of搭配; made use “利用”,与of搭配; resorted to “ 诉诸”;turned for “逆转,转变”。句意:这个男孩很顽皮,他的妈妈诉诸于惩罚使他听话。选项C符合题意。4. 单选题The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases (1) the trial of Rosemary West. In a significant (2) of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a (3) bill that will propose making payments to witnesses (4) and will strictly control the amount of (5)that can be given to a case (6) a trial begins. In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select committee, Lord Irvine said he (7 ) with a committee report this year which said that self-regulation did not (8) sufficient control. (9) of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a (10)of media protest when he said the(11)of privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to judges (12) to parliament. The Lord Chancellor said introduction of the Human Rights Bill, which ( 13) the European convention on Human Rights legally (14) in Britain, laid down that everybody was (15 ) to privacy and that public figures could go to court to protect themselves and their families. “Press freedoms will be in safe hands ( 16) our British judges,” he said. Witness payments became an (17 ) after West was sentenced to 10 life sentences in 1995. Up to 19 witnesses were (18) to have received payments for telling their stories to newspapers. Concerns were raised. (19 ) witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to (20 )guilty verdicts.问题1选项A.as toB.for instanceC.in particularD.such as问题2选项A.tighteningB.intensifyingC.focusingD.fastening问题3选项A.sketchB.roughC.preliminaryD.draft问题4选项A.illogicalB.illegalC.improbableD.improper问题5选项A.publicityB.penaltyC.popularityD.peculiarity问题6选项A.sinceB.ifC.beforeD.as问题7选项A.sidedB.sharedC.compliedD.agreed问题8选项A.presentB.offerC.manifestD.indicate问题9选项A.ReleaseB.PublicationC.PrintingD.Exposure问题10选项A.stormB.rageC.flareD.flash问题11选项A.translationB.interpretationC.exhibitionD.demonstration问题12选项A.better thanB.other thanC.rather thanD.sooner than问题13选项A.changesB.makesC.setsD.turns问题14选项A.bindingB.convincingC.restrainingD.sustaining问题15选项A.authorizedB.creditedC.entitledD.qualified问题16选项A.withB.toC.fromD.by问题17选项A.impactB.incidentC.inferenceD.issue问题18选项A.statedB.remarkedC.saidD.told问题19选项A.whatB.whenC.whichD.that问题20选项A.assureB.confideC.ensureD.guarantee【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A第6题:C第7题:D第8题:B第9题:B第10题:A第11题:B第12题:C第13题:B第14题:A第15题:C第16题:A第17题:D第18题:C第19题:D第20题:C【解析】(1)语法知识。as to “至于,关于”; for instance “例如”; in particular “尤其”; such as “例如”。句意:政府禁止收买证人,诸如罗斯玛丽韦斯特的审判这一类重大案件。根据句意和结构,选项D符合题意。(2)固定搭配。tightening “绷紧”; intensifying “加剧”; focusing “聚焦”; fastening “扣紧”。句意:对法律控制的加紧。tightening controls “加紧控制”。选项A符合题意。(3)近义词辨析。sketch “草图,素描”;rough “粗糙的,粗鲁的”;preliminary “初步的,预备的”;draft “草案,草稿”。句意:大法官将会提出一个法律草案。选项D符合题意。(4)形容词词义辨析。illogical “不合逻辑的”;illegal“不合法的”;improbable “未必会的,不太可能的”;improper “不适当的”。句意:使向证人付款成为非法行为。选项B符合题意。(5)名词词义辨析。publicity “宣扬,公开”; penalty “罚款”; popularity “普及”; peculiarity “特性”。句意:严格控制案件的公开程度。选项A符合题意。(6)介词词义辨析。根据文章意思,在审判开始前,严格控制案件的宣传度。选项C符合题意。(7)固定搭配。side “同意,支持”; share “分享”; comply “遵守”;agree “同意”。agree 和with 搭配。句意:Lord Irvine说他同意委员会的报告。选项D符合题意。(8)动词词义辨析。present “呈递,提出”;offer有“主动提出,提供”;manifest “表明,征服”;indicate “指示,暗示”。句意:自我调节没能提供足够的管控。选项B符合题意。(9)名词词义辨析。release “释放”; publication “发表,公开”;printing “打印”; exposure “曝光”。句意:两周后信发表了。选项B符合题意。(10)名词词义辨析。storm“政治、市场方面的动荡”;rage “愤怒”; flare “火光闪耀”;flash “突然闪现”。句意:Lord Irvine 掀起了一场媒体反抗风暴。选项A符合题意。(11)名词词义辨析。translation “翻译”;interpretation “ 解释,阐明”;exhibition “展览”,demonstration “表明,论证”。句意:包含于欧洲立法中的隐私权将由审判长解释。选项B符合题意。(12)词组辨析。better than “比更好”;other than “不同于;除了”; rather than “而不是”;sooner than “比更快”。句意:包含于欧洲立法中的隐私权将由议会解释而不是议会。选项C符合题意。(13)动词词义辨析。changes “改变”; makes “使”;sets “放置”; turns “转变”。句意:使欧洲人权公约在英国是具有合法约束力的。make后接双重宾语的用法。选项B符合题意。(14)形容词词义辨析。Binding “有约束力的”;convincing“令人信服的”;restraining“抑制的”;sustaining“维持的”。句意:使欧洲人权公约在英国具有合法约束力。选项A符合题意。(15)动词词义辨析。authorize“认可,批准”;credit “归因于”;entitle “使有权利”;qualify “使具有资格”。be entitled to “有权利”。句意:每个人都有隐私权。选项C符合题意。(16)固定搭配。be in safe hands with “因而安然无恙”。句意:新闻自由交由法官负责将会很安全。选项A符合题意。(17)名词词义辨析。impact “影响;冲突”;incident “小事件;插曲”;inference “推论,推理”;issue “问题;辩论”。句意:是否为证人付款变成了一个问题。选项D符合题意。(18)固定搭配。Be said to do sth. “据说”。句意:据说有多打达19名证人通过讲述自己的故事获得了报酬。选项C符合题意。(19)语法知识。that 做连词引导同位语从句。句意:关注点在于,证人将被鼓励在法庭上夸大自己的故事为了确保有罪判决。选项D符合题意。(20)动词词义辨析。assure “保证,担保”;confide “吐露”;ensure “确保”;guarantee“保证”,ensure guilty verdicts “确保有罪判决”。句意:证人将被鼓励在法庭上夸大自己的故事为了确保有罪判决。选项C符合题意。5. 单选题There is no( )evidence that the diplomatic relations will be restored to normal between these two countries.问题1选项A.tangibleB.touchableC.noticeableD.inevitable【答案】A【解析】形容词词义辨析。tangible “切实的”;touchable “可触摸的”;noticeable “显著的”;inevitable “不可避免的”。句意:没有确凿的证据证明这两个国家之间的关系将恢复正常。选项A符合题意。6. 单选题Stores and supermarkets have been( )with each other to attract customers.问题1选项A.strivingB.vyingC.conqueringD.sprouting【答案】B【解析】动词词义辨析。striving “奋斗,力争”;vying “使针锋相对”; conquering “战胜,征服”;sprouting “使发芽;使萌芽”。句意:商店和超市针锋相对,都想要吸引顾客。选项B符合题意。7. 单选题The fact that the earths surface heats _ provides a convenient way to divide it into temperature region.问题1选项A.infrequentlyB.irregularlyC.unsteadilyD.unevenly【答案】D【解析】副词词义解析。infrequently “很少发生地”;irregularly “不规则地”;unsteadily “不稳定地”;unevenly “不均衡地”。句意:事实就是地球表面加热不均衡提供了一种将其划分成多个温度区域的简便方法。选项D符合题意。8. 单选题Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25th _ the birth of Jesus Christ.问题1选项A.in accordance withB.in terms ofC.in favor ofD.in honor of【答案】D【解析】介词词组辨析。in accordance with “根据”;in terms of “就而言”;in favor of “喜欢”;in honor of “纪念;招待”。句意:12月25日圣诞节是基督教的一个神圣的日子,为了纪念耶稣的出生。选项D符合题意。9. 单选题The study of genetics has given rise to a profitable new industry called biotechnology. As the name (1), it combines biology and modem technology through such (2 ) as genetic engineering. Some of the new biotech companies, as they are called, (3 ) in agriculture and are working enthusiastically to patent (取得专利)seeds that give a high yield (产量),that (4 ) disease, drought and frost, and that reduce the need for dangerous chemicals. (5 )such goals could be achieved, it would be most beneficial. But some have raised (6 ) about genetically engineered crops. “In nature, genetic diversity (多样性)is created within certain limits,” says the book Genetic Engineering, Food and Our Environment. “A rose can be crossed (杂交)with a different kind of rose, but a rose will (7 )cross with a potato. Genetic engineering, on the other hand, usually involves taking genes from one species and inserting them into another in an attempt to (8 ) a desired property or character. This could mean, (9 ), selecting a gene which leads to the production of a chemical with antifreeze properties from an arctic fish, and joining it into a potato or strawberry to make it frost-resistant. It is now possible for plants to be engineered with genes(10 ) from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans. (11 ), then, biotechnology allows humans to break the genetic walls that(12 ) species. Like the green revolution, (13 ) some call the gene revolution(14 ) to the problem of genetic uniformity (千篇一律)- some say even more so (15 ) geneticists can employ techniques such (16 )cloning and organ culture, processes that produce perfectly(17) copies, or clones. Concerns about the biodiversity, therefore, remain. Genetically altered plants, however, raise new(18 ), such as the effects that they may have on us and the environment. “We are flying blindly into a new (19 ) of agricultural biotechnology with high hopes, few constraints, and little idea of the potential(20),” said science writer Jeremy Rifkin. 问题1选项A.suggestsB.recallsC.concernsD.advises问题2选项A.conceptsB.viewsC.techniquesD.courses问题3选项A.participateB.focusC.specializeD.involve问题4选项A.treatB.avoidC.opposeD.resist问题5选项A.IfB.UnlessC.SinceD.As问题6选项A.demandsB.topicsC.concernsD.lessons问题7选项A.sometimesB.neverC.frequentlyD.eventually问题8选项A.conveyB.transferC.selectD.collect问题9选项A.for exampleB.for one thingC.on one handD.in any case问题10选项A.resultedB.evolvedC.injectedD.taken问题11选项A.In contrastB.In thatC.In caseD.In essence问题12选项A.separateB.formC.createD.vary问题13选项A.whatB.whereC.asD.so问题14选项A.combinesB.contributesC.commandsD.breaks问题15选项A.thatB.becauseC.ifD.when问题16选项A.likeB.for exampleC.asD.is问题17选项A.resemblingB.alikeC.similarD.identical问题18选项A.issuesB.heightC.difficultiesD.goals问题19选项A.spotB.eraC.deadlineD.scheme问题20选项A.navigationsB.mysteryC.outcomesD.destinations【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A第6题:C第7题:B第8题:B第9题:A第10题:D第11题:C第12题:A第13题:A第14题:B第15题:B第16题:C第17题:D第18题:A第19题:B第20题:C【解析】(1)动词词义辨析。根据文章第一句,可知the name 指代第一句中的biotechnology,所以这个名字暗示了它是生物和现代技术的结合,选项A符合题意。(2)查上下文语义。根据上文,such指代前面提到的生物和现代技术,所以只有technique技术能概括前面的信息,选项C符合题意。(3)动词词组辨析。participate in “参加,分享”;focus on “集中于”;specialize in “专门研究 ”;involve in “参与,涉及”。句意:一些新的生物科技公司,专门研究农业方面的问题。选项C符合题意。(4)动词词义辨析。Treat “治疗,对待”;avoid “避免”;oppose “反对,对抗”;resist “抵抗”。句意:能够抵抗干旱、疾病和霜冻,并且减少对化学用品需求的种子。选项D符合题意。(5)逻辑关系。空格的这句和下一句应该是假设关系,if引导条件状语从句,句意:如果这些目标能够实现,那么将会是最大的好处。选项A符合题意。(6)固定搭配。concern about “对担心”,句意:一些人对转基因农作物越来越担心。选项C符合题意。(7)考查上下文语义。上文提到基因多样性是在特定范围内创建的,“A rose can be crossed (杂交)with a different kind of rose”,玫瑰可以和其他不同种类的玫瑰杂交,后面空格应该是表示转折,句意:但是玫瑰不能和土豆杂交。选项B符合题意。(8)动词词义辨析。convey “运达,传输”; transfer “转移”;select “选择”; collect “收集”。句意:从一种物种上获取基因,然后将其植入到另一物种中,尝试转移一种希望得到的特性。选项B符合题意。(9)考查上下文语义。根据上下文,用北极鱼防冻基因植入草莓土豆,使其也具有防冻特性的例子来说明了基因转移的过程。选项A符合题意。(10)动词词组辨析。resulted from “起因于”;evolved from “演变而来”;injected from “从注射”;taken from “从取出”。句意:现在用从病毒、细菌、昆虫、动物乃至人体中提取的基因来改造植物是可能的。选项D符合题意。(11)词组辨析。in contrast “与此相反”;in that “因为,由于”;in case “万一,假使”;in essence “本质上”。句意:假使生物技术允许人类打破基因墙。选项C符合题意。(12)动词词义辨析。separate “分离,分开” ;form “构成,形成” ;create “创造,造成” ;vary “改变,使多样化”。句意:生物技术使人们打破分隔物种的基因壁垒。选项A符合题意。(13)考查语法。空格应该是主语从句的引导词,句意:如同绿色革命一般,我们所说的基因革命有助于解决基因千篇一律的问题。有what引导主语从句。选项A符合题意。(14)固定搭配。contribute to “有助于”,句意:基因革命有助于解决基因千篇一律的问题。选项B符合题意。(15)逻辑关系。空格前后构成了因果关系。句意:因为遗传学者能采用技术,所以有助于解决基因千篇一律的问题选项B符合题意。(16)固定搭配。空格后面是举了克隆和器官培养的例子,所以用such as “比如”,选项C符合题意。(17)形容词词义辨析。resembling “像”,不是形容词,可排除 ;alike “相同的” ;similar “相似的”;identical “同一的,完全相同的”。文中是指完全相同的基因复制和克隆。选项D符合题意。(18)名词词义辨析。issues “问题”; height “高度”; difficulties “困难”;goals “目标”。句意:转基因植物可能带来新的问题。选项A符合题意。(19)名词词义辨析。spot “地点”;era “时代,年代”;deadline “最后期限”;scheme “计划”。句意:我们正盲目地飞向农业生物科学技术的新时代。选项B符合题意。(20)名词词义辨析。navigations “航海”;mystery “神秘”;outcomes “结果”;destinations “目的地”。句意:不知道会带来什么样的潜在结果。选项C符合题意。10. 单选题Too much( )to X-rays can cause skin burns, cancer or other damage to the body.问题1选项A.exposureB.disclosureC.contactD.connection【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。exposure to “暴露于”;disclosure “揭发”;contact “接触”;connection “联系”。句意:过多暴露在X射线下对皮肤有伤害,也可能导致癌症或者其他伤害。选项A符合题意。11. 单选题Whether the eyes are “the windows of the soul” is debatable, that they are intensely important in interpersonal communication is a fact. During the first two months of a babys life, the stimulus that produces a smile is a pair of eyes. The eyes need not be real: a mask with two dots will produce a smile. Significantly, a real human face with eyes covered will not motivate a smile, nor will the sight of only one eye when the face is presented in profile. This attraction to eyes as opposed to the nose or mouth continues as the baby matures. In one study, when American four-year-olds were asked to draw people, 75 percent of them drew people with mouths, but 99 percent of them drew people with eyes. In Japan, however, where babies are carried on their mothers back, infants do not acquire as much attachment to eyes as they do in other cultures. As a result, Japanese adults make little use of the face either to encode or decode meaning. In fact, Argyle reveals that the “proper place to focus ones gaze during a conversation in Japan is on the neck of ones conversation partner”.The role of eye contact in a conversational exchange between two Americans is well defined: speakers make contact with the eyes of their listener for about one second, then glance away as they talk; in a few moments they re-establish eye contact with the listener or reassure themselves that their audience is still attentive, then shift their gaze away once more. Listeners, meanwhile, keep their eyes on the face of the speaker, allowing themselves to glance away only briefly. It is important that they be looking at the speaker at the precise moment when the speaker reestablishes eye contact: if they are not looking, the speaker assumes that they are disinterested and either will pause until eye contact is resumed or will terminate the conversation. Just how critical this eye maneuvering is to the maintenance of conversational flow becomes evident when two speakers are wearing dark glasses: there may be a sort of traffic jam of words caused by interruption, false starts, and unpredictable pauses.1.The author is convinced that the eyes are_ .2.Babies will not be stimulated to smile by a person_ .3.According to the passage, the Japanese fix their gaze on their conversation partners neck because_.4.According to the passage, a conversation between two Americans may break down due to_.5.To keep a conversation flowing smoothly, it is better for the participants_.问题1选项A.of extreme importance in expressing feelings and exchanging ideasB.something through which one can see a persons inner worldC.of considerable significance in making conversations interestingD.something the value of which is largely a matter of long debate问题2选项A.whose front view is fully perceivedB.whose face is covered with a maskC.whose face is seen from the sideD.whose face is free of any covering问题3选项A.they dont like to keep their eyes on the face of the speakerB.they need not communicate through eye contactC.they dont think it polite to have eye contactD.they didnt have much opportunity to communicate through eye contact in babyhood问题4选项A.one temporarily glancing away from the otherB.eye contact of more than one secondC.improperly-timed ceasing of eye contactD.constant adjustment of eye contact问题5选项A.not to wear dark spectaclesB.not to make any interruptionsC.not to glance away from each otherD.not to make unpredictable pauses【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.细节理解题。根据文章第一段,“they are intensely important in interpersonal communication is a fact.”,说明作者认为眼睛在人与人之间的交往中是相当重要的。选项A符合题意。 2.细节理解题。根据文章第一段,“face with eyes covered will not motivate a smile, nor will the sight of only one eye when the face is presented in profile.”,说明被遮住眼睛的脸以及侧脸不会使婴儿发笑。选项C符合题意。 3.推断题。根据文章第一段,“infants do not acquire as much attachment to eyes as they do in other cultures.”,在日本,婴儿对眼睛的依恋不像其他国家那样强烈,说明因为在婴儿时期不会有太多机会接触眼神交流。选项D符合题意。 4.推断题。根据文章第二段,“if they are not looking, the speaker assumes that they are disinterested and either will pause”,说明美国人在交谈时,一定要看着讲话人,不然对方就会以为你对谈话不感兴趣而暂停下来。选项C符合题意。 5.细节理解题。根据文章最后一句,“Just how critical this eye maneuvering is to the maintenance of conversational flow becomes evident when two speakers are wearing dark glasses”,说明谈话时戴深色眼睛会带来一系列不好的影响。选项A符合题意。 12. 单选题The UN official said aid programs will be _ until there is adequate protection for relief personnel.问题1选项A.multipliedB.arrestedC.spannedD.suspended【答案】D【解析】动词词义辨析。multiple “增加”;arrest “逮捕”;span “跨越”;suspend “推迟,延缓”。句意:这位联合国官员说救援项目将会被推迟,直到对救援人员有足够的保护为止。选项D符合题意。13. 单选题The most frustrating periods of any diet are the inevitable _, when weight loss _ if not stops.问题1选项A.moods. acceleratesB.feasts. haltsC.holidays. contractsD.plateaus. slows【答案】D【解析】名词和动词词义辨析。mood “情绪,语气”;feast “筵席,宴会”;holiday “度假”;plateaus “高原,停滞时期”。accelerate “加速,促进”;halt “停止”;contract “感染,订约”;slow “放慢,阻碍”。句意:任何节食中最令人沮丧的时期是不可避免的停滞时期,如果不停止,体重下降会放慢。选项D符合题意。14. 单选题To survive in the intense trade competition between countries, we must _ the qualities and varieties of products we make to the


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