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2022年考博英语-广东工业大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题For me the most interesting thing about a solitary life, and mine has been that for the blast twenty years, is that it becomes increasingly rewarding. When I can wake up and watch the sun rises over the ocean, as I do most days, and know that I have an entire day ahead, uninterrupted, in which to write a few pages, take a walk with my dog, read and listen to music, I am flooded with happiness.I am lonely when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up. And I am lonely sometimes when I come back home after a lecture trip, when I have seen a lot of people and talked a lot, and am full to the brim with experience that needs to be sorted out.Then for a while the house feels huge and empty, and I wonder where my self is hiding. It has to be recaptured slowly by watering the plants and, perhaps, by looking again at each one as though it was a person.It takes a while, as I watch the surf blowing up in fountains, but the moment comes when the world falls away, and the self emerges again from the deep unconscious, bringing back all I have recently experienced to be explored and slowly understood.【答案】对我来说,独自生活最有趣的事情是生活变得越来越有价值,我已经这样独自生活了二十年。正如我大多数日子做的那样,当我醒来,看着太阳从海平面升起,我已经提前知道了这一整天(的计划),不会被打搅,写几页文字,和我的狗散步,读读书,听听音乐,我充满了幸福。当我过度劳累、长时间不间断地工作或者一时感到空虚需要充实时,我就会感到孤独。有时,当我结束了演讲之旅回到家中,我会感到孤独,因为我见了很多人,说了很多话,心里充满了需要整理的经历。之后有那么一段时间,我觉得房子又大又空,不知道自己藏在了哪里。我只得给植物浇浇水,或许再像看人一样,看看它们的千姿百态,慢慢地找回自我。有那么一小会儿,我看着那喷泉里飞溅的浪花,但当世界逐渐消失时,那一刻就来临了,自我又从潜意识的深处再次浮现,带着这几天的经历去探究,然后慢慢领悟。2. 单选题According to the Brand Finance Nation Brands report, the US is more than three times that of 2nd placed China, whose brand value( )at $6.35 trillion.问题1选项A.goes inB.comes inC.adhere toD.adapt to【答案】B【解析】A选项goes in表示“参加,被云遮住,放得进”;B选项comes in表示“进来,到达,流行起来”;C选项adhere to表示“坚持,粘附,拥护,追随”;D选项adapt to表示“使自己适应于”。分析句子结构可知,whose引导定语从句修饰先行词China,从句中主语为brand value(品牌价值),缺少谓语动词,由此可判断只有B选项的含义最符合原文句意。故本题正确答案为B选项。句意:根据品牌财经国家品牌报告可知,美国的品牌价值是排在第二的中国的三倍多,中国的品牌价值达到了6.35万亿美元。3. 单选题An old saying has it that half of all advertising budgets are wasted-the trouble is, no one knows which half. In the internet age, at least in theory, this fraction can be much reduced. By watching what people search for, click on and say online, companies can aim “behavioral” ads at those most likely to buy.In the past couple of weeks a quarrel has illustrated the value to advertisers of such fine-grained information: Should advertisers assume that people are happy to be tracked and sent behavioral ads? Or should they have explicit permission?In December 2010 Americas Federal Trade Commission(FTC. proposed adding a do not track (DNT)option to internet browsers, so that users could tell advertisers that they did not want to be followed. Microsofts Internet Explorer and Apples Safari both offer DNT; Googles Chrome is due to do so this year. In February the FTC and Digital Advertising Alliance(DAA. agreed that the industry would get cracking on responding to DNT requests.On May 31st Microsoft set off the row: It said that Internet Explorer 10, the version due to appear windows 8, would have DNT as a default.It is not yet clear how advertisers will respond. Getting a DNT signal does not oblige anyone to stop tracking, although some companies have promised to do so. Unable to tell whether someone really objects to behavioral ads or whether they are sticking with Microsofts default, some may ignore a DNT signal and press on anyway.Also unclear is why Microsoft has gone it alone. After all, it has an ad business too, which it says will comply with DNT requests, though it is still working out how. If it is trying to upset Google, which relies almost wholly on default will become the norm. DNT does not seem an obviously huge selling point for windows 8-though the firm has compared some of its other products favorably with Googles on that count before. Brendon Lynch, Microsofts chief privacy officer, blogged: we believe consumers should have more control. Could it really be that simple?1. Paragraph 1 suggests that “behavioral” ads help advertisers to( ).2. “The industry”(Line 5, Para.3)refers to( ).3. The author holds that setting DNT as a default( ).4. According to Paragraph6,( ).5. The authors attitude towards what Brendon Lynch said in his blog is one of( ).问题1选项A.ease competition among themselvesB.avoid complaints from consumersC.provide better online servicesD.lower their operational costs问题2选项A.online advertisersB.e-commerce conductorsC.digital information analysisD.internet browser developers问题3选项A.may cut the number of junk adsB.fails to affect the ad industryC.may not benefit consumersD.goes against human nature问题4选项A.DNT may not serve its intended purposeB.advertisers are willing to implement DNTC.DNT is losing its popularity among consumersD.advertisers are obliged to offer behavioral ads问题5选项A.indulgenceB.skepticismC.appreciationD.understanding【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:C第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。由第一段“An old saying has it that half of all advertising budgets are wasted-the trouble is, no one knows which half. In the internet age, at least in theory, this fraction can be much reduced. By watching what people search for, click on and say online, companies can aim “behavioral” ads at those most likely to buy. 有句老话说,所有广告预算的一半都浪费了问题是,没人知道是哪一半。在互联网时代,至少在理论上,这个比例可以大大降低。通过观察人们在网上搜索、点击和发言的内容,公司可以针对那些最有可能购买的人投放“行为”广告。由此可知行为广告能降低运营成本。故D项正确。2.词义题。由第三段第一句话“In December 2010 Americas Federal Trade Commission(FTC. proposed adding a do not track (DNT)option to internet browsers, so that users could tell advertisers that they did not want to be followed. 2010年12月,美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC.提议在互联网浏览器中增加“禁止追踪”(DNT)选项,这样用户就可以告诉广告商他们不希望被跟踪。”以及“In February the FTC and Digital Advertising Alliance(DAA. agreed that the industry would get cracking on responding to DNT requests.” 今年2月,联邦贸易委员会和数字广告联盟(DAA.一致认为,该行业将着手应对DNT请求。由上文可知FTC以及IE等同意在浏览器中增加DNT选项,故the industry就是指代上文提到的互联网浏览器。3.判断推理题。由第五段“It is not yet clear how advertisers will respond. Getting a DNT signal does not oblige anyone to stop tracking, although some companies have promised to do so. Unable to tell whether someone really objects to behavioral ads or whether they are sticking with Microsofts default, some may ignore a DNT signal and press on anyway. 目前尚不清楚广告客户将如何回应。获得DNT信号并不意味着任何人都必须停止跟踪,尽管一些公司已经承诺这样做。由于无法判断用户是真的反对行为性广告,还是坚持使用微软的默认设置,一些企业可能会忽略DNT信号,继续按下按钮。据此可知在网络浏览器中增加DNT选项并不意味着用户的浏览记录不会被追踪,也就是说用户可能不会真正从中受益。故C项正确。4.判断推理题。由第六段“Also unclear is why Microsoft has gone it alone. After all, it has an ad business too, which it says will comply with DNT requests, though it is still working out how. If it is trying to upset Google, which relies almost wholly on default will become the norm. 同样不清楚的是,微软为什么要单干。毕竟,它也有自己的广告业务,它说自己会遵守DNT请求,尽管它仍在研究如何做到这一点。如果它试图扰乱谷歌的话,那么它几乎完全依赖DNT默认设置将成为常态。由此可知微软将DNT作为浏览器默认设置的目的并不是不记录用户的轨迹,而是想扰乱它的竞争者比如谷歌,所以偏离了DNT的初衷。故A项正确。5.观点态度题。由题干定位到本文最后一句“Brendon Lynch, Microsofts chief privacy officer, blogged: we believe consumers should have more control. Could it really be that simple? 微软首席隐私官Brendon Lynch在博客中写道:“我们相信消费者应该有更多的控制权。”真的有那么简单吗?”从Could it really be that simple?可知作者是持怀疑态度。故B项正确。4. 单选题Of all the components of a good nights sleep, dreams seem to be least within our control. In dreams, a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak. A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears; by the late 1970s, neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just “mental noise”- the random byproducts of the neural-repair work that goes on during sleep. Now researchers suspect that dreams are part of the minds emotional thermostat, regulating moods while the brain is “off-line”. And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better. “Its your dream,” says Rosalind Cartwright, chair of psychology at Chicagos Medical Center. “If you dont like it, change it.”Evidence from brain, imaging supports this view. The brain is as active during REM(rapid eye movement)sleep - when most vivid dreams occur as it is when fully awake, says Dr. Eric Nofzinger at the University of Pittsburgh. But not all parts of the brain are equally involved; the limbic system(the “emotional brain”)is especially active, while the prefrontal cortex(the center of intellect and reasoning)is relatively quiet. “We wake up from dreams happy or depressed, and those feelings can stay with us all day,” says Stanford sleep researcher Dr. William Dement.The link between dreams and emotions shows up among the patients in Cartwrights clinic. Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day. Because our conscious mind is occupied with daily life, we dont always think about the emotional significance of the days events until, it appears, we begin to dream.And this process need not be left to the unconscious. Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams. As soon as you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream. Visualize how you would like it to end instead; the next time it occurs, try to wake up just enough to control its course. With much practice people can learn to, literally, do it in their sleep.At the end of the day, theres probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleeping or “we wake up in a panic,” Cartwright says. Terrorism, economic uncertainties and general feelings of insecurity have increased peoples anxiety. Those suffering from persistent nightmares should seek help from a therapist. For the rest of us, the brain has its ways of working through bad feelings. Sleepor rather dream on it and youll feel better in the morning.1. Researchers have come to believe that dreams( ).2. By referring to the limbic system, the author intends to show( ).3. The negative feelings generated during the day tend to( ).4. Cartwright seems to suggest that( ).5. What advice might Cartwright give to those who sometimes have bad dreams?问题1选项A.can be modified in their coursesB.are susceptible to emotional changesC.reflect our innermost desires and fearsD.are a random outcome of neural repairs问题2选项A.its function in our dreamsB.the mechanism of REM sleepC.the relation of dreams to emotionsD.its difference from the prefrontal cortex问题3选项A.aggravate in our unconscious mindB.develop into happy dreamsC.persist till the time we fall asleepD.show up in dreams early at night问题4选项A.waking up in time is essential to the ridding of bad dreamsB.visualizing bad dreams helps bring them under controlC.dreams should be left to their natural progressionD.dreaming may not entirely belong to the unconscious问题5选项A.Lead your life as usual.B.Seek professional help.C.Exercise conscious control.D.Avoid anxiety in the daytime【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。由第一段And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better. 一位权威人士表示,我们不仅可以利用这些强烈的精神活动,还可以有意识地控制它们,帮助我们睡眠,让我们感觉更好。可知梦是可以被人们有意识地控制的。A项正确。2.细节事实题。the limbic system(the “emotional brain”)is especially active, while the prefrontal cortex(the center of intellect and reasoning)is relatively quiet. “We wake up from dreams happy or depressed, and those feelings can stay with us all day,” says Stanford sleep researcher Dr. William Dement. 边缘系统(“情绪大脑”)特别活跃,而前额叶皮层(智力和推理的中心)相对安静。斯坦福大学睡眠研究员威廉德门特博士说:“我们从梦中醒来时可能会感到高兴,也可能会感到沮丧,这些感觉可能会伴随我们一整天。”作者先介绍了这两个大脑区域,然后引用Dr. William Dement的话来解释梦与情绪的关系。故C项正确。3.细节事实题。由第三段Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day. 大多数人似乎在深夜做了更多的噩梦,然后在醒来之前会逐渐做一些更快乐的梦,这表明他们正在消解白天产生的消极情绪。据此可知白天的消极情绪会转化为深夜的噩梦。D项正确。4.细节事实题。由第三段 And this process need not be left to the unconscious. Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams. 这个过程不需要处于无意识状态的。卡特莱特认为,人们可以有意识地控制反复出现的噩梦。可知梦并不总是属于无意识的,通过一定的训练,人们可以有意识地控制梦。故D项正确。5.细节事实题。由题干定位到最后一段 For the rest of us, the brain has its ways of working through bad feelings. Sleepor rather dream on it and youll feel better in the morning. 对于其他的人来说,大脑有自己的方式来处理不好的感觉。睡一觉或者干脆做个梦早上醒来你就会感觉好一些。可知Cartwright建议偶尔做噩梦的人顺其自然,因为大脑可以处理不好的感觉。故A项正确。5. 单选题According to BTs futurologist, Ian Pearson, these are among the developments scheduled for the first few decades of the new millennium period of 1,000 years), when supercomputers will dramatically accelerate: progress in all areas of life. Pearson has(1)together to work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a(2)millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key(3)and discoveries to take place. Some of the biggest developments will be in medicine, including an(4)life expectancy and dozens of artificial organs(5)into use between now and 2040.Pearson also(6)a breakthrough in computer human links. By linking(7)to our nervous system, computers could pick up(8)we feel and, hopefully, simulate(9)too so that we can start to(10)full sensory environments, rather like the holidays in Total Recall or the Star Trek holodeck, he says.But that, Pearson points(11), is only the start of man-machine(12):It will be the beginning of the long process of integration that will(13)lead to a fully electronic human before the end of the next century. “(14)his research, Pearson is able to put dates to most of the breakthroughs that can be predicted. However, there are still no (15)for when faster-than-light travel will be(16), or when human cloning will be perfected, or when time travel will be possibly.But he does(17)social problems as a result of technological advances. A boom in neighborhood surveillance cameras will, for example,(18)problems in 2010, while the arrival of synthetic(19)robots will mean people may not be able to(20)between their human friends and the droids. And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder- kitchen rage.问题1选项A.takenB.piecedC.keptD.made问题2选项A.complicatedB.delicateC.subtleD.unique问题3选项A.breakthroughsB.findingsC.eventsD.incidents问题4选项A.expandedB.extendedC.enlargedD.enriched问题5选项A.beingB.becomingC.carryingD.coming问题6选项A.schedulesB.plansC.predictsD.designs问题7选项A.directlyB.instantlyC.preciselyD.automatically问题8选项A.thatB.howC.whatD.all问题9选项A.thinkingB.hearingC.sightD.feeling问题10选项A.formB.developC.findD.undertake问题11选项A.outB.atC.toD.toward问题12选项A.programB.productionC.experimentD.integration问题13选项A.finallyB.ultimatelyC.utterlyD.absolutely问题14选项A.ThroughB.ThoughC.DuringD.By问题15选项A.forecastsB.articlesC.storiesD.meetings问题16选项A.advisableB.affordableC.availableD.valuable问题17选项A.solveB.aroseC.exerciseD.expect问题18选项A.confrontB.causeC.witnessD.collect问题19选项A.lovelyB.likelyC.lifelikeD.lively60.问题20选项A.distinguishB.differC.diagnoseD.deviate【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:D第6题:C第7题:A第8题:C第9题:D第10题:B第11题:A第12题:D第13题:B第14题:A第15题:A第16题:C第17题:D第18题:B第19题:A第20题:A【解析】1.考查动词词组。动词词组piece together表示拼凑,汇聚在一起。原文句意:皮尔森汇集了世界各地的数百名研究人员。故本题正确答案为B选项。2.考查形容词词义辨析。A选项complicated表示“复杂的”;B选项delicate表示“精致的,脆弱的”;C选项subtle表示“狡猾的,敏感的”;D选项unique表示“唯一的,独特的”。由原文可知,这些研究人员编制了一个( )千禧年的技术日历,列出了我们可以期待的数百项重要发现和发现发生的最迟日期。对比四个选项,只有unique含义最符合句意。因此,本题正确答案为D选项。3.考查名词词义辨析。A选项breakthrough表示“突破”;B选项finding表示“发现”;C选项event表示“事件”;D选项incident表示“事件,事变”。由后文中出现的biggest developments可知,这项技术日历罗列的内容与关键的突破和发现有关。因此,本题正确答案为A选项。4.考查形容词词义辨析。A选项expanded表示“膨胀的,扩张的”;B选项extended表示“伸出的,延长的”;C选项enlarged表示“放大的,扩大的”;D选项enriched表示“浓缩的,强化的”。空缺处形容词需要修饰life expectance,因此B选项最符合要求,故本题正确答案为B选项。5.考查固定搭配。动词短语come into use表示开始使用,其他选项均不符合搭配要求,故本题正确答案为D选项。6.考查动词词义辨析。A选项schedule表示“确定时间,安排日程”;B选项plan表示“计划”;C选项predict表示“预测”;D选项design表示“设计,构思”。根据原文第一段可知,这项技术日历能够预测关键突破和重大发现的时间。因此,本题正确答案为C选项。7.考查副词词义辨析。A选项directly表示“直接地”;B选项instantly表示“立即”;C选项precisely表示“精确地”;D选项automatically表示“自动地”。由原文可知,将电脑直接连接到人类的神经系统,电脑就可以检测到人类的感受如何。因此本题正确答案为A选项。8.考查宾语从句。空缺处部分既要做宾语从句引导词又要做从句部分的宾语,因此只可以选择what。9.考查上下文语境。电脑能够检测到人体的感受,并有希望模拟人类感受。因此本题正确答案为D选项。10.考查动词词义辨析。原文讲到通过与神经系统相连,电脑可以识别出人类的感受,并将之模拟,这样人类就可以开始着手研究全感官环境。因此本题正确答案为B选项。11.考查动词词组。动词词组point out表示“指出,指明”,因此本题正确答案为A选项。12.考查名词词义辨析。由后文“It will be the beginning of the long process of integration”可知,空缺处所缺单词与man-machine构成名词短语,表示人机一体化,因此空缺处内容应为integration。故本题正确答案为D选项。13.考查副词词义辨析。A选项finally表示“最后,终于”;B选项ultimately表示“最后,根本,基本上”;C选项utterly表示“完全地,绝对地”;D选项absolutely表示“绝对地,完全地”。根据句意可知,人机一体化最终会导致人类的完全电子化,因此可排除C、D选项。finally与ultimately虽然都可表示“最终,最后”,但finally通常表示在一系列因素的最后一个,而ultimately更强调经过长时间努力或者复杂工作之后达到的结果,因此本题选择B选项更为合适。14.考查介词的用法。Through表示凭借,通过;during表示过程;by表示方式、手段或借助某种工具,而though为连词,后面通常加句子。因此,本题选择A选项最为合适。15.考查名词词义辨析。由上下文可知,凭借这项研究,皮尔森能够确定大多数可以预测的突破的日期。然而,还无法预测何时才能实现比光还快的旅行,或者克隆何时才能完善,或者时光旅行成为可能。因此,空缺处部分应表示“预测,预估”的含义。故本题正确答案为A选项。16.考查形容词词义辨析。A选项advisable表示“明智的,可取的,适当的”;B选项affordable表示“负担得起的”;C选项available表示“可利用的,可行的”;D选项valuable表示“有价值的,贵重的”。对比分析四个选项,只有C选项最符合句意,因此本题正确答案为C选项。17.考查动词词义辨析。A选项solve表示“解决,解答”;B选项arose表示“出现,引发”;C选项exercise表示“练习,使用”;D选项expect表示“期望,预期,预料”。由后文所举的例子可知,皮尔森确实预计到了科技进步带来的社会问题。因此,本题正确答案为D选项。18.考查动词词义辨析。A选项confront表示“面对,遭遇”;B选项cause表示“引起,遭受”;C选项witness表示“目击,证明”;D选项collect表示“收集,募捐”。由句意可知,社区监控摄像头增多会引起一系列问题,所以cause最符合原文句意,因此本题正确答案为B选项。19.考查形容词词义辨析。A选项lovely表示“可爱的,秀丽的”;B选项likely表示“很可能的,合适的”;C选项lifelike表示“逼真的,栩栩如生的”;D选项lively表示“活泼的,生动的”。由后文讲到的人们难以区分人类的朋友和机器人可知,这些合成的机器人栩栩如生,非常逼真。因此,本题选择C项lifelike最为合适。20.考查动词词义辨析。A选项distinguish表示“区别,区分”;B选项differ表示“不同,有差异”;C选项diagnose表示“诊断”;D选项deviate表示“脱离,偏离,越轨”。分析句子可知,空缺处所缺单词需要和between搭配使用,因此本题正确答案为A选项。短语distinguishbetweenand.表示在两者之间区别。6. 单选题The council in charge refused to give its( )to the building scheme proposes by this joint venture company.问题1选项A.sanctionB.guaranteeC.trustD.confirmation【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。 sanction制裁;guarantee保证,担保;trust信任,信赖;confirmation确实,证实。句意:主管委员会拒绝对这家合资公司提出的建筑方案给予确认。只有D项符合题意。7. 单选题The Department of Transportation and Communications(DOTC. will proceed with the( )of 48 new Light Rail Vehicles(LRV)for the Metro Rail Transit(MRT).问题1选项A.purchaseB.pursuitC.probeD.pledge【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项purchase表示“购买,购置,获得”;B选项pursuit表示“追赶,追求”;C选项probe表示“调查,探针”;D选项pledge表示“抵押,保证,誓言”。分析句意可知,交通运输部会继续购置48辆新的轻轨,因此只有purchase词义最符合句意。故本题正确答案为A选项。8. 单选题The annual Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup poll of attitudes towards public education released this week found that a majority of Americans feel it is important to put a “qualified, competent teacher in every classroom”. Bob Chase, president of the National Education Association(NEA., the main teachers union, wasted no time in pointing out that this will require raising teachers salaries


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