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2022年考博英语-复旦大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题由小学到中学,所修习的无非是一些普通的基本知识。就是大学四年,所授课业也还是相当粗浅的学识。世人常称大学为“最高学府”,这名称易滋误解,好像过此以上即无学问可言。 大学的研究所才是初步研究学问的所在,在这里做学问也只能算是粗涉藩篱,注重的是研究学问的方法与实习。学无止境,一生的时间都嫌太短,所以古人皓首穷经,头发白了还是在继续研究,不过在这样的研究中确实有浓厚的趣味。 Put the following passage into English.【答案】We learn nothing more than some basically common knowledge from primary to secondary school. Even if during four-year university life, we were taught only rudiments of scholarship. Universities are usually known as “the highest educational institution”, which is likely to cause the misunderstanding that there is no more to learn after university. The research institutes of universities are the certain places where knowledge is primarily studied. But even there you get only the first tasting of learning where focus on research method and practice. Knowledge is infinite and life is limited. Thus, ancient people never stop their study even when they were very old. However, there was strong interest in this process. 【解析】2. 填空题Business and government leaders consider the inflation rate to be an important general indicator. Inflation is a period of increased spending that causes rapid rises in prices. When your money buys fewer goods so that you get (1)for the same amount of money as before,inflation is the problem. There is a general rise(2) the prices and services. Your money buys less. Sometimes people describe inflation as a time when “a dollar is not worth a dollar anymore”.Inflation is a problem for all consumers. People who live on a fixed income are hurt the best. Retired people,for instance cannot count(3) an increase in income as prices rise. Elderly people who do not work face serious problems in stretching their incomes to (4) their needs in time of inflation. Retirement income or any fixed income usually does not rise as fast as prices. Many retired people must cut their spending to keep up with rising prices. In many cases they must stop(5) some necessary items,such as food and clothing. Even for working people whose incomes are going up,inflation can be a problem. The cost of living goes (6) ,too. People who work must have even more money to keep up their standard of living. Just buying the things they need costs more. When incomes do not keep pace with(7) prices,the standard of living goes down. People may be earning the same (8) of money,but they are not living as well because they are not able to buy as many goods and services.Government units gather information about prices in our economy and publish it as price indexes from (9) the rate of change can be determined. A price index measures changes in prices using the price for a given year as the base. The base price is set at 100,and the other prices are reported as a percentage of the base price. A price index makes (10) possible to compare current prices of typical consumer goods,for example,with prices of the same goods in previous year.【答案】1.less2.in3.on4.meet5.buying6.down7.rising8.amount9.which10.it【解析】1.考查前后逻辑。空格处所在句子的前一句解释了什么是通货膨胀:消费需求增加,物价上涨,从而货币贬值。用同样的钱买到的东西比以前要少,所以空格处填less。2.考查固定搭配。在某些方面增加用介词in。3.考查固定搭配。count on“指望,依靠”,退休人员指望不上收入能够随着物价上涨而增加。4.考查固定搭配。meet ones needs“满足某人的需要”,老年人在通货膨胀的时代无法让自己的收入来满足自己的需求。5.考查动词用法。空格处所在句子的前一句句意是:许多退休人员为了跟上上涨的物价,必须要缩减自己的开支。由此可知他们放弃了很多需要购买的东西,buying符合题意。6.考查固定搭配。go down“下降”。由于通货膨胀,导致了生活开支水平下降。7.考查前后逻辑。全文一直提到物价上涨,空格处需要填写的也是一个表示物价增长的词,rising符合题意。8.考查固定搭配。the same amount of“同等数量的”。9.考查定语从句。定语从句用来修饰price indexes(价格指数),which符合题意。10.考查固定用法。make it possible“使它成为可能”。3. 翻译题我认为没有人不喜欢到处去看看:多看看他人,多阅他乡,不但可以认识世界,亦可认识自己。有人旅行时乘豪华游轮,谢灵运再世大概也会如此。有人背负行囊,翻山越岭;有人骑自行车环游天下。这些都令人羡慕。我所倾向的,却是驾车长征,去看天涯海角。我的太太比我更爱旅行,所以夫妻两人正好互做旅伴,这一点只怕徐霞客也要羡慕。不过徐霞客是大旅行家、大探险家,我们,只是浅游而已。【答案】In my mind, everybody loves to look around, meeting more people and visiting more places. They cannot only understand the world, but also recognize themselves. Some of them traveled by a cruise, and Xie Lingyun may be one of them if he would reincarnate. Some picked up the traveling bag across the mountains. Some traveled around the world by bike. All of these are enviable. I just prefer to drive a long journey and see the ends of the earth. My wife is fond of traveling than I, and therefore we two are traveling companion, which may be envied by Xu Xiake. But Xu is a great traveler and explorer. We only superficially travel. 4. 单选题My neighbor tended to react in a heat and( ) way.问题1选项A.impetuousB.impertinentC.imperativeD.imperceptible【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。impetuous“性急的,鲁莽的”;impertinent“无关的,不恰当的,不相干的”;imperative“必要的,紧急的,极重要的”;imperceptible“察觉不出的,感觉不到的”。句意:我邻居倾向于用一种激烈、鲁莽的方式做出反应。选项A符合题意。5. 单选题All the questions ( )around what she had been doing on the night of the robbery.问题1选项A.dissolvedB.revolvedC.evolvedD.devolved【答案】B【解析】考查形似动词辨析。dissolved “使溶解,使溶化”;revolved “旋转;循环出现;反复考虑”,revolve around意为“围绕,以为中心”;evolved“发展,进化”;devolved “转移,移交”。句意:所有的问题都围绕着抢劫的当晚她在做什么。选项B符合题意。6. 单选题I spent most of my money in the first week and( )had very little to eat during the last few days of the holiday.问题1选项A.after allB.consequentlyC.otherwiseD.anyhow【答案】B【解析】考查副词词义辨析。after all“毕竟”;consequently“因此,结果”;otherwise“否则,不然”;anyhow“无论 如何,总之”。句意:我第一周就花掉了大部分的钱,因此在假期的最后几天只能吃一点点东西。选项B符合题意。7. 单选题Jean left Alice Springs on Monday morning with regret, and flew all day in a “Dragonfly” aircraft; and it was a very instructive day for her. The machine did not go directly to Cloncurry, but flew to and for across the wastes of Central Australia, depositing small bags of mail at cattle stations and picking up cattle-men and travelers to drop them off after a hundred or a hundred and fifty miles. They landed eight or ten times in the course of the day, at places like Ammaroo and Hatches Creek and many other stations; at each place they would get out of the plane and drink a cup of tea and have a talk with the station manager or owner, and get back into the plane and go on their way. By the end of the day Jean Paget knew exactly what a cattle station looked like, and she was beginning to have a very good idea of what went on there.They got to Cloncurry in the evening, a fairly extensive town on a railway that ran eastward to the sea at Townsville. Here she was in Queensland, and she heard for the first time the slow deliberate speech of the Queensland that reminded her at once of her friend Joe Harman. She was driven into town in a very old open car and deposited at the Post Office Hotel; she got a bedroom but tea was over, and she had to go down the wide, dusty main street to a caf for her evening meal. Cloncurry, she found, had none of the clean attractiveness of Alice Springs; it was a town which smelt of cattle, with wide streets through which to drive them down to the stockyard, many hotels, and a few shops. All the houses were of wood with red-painted iron roofs; the hotels had two floors, but very few of the other houses had more than one.She had to spend a day here, because the air service to Normanton and Willstown ran weekly on a Wednesday. She went out after breakfast while the air was still cool and walked in one direction up the huge main street for half a mile till she came to the end of the town, then came back and walked down it a quarter of a mile till she came to the other end. Then she went and had a look at the railway station, and, having seen the airfield, with that she had seen all there was to see in Cloncurry. She looked in at a shop that sold toys and newspapers, but they were sold out of all reading matter except a few books about dress-making; as the day was starting to warm up she went back to the hotel. She managed to borrow a copy of the Australian Womens Weekly from the manageress of the hotel and took it to her room, and took off most of her clothes and lay down on her bed to sweat it out during the heat of the day. Most of the other citizens of Cloncurry seemed to be doing the same thing.She felt like moving again shortly before tea and had a shower, and went out to the caf for an ice. Weighed down by the heavy meal of roast beef and plum-pudding that the Queenslanders call “tea” she sat in a folding chair for a little outside in the cool of the evening, and went to bed again at about eight oclock. She was called before daybreak, and was out at the airfield with the first light.1.When Jean had to leave Alice Springs, she( ).2.How did Jean get some idea of Australian cattle station?3.Jeans main complaint about Cloncurry in comparison with Alice Springs, was( ).4.For her evening meal on the second day Jean had( ).5.Jean left Cloncurry( ).问题1选项A.wished she could have stayed lodgerB.regretted she had decided to flyC.wasnt looking forward to flying all dayD.wished it had not been a Monday morning问题2选项A.She learnt about them at first hand.B.She learnt about them from friends.C.She visited them weekly.D.She stayed on one for a week.问题3选项A.the width of the main streetB.the poor service at the hotelC.the poor-looking buildingsD.the smell of cows问题4选项A.only an ice-creamB.a lot of cooked foodC.some cold beerD.a cooling, but non-alcoholic drink问题5选项A.early on Wednesday morningB.late on Tuesday eveningC.after breakfast on TuesdayD.before breakfast on Tuesday【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:B第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:文章第一段第一句话提到Jean left Alice Springs on Monday morning with regret(琼在星期一早上带着遗憾离开了爱丽丝泉),所以选项B符合题意。第2题:从文章全篇可以知道琼是自己亲自去了那个地方,所以是亲身经历,选项A符合题意。第3题:文章第二段提到琼住进了一个邮局旅馆,但是当她到的时候已经不提供茶点了,她必须去满是灰尘的大街上去找咖啡馆吃晚餐(she had to go down the wide, dusty main street to a caf for her evening meal),所以她主要抱怨的是邮局旅馆的服务,选项B符合题意。第4题:文章最后一段提到weighed down by the heavy meal of roast beef and plum-pudding that the Queenslanders call “tea”,可知琼吃了丰盛的一餐。选项B符合题意。第5题:文章提到琼在周一早晨离开了爱丽丝泉,晚上到了克朗克里,又在克朗克里过了一天,周三早上离开。选项A符合题意。8. 单选题I ignored an old woman who asked me for money in the street yesterday and its been on my ( )ever since.问题1选项A.moralityB.conscienceC.moraleD.rationale【答案】B【解析】考查固定用法。on my conscience “我的良心受谴责”。句意:我无视了一个在街上向我借钱的老妇人,这让我的良心很不安。选项B符合题意。9. 单选题They artificially( )the value of the house so they could “reduce” it and make people think it was a bargain.问题1选项A.enlargedB.underestimatedC.raisedD.inflated【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。enlarge“扩大,增大”;underestimate“低估,看清”;raise“举起,提高”;inflate“膨胀,充气”。句意:他们人为地抬高房子的价格,再“低价”出售,让人们以为这是大减价。选项C符合题意。10. 单选题The clash between Real Madrid and Arsenal is being( ) as the match of the season.问题1选项A.harbingerB.alluredC.congestedD.lodged【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。harbinger“先驱,预兆”;allured“引诱;诱惑”;congested“充塞,充满”;lodge“寄宿,临时住宿”。句意:皇家马德里和阿森纳之间的冲突是这个赛季的前奏。选项A符合题意。11. 单选题She decided to keep reticent about the unpleasant past and( ) it to memory.问题1选项A.attributeB.alludeC.commitD.credit【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。attribute“把归因于,把归咎于”;allude“暗指,间接提到”;commit“犯罪,做错事,把交托给,提交”;credit“信任,把归给”。句意:她打算对不愉快的过去保持沉默,并把它埋在回忆中。选项C符合题意。12. 单选题A trade group for liquor retailers put out a press release with an alarming headline: “Millions of Kids Buy Internet Alcohol, Landmark Survey Reveals.”The announcement, from the Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America received wide media attention. On NBCs Today Show, Lea Thompson said, “According to a new online survey, one in 10 teenagers have an underage friend who has ordered beer, wine or liquor over the internet. More than a third think they can easily do it and nearly half think they wont get caught.” Several newspapers mentioned the study, including USA Today and the Record of New Jersey. The news even made Australias Gold Coast Bulletin.Are millions of kids really buying booze online? To arrive at that jarring headline, the group used some questionable logic to pump up results from a survey that was already tilted in favor of finding a large number of online buyer.For starters, consider the source. The trade group that commissioned the survey has long fought efforts to expand online sales of alcohol; its members are local distributors who compete with online liquor sellers. Some of the news coverage pointed out that conflict of interest, though reports didnt delve more deeply into how the numbers were computed.The Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America hired Teenage Research Unlimited, a research company, to design the study. Teenage Research, in turn, hired San Diego polling firm Luth Research to put the questions to 1,001 people between the ages of 14 and 20in an online survey. Luth gets people to participate in its surveys in part by advertising them online and offering small cash awardstypically less than $5 for short surveys.People who agree to participate in online surveys are, by definition, internet users, something that not all teens are. (Also, people who actually take the time to complete such surveys may be more likely to be active, or heavy internet users.) Its safe to say that kids who use the internet regularly are more likely to shop online than those who dont. Teenage Research Unlimited told me it weighted the survey results to adjust for age, sex, ethnicity and geography of respondents, but had no way to adjust for degree of internet usage.Regardless, the survey found that, after weighting, just 2.1 points of the 1,001 respondents bought alcohol onlinecompared with 56 points who had consumed alcohol. Making the questionable assumption that their sample was representative of all Americans aged 14 to 20 with access to the internetand not just those with the time and inclination to participate in online surveysthe researchers concluded that 551,000 were buying alcohol online.But that falls far short of the reported “millions of kids”. To justify that headline, the wholesalers group focused on another part of the survey that asked respondents if they knew a teen who had purchased alcohol online. Some 12 points said they did. Of course, its ridiculous to extrapolate from a state like thatone buyer could be known by many people, and its impossible to measure overlap. Consider a high school of 1,000 students, with 20 who have bought booze on line and 100 who know about the purchases. If 100 of the schools students are surveyed at random, youd expect to find two who have bought and 10 who know someone who hasbut that still represents only two buyers, not 10.(Not to mention the fact that thinking you know someone who has ordered beer online is quite different from ordering a six pack yourself.)Karen Gravois Elliott, a spokeswoman for the wholesalers group, told me, “The numbers are real,” but referred questions about methodology to Teenage Research. When I asked her about the potential problems of conducting the survey online, she said the medium was a strength of the survey: “We specifically wanted to look at the teenage online population.”Nahme Chokeir, a vice president of client service for San Diego-based Luth Research Inc., told me that some of his online panel comes from word of mouth, which wouldnt necessarily skew toward heavy internet users. He added that some clients design surveys to screen respondents by online usage, though Teenage Research didnt.I asked Michael Wood, a vice president at Teenage Research who worked on the survey, whether one could say, as the liquor trade group did, that millions of teenagers had bought alcohol online. “You cant,” he replied, adding, “This is their press release.”1.Which of the following is the message that this passage is trying to convey?2.According to the author, what is wrong with the report about kids buying alcohol?3.Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the word “extrapolate” in paragraph 8?4.By saying “To justify that headline, the wholesalers group focused on another part of the survey that asked respondents if they knew a teen who had purchased alcohol online”, the author implies that( ).5.Which of the following is more likely to be the source for problems in this survey?问题1选项A.The severe social consequences of kids buying alcohol online.B.The hidden drawback of the American educational system.C.The influence of wide coverage of news media.D.The problems in statistic methodology in social survey.问题2选项A.It is unethical to offer cash awards to subjects of survey.B.The numbers in this report were falsified.C.The samples and statistic methods were not used logically.D.The study designers and survey conductors were bribed.问题3选项A.Conduct.B.Infer.C.Deduct.D.Whittle.问题4选项A.it is absurd to conduct a survey among teenagersB.the ways the wholesalers group conducted surveys are statistically questionableC.this kinds of survey is preliminary, therefore undependableD.teenagers might not be honest since buying alcohol online is an indecent behavior问题5选项A.This survey is tilted in favor of local alcohol distributors, who have a conflict of interest with online sellers.B.The data collection and analysis are not scientific and logical.C.Subjects are not sampled in a right way and can not represent the whole American teenage population.D.The survey results are affected by gifts to subjects, which can be misleading.【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:文章讲述了一家酒类零售商商会发布的一则新闻标题Millions of Kids Buy Internet Alcohol, Landmark Survey Reveals(兰德梅克调查发现,数百万的未成年人在网上买酒),指出该调查在统计方法上存在的一些问题,所以选项D符合题意。第2题:文章第六段提到参加网上调查的人是网络用户,但是并不是所有的青少年都是这样(People who agree to participate in online surveys are, by definition, internet users, something that not all teens are)。此外,批发商商会询问被调查者们是否有熟人在网上购买过酒,大概百分之十二的人回答有。从这种统计数据中做出推论是很荒谬的,因为一位购买者能被很多人认识,而统计数字是不能重复计算的,因此存在抽样和统计方法方面的问题。选项C符合题意。第3题:extrapolate这个单词出现在文章第八段Of course, its ridiculous to extrapolate from a state like thatone buyer could be known by many people, and its impossible to measure overlap,从第2题的分析中可以得出extrapolate是“推论,推断”的意思,四个选项中,选项B符合题意。conduct意为“引导,管理”;deduct意为“扣除,演绎”;whittle意为“削减,损害”。第4题:文章提到假设受调查者代表了年龄在14到20岁使用网络的所有美国青少年而不仅仅是因为有时间和兴趣参加网上调查的那些人,调查者得出结论有超过五十五万人在网上买酒。但是这个数字与报道中“数百万的未成年人”还是有很大差距的。为了证实那个标题,批发商商会又将注意力集中在调查的另一部分。也就是说作者对于这个调查结果是持怀疑态度的。选项B符合题意。第5题:文章提到委托该项调查的商会一直反对扩大酒类的网上售卖,商会的成员是与网上酒类销售者竞争的批发商,一些新闻报道指出了这二者间的矛盾,所以选项A符合题意。13. 单选题How many really suffer as a result of labor market problems? This is one of the most critical yet contentious social policy questions. In many ways, our social statistics exaggerate the degree of hardship. Unemployment does not have the same dire consequences today as it did in the 1930s when most of the unemployed were primary breadwinners, when income and earnings were usually much closer to the margin of subsistence, and when there were no countervailing social programs for those failing in the labor market. Increasing affluence, the rise of families with more than one wage earner, the growing predominance of secondary earners among the unemployed, and improved social welfare protection have unquestionably mitigated the consequences of joblessness. Earnings and income data also overstate the dimensions of hardship. Among the millions with hourly earnings at or below the minimum wage level, the overwhelming majority are from multiple-earner, relatively affluent families. Most of those counted by the poverty statistics are elderly or handicapped or have family responsibilities which keep them out of the labor force, so the poverty statistics are by no means an accurate indicator of labor market pathologies.Yet there are also many ways our social statistics underestimate the degree of labor-market-related hardship. The unemployment counts exclude the millions of fully employed workers whose


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