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2022年考博英语-南京艺术学院考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Just five one-hundredths of an inch thick, light golden in color and with a perfect “saddle curl,” the Lays potato chip seems an unlikely weapon for global domination. But its maker, Frito-Lay, thinks otherwise. “Potato chips are a snack food for the world,” said Salman Amin, the companys head of global marketing. Amin believes there is no corner of the world that can resist the charms of a Frito-Lay potato chip.Frito-Lay is the biggest snack maker in America owned by PepsiCo, and accounts for over half of the parent companys $3 billion annual profits. But the U.S. snack food market is largely saturated, and to grow, the company has to look overseas.Its strategy rests on two beliefs: first, a global product offers economies of scale with which local brands cannot compete, and second, consumers in the 21st century are drawn to “global” as a concept “Global” does not mean products that are consciously identified as American, but ones that consumers-especially young people see as part of a modem, innovative(创新的)world in which people are linked across cultures by shared beliefs and tastes. Potato chips are an American invention, but most Chinese, for instance, do not know that Frito-Lay is an American company. Instead, Riskey, the companys research and development head, would hope they associate the brand with the new world of global communications and business.With brand perception a crucial factor, Riskey ordered a redesign of the Frito-Lay logo(标识).The logo, along with the companys long-held marketing image of the “irresistibility” of its chips would help facilitate the companys global expansion.The executives acknowledge that they try to swing national eating habits to a food created in America, but they deny that amounts to economic imperialism. Later, they see Frito-Lay as spreading the benefits of free enterprise across the world. “Were making products in those countries, were adapting them to the tastes of those countries, building businesses and employing people and changing lives.” said Steve Reinemund, PepsiCos chief executive.1.It is the belief of Frito-Lays head of global marketing that( ).2.What do we learn about Frito-Lay from Paragraph2?3.One of the assumptions on which Lay bases its development strategy is that( ).4.Why did Riskey have the Frito-Lay logo redesigned?5.Frito-Lays executives claim that the promoting of American food in the international market( ).问题1选项A.Potato chips can hardly be used as a weapon to dominate the world marketB.Their company must find new ways to promote domestic salesC.The light golden color enhances the charm of their companys potato chipsD.People all over the world enjoy eating their companys potato chips问题2选项A.Its products used to be popular among overseas consumers.B.Its expansion has caused fierce competition in the snack marker.C.It gives half of its annual profits to its parent company.D.It needs to turn to the world market for development.问题3选项A.consumers worldwide today are attracted by global brandsB.local brands cannot compete successfully with American brandsC.products suiting Chinese consumers needs bring more profitsD.products identified as American will have promising market value问题4选项A.To suit changing tastes of young consumers.B.To promote the companys strategy of globalization.C.To change the companys long held marketing image.D.To compete with other American chip producers.问题5选项A.wont affect the eating habits of the local peopleB.will lead to economic imperialismC.will be in the interest of the local peopleD.wont spoil the taste of their chips【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。题目问的是“菲多利全球市场主管相信”。文章第一段提到“薯片是全世界人民的零食”(Potato chips are a snack food for the world),“全世界没有任何人能抵挡住薯条的魅力”(there is no corner of the world that can resist the charms of a Frito-Lay potato chip),由此可知选项D“全世界人都爱吃他们公司生产的薯条”符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的是“根据第二段,我们可以了解到菲多利”。文章第二段提到“菲多利是美国最大的零食生产者但美国的零食市场差不多已经饱和,所以它不得不转向海外市场” (the company has to look overseas),由此可知菲多利需要打开全球市场来寻求发展,选项D符合题意。3.细节事实题。题目问的是“菲多利发展策略依据的假设是”。文章第三段提到了菲多利的两个信念,一是全球性产品具有地方产品不能与之抗衡的规模经济;一是二十一世纪的消费者为“全球性”所吸引,选项A“全球的消费者为全球品牌所吸引”符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“Riskey重新设计将菲多利标识的原因是”。文章第四段提到“(新设计的标识)能够帮助加速公司的全球扩张”(help facilitate the companys global expansion),因此选项B符合题意。5.细节事实题。题目问的是“菲多利的主管们称美国食品在国际市场的推广”。文章最后一段提到将在那些国家生产产品,让产品迎合当地人的口味,雇佣那里的工人,改变他们的生活(Were making products in those countries, were adapting them to the tastes of those countries, building businesses and employing people and changing lives),选项C“有利于当地人”符合题意。2. 单选题The producers of instant coffee found their product strongly resisted in the market places despite their manifest advantages. Furthermore, the advertising expenditure for instant coffee was far greater than that for regular coffee.Efforts were made to find the cause of the consumers seemingly unreasonable resistance to the product. The reason given by most people was dislike for the taste. The producers suspected that there might be deeper reasons, however. This was confirmed by one of motivation researchs classic studies, one often cited in the trade. Mason Haire, of the University of California, constructed two shopping lists that were identical except for one item. There were six items common to both lists: hamburger, carrots, baking powder, bread, canned peaches and potatoes, with the brands of amounts specified. The seventh item, in the fifth place on both lists, read “1 lb. Maxwell House coffee” on one list and “Nescafe instant coffee” on the other. One list was given to each person in a group of fifty women, and the other list to those in another group of the same size. The women were asked to study their lists and then to describe, as far as they could, the kind of woman (“personality and character”) who would draw up that shopping list. Nearly half of those who had received the list including instant coffee described a housewife who was lazy and a poor planner. On the other hand, only one woman in the other group described the housewife, who had included regular coffee on her list, as lazy; only six of that group suggested that she was a poor planner. Eight women felt that the instant coffee user was probably not a good wife! No one in the other group drew such a conclusion about the housewife who intended to buy regular coffee.1.The fact that producers found resistance to their product despite the fact that they spent more advertising money on instant than regular coffee shows that ( ).2.In this instance, the purpose of motivation research was to discover( ).3.This investigation indicated that( ).4.On the results of this test, the producers probably revised their advertising to show a( ).5.Implied but not stated:( ).问题1选项A.advertising does not assure favorable sales resultB.companies spent more money on advertising than they shouldC.people pay little attention to advertisingD.the more one advertises the better the sales picture问题2选项A.why people drink coffeeB.why instant coffee did not taste goodC.why regular coffee was successfulD.the real reason why people would not buy instant coffee问题3选项A.50 percent of housewives are lazyB.housewives who use instant coffee are lazyC.many women believe that wives who use instant coffee are lazyD.wives who use regular coffee are good planners问题4选项A.lazy housewife using regular coffeeB.hard working housewife using instant coffeeC.lazy housewife using instant coffeeD.man obviously enjoying the taste of instant coffee问题5选项A.Despite its advantages, most people disliked instant coffee because of its tasteB.The advertising expenditure for instant coffee was greater than that for regular coffeeC.Very often we do not know the real reasons for doing thingsD.Taste is the principal factor in determining what we buy【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.推理判断题。题目问的是“尽管在速溶咖啡上花了比普通咖啡更多的广告费,但是生产商发现这种商品受到了消费者的抵制,这说明”生厂商为他们的即冲咖啡做了大量广告然而却没能得到消费者的认可,可以得出并不是所有的广告都能起到预期效果,所以A选项符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的是“在这个例子中,动机研究的目的是为了发现”。文章第二段第三句提到“生产商怀疑有更深层的原因”(The producers suspected that there might be deeper reasons, however),由此可以得出这项调查是为了找出为什么消费者不接受即冲咖啡这个产品。选项D符合题意。3.细节事实题。题目问的是“这项调查表明”。文章最后一段提到家庭主妇认为买速溶咖啡证明这个人非常懒惰,不是一个好妻子(Eight women felt that the instant coffee user was probably not a good wife),选项C符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“根据这次试验的结果,生厂商有可能修改广告的内容,这表明”。调查结果表明人们不买速溶咖啡的原因是它暗示家庭主妇懒惰或者不会精明持家,所以生产商应该在转变这种暗示上花功夫。选项B符合题意。5.判断推理题。题目问的是“文章暗示但没有说明”。文章提到消费者不愿意买速溶咖啡是因为这种咖啡味道不好,却忽略了更为深层的含义:只有懒惰的家庭主妇才会买这种咖啡。选项C符合题意。3. 单选题The forest from which Man takes his timber is the tallest and most impressive plant community on Earth. In terms of Mans brief life it appears permanent and unchanging, save for the seasonal growth and fall of the leaves, but to forester it represents the climax of a long succession of events. No wooded landscape we see today has been forest for all lime. Plants have minimum requirements of temperature and moisture and, in ages past, virtually every part of Earths surface has at some time been either too dry or too cold for plants to survive. However, as soon as climatic conditions change in favor of plant life, a fascinating sequence of changes occurs, called a primary succession.First to colonize the barren land are the lowly lichens, surviving on bare rock. Slowly, the acids produced by these organisms crack the rock surface, plant debris accumulates, and mosses establish a shallow root hold. Ferns may follow and, with short grasses and shrubs, gradually from a covering of plant life. Roots probe even deeper into the developing soil and eventually large shrubs give way to the first tress. These grow rapidly, cutting off sunlight from the smaller plants, and soon establish complete domination-closing their ranks and forming a climax community which may endure for thousands of years.Yet even this community is not everlasting. Fire may destroy it outright and settlers may cut it down to gain land for pasture or cultivation. If the land is then abandoned, a secondary succession will take over, developing much faster on the more hospitable soil. Shrubs and trees are among the early invaders, their seeds carried by the wind, by birds and lodged in the coats of mammals. For as long as it stands and thrives, the forest is a vast machine, storing energy and many elements essential for life.1.What does the forest strike mankind as permanent?2.What has sometimes caused plants to die out of the past?3.In a “primary succession”,what makes it possible for mosses to take root?4.What conditions are needed for shrubs to become established?5.Why is a “secondary succession” quicker?问题1选项A.The trees are in community.B.The forest is renewed each season.C.Mans life is short in comparison.D.It is an essential part of our lives.问题2选项A.Interference from foresters.B.Variations in climate.C.The absence of wooded land.D.The introduction of new type of plants.问题3选项A.The type of rock.B.The amount of sunlight.C.The amount of moisture.D.The effect of lichens.问题4选项A.Ferns must take root.B.The ground must be covered with grass.C.More soil must accumulate.D.Smaller plants must die out.问题5选项A.The ground is more suitable.B.There is more space new plants.C.Birds and animals bring new seeds.D.It is supported by the forest.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。题目问的是“对于人类来说,森林的永恒之处在于”。文章第一段第二句提到“对于人类短暂的生命来说,森林似乎是永恒不变的”(In terms of Mans brief life it appears permanent and unchanging),因此选项C“相比之下,人类生命很短暂”符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的是“以前有时导致植物灭绝的因素是什么”。文章第一段提到“在过去,地球表面每个部分都曾因为太干或者太冷而使植物无法生存”(in ages past, virtually every part of Earths surface has at some time been either too dry or too cold for plants to survive),由此可知气候原因导致某些植物灭绝,选项B符合题意。3.细节事实题。题目问的是“在初级演替中,什么是苔藓生长成为可能”。文章第二段第一二句提到“首先在贫瘠土地上生长的是地衣,它们生长在光秃秃的岩石上。慢慢地,这些微生物产生的酸性物质破坏了岩石的表面,植物碎屑堆集,苔藓会建立一个很浅的根系”(First to colonize the barren land are the lowly lichens, surviving on bare rock. Slowly, the acids produced by these organisms crack the rock surface, plant debris accumulates, and mosses establish a shallow root hold),由此可知是因为有地衣,才有苔藓成长的可能。选项D符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“灌木稳固生长需要什么条件”。文章第二段第三句提到“紧接着可能出现的是蕨类植物,短草和灌木逐渐从植物覆盖的土壤中开始生长”(Ferns may follow and, with short grasses and shrubs, gradually from a covering of plant life),蕨类生长的前提是苔藓形成的土壤层,因此可知灌木要生长需要累积更多的土壤,选项C符合题意。5.细节事实题。题目问的是“第二次演替较快的原因是”。文章最后一段提到“如果这篇土地被废气了,就会发生第二次演替,在更适合生长的土壤将发展得更快”(If the land is then abandoned, a secondary succession will take over, developing much faster on the more hospitable soil),因此选项A符合题意。4. 翻译题Put the following two passages into English.南京拥有两千四百多年建城史,是全国首批公布的历史文化名城之一。全市有国家级文物保护单位27处,其中,明孝陵己被列为世界文化遗产。600多年前建成的明城墙,现存25.091公里,是目前世界上保存最长的古城墙。南京现有12个项目被列入国家级非物质文化遗产保护名录,南京云锦、金陵刻经被列入世界非物质文化遗产名录。农历八月十五是我国传统的中秋节。八月十五恰在秋季的中间,故谓之中秋节。 中秋之夜,月色皎洁,古人把圆月视为团圆的象征。相传我国古代帝王就有春天祭日、秋天祭月的礼制,在民间,每逢八月中秋,也有拜月或祭月的风俗。月饼最初是用来祭奉月祌的祭品,后来人们逐渐把中秋赏月与品尝月饼,作为家人团圆的象征。月饼的制作从唐代以后越来越考究,精美的饼面图案不但烘托了中秋佳节的祥和气氛,而且也增加了节日的诗情画意。【答案】Nanjing, with a history of more than 2,400 years, is one of the first released batch of the historical and cultural cities in China. There are 27 state-level cultural relics protection units, among which, Ming Tomb has been listed as a world cultural heritage. Built more than 600 years ago, the wall of the Ming Tomb, with an existing length of 25.091 kilometers, is the longest preserved ancient wall in the world. Nanjing currently has 12 projects enlisted in the national intangible cultural heritage protection list, among of which both Nanjing Brocade and Jinling Carving are selected into world intangible cultural heritage list.The Lunar August 15th is the traditional Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival. It is called Mid-autumn Festival because lunar August 15th is just in the middle of the autumn. On the night of the Mid-Autumn festival, the moon is bright. The ancient people regarded the full moon as a symbol of reunion. According to the legend, ancient Chinese emperors had the rite of offering sacrifices to the sun in spring and to the moon in autumn. And even the ordinary people also had rituals of worshiping the sun or moon every Mid-Autumn day. Moon cakes were originally offered as sacrifices to worship the moon. Later, people made admiring the moon and tasting the moon cakes as a symbol of family reunion. Since the Tang Dynasty, the production of moon cakes has become more and more exquisite. The beautiful pictures on it not only foil the peaceful atmosphere of Mid-Autumn festival, but also add the poetic meaning to the festival.5. 翻译题Put the following two passages into Chinese.It is simple enough to say that since books have fiction, biography, poetrywe should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us. Yet few people ask from books what books can give us. Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices. If we could banish all such preconception when we read, that would be an admirable beginning. Do not dictate to your author, try to become him. Be his fellow worker and accomplice. If you hang back, and reserve and criticize as first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read. Bu if you open your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints, from the twist and turn of the fist sentences, will bring you into the presence of human being unlike any other. Steep yourself in this, acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you, or attempting to give you, something far more definite.Let me come to the point boldly; what governs the Englishman is his inner atmosphere, the weather in his soul. It is nothing spiritual or mysterious. When , in his garden or by his fire,he sprawls in an aggressively comfortable chair; when he is choosing his clothes or his professionnever is it a precise reason, or purpose, or outer fact that determines him; it is always the atmosphere of his inner man.【答案】既然书有小说、传记、诗歌之分,我们就应该把它们分类,从中吸收它们应该给予的知识。这说起来很容易。然而很少有人要求书本应该给予的知识。我们总是囫囵吞枣般去看书,要求小说必须真实,要求诗歌必须虚构,要求传记谄媚,要求历史书能加强自己的偏见。如果我们读书之前能抛开这些偏见,将会是一个好的开始。不要去强加你的想法给作者,而是要去理解他,成为他的伙伴。如果你将自己置身事外,并且从一开始就批判他,你就无法从书中获得最大的价值。但是如果你敞开心扉,那么书中精细入微的寓言和暗示便会让你从开头那些晦涩的句子中绕出来,把你带到一个独特的人物面前。把自己沉浸在里面去钻研,你很快会发现,作者正向你阐述的或者是试图向你阐述的东西是一些比原来要明确得多的东西。让我直接切入正题:支配英国人的是他内心的情调,灵魂深处的气象。它既不是精神上的,也不神秘。在花园中或者壁炉旁,他会伸展四肢躺在一张舒服的椅子上;当挑选衣服或者职业时,并不是有明确的理由、目的,或者外部条件来制约他的决定,仅仅取决于他内在的情调。6. 单选题Between 1815 and 1915, more than 30 million immigrants arrived in the United States. These were people from other countries who came to make the United States their home.Immigrants came for many reasons. Some were driven away from home by hardships such as hunger, poverty, overpopulation, or political and religious troubles. Some were attracted to the United States by the promise of a better life. They had heard stories about cheap land, high wages, and even about streets paved with gold. Some came because of the promise of greater freedom in this new nation.In the mid-1800s, the United States needed workers almost everywhere. Workers were needed to build railroads and bridges. They were needed in the slaughterhouses of Chicago and in the iron and coal mines of Ohio and Pennsylvania. They were needed in factories and on farms. They were needed to build homes and buildings in the growing cities. American companies advertised in Europe for people to come to the United States.There were two periods when immigrants came in greater numbers than usual. Between 1815 and 1860, large numbers of people came from northern Europe. The largest groups were Irish and Germans. Some Asians, mostly Chinese, also came during this time.In 1815, Ireland was the most crowded country in Europe. Most people had no land and little food or money. Families would send their younger members to the United States. The young people in turn, would find jobs and send money home. Then the whole family would move to the United States. In the 1840s, the potato crops failed in Ireland. Everywhere people died of starvation and fewer. Within ten years, 1.5 million Irish people left for the United States.Most Irish immigrants landed in Northern port cities such as Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. They did not have enough money to buy farms. Most settled in the poorest areas of these cities. Irish people got the worst jobs and lowest pay. The men dug canals, built roads and railroads, and worked in textile factories. The women worked in factories or as household servants.Most German immigrants could move on from the Eastern port cities. Many bought farms in the Midwest or started business in the newer Western cities of Detroit, Milwaukee, and Chicago.The gold rush of 1849 brought many Chinese to California. Floods, typhoons, and hunger had forced many Chinese to leave their homes. From United States merchant ships reaching China, they heard about high wages and gold. In 1850 alone, 25,000 young Chinese arrived in California. The Chinese worked in the gold mines. They helped build the first railroad to cross the nation, which was finished in 1869. Later, they worked in lumbering, fishing, and canning companies, and on farms in California.The second great wave of immigrants came mostly from eastern and southern Europe between 1890 and 1910. Giant factories and businesses in the United States needed more and more workers. After 1900, as many as 15,000 people would arrive in one day.Many of these immi


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