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2022年考博英语-中南大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Ministers also hoped that employers would cut out overmanning and root out inefficiency, even if this led to a temporary( )in unemployment.问题1选项A.excessB.surgeC.lureD.spur【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项excess“超过,过量”;B选项surge“汹涌;波涛;激增”;C选项lure“诱惑;饵”;D选项spur“马刺;鞭策;支线”。句意:部长们还希望雇主们能减少人员过剩,根除低效率,即使这会导致失业人数短暂 。句中“cut our overmanning and root out inefficiency(减少人员过剩,根除低效率)”会造成失业人口猛增,因此B选项符合句意。2. 单选题Heat is nothing more than the energy of atoms in motion; so, if you can slow down atoms, you are cooling them( ).问题1选项A.in effectB.next toC.at randomD.in hand【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项in effect“实际上;生效”;B选项next to“几乎,差不多;紧挨着”;C选项at random“胡乱地;随便地;任意地”;D选项in hand“在手头;在进行中;在控制中”。句意:热只不过是原子运动的能量;所以,如果你能使原子慢下来,你 是在给它们降温。由句意判断可知,此处“实际上你是在给它们降温”与前半句“热只不过是原子运动的能量”逻辑通顺。因此A选项正确。3. 单选题The research committee urged the archaeologist to undercut her claim that the tomb she has discovered was that of Alexander the Great, since her initial report has been based only on ( ).问题1选项A.capriceB.suppositionC.evidenceD.conjecture【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。caprice怪想,随想曲;supposition:假定,推测;evidence证据,证明;conjecture推测,猜想。句意:因为原始报告仅仅依据异想天开,研究委员会敦促这个考古学家去掉那个说她发现的这个坟墓是亚历山大的声明。由undercut her claim及only可知空格处所填单词是贬义词。4. 单选题Following the guidelines for speaking and voting established by the book Roberts Rules of Order, ( )during the meeting.问题1选项A.and avoid large decision-making organizations procedural can fusionB.large decision-making organizations avoid procedural confusionC.is procedural confusion avoided by large decision-making organizationsD.are avoiding procedural confusion in large decision-making organizations【答案】B【解析】考查主谓结构。题干主语为Following the guidelines,其后的for speaking and voting established by the book Roberts Rules of Order是后置定语。句意:遵循罗伯特的议事规则这本书里的指导方针,大型决策机构可以避免会议中的程序混乱。C项意思不符,D项主谓不一致,A项结构不对,故答案为B。5. 单选题A near revolution has occurred over the past decade in our understanding of the impacts of climate change. Both the natural science and the economics underlying predictions of climate-change impacts have altered dramatically. Climate scientists have reduced the magnitude of predicted warming, suggesting milder future climate scenarios. Ecologists have shifted from predicting ecosystem collapse to predicting that net primary productivity will likely increase over the long run. And economists are no longer predicting large damages, but rather a mixture of damages and benefits.These changes are so dramatic that it is not clear whether the net economic effects from climate change over the next century will be harmflil or helpful. The new research further suggests that effects are likely to vary across the planet. We now expect temperate and polar countries to enjoy small economic gains, whereas tropical countries are more likely to suffer economic losses.Of course, we have not banished all uncertainty, which will always haunt future projections of outcomes. The dynamics of ecosystems are poorly understood; carbon cycles may change over time; polar ice may generate unwelcome surprises; and the effects of change on tropical regions have not yet had the thorough study they require. Nonetheless, the recent scientific and economic findings create a new perspective on the greenhouse-gas problem, and this new vision, in turn, calls for new strategies and new political outcomes.The reduction in damage-estimates removes the urgency to engage in costly crash abatement programs. Our initial perspective on greenhouse gases suggested that we were rapidly approaching the edge of a cliff. Those fears now appear unfounded, for the impacts from climate warming seem to be relatively small for the next century. There will be damages to be sure, but they will be offset by benefits. The net expected effect now is closer to zero rather than to 2 percent of GDP. As a consequence, the new abatement policies should be designed for the long run, and should be inexpensive and cost-effective.1.The overall purpose of the passage is to ( ).2.The author suggests that the “new perspective” (Para. 3) is the result of a shift from( ).3.The author of the passage would most likely agree that( ).4.The author assumes that the reader( ).问题1选项A.point out flaws in current methods of climate analysisB.raise awareness of the potentially devastating impact of global warmingC.proposes a new method for studying the effects of global warmingD.suggest policy changes in light of recent scientific findings问题2选项A.scientific analysis to economic analysisB.dreadful predictions to moderate predictionsC.a focus on the past to a focus in the futureD.a focus on polar regions to a focus on tropical regions问题3选项A.governments should act swiftly to curb greenhouse gas emissionsB.it is unclear whether carbon dioxide contributes to global warmingC.economic analysis should be considered when formulating a policy for dealing with global warmingD.the impacts from global warming will be very high in the coming century问题4选项A.is concerned more with the benefits of policies than their costsB.is concerned with curbing the emissions of greenhouse gasesC.is willing to consider long-term economic effectsD.has a weakness for inefficient cars and appliance【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:C【解析】1.判断推理题。定位到最后一段中“As a consequence, the new abatement policies should be designed for the long run, and should be inexpensive and cost-effective. 因此,新的减排政策应着眼长远,而且应是廉价和具有成本效益的。”可知与D项“政策的改变应以最近的科学发现为依据”正确。A项“指出当前气候分析方法的不足”;B项“提高对全球变暖潜在破坏性影响的认识”;C项“提出了一种研究全球变暖影响的新方法”D项“根据最近的科学发现建议政策的改变”。2.细节事实题。定位到第三段中的Nonetheless, the recent scientific and economic findings create a new perspective on the greenhouse-gas problem. 尽管如此,最近的科学和经济发现温室气体问题上有一个新的视角。可知new perspective 是由于the recent scientific and economic findings而产生的,结合第一段中 “Climate scientists have reduced the magnitude of predicted warming,Ecologists have shifted from predicting ecosystem collapse to predicting that net primary productivity will likely increase over the long run. And economists are no longer predicting large damages, but rather a mixture of damages and benefits. 气候科学家已经降低了预测的变暖幅度生态学家已经从预测生态系统崩溃转向预测,净初级生产力可能会长期增加。经济学家们不再预测损失会很大,而是预测损失和收益的混合体。可知B项“从可怕的预测到温和的预测”相符。3.判断推理题。定位到最后一段中“As a consequence, the new abatement policies should be designed for the long run, and should be inexpensive and cost-effective. 因此,新的减排政策应着眼长远,而且应是廉价和具有成本效益的。”可知C项“在制定应对全球变暖的政策时,经济分析应该被考虑到”正确。由“The reduction in damage-estimates removes the urgency to engage in costly crash abatement programs. 损失估算的减少消除了实施代价高昂的坠机事故消除计划的紧迫性”可知A项“各国政府应迅速采取行动,遏制温室气体排放”不对,B项“目前还不清楚二氧化碳是否对全球变暖有贡献”没有提及。由“Those fears now appear unfounded, for the impacts from climate warming seem to be relatively small for the next century. 现在看来,这些担忧似乎毫无根据,因为气候变暖对下个世纪的影响似乎相对较小。可知D项“未来一个世纪,全球变暖的影响将是巨大的”不对。4.判断推理题。由最后一段中“As a consequence,the new abatement policies should be designed for the long run, and should be inexpensive and cost-effective. 因此,新的减排政策应该从长远来设计,应该是便宜的和具有成本效益的。可知C项“作者假定读者愿意考虑长期的经济影响”正确。6. 单选题The English novelist William Thackeray considered the cult of the criminal so dangerous that he criticized Dickens Oliver Twist for making the characters in the thieves kitchen so ( ).问题1选项A.threateningB.rivetingC.connivingD.fearsome【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。threatening “危险的;胁迫的;凶兆的”;riveting “非常迷人的;吸引人的”;conniving “纵容的;默许的”;fearsome “可怕的;害怕的”。句意:英国小说家威廉萨克雷认为对罪犯的狂热崇拜是相当危险的,所以他批评狄更斯的雾都孤儿让小偷厨房中的人物是如此吸引人。由considered the cult of the criminal so dangerous可知B项符合语境。正是由于作品中塑造的人物具有吸引力才让人崇拜。7. 翻译题Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.Today, the world also needs a paradigm shift on economy system. But this time it is the prevailing economic model that must be transformed. (1)By 2030, the global middle class will total nearly five billion people, all of whom will expect the same kinds of opportunities.and comforts that wealthy populations have long enjoyed. This will put increasing strain on the environment and deplete the worlds stock of resources.(2) The problem is that the world has long maintained a myopic focus on producing and consuming goods as cheaply as possible, thus leading to a result as a linear economy based on the rapid use, disposal, and replacement of goods. Sustaining the current model would require unlimited, easily accessible resources and infinite space for waste something that clearly is not possible. (3)Indeed,the consequences of our disposable economy skyrocketing CO2emissions,unmanageable waste streams,and the increasing difficulty of extracting resources,to name a few are already apparent. To find a sustainable alternative, one need only look to nature, where nothing is wasted. Forests, for example, are completely efficient systems, with species lifecycles occurring in perfect harmony with the seasons. This underpins levels of resilience and longevity that economic systems should strive to emulate. (4)Just as ecosystems reuse everything in an efficient and purposeful cycle, a “circular” economic system would ensure that products were designed to be part of a value network,within which the reuse and refurbishment of products, components, and materials would ensure the continual re-exploitation of resources.Of course, building a circular economy would require a fundamental restructuring of global value chains. Instead of selling products, businesses would retain ownership, selling the use of the goods they make as a service.(5)Selling a products benefits instead of the product itself would create a powerful incentive for the producers to design for longevity, repeated reuse and eventual recycling, which would enable them to optimize their use of resource.【答案】1.到2030年,全球中产阶级总数将接近五十亿人,他们期待与富人长期享有的同样的机会和舒适。2.问题在于,长期以来,世界一直短视地专注于以尽可能低的成本生产和消费商品,从而导致了一种后果以商品的快速使用、处置和替代为基础的线性经济的出现。3.的确,我们一次性经济的后果(仅仅举几个例子,如高涨的二氧化碳排放量、难处理的废水、开采资源难度的日益增加等)已经很明显了。4.正如生态系统以一种高效且有目的的循环重复使用一切,一种“循环的”经济体系将确保产品被设计成一个价值网络的一部分,在该经济体系中产品、部件和材料的重复使用和翻新将确保资源持续不断地被再度开采。5.销售一件产品所带来的的好处而不是该产品本身,将为生产者带来强有力的动力,使其为了产品的持久使用、反复再次使用和最终回收而进行设计,而这将使他们能够优化自身对资源的使用。8. 单选题During periods of social stability, many art academies are so firmly controlled by dogmatists that all real creative work must be done by the ( ).问题1选项A.eliteB.disenfranchisedC.reactionariesD.dissatisfied【答案】B【解析】考查形容词及名词辨析。elite “精英;精华”;disenfranchised “被剥夺权利的”,the disenfranchised “被剥夺权利的人”; reactionaries “反动派”;dissatisfied “不满意的;不高兴的” 。句意: 在社会稳定时期,很多艺术学院被教条主义者牢牢地控制,以至所有真正有创意的作品必须由那些被剥夺了权利的人完成。由“controlled by dogmatists被教条主义者控制”及“real creative work真正有创意的作品”的对应知“真正有创意的作品都是由艺术学院里被剥夺了权利的人来完成。被教条主义控制意味着被剥夺了权利。9. 单选题That Louise Nevelson is believed by many critics to be the greatest twentieth-century sculptor is all the more remarkable because the greatest resistance to women artists has been, until recently, in the field of sculpture. Since Neolithic times, sculpture has been considered the prerogative of men, partly, perhaps, for purely physical reasons; it was erroneously assumed that women were not suited for the hard manual labor required in sculpting stone, carving wood, or working in metal. It has been only during the twentieth century that women sculptors have been recognized as major artists, and it has been in the United States, especially since the decades of the fifties and sixties, that women sculptors have shown the greatest originality and creative power. Their rise to prominence parallels the development of sculpture itself in the United States; while there had been a few talented sculptors in the United States before the 1940, it was only after 1945 when New York was rapidly becoming the art capital of the world that major sculpture was produced in the United States. Some of the best was the work of women.By far the most outstanding of these women is Louise Nevelson, who in the eyes of many critics is the most original female artist alive today. One famous and influential critic, Hilton Kramer, said of her work. “For myself, I think Ms. Nevelson succeeds where the painters often fail.”Her works have been compared to the Cubist constructions of Picasso, the Surrealistic objects of Miro, and the Merzbau of Schwitters. Nevelson would be the first to admit that she has been influenced by all of these, as well as by African sculpture, and by Native American and pre-Columbian art, but she has absorbed all these influences and still created a distinctive art that expresses the urban landscape and the aesthetic sensibility of the twentieth century. Nevelson says, “I have always wanted to show the world that art is everywhere, except that it has to pass through a creative mind.”Using mostly discarded wooden objects like packing crates, broken pieces of furniture, and abandoned architectural ornaments, all of which she has hoarded for years, she assembles architectural constructions of great beauty and power. Creating very freely with no sketches, she glues and nails objects together, paints them black, or more rarely white or gold, and places them in boxes. These assemblages, walls, even entire environments create a mysterious, almost awe-inspiring atmosphere. Although she has denied any symbolic or religious intent in her works, their three-dimensional grandeur and even their titles, such as Sky Cathedral and Night Cathedral, suggest such connotations. In some ways, her most ambitious works are closer to architecture than to traditional sculpture, blit then neither Louise Nevelson nor her art fits into any neat category.1.The passage focuses primarily on which of the following?2.Which of the following statements is supported by information given in the passage?3.It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes which of the following about Nevelsons sculptures?4.Which of the following statements about Nevelsons sculptures can be inferred from the passage?问题1选项A.A general tendency in twentieth-century artB.The work of a particular artistC.The artistic influences on women sculptorsD.Critical responses to twentieth-century sculpture问题2选项A.Prior to 1945 there was little major sculpture produced by men or women sculptors working in the United States.B.Since 1950 sculpture produced in the United States has been the most original and creative sculpture produced anywhere.C.From 1900 to 1950 women sculptors in Europe enjoyed more recognition for their work than did women sculptors in the United States.D.Prior to 1945 there were many women sculptors whose work was ignored by critics.问题3选项A.They show the influence of twentieth-century architecture.B.They do not have qualities characteristic of sculptureC.They are mysterious and awe-inspiring, but not beautiful.D.They suggest religious and symbolic meanings.问题4选项A.They are meant for display outdoors.B.They are often painted in several colors.C.They are sometimes very large.D.They are built around a central wooden object.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。由第一段中第一句“That Louise Nevelson is believed by many critics to be the greatest twentieth-century sculptor is all the more remarkable because the greatest resistance to women artists has been, until recently, in the field of sculpture.”提出“路易丝奈维尔森(Louise Nevelson)被许多评论家认为是20世纪最伟大的女雕刻家”及随后段落讲述“路易丝奈维 尔森的艺术作品特点,评论家对她的评论等”可知本文主要讲一个特殊的艺术家的作品。B项符合题意。A项“二十世纪艺术的普遍趋势”;C项“对女性雕塑家的艺术影响”;D项“对二十世纪雕塑的批判回应”。2.细节事实题。定位第一段中 “.while there had been a few talented sculptors in theUnited States before the 1940, it was only after 1945 when New York was rapidly becoming the art capital of the world that major sculpture was produced in the United States. Some of the best was the work of women. 尽管1940年前美国只有很少的有才华的雕刻家,直到1945年,当纽约迅速成为世界艺术之都主要的雕塑是在美国生产的。其中最好的一些是女性的作品。”可知A项“在1945年之前,美国很少有由男性或女性雕塑家创作的大型雕塑作品。”正确。3.细节事实题。定位最后一段中“Although she has denied any symbolic or religious intent in her works, their three-dimensional grandeur and even their titles, such as Sky Cathedral and Night Cathedral, suggest such connotations. 尽管她否认自己的作品 中具有任何象征性的或宗教的意图,但她作品的三维立体的恢宏气势以及它们的 标题,如天庭大教堂以及黑夜大教堂等都暗示了如此的含义。”可知D项“它们暗示着宗教和象征意义”正确。答案D。4.判断推理题 由Creating very freely with no sketches, she glues and nails objects together, paints them black, or more rarely white or gold, and places them in boxes.她非常自由地创作,没有素描,她把物体粘在一起,钉在一起,把它们涂成黑色,或者很少涂成白色或金色,然后把它们放在盒子里。” 可推知A项“它们是用来在户外展示的。”及B项“它们经常被漆成几种颜色”不正确;D项“它们经常围绕一个中心的木制物体而被建造”在文中没有提到;由最后一段中“ These assemblages, walls, even entire environments create a mysterious, almost awe-inspiring atmosphere.这些装配艺术品、墙操,甚至整个 的环境艺术品营造出一种神秘的、几乎是引人恐惧的氛围。”可推知“路易丝奈 维尔森(Louise Nevelson)的一些作品有时是非常大的”,故C项正确。10. 单选题Whereas historians once maintained that science is ( )other enterprises, they have come to realize that science is actually intertwined with the values, social assumptions, and intellectual traditions of a particular historical period.问题1选项A.dependent onB.tantamount toC.ancillary toD.distinct from【答案】D【解析】考查动词词组辨析。dependent on依赖于;ancillary to从属的,附属的。tantamount to等的,相当于。distinct from与 不同。句意:历史学家曾经坚持科学是不同于其他事业的,然而,他们开始认识到科学是和价值观、社会假设,以及一个特定历史时期的智慧传统联系在一起的。由后文中的is actually intertwined with可知空格处与这个意思相反,故答案D。11. 单选题Despite a tendency to be overtly ( ),the poetry of the Middle Ages often sparks the imagination and provides lively entertainment, as well as pious sentiments.问题1选项A.divertingB.didacticC.whimsicalD.romantic【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。diverting “有趣的;令人快乐的”;didactic “说教的;教诲的”;whimsical “古怪的;异想天开的”;romantic “浪漫的;多情的;空想 的”。句意:尽管中世纪的诗歌有说教的明显倾向,但是它却经常激发想象力,提供充满生气的娱乐和虔诚的心情。由the poetry of the Middle Ages中世纪的诗歌可知其特点,另外由despite表让步也可知前后两句句意相反, B项 符合语意。12. 单选题One cant be a person with upright facial features if filled with envy in his heart, if dishonest, or ( )saying.问题1选项A.skimpyB.abstruseC.iniquitousD.mendacious【答案】D【解析】本题考查形容词词义辨析。skimpy “不足的;吝啬的”;abstruse “深奥的;难懂的”;iniquitous “邪恶的;不公正的”;mendacious “虚假的;说谎的”。句意:一个人心中如果充满嫉妒、不诚实或虚假的言语,那么其不可能有正直的面容。由句中的or可知,空格处所填的词与dishonest意思接近,故答案为D。13. 单选题You ( )the class to tell me that: you could have come up to me afterwards.问题1选项A.neednt have interruptedB.neednt to be interruptedC.neednt to interruptD.neednt interrupt【答案】A【解析】考查虚拟语气。由you could have come up to me afterwards可知这里表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,故空格处所填单词表示的动作已经发生了,A项表示已经发生完成的动作。故A项符合题意。句意:你本可以课后再过来告诉我那件事情,不必在上课时打断我。14. 单选题The tenacious families feuded for generations, and inimical feelings are still fixed in their( ).问题1选项A.generosityB.antagonismC.acceptanceD.hospitality【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。generosity 慷慨,宽大;antagonism 对抗,敌意; acceptance 接受;hospitality 好客,亲切。句意:几代人以来,这个顽固的家庭一直不和,敌对情绪仍然固定在他们的对抗中。由feuded及inimical feelings are still fixed可知,B项符合题意。15. 单选题Veteran doctors can often reflect on past experiences to draw lessons for the present; young resident doctors, however, rarely have the advantages of such( ).问题1选项A.retrospectionB.vaguenessC.hostilityD.misconceptions【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。retrospection 回顾;反省;追忆;vagueness 模糊;含糊;茫然;hostility 敌意;misconception 误解 。句意:经验丰富的医生可以经常反思过去的经历来汲取教训,然而,年轻的住院部医师却很少有这样反省的优势。由Veteran doctors can often reflect on past experiences以及while可知,句子前后形成对比,经验丰富的医生有经历可反思和回顾,而年轻的医生却没有这样的优势。空格处所填单词应与reflect意思接近,答案为A。16. 单选题Sigmund Freud lived most of his life in Vienna, Austria. He was trained in medicine and established the International Psychoanalytic Association in 1910. This excerpt is from a translation of a 1923 work, The Ego and the Id.There are certain people who


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