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2022年考博英语-苏州大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Environmentalists are doing everything within their power to ( )the impact of the oil spill.问题1选项A.rejectB.belittleC.minimizeD.reclaim【答案】C【解析】 Normal 0 7.8 磅 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE动词词义辨析。reject “拒绝”;belittle “轻视,贬低”;minimize “最小化”;reclaim “开拓,回收利用”。句意:环保人士正在尽其所能将石油泄漏的影响降到最低。选项C符合题意。2. 单选题Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations ( ).问题1选项A.homogeneouslyB.spontaneouslyC.simultaneouslyD.ingeniously【答案】C【解析】副词词义辨析。homogeneously “同样地”; spontaneously “自发地,自然地”; ingeniously “贤明地,有才能地”。句意:光纤电缆可以同时传输数百个电话通话。选项C符合题意。3. 单选题No form of government in the world is ( ); each system reflects the history and present needs of the region or the nation.问题1选项A.dominantB.influentialC.integralD.drastic【答案】A【解析】形容词词义辨析。dominant “显性的,占优势的”;influential “有影响力的,有势力的”;integral “完整的,整体的”;drastic “激烈的,猛烈的”。句意:世界上没有任何一种政府形式是占优势的,每一种制度都反映了该地区或民族的历史和现实需要。选项A符合题意。4. 单选题Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply ( ).问题1选项A.appreciatedB.approvedC.appealedD.applied【答案】A【解析】动词词义辨析。appreciate “感激”;approve “赞成,批准”;appeal “吸引”;apply “使用”。句意:对于赠送给我们这些珍贵的书籍作为礼物,我们感到深深的感激。选项A符合题意。5. 单选题I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave ( )something occurred which attracted my attention.问题1选项A.unlessB.untilC.whenD.while【答案】C【解析】固定搭配。be about to dowhen表示正准备做某事,某事就发生了。句意:我感到有点失望,正要离开时,发生了一件事引起了我的注意。选项C符合题意。6. 单选题Some felt that they were hurrying into an epoch of unprecedented enlightenment, in which better education and beneficial technology would ( ) wealth and leisure for all.问题1选项A.maintainB.ensureC.certifyD.console【答案】B【解析】动词词义辨析。maintain “维持,继续”;ensure “保证,确保”;certify “证明,保证”;console “安慰,慰藉”。句意:一些人认为他们正在匆忙进入一个前所未有的启蒙时代,在这个时代,更好的教育和科技将确保所有人的财富和闲暇。选项B符合题意。7. 单选题A beam of light will not bend round comers unless ( ) to do so with the help of a reflecting device.问题1选项A.madeB.being madeC.having madeD.to be made【答案】A【解析】语法题。根据句子结构,可知unless引导条件状语从句,主语为a beam of light和make之间存在被动关系,选项C可排除。又因为题目中描述的情况为客观事实,所以选用一般现在时态,选项B和D可排除。选用非谓语动词made表被动即可。句意:一束光只有在反射仪器的帮助下才能弯成圆角。选项A符合题意。8. 单选题Here in the US, before agricultural activities destroyed the natural balance, there were great migrations of Rocky Mountain locusts. Great migrating hordes of these insects once darkened the skies on the plains east of the Rockies where crops were often destroyed; the worst years were those from 1874 to 1877. One of these migrating swarms was estimated to contain 124 million locusts. During another migration in Nebraska it was estimated the swarm of locusts averaged half a mile high and was 100 miles wide and 300 miles long. Usually, these swarms take off from the ground against the wind, but, once airborne, they turn and fly with it. Warm convection currents help to lift them often to great heights. During the great locust plagues the situation became so serious that the original state constitution had to be rewritten to take care of the economic problems. The new document was known as “Grasshopper Constitution”. It is now believed that these locusts were a migratory form or phase of the lesser migratory locust, which is still common there. In this respect, the North American migratory locusts resemble their African relatives. In both regions the migratory forms arise as a result of crowding and climatic factors. Migratory forms are apparently natural adaptations which bring about dispersal when locust populations become too crowded. Fortunately for our farmers, the migratory form, the so-called spretus species, no longer seems to occur regularly, although there was a serious outbreak as late as 1938 in mid-western United States and Canada. Actually, there is no reason why the destructive migratory form might not again appear if circumstances should become favorable.1.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?2.It can be inferred from the passage that the state constitution of Nebraska was rewritten in order to ( ).3.According to the passage, North American and African migratory locusts are similar in that ( ).4.The passage supports which of the following conclusions?问题1选项A.The Life Cycle of Locusts.B.Migratory Locusts in the US.C.Locust Plagues in Nebraska.D.The Reproductive Capability of the Locust.问题2选项A.make the constitution more understandable to the publicB.encourage the farmers to leave the stateC.provide for a regular census of the locus populationD.solve difficulties that resulted from loss of crops问题3选项A.they always travel toward mountainous regionsB.their destructive activities occur only in plain areasC.climates affect their developmentD.they are both mentioned in state constitutions问题4选项A.The outbreak of locusts in 1938 was more serious than any other in history.B.Nebraska farmers had no locust problems in the years 1874 - 1877.C.There is a possibility that crops in the US might be destroyed by locusts in the future.D.There is a chance that African migratory locusts may make their way to the US.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:C【解析】1.主旨题。本文主要讲述了美国的两次蝗灾,下文接着提到了内布拉斯加州政府修订了州宪法来解决蝗虫带来的经济灾难,最后提出预测,如果条件允许,蝗虫依然会迁徙而带来灾害。所以整篇文章都关于蝗虫的迁徙。选项B符合题意。2.推断题。根据文章, “During the great locust plagues the situation became so serious that the original state constitution had to be rewritten to take care of the economic problems.”,可知在蝗灾期间,情况变得如此严重,原来的州宪法不得不重写,以处理经济问题。可判断出内布拉斯加州的州宪法是为了解决因农作物减产而造成的经济问题。选项D符合题意。3.细节理解题。根据文章,“In this respect, the North American migratory locusts resemble their African relatives. In both regions the migratory forms arise as a result of crowding and climatic factors.”,可知在迁移形式上,北美和非洲的蝗虫很相似。在这两个区域,迁徙形式都是由于拥挤和气候因素而产生的。可判断出北美和非洲的蝗虫相似原因在于气候影响。选项C符合题意。4.推断题。根据文章,“the worst years were those from 1874 to 1877.”,可知最糟糕的年份是1874年到1877年。可判断出1938年不是最严重的一年,选项A可排除。文中只提到1874-1877年遇到了蝗灾问题,并没有提及内布拉斯加州是否发生,选项B可排除。根据文章最后一句,“there is no reason why the destructive migratory form might not again appear if circumstances should become favorable.”,可知如果情况有利,破坏性的迁移形式有可能会再次出现,并不能说明非洲蝗虫一定会迁徙到美国。选项D可排除。根据排除法,选项C符合题意。9. 单选题Governments today play an increasingly larger role in the ( ) of welfare, economics, and education.问题1选项A.scopesB.rangesC.ranksD.domains【答案】D【解析】名词词义辨析。scopes “范围,领域”;ranges “量程,范围”;ranks “级别,排列”;domains “领域,域名”。句意:今天,政府在福利、经济和教育领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。选项D符合题意。10. 单选题A new study from the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts University shows that todays youth vote in larger numbers than previous generations, and a 2008 study from the Center for American Progress adds that increasing numbers of young voters and activists support traditionally liberal causes. But theres no easy way to see what those figures mean in real life. During the presidential campaign, Barack Obama assembled a racially and ideologically diverse coalition with his message of hope and change; as the reality of life under a new administration settles in, some of those supporters might become disillusioned. As the nation moves further into the Obama presidency, will politically engaged young people continue to support the president and his agenda, or will they gradually drift away?The writers of Generation O (short for Obama), a new Newsweek blog that seeks to chronicle the lives of a group of young Obama supporters, want to answer that question. For the next three months, Michelle Kremer and 11 other Obama supporters, ages 19 to 34, will blog about life across mainstream America, with one twist: by tying all of their ideas and experiences to the new president and his administration, the bloggers will try to start a conversation about what it means to be young and politically active in America today. Malena Amusa, a 24-year-old writer and dancer from St. Louis sees the project as a way to preserve history as it happens. Amusa, who is traveling to India this spring to finish a book, then to Senegal to teach English, has ongoing conversations with her friends about how the Obama presidency has changed their daily lives and hopes to put some of those ideas, along with her global perspective, into her posts. Shes excited because, as she puts it, “I dont have to wait until 15 years from now” to make sense of the world.Henry Flores, a political-science professor at St. Marys University, credits this younger generations political strength to their embrace of technology. “The Internet exposes them to more thinking,” he says, “and groups that are like-minded in different parts of the country start to come together.” Thats exactly what the Generation O bloggers are hoping to do. The result could be a group of young people that, like their boomer (二战后生育高峰期出生的美国人)parents, grows up with a strong sense of purpose and sheds the image of apathy (冷漠) theyve inherited from Generation X (60年代后期和70年代出生的美国人). Its no small challenge for a blog run by a group of ordinaryif ambitiousyoung people, but the members of Generation O are up to the task.46.What is the finding of a new study by CIRCLE?47.What is a main concern of the writers of Generation O?48.What will the Generation O bloggers write about in their posts?49.What accounts for the younger generations political strength according to Professor Henry Flores?50.What can we infer from the passage about Generation X?问题1选项A.More young voters are going to the polls than before.B.The young generation supports traditionally liberal causes.C.Young voters played a decisive role in Obamas election.D.Young people in America are now more diverse ideologically.问题2选项A.How Obama is going to live up to young peoples expectations.B.Whether America is going to change during Obamas presidency.C.Whether young people will continue to support Obamas policy.D.How Obamas agenda is going to affect the life of Americans.问题3选项A.Their own interpretation of American politics.B.Policy changes to take place in Obamas administration.C.Obamas presidency viewed from a global perspective.D.Their lives in relation to Obamas presidency.问题4选项A.Their embrace of radical ideas.B.Their desire to change America.C.Their utilization of the Internet.D.Their strong sense of responsibility.问题5选项A.They are politically conservative.B.They reject conventional values.C.They dare to take up challenges.D.They are indifferent to politics.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:C第5题:D【解析】46.细节理解题。根据文章第一段,“shows that todays youth vote in larger numbers than previous generations, and a 2008 study from the Center for American Progress adds that increasing numbers of young voters and activists support traditionally liberal causes.”,可知CIRCLE的研究发现越来越多的年轻选民和活动人士支持传统的自由主义事业。可判断出参加投票的年轻选民比以往更多。选项A符合题意。47.细节理解题。根据文章第一段,“As the nation moves further into the Obama presidency, will politically engaged young people continue to support the president and his agenda, or will they gradually drift away?”,可知随着美国进一步进入奥巴马的总统任期,参与政治的年轻人是否会继续支持总统和他的议程,这是个问题。紧接着第二段第一句提到新闻周刊新开的博客“O一代”想要回答这个问题。可判断出“O一代”主要思考的问题是年轻人是否会继续支持奥巴马的政策。选项C符合题意。48.细节理解题。根据文章第二段,“The writers of Generation O (short for Obama), a new Newsweek blog that seeks to chronicle the lives of a group of young Obama supporters”,可知新闻周刊新开的博客O一代旨在记录一群年轻的奥巴马支持者的生活。可判断出他们将会把奥巴马执政期间年轻人的生活记录其中。选项D符合题意。49.细节理解题。根据文章第三段,“credits this younger generations political strength to their embrace of technology. The Internet exposes them to more thinking, he says”,可知Henry把年轻一代的政治力量归功于他们对科技的拥抱,互联网让他们有更多的思考机会。可判断出年轻一代的政治力量来自于他们对互联网的运用。选项C符合题意。50.细节理解题。根据文章第三段,“grows up with a strong sense of purpose and sheds the image of apathy theyve inherited from Generation X.”,可知他们带着强烈的使命感长大,摆脱了他们从X一代那里继承来的冷漠形象。可判断出X一代对待政治是漠不关心的冷漠的态度。选项D符合题意。11. 翻译题今诸生学于太学(the Imperial College),县官(the royal court)日有廪稍之供,父母岁有裘葛之遗,无冻馁之患矣;坐大厦之下而诵诗书,无奔走之劳矣;有司业(Directors of Studies)、博士之师,未有问而不告,求而不得者也;凡所宜有之书集于此,不必若余之手录,假诸人而后见也。其业有不精,德有不成者,非天质之卑,则心不若余之专耳,岂他人之过哉?(5分)人们为梦想而斗争,正如为财产而斗争一样。于是梦想即由幻想的世界走进了现实 的世界,而成为了我们生命中的一个真实力量。梦想无论怎样模糊,总潜伏在我们心底, 使我们的心境永远得不到宁静,直到这些梦想成为事实为止;像种子在底下一样,一定要萌芽滋长,伸出地面来,寻找阳光。(4分)目前是研究在交叉文化与多种文化方面人类的相似性的最好时机了。差异谈得够多了。强调我们的差异使我们人类彼此疏远,使我们长久地相互猜疑;在极端的情况下加深我们的分歧使我们彼此否定,失去人性结果是导致相互残杀。(3分)刑事侦破(forensic)科学家的工作,与其说是迅速和富于洞察力,不如说是更为缓慢, 更具有分析性的。但这种方法所展示出的高质量与谨慎可由如下事实得以反映出来:只有少数案件真正会成为审判室的主要案件。鉴于在预审中被告所听到的刑侦证据之确凿,他们常常折服于证明他们有罪的有分量的科学信息,并且在审判还未开始之前就低头认罪。(3分)【答案】Nowadays many students pursue an education in the Imperial College, they wouldnt need to worry about starvation and coldness as the royal court would offer them everyday food for free and parents your seasonal clothes. Without going outside, they just sit in the comfortable room and read the classic poems and historical books. With Directors of Studies and Mr. Knowledge being their teachers, all of their questions and inquiries will be solved. The College has such a sufficient collection of books that they neednt make handwritten copies after borrowing books from others like I did before. If they make no achievement in their study and fail to be a person of high virtue, it doesnt result from their learning ability but their less devotion. It is their own fault.People fight for dreams just the same as for wealth. Dreams come into the reality world from a fantasy one, and become a kind of real force in our lives. No matter how puzzling they may seem, dreams hide in our inner hearts so that we could ever find no peace in our minds until they become reality. Like seeds deep underground, dreams sprout and grow to find the sun.It is the best time now to study on human similarities in cross-culture and multi-culture aspects. No more differences. Emphasizing the differences keeps us away from each other and suspects each other for a long time. Deepening our divergences would result in, to some extremes, our doubts to everybody, and make our human nature lost, we might end up with cruel killing among us.Rather than being quick and of great insight, the forensic scientists work remains slow and analytic. The high quality and carefulness of this method, however, could be shown on the following facts. Only a few cases would actually come to trial. The defendants are often convinced by the forensic evidence presented in the pre-trials, which are scientific and important enough to establish their guilt, and commit to crimes before trials. admit their crimes before trials.12. 单选题Science, in practice, depends far less on the experiments it prepares than on the preparedness of the minds of the men who watch the experiments. Sir Isaac Newton supposedly discovered gravity through the fall of an apple. Apples had been falling in many places for centuries and thousands of people had seen them fall. But Newton for years had been curious about the cause of the orbital motion of the moon and planets. What kept them in place? Why didnt they fall out of the sky? The fact that the apple fell down toward the earth and not up into the tree answered the question he had been asking himself about those larger fruits of the heavens, the moon and the planets.How many men would have considered the possibility of an apple falling up into the tree? Newton did because he was not trying to predict anything. He was just wondering. His mind was ready for the unpredictable. Unpredictability is part of the essential nature of research. If you dont have unpredictable things, you dont have research. Scientists tend to forget this when writing their cut and dried reports for the technical journals but history is filled with examples of it.In talking to some scientists, particularly younger ones, you might gather the impression that they find the “scientific method” a substitute for imaginative thought. Ive attended research conferences where a scientist has been asked what he thinks about the advisability of continuing a certain experiment. The scientist has frowned, looked at the graphs, and said “the data are still inconclusive.” “We know that,” the men from the budget office have said, “but what do you think? Is it worthwhile going on? What do you think we might expect?” The scientist has been shocked at having even been asked to speculate.What this amounts to, of course, is that the scientist has become the victim of his own writings. He has put forward unquestioned claims so consistently that he not only believes them himself, but has convinced industrial and business management that they are true. If experiments are planned and carried out according to plan as faithfully as the reports in the science journals indicate, then it is perfectly logical for management to expect research to produce results measurable in dollars and cents. It is entirely reasonable for auditors to believe that scientists who know exactly where they are going and how they will get there should not be distracted by the necessity of keeping one eye on the cash register while the other eye is on the microscope. Nor, if regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are as desirable to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to reflect, is management to be blamed for discriminating against the “odd balls” among researchers in favor of more conventional thinkers who “work well with the team.”1.The author wants to prove with the example of Isaac Newton that ( ).2.The author asserts that scientists ( ).3.It seems that some young scientists ( ).4.The author implies that the results of scientific research ( ).问题1选项A.inquiring minds are more important than scientific experimentsB.science advances when fruitful researchers are conductedC.scientists seldom forget the essential nature of researchD.unpredictability weighs less than prediction in scientific research问题2选项A.shouldnt replace “scientific method” with imaginative thoughtB.shouldnt neglect to speculate on unpredictable thingsC.should write more concise reports for technical journalsD.should be confident about their research findings问题3选项A.have a keen interest inB.often speculate on the future predictionC.think highly of creative thinkingD.stick to “scientific method”问题4选项A.may not be as profitable as they are expectedB.can be measured in dollars and centsC.rely on conformity to a standard patternD.are mostly underestimated by management【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D第4题:A【解析】1.推断题。根据文章第一段,“Science, in practice, depends far less on the experiments it prepares than on the preparedness of the minds of the men who watch the experiments.”,可知在实践中,科学与其说依赖于它所准备的实验,不如说依赖于人对实验的思考。下文就用牛顿发现地心引力的例子证明了这一观点。可判断出作者想用艾萨克牛顿的例子来证明求知的思维比科学实验更重要。选项A符合题意。2.作者态度题。根据文章第二段,“Unpredictability is part of the essential nature of research. If you dont have unpredictable things, you dont have research.”,可知不可预测性是研究的本质之一。如果你没有不可预测的东西,你就没有研究。可判断出作者坚信科学家不应忽视对不可预测的事情进行推测。选项B符合题意。3.细节理解题。根据文章第三段,“In talking to some scientists, particularly younger ones, you might gather the impression that they find the “scientific method” a substitute for imaginative thought.”,可知在与一些科学家,尤其是年轻的科学家交谈时,你可能会得到这样的印象:他们发现科学方法可以代替富有想象力的思维。可判断出一些年轻的科学家似乎会坚持使用科学方法而不是富有想象力的思维。选项D符合题意。4.推断题。根据文章最后一段,“If experiments are planned and carried out according to plan as faithfully as the reports in the science journals indicate, then it is perfectly logical for management to expect research to produce results measurable in dollars and cents.”,可知如果实验是像科学杂志上的报告所表明的那样,如实地按照计划进行规划和实施,那么管理层期望研究能产生相应的利益是完全合乎逻辑的。但是有时候科学实验的结果不会验证预测,并不像期望中的那么有利可图。选项A符合题意。13. 单选题Englands team, who are now supe


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