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2022年考博英语-西安电子科技大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题If you go to the park early in the morning, youll _ find Mr. Smith doing Taijiquan (traditional Chinese shadow boxing) there.问题1选项A.invariablyB.invalidlyC.innovativelyD.instantaneously【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. invariably 始终如一地;一贯地 B. invalidly 无价值地;无用地C. innovatively 独创性地 D. instantaneously 瞬间地;稍纵即逝地【答案】A【考查点】副词辨析。【解题思路】句意:如果你一大早去公园,你会发现史密斯先生在那里打太极拳。根据逻辑,应该是会总是看到他在公园打太极拳。因此选A选项invariably“始终如一地;一贯地”。invariably相当于always,可引申为“总是”的意思。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项均无法与空格前后构成相应的逻辑关系。【句意】如果你一大早去公园,你总会发现史密斯先生在那里打太极拳。2. 单选题If you cannot attend the meeting, please find someone to _ for you.问题1选项A.replaceB.substituteC.displaceD.misplace【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. replace 取代 B. substitute 代替C. displace 取代;替代 D. misplace 随意搁置;乱放【答案】B【考查点】固定搭配。【解题思路】substitute for意为“代替;取代”。由句意“如果你不能参加会议,请找人你。”可知该搭配符合句意,意为“如果你不能参加会议,请找人代替你。”因此选A。【干扰项排除】A选项replace“取代”,replace for意为“将取代成”,不符合语境;C选项displace“取代;替代”,不与for搭配;D选项misplace“随意搁置;乱放”不符合语境。【句意】如果你不能参加会议,请找人代替你。3. 翻译题1. NewtonNewton used his great skill in mathematics to form a better understanding of the world and the universe. He used methods he had learned as a boy in making things. He experimented. Then he studied the results and used what he had learned to design new experiments.Newtons work led him to create a new technique in mathematics for measuring areas curved in shape. He also used it to find how much material was contained in solid objects. The technique he created became known as integral calculus.One day, sitting in the garden, he watched an apple fall from a tree. He began to wonder if the same force that pulled the apple down also kept the moon circling the Earth. Newton believed it was. And he believed it could be measured.He called the force gravity. He began to examine it carefully.He decided that the strength of the force keeping a planet in orbit around the sun depended on two things. One was the amount of mass in the planet and the sun. The other was how far apart they were.Newton was able to find the exact relationship between distance and gravity. He multiplied the mass of one space body by the mass of the others. Then he divided that number by the square of their distance apart. The result was the strength of the gravity force that tied them to each other.2. Hubbles LawIn the late 1920s, Hubble studied the movement of galaxies through space. His investigation led to the most important astronomical discovery of the 20th centurythe expanding universe.Earlier observations about the movement of galaxies had been done by V. M.Silpher. He discovered that galaxies are moving away from Earth at speeds between three-hundred kilometers a second and one-thousand eight-hundred kilometers a second.Hubble understood the importance of Silphers findings. He developed a plan for measuring both the distance and speed of as many galaxies as possible. With his assistant at Mount Wilson, Milton Humason, Hubble measured the movement of galaxies. The two men did this by studying what Hubble called the “red shit”. It also is known as the Doppler effect.The Doppler effect explains changes in the length of light waves or sound waves as they move toward you or away from you. Light waves from an object speeding away from you will stretch into longer wavelengths. They appear red. Light waves from an object speeding toward you will have shorter wavelengths. They appear blue.Observations of forty-six galaxies showed Hubble that the galaxies were traveling away from Earth. The observations also showed that speed was linked directly to the galaxies distance from Earth. Hubble discovered that the farther away a galaxy is, the greater its speed. This scientific rule is called Hubbles Law.3. DreamMen and women in ancient times often believed that spirits visited them in their dreams. The spirits brought messages of hope or danger. Ancient Assyrians (亚述人), Egyptians, Greeks, and, Romans all turned to dreams for supernatural answers to their questions. They believed dreams could show the future, warn of evil, bring happiness. Priests (僧侣) and medicine men studied dreams to learn the cause and cure of sicknesses. They built temples and made sacrifices so their gods would speak to them through dreams.The ancient Greeks, specially, saw dreams as hidden messages from the gods. However, one Greek philosopher, Aristotle, did not. He believed the gods would speak only to a few special people, not everyone. And everyone had dreams. Almost two-thousand-four-hundred years ago, another GreekHippocrateswrote about dreams. Hippocrates is considered the father of medicine. Hippocrates believed dreams could be used as tools for learning the nature of a persons sickness. For example, suppose a person dreamed about a fruit tree that would not grow. Such a dream, Hippocrates said could mean that the person had a disease of the reproductive system (再生系统).Some historians think the dreams of ancient peoples led to the development of religion. This includes the belief in the survival of the spirit after death.【答案】1. 牛顿牛顿运用他在数学方面的高超技巧,对世界和宇宙有了更好的认识。他用小时候学到的方法做东西。他尝试。然后,他研究结果,并利用他所学到的设计新的实验。牛顿的工作使他在数学中创造了一种测量曲面面积的新技术。他还用它来发现固体中含有多少物质。他创造的这项技术后来被称为积分学。一天,他坐在花园里,看到一个苹果从树上掉下来。他开始想,把苹果拉下来的力量,是否也让月亮绕着地球转。牛顿认为是。他相信这是可以衡量的。他称这种力为重力。他开始认真地调查。他认为保持行星绕太阳轨道运行的力量取决于两个因素。一个是行星和太阳的质量。另一个是它们之间的距离。牛顿能够找到距离和重力之间的精确关系。他用一个空间物体的质量乘以其他物体的质量。然后他把这个数字除以它们之间距离的平方。其结果是将它们相互绑在一起的重力的强度。2. 哈勃定律在20世纪20年代末,哈勃研究了星系在太空中的运动。他的研究导致了20世纪最重要的天文发现不断膨胀的宇宙。关于星系运动的早期观察是由V. M .希尔弗做的。他发现星系正以每秒300公里到每秒1800公里的速度远离地球。哈勃明白希尔弗发现的重要性。他制定了一个计划来测量尽可能多的星系的距离和速度。哈勃和他在威尔逊山的助手米尔顿哈马森一起测量了星系的运动。这两个人是通过研究哈勃所说的“红色大便”来做到这一点的。这也被称为多普勒效应。多普勒效应解释了光波或声波在向你移动或远离你时长度的变化。从加速远离你的物体发出的光波会延伸到更长的波长。出现红色。从一个物体向你飞来的光波的波长会更短。它们出现蓝色。哈勃对46个星系的观察表明,这些星系正在远离地球。观测结果还表明,速度与星系离地球的距离直接相关。哈勃发现星系越远,其速度就越快。这一科学规律被称为哈勃定律。3.梦想古时候的男人和女人通常相信灵魂在他们的梦中拜访他们。灵魂带来了希望或危险的信息。古代亚述人、埃及人、希腊人和罗马人都从梦中寻求超自然的答案。他们相信梦可以显示未来,警告邪恶,带来幸福。牧师和药师研究梦来了解疾病的起因和治疗方法。他们建造庙宇,献祭,让他们的神通过梦境与他们对话。尤其是古希腊人,把梦看作是来自神的隐藏信息。然而,一位希腊哲学家亚里士多德却不认为。他相信神只会对少数特殊的人说话,而不是所有人。每个人都有梦想。大约2400年前,另一位希腊人希波克拉底写过关于梦的文章。希波克拉底被认为是医学之父。希波克拉底认为梦可以被用作了解一个人疾病本质的工具。例如,假设一个人梦到一棵不长的果树。希波克拉底说,这样的梦可能意味着这个人患有生殖系统疾病。一些历史学家认为古代人民的梦想导致了宗教的发展。这包括对人死后灵魂依然存在的信仰。4. 单选题Packing all the goods will take _ days.问题1选项A.another tenB.other tenC.the ten moreD.the other ten【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. another ten 另十天 B. other ten 另十天C. the ten more 另十天 D. the other ten 另十天【答案】A【考查点】语法结构。【解题思路】句意:包装所有货物需要天。根据选项可知,这里指包装货物还需要另外十天。another ten days表示另外十天,another用作形容词的基本意思是“另一个的”符合语法结构。因此选A。【干扰项排除】other用在the或形容词性物主代词之后时,与单数名词连用表示“(两个中的)另一个”这里指另一个十天,因此不能用other,所以排除B、D选项;在本句中ten days为一个整体,不能将其拆开,因此不能选C。【句意】把所有货物装箱还要花10天时间。5. 翻译题The current through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference (电位差) across it provided there is no change in the physical conditions of the conductor.【答案】如果对于导体没有任何物理变化,那么通过导体的电流正比于通过的电位差。6. 翻译题电阻越大,其消耗(dissipate)的能量(energy)就越多。【答案】The greater the resistance is, the more energy it dissipates.7. 单选题When A. Philip Randolph assumed the leadership of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, he began a ten-year battle to win recognition from the Pullman Company, the largest private employer of Black people in the United States and the company that controlled the railroad industrys sleeping car and parlor service. In 1935 the Brotherhood became the first Black union recognized by a major corporation. Randolphs efforts in the battle helped transform the attitude of Black workers toward unions and toward themselves as an identifiable group; eventually, Randolph helped to weaken organized labors antagonism toward Black workers.In the Pullman contest Randolph faced formidable obstacles. The first was Black workers understandable skepticism toward unions, which had historically barred Black workers from membership. An additional obstacle was the union that Pullman itself had formed, which weakened support among Black workers for an independent entity.The Brotherhood possessed a number of advantages, however, including Randolphs own tactical abilities. In 1928 he took the bold step of threatening a strike against Pullman. Such a threat, on a national scale, under Black leadership, helped replace the stereotype of the Black worker as servant with the image of the Black worker as wage earner. In addition, the porters very isolation aided the Brotherhood. Porters were scattered throughout the country, sleeping in dormitories in Black communities; their segregated life protected the union internal communications from interception. That the porters were a homogeneous group working for a single employer with single labor policy, thus sharing the same grievances from city to city, also strengthened the Brotherhood and encouraged racial identity and solidarity as well. But it was only in the early 1930s that federal legislation prohibiting a company from maintaining its own unions with company money eventually allowed the Brotherhood to become recognized as the porters representative.Not content with this triumph, Randolph brought the Brotherhood into the American Federation of Labor, where it became the equal of the Federations 105 other unions. He reasoned that as a member union, the Brotherhood would be in a better position to exert pressure on member unions that practiced race restrictions. Such restrictions were eventually found unconstitutional in 1944.1. According to the passage, by 1935 the skepticism of Black workers toward unions was _.2. In using the word “understandable” (Para.2), the author most clearly conveys _.3. The passage suggests which of the following about the response of porters to the Pullman Companys own union?4. The passage suggests that if the grievances of porters in one part of the United States had been different from those of porters in another part of the country, which of the following would have been the case?5. The passage supplies information concerning which of the following matters related to Randolph?问题1选项A.unchanged except among Black employees of railroad-related industriesB.reinforced by the actions of the Pullman Companys unionC.mitigated by the efforts of RandolphD.weakened by the opening up of many unions to Black workers问题2选项A.sympathy with attempts by the Brotherhood between 1925 and 1935 to establish an independent unionB.concern that the obstacles faced by Randolph between 1925 and 1935 were indeed formidableC.ambivalence about the significance of unions to most Black workers in the 1920sD.appreciation of the attitude of many Black workers in the 1920s toward unions问题3选项A.Few porters ever joined this union.B.Some porters supported this union before 1935.C.Porters, more than other Pullman employees, enthusiastically supported this union.D.The porters response was most positive after 1935.问题4选项A.It would have been more difficult for the Pullman Company to have had a single labor policy.B.It would have been more difficult for the Brotherhood to control its channels of communication.C.It would have been more difficult for the Brotherhood to build its membership.D.It would have been easier for the Pullman Companys union to attract membership.问题5选项A.The steps he took to initiate the founding of the Brotherhood.B.His motivation for bringing the Brotherhood into the American Federation of Labor.C.The influence he had on the passage of legislation overturning race restrictions in 1944.D.The influence he had on the passage of legislation to bar companies from financing their own unions.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.【选项释义】According to the passage, by 1935 the skepticism of Black workers toward unions was _. 根据这篇文章,到1935年,黑人工人对工会的怀疑_。A. unchanged except among Black employees of railroad-related industries A. 是不变的除了铁路相关行业的黑人雇员外B. reinforced by the actions of the Pullman Companys union B. 是被普尔曼公司工会的行动加强的C. mitigated by the efforts of Randolph C. 是通过伦道夫的努力被减轻的D. weakened by the opening up of many unions to Black workers D. 是由于许多工会向黑人工人开放而被削弱的【答案】C【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位到第一段最后“伦道夫在这场斗争中的努力帮助改变了黑人工人对工会和他们自己作为一个可识别群体的态度;最后,伦道夫帮助削弱了工会对黑人工人的敌对情绪(Randolph helped to weaken organized labors antagonism toward Black workers)。”这种敌对情绪的削弱可以推断黑人对工会的怀疑态度被削弱。因此选C。【干扰项排除】A选项“是不变的除了铁路相关行业的黑人雇员外”,根据推断可知,这种怀疑是被削弱了而不是不变的,该选项属于反向干扰;B选项“是被普尔曼公司工会的行动加强的”,根据推断可知这种怀疑被削弱了而不是加强的,该选项属于反向干扰;D选项“是由于许多工会向黑人工人开放而被削弱的”,文章并没有说许多工会开放,该选项属于无中生有。2.【选项释义】In using the word “understandable” (Para.2), the author most clearly conveys _. 在使用“understandable”这个词时(第2段),作者最清楚地表达了_。 A. sympathy with attempts by the Brotherhood between 1925 and 1935 to establish an independent union A. 对兄弟会在1925年至1935年间建立独立联盟的企图表示同情B. concern that the obstacles faced by Randolph between 1925 and 1935 were indeed formidable B. 对伦道夫在1925年至1935年间所面临的障碍确实是可怕的担忧C. ambivalence about the significance of unions to most Black workers in the 1920s C. 20世纪20年代大多数黑人工人对工会意义的矛盾心理D. appreciation of the attitude of many Black workers in the 1920s toward unions D. 对20世纪20年代许多黑人工人对工会的态度的理解【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据出处提示词Paragraph 2与题干信息词most previous surveys可定位到第二段“第一个原因是黑人工人对工会的怀疑态度,这是可以理解的(understandable),因为工会历来禁止黑人工人加入工会。”因为工会禁止黑人加入,所以黑人对工会有怀疑态度,这是可以理解的。因此选D。【干扰项排除】A选项“对兄弟会在1925年至1935年间建立独立联盟的企图表示同情”,文中没有体现,该选项属于无中生有;B选项“对伦道夫在1925年至1935年间所面临的障碍确实是可怕的担忧”,文中可以理解的是理解黑人工人对工会的怀疑态度而非该选项所指的含义,该选项属于张冠李戴;C选项“20世纪20年代大多数黑人工人对工会意义的矛盾心理”,文中没有体现,该选项属于无中生有。3.【选项释义】The passage suggests which of the following about the response of porters to the Pullman Companys own union? 这篇文章暗示了搬运工对普尔曼公司自己的工会的反应是什么?A. Few porters ever joined this union. A. 很少有搬运工加入这个工会。B. Some porters supported this union before 1935. B. 1935年之前,一些搬运工支持这个联盟。C. Porters, more than other Pullman employees, enthusiastically supported this union. C. 搬运工比普尔曼的其他雇员更热心地支持这个工会。D. The porters response was most positive after 1935. D. 1935年后,搬运工们的反应最为积极。【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位到第二段“另一个障碍是普尔曼自己组建的工会,它削弱了黑人工人对独立实体的支持(weakened support among Black workers for an independent entity)。”可推断这里的independent entity指的就是兄弟会。因此,在兄弟会正式代表porters之前,应该是有一些人支持了普尔曼自己的工会。因此选B。【干扰项排除】A选项“很少有搬运工加入这个工会。”,根据推断可知有一些人加入了普尔曼的工会,该选项属于反向干扰;C选项“搬运工比普尔曼的其他雇员更热心地支持这个工会。”,文中没有体现,该选项属于无中生有;D选项“1935年后,搬运工们的反应最为积极。”,文章没有提及,该选项属于无中生有。4.【选项释义】The passage suggests that if the grievances of porters in one part of the United States had been different from those of porters in another part of the country, which of the following would have been the case? 文章指出,如果美国一个地区的搬运工的不满与该国另一个地区的搬运工的不满不同,那么以下哪一种情况会是这种情况?A. It would have been more difficult for the Pullman Company to have had a single labor policy. A. 对普尔曼公司来说,实行单一的劳工政策会更加困难。B. It would have been more difficult for the Brotherhood to control its channels of communication. B. 对兄弟会来说,控制其沟通渠道将会更加困难。C. It would have been more difficult for the Brotherhood to build its membership. C. 对兄弟会来说,建立成员会更加困难。D. It would have been easier for the Pullman Companys union to attract membership. D. 普尔曼公司的工会本来可以更容易地吸引会员。 【答案】C【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据出处提示词与题干信息可定位到第三段“搬运工是一个同质的群体,为一个雇主工作,实行单一的劳工政策,因此在各个城市都有同样的不满(sharing the same grievances from city to city),这也加强了兄弟会,也鼓励了种族认同和团结。”由此可知同样的不满会加强兄弟会,由此可推断不同的不满会很难建立兄弟会。因此选C。【干扰项排除】A选项“对普尔曼公司来说,实行单一的劳工政策会更加困难。”,文章提到“搬运工是一个同质的群体,为一个雇主工作,实行单一的劳工政策” 并不是普尔曼公司,该选项属于张冠李戴;B选项“对兄弟会来说,控制其沟通渠道将会更加困难。”,文中没有提及,该选项属于无中生有;D选项“普尔曼公司的工会本来可以更容易地吸引会员。”,文中没有提及,该选项属于无中生有。5.【选项释义】The passage supplies information concerning which of the following matters related to Randolph? 这篇文章提供了下列哪一件事与伦道夫有关的信息?A. The steps he took to initiate the founding of the Brotherhood. A. 他为建立兄弟会所采取的步骤。B. His motivation for bringing the Brotherhood into the American Federation of Labor. B. 他将兄弟会纳入美国劳工联盟的动机。 C. The influence he had on the passage of legislation overturning race restrictions in 1944. C. 他对1944年推翻种族限制法案的通过的影响。D. The influence he had on the passage of legislation to bar companies from financing their own unions. D. 他对通过立法禁止公司为自己的工会提供资金的影响。【答案】B【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位到最后一段“伦道夫并不满足于这一胜利,他将兄弟会纳入了美国劳工联盟(Randolph brought the Brotherhood into the American Federation of Labor),在那里,兄弟会与联盟中的其他105个工会平起平落。”因此选B。【干扰项排除】A选项“他为建立兄弟会所采取的步骤。”,文章第一段“当伦道夫担任卧车列车员兄弟会的领导时,他开始了一场为期十年的斗争”说明他只是兄弟会的领导,而并不是建立兄弟会,该选项属于过度推断;C选项“他对1944年推翻种族限制法案的通过的影响。”,伦道夫并没有推翻种族限制法案,该选项属于无中生有;D选项“他对通过立法禁止公司为自己的工会提供资金的影响。”,文中没有提及,该选项属于无中生有。8. 单选题Theres a simple premise behind what Larry Myers does for a living: If you can smell it, you can find it.Myers is the founder of Auburn Universitys Institute for Biological Detection Systems, the main task of which is to chase the ultimate in detection devicesan artificial nose. For now, the subject of their research is little more than a stack of gleaming chips tucked away in a laboratory drawer. But soon, such a tool could be hanging from the belts of police, arson investigators and food-safety inspectors.The technology that they are working on would suggest quite reasonably that, within three to five years, well have some workable sensors ready to use. Such devices might find wide use in places that attract terrorists. Police could detect drugs, bodies and bombs hidden in cars, while food inspectors could easily test food and water for contamination.The implications for revolutionary advances in public safety and the food industry are astonishing. But so, too, are the possibilities for abuse. Such machines could determine whether a woman is ovulating, without a physical examor even her knowledge.One of the traditional protectors of American liberty is that it has been impossible to search everyone. Thats getting not to be the case.Artificial biosensors created at Auburn work totally differently from anything ever seen before. AromaScan, for example, is a desktop machine based on a bank of chips sensitive to specific chemicals that evaporate into the air. As air is sucked into the machine, chemicals pass over the sensor surfaces and produce changes in the electrical current flowing through them. Those current changes are logged into a computer that sorts out odors based on their electrical signatures.Myers says they expect to load a single fingernailsize chip with thousands of odor receptors, enough to create a sensor thats nearly as sensitive as a dogs nose.1. Which of the following is within the capacity of the artificial nose being developed?2. A potential problem which might be caused by the use of an artificial nose is _.3. The word “logged” (Para. 6) most probably means “_”.4. To produce artificial noses for practical use, it is essential _.5. The authors attitude towards Larry Myers work is _.问题1选项A.Performing physical examinations.B.Locating places which attract terrorists.C.Detecting drugs and water contamination.D.Monitoring food processing.问题2选项A.negligence of public safetyB.an abuse of personal freedomC.a hazard to physical healthD.a threat to individual privacy问题3选项A.presetB.enteredC.processedD.simulated问题4选项A.to develop microchips with thousands of odor receptorsB.to invent chips sensitive to various chemicalsC.to design a computer program to sort out smellsD.to find chemicals that can alter the electrical current passing through问题5选项A.cautiousB.approvingC.suspiciousD.overenthusiastic【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.【选项释义】Which of the following is within the capacity of the artificial nose being developed? 下列哪项在正在研制的人造鼻子的能力范围内?A. Performing physical examinations. A. 进行体格检查。B. Locating places which attract te


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