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2022年考博英语-四川师范大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题There is a new type of small advertisement becoming increasingly common in newspaper classified columns. It is sometimes placed among “situations vacant”, although it does not offer anyone a job, and sometimes it appears among “situations wanted”, although it is not placed by someone looking for a job, either. What it does is to offer help in applying for a job.“Contact us before writing your application”, or “Make use of our long experience in preparing your curriculum vitae or job history”, is how it is usually expressed. The growth and apparent success of such a specialized service is, of course, a reflection on the current high levels of unemployment. It is also an indication of the growing importance of the curriculum vitae (or job history), with the suggestion that it may now qualify as an art form in its own right.There was a time when job seekers simply wrote letters of application. “Just put down your name, address, age and whether you have passed any exams”, was about the average level of advice offered to young people applying for their first jobs when I left school. The letter was really just for openers, it was explained, and everything else could and should be saved for the interview. And in those days of full employment the technique worked. The letter proved that you could write and were available for work. Your eager face and intelligent replies did the rest.Later, as you moved up the ladder, something slightly more sophisticated was called for. The advice then was to put something in the letter which would distinguish you from the rest. It might be the aggressive approach. “Your search is over. I am the person you are looking for”, was a widely used trick that occasionally succeeded. Or it might be some special feature specially designed for the job interview.There is no doubt, however, that it is increasing number of applicants with university education at all points in the process of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of the curriculum vitae.1. The new type of advertisement which is appearing in newspaper columns _.2. Nowadays a demand for this specialized type of service has been created because _.3. In the past it was expected that first job hunters would _.4. Later, as one went on to apply for more important jobs, one was advised to include in the letter _.5. The curriculum vitae has become such an important document because _.问题1选项A.informs job hunters of the opportunities availableB.promises to offer useful advice to those looking for employmentC.divides available jobs into various typesD.informs employers of the people available for work问题2选项A.there is a lack of jobs available for artistic peopleB.there are so many top level jobs availableC.there are so many people out of workD.the job history is considered to be a work of art问题3选项A.write an initial letter giving their life historyB.pass some exams before applying for a jobC.have no qualifications other than being able to read and writeD.keep any detailed information until they obtained an interview问题4选项A.something that would distinguish one from other applicantsB.hinted information about the personality of the applicantC.ones advantages over others in applying for the jobD.an occasional trick with the aggressive approach问题5选项A.there has been an increase in the number of jobs advertisedB.there has been an increase in the number of applicants with degreesC.jobs are becoming much more complicated nowadaysD.the other processes of applying for jobs are more complicated【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第一段最后一句“What it does is to offer help in applying for a job.(它的作用是在求职时提供帮助。)”由此可知这种新型广告主要是给那些找工作的人提供有用的信息,所以B选项“承诺给那些找工作的人提供有用的信息”说法正确。A选项“给求职者提供工作机会”;C选项“将现有的工作分为不同类型”;D选项“通知雇主可以工作的人”都与文章事实不符,因此B选项正确。2.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段“The growth and apparent success of such a specialized service is, of course, a reflection on the current high levels of unemployment. It is also an indication of the growing importance of the curriculum vitae (or job history), with the suggestion that it may now qualify as an art form in its own right.当然,这种专门服务的增长和明显的成功反映了目前的高失业率。这也表明了简历(或工作经历)越来越重要,因为它本身就可以称得上是一种艺术形式”。由此可知对这种特殊类型的服务需求增多是因为失业人数的原因,所以C选项“有很多人失业”说法正确。A选项“艺术工作者缺少工作机会”;B选项“顶级工作数量增多”与文章事实不符;D选项“工作经历被认为是一件艺术品”文章虽然有提到,但不是这种特殊类型的服务需求增多的原因。因此C选项正确。3.判断推理题。根据题干可定位到文章第三段“There was a time when job seekers simply wrote letters of application. Just put down your name, address, age and whether you have passed any exams, was about the average level of advice offered to young people applying for their first jobs when I left school. The letter was really just for openers, it was explained, and everything else could and should be saved for the interview.”(曾经有一段时间,求职者只写求职信。“请写下您的姓名、地址、年龄和是否通过了考试”,这是我离开学校时给申请第一份工作的年轻人提供的平均建议。他们解释说,这封信实际上只是开个玩笑,其他一切都可以而且应该留到面试时再写)。由此可知在过去求职者会在求职信上面写下详细信息直到他们获得面试,所以D选项“保留任何详细的信息直到他们获得面试”说法正确。A选项“写一封说明他们生活历史的信件”文章没有提到;B选项“在申请工作之前通过一些考试”文章只提到在求职信上写上自己是否通过了考试,并没有提到求职者必须通过考试,故不选;C选项“除了能读和写之外没有别的资格”说法错误,文章提到And in those days of full employment the technique worked. The letter proved that you could write and were available for work. Your eager face and intelligent replies did the rest.在那些充分就业的日子里,这种方法是有效的。这封信证明你能写,也能去工作。你急切的表情和机智的回答将会完成面试的剩下部分。由此只会读和写并不能帮助你获得工作,面试中的表现也很重要。因此D选项正确。4.判断推理题。根据题干可定位到文章倒数第二段“Later, as you moved up the ladder, something slightly more sophisticated was called for. The advice then was to put something in the letter which would distinguish you from the rest. It might be the aggressive approach.(之后,当你申请更重要的工作时,就需要一些其他更稍微复杂些的能力。当时的建议是在信中写些能使你和其他人区别开来的东西。这可能是一种咄咄逼人的方式。)”由此可知A选项“能让你从其他申请者中脱颖而出的东西”说法正确。B选项“关于申请人性格的暗示信息”文章没有提到;C选项“在申请这项工作方面比别人有优势”为本题干扰项,文中只提到建议在简历中写一些和别人不一样的地方,可以是很多方面,而不仅仅局限于工作方面,所以本题不选C选项;D选项“用侵略性方法偶尔耍花招”,文章只提到在信中写些能使你和其他人区别开来的东西这一举措可能是一种咄咄逼人的方式,并不是建议求职者在求职过程中用侵略性方法偶尔耍花招。因此A选项正确。5.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章最后一段“There is no doubt, however, that it is increasing number of applicants with university education at all points in the process of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of the curriculum vitae.(但是,毫无疑问,在申请工作的过程中具有大学学历的人数增加,使得简历更加重要。)”由此可知简历变得越来越重要的原因是因为高学历申请人数量的增加,所以B选项“有学位的申请人数量有所增加”说法正确。A选项“招聘广告的数量有所增加”;C选项“现在的工作变得越来越复杂”;D选项“其他的申请工作的过程更加复杂”都与文章事实不符,因此B选项正确。2. 单选题Resources can be said to be scarce in both an absolute and relative sense: The surface of the Earth is finite, imposing absolute scarcity; but the scarcity that concerns economists is the relative scarcity of resources in different uses. Materials used for one purpose cannot at the same time be used for other purposes; if the quantity of an input is limited, the increased use of it in one manufacturing process must cause it to become less available for other uses.The cost of a product in terms of money may not measure its true cost to society. The true cost of, say, the construction of a supersonic jet is the value of the schools and refrigerators that will never be built as a result. Every act of production uses up some of societys available resources; it means the foregoing of an opportunity to produce something else. In deciding how to use resources most effectively to satisfy the wants of the community, this opportunity cost must ultimately be taken into account.In a market economy, the price of a good and the quantity supplied depend on the cost of making it, and that cost, ultimately, is the cost of not making other goods. The market mechanism enforces this relationship. The cost of, say, a pair of shoes is the price of the leather, the labor, the fuel, and other elements used up in producing them. But the price of these inputs, in turn, depends on what they can produce elsewhereif the leather can be used to produce handbags that are valued highly by consumers, the prices of leather will be bid up correspondingly.1. What does this passage mainly discuss?2. According to the passage, what are the opportunity costs of an item?3. According to the passage, what is the relationship between production and resources?4. What determines the price of a good in a market economy?5. Which of the following examples BEST reflects a cost to society as defined in the passage?问题1选项A.The scarcity of manufactured goods.B.The value of scarce materials.C.The manufacturing of scarce goods.D.The cost of producing shoes.问题2选项A.The amount of time and money spent in producing it.B.The opportunities a person has to buy it.C.The value of what could have been produced instead.D.The value of the resources used in its production.问题3选项A.Available resources stimulate production.B.Resources are totally independent of production.C.Production increases as resources increase.D.Production lessens the amount of available resources.问题4选项A.The cost of all elements in production.B.The cost of not making other goods.C.The efficiency of the manufacturing process.D.The quantity of materials supplied.问题5选项A.A family buying a dog.B.Eating in a restaurant instead of at home.C.Using land for a house instead of a park.D.Staying at home instead of going to school.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:A第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。根据全文可知文章三段均围绕短缺原料的价值进行说明。文章第一段说明了什么叫原料相对短缺,第二段说明了什么叫机会成本,第三段说明了原料的价格是由什么决定的。A选项“制成品的缺乏”说法错误,文章更多的是描写原料的短缺,而非制成品;B选项“稀有材料的价值”符合题意;C选项“稀有商品的制造”文章没有提到;D选项“生产鞋子的成本”可定位到文章第三段“The cost of, say, a pair of shoes is the price of the leather, the labor, the fuel, and other elements used up in producing them. (比如说,一双鞋的成本就是皮革、劳动力、燃料和其他生产过程中所消耗的元素的价格。)”,由此可知D选项只是文章中列举的一个例子,并不能概括全文。因此B选项正确。2.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段“Every act of production uses up some of societys available resources; it means the foregoing of an opportunity to produce something else.(每一种生产行为都会消耗一些社会可用资源;它意味着放弃一个生产其他东西的机会。)”,由此可知机会成本是用可生产的其他商品来衡量的,所以C选项“可生产的其他商品的价值”符合题意。A选项“生产它所花费的时间和金钱”只能说是生产成本,不是机会成本;B选项“人们必须购买它的机会”;D选项“在生产中使用的资源的价值”文中都没有提到。因此C选项正确。3.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第一段“Materials used for one purpose cannot at the same time be used for other purposes; if the quantity of an input is limited, the increased use of it in one manufacturing process must cause it to become less available for other uses.(用于一个目的产品的材料不能同时用于其他产品;如果投入的材料数量是有限的,那么在另一个制造过程中增加投入材料的使用量必然会导致投入的其他用途的可用性降低。)”,由此可知社会总资源是有限的,用掉其中一些就会使总量减少并限制其他商品的生产,所以D选项“生产减少了可用资源的数量”符合题意。A选项“可用资源刺激生产”文中没有提到;B选项“资源完全独立于生产”说法错误,资源不可能独立于生产;C选项“产量随着资源的增加而增加”说法错误,产量的增加不止取决于资源。因此D选项正确。4.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第三段“In a market economy, the price of a good and the quantity supplied depend on the cost of making it(市场经济条件下,商品的价格和产量取决于其成本)”,然后又提到“The cost of, say, a pair of shoes is the price of the leather, the labor, the fuel, and other elements used up in producing them.(比如说,一双鞋的成本就是皮革、劳动力、燃料和其他生产过程中所消耗的元素的价格。)”,由此可知商品的价格取决于生产过程中所有要素的成本,所以A选项“生产中所有要素的成本”符合题意。B选项“不生产其他商品的成本”和C选项“制造过程的效率”以及D选项“材料的数量”都包含在A选项中,因此A选项正确。5.判断推理题。文章主要阐述了经济学里面的一个重要概念“机会成本”,是讲商品生产和社会资源之间的关系。A选项“一户人家买了一只狗”;B选项“在餐馆吃饭而不是在家里”;C选项“用土地建房子而不是建公园”;D选项“待在家里而不是去上学”。A、B、D选项均未涉及到生产领域,因此C选项正确。3. 单选题Samuel Slater was born in Belper, England, in 1768. On completion of his seven year apprenticeship in an English spinning mill, he was apparently so worried about the growth, and hence saturation, of the industry in the United Kingdom that, in 1789, without the knowledge of his family, Slater traveled to America at the age of 21. This was done in secret; it was illegal at the time to export anything to the U.S. relating to machinery, including engineers. Also, the U.S. was offering rewards for textile information.Arriving in New York, it was not long before he learned of the experimental work of Moses Brown and William Almy, in Pawtucket, with more advanced machines than the Spinning Jennys used in New York. Initially without any contract, and working alongside the engineers already employed at the Almy and Brown mill, Slater successfully reworked a spinning frame along the lines of Arkwrights Water Frame. This three months of work resulted in a partnership with Almy and Brown. He understood the whole spinning process and knew which machines were vital to overall success of a mill.However, that management training and knowledge really came into its own over the next two years as Slater labored to educate the embryonic textile industry and businessmen in the techniques that had proved so successful in Belper. Without these, Slater believed the industry would not flourish. In particular, his aim was to maximize the output from the machinery and develop the market place in order to sell all the yarn that could be produced. Prior to this, the philosophy of Almy and Brown was to produce only to order. By 1792, Slater had proved, through the use of his Belper-learned management techniques, that he could make spinning a profitable business. This led to building the Old Slater Millthe first successful U.S. cotton spinning mill. Slaters view was to concentrate on a specific aspect and specialize. The other partners believed in covering the whole textile process through to finished goods, including knitting. As a result, in 1797, Slater broke away and built his own larger millthe White Mill. Following the success of Slaters business, the cotton industry really took off and over the next ten or so years, over eighty mills developed. Slater has been called both the “Father of American Industry”, and the “Founder of the American Industrial Revolution”.1. What does the second paragraph mainly discuss?2. According to the passage, Slater was attracted to the Almy and Brown mill because _.3. According to the passage, which of the following was NOT one of Slaters aims in his approach to running a mill?4. What had Slater proved by 1792?5. Slater left Almy and Brown to establish _.问题1选项A.Slaters arrival in AmericaB.New York and the Almy and Brown millC.The first three months and achievement of a partnershipD.Slaters understanding of the spinning process问题2选项A.they were in PawtucketB.they were innovative and had advanced machinesC.he did not have to have a contractD.they employed professional engineers问题3选项A.maximizing outputB.sales developmentC.Belper management techniquesD.covering the full process through to knitted goods问题4选项A.That his imported management techniques worked.B.That the philosophy of Almy and Brown was wrong.C.That he could build his own successful mill.D.That he could sell all the yarn he could produce.问题5选项A.the Old Slater MillB.the White MillC.over eighty millsD.ten or so mills【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.主旨大意题。根据第二段倒数第二句“This three months of work resulted in a partnership with Almy and Brown.(经过三个月的努力,斯莱特与阿尔米和布朗建立了伙伴关系。)”可知第二段主要讲的是斯莱特与另外两个工厂的合作以及取得的成就,所以C选项“合伙的头三个月和成就”符合题意。A选项“斯莱特到达美国”;B选项“纽约、阿尔米和布朗磨坊”;D选项“斯莱特对纺纱过程的理解”均不符合题意,因此C选项正确。2.细节事实题。根据第二段“Arriving in New York, it was not long before he learned of the experimental work of Moses Brown and William Almy, in Pawtucket, with more advanced machines than the Spinning Jennys used in New York.(到达纽约后不久,他就知道了摩西布朗和威廉阿尔米在波塔基特的实验工作,他们用的机器比纽约使用的詹妮丝纺车还要先进。)”,由此可知是布朗和阿米尔他们的先进机器吸引了斯莱特,所以B选项“他们是创新的且有先进的机器”符合题意。A选项“他们在波塔基特”;C选项“他不需要签合同”;D选项“他们雇佣专业工程师”。因此B选项正确。3.判断推理题。根据题干可定位到文章第三段“In particular, his aim was to maximize the output from the machinery and develop the market place in order to sell all the yarn that could be produced. (特别是,他的目标是最大限度地提高机器的产量和发展市场,以销售所有能生产的纱线。)”,由此可知A选项“输出最大化”和B选项“发展销售”正确,可排除;第三段开头提到“.as Slater labored to educate the embryonic textile industry and businessmen in the techniques that had proved so successful in Belper.(因为斯莱特努力向处于萌芽阶段的纺织业和商人传授在贝尔珀非常成功的技术。)”,由此可知C选项“贝尔珀管理技术”正确,也可排除;根据第三段“Slaters view was to concentrate on a specific aspect and specialize. The other partners believed in covering the whole textile process through to finished goods, including knitting. (斯莱特的观点是专注于一个特定的方面并专门化。其他合作伙伴认为应该涵盖整个纺织过程到成品,包括针织。)”,由此可知D选项“涵盖针织产品的整个生产过程”并不是斯莱特的目的,因此该题应选D选项。4.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第三段“By 1792, Slater had proved, through the use of his Belper-learned management techniques, that he could make spinning a profitable business.(到1792年,斯莱特已经证明,通过使用他在贝尔珀学会的管理技巧,他可以使纺纱生意有利可图。)”,由此可知斯莱特证明了他引进的技术能让纺纱生意有利可图,所以A选项“他引进的管理技术有效”符合题意。B选项“阿尔米和布朗的观点是错误的”;C选项“他可以建立自己成功的工厂”;D选项“他能卖掉他能生产的所有纱线”都不符合题意,因此A选项正确。5.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第三段“As a result, in 1797, Slater broke away and built his own larger millthe White Mill. (结果,在1797年,斯莱特单飞并建立了他自己的更大的磨坊白磨坊。)”,由此可知B选项“白磨坊”正确。A选项“老斯莱特磨坊”;C选项“年过八十的磨坊”以及D选项“大约10个磨坊”均说法错误,因此B选项正确。4. 单选题Luis Figueroa lives down the street from UC Merced, the newest campus in the University of California system. So its not surprising that the 21 years old studies from the comfort of his own home. But hes not enrolled at Merced: from his living-room computer, Figueroa is earning his bachelors degree in business administration at Columbia College in Missouri, some 2,000 miles away. At $630 per courseabout $1,800 per semesterhis online degree will cost far less than even in-state tuition at UC. Not only that, Figueroa is able to continue working full time in a management-training job with AT&T in Merced, a job he feels lucky to have in the current economic climate. “Once I realized I had time constraints, I knew the traditional classroom wouldnt work,” he says. “Courses online are open 24 hours a day, and Im able to go there any time I want.”That convenience is one of the main reasons nearly 4 million American students took at least one online course in the 2007-2008 school year, according to a study by the Sloan Foundation. The same study found that online enrollment is growing at a rate more than 10 times that of the higher-education population at large12.9 percent vs.1.2 percent for traditional in seat students. Nowhere is the growth faster than among younger students like Figueroa who are opting for online learning, even when the traditional classroom isin his caseright outside the front door. “This is a generation that lives online,” says Vicky Phillips, founder and CEO of G, a service that ranks online learning institutions. “Everything is instant, accelerated, and accessible, and they expect their education to be that way too. For them there is no clear line between the virtual world and the actual world.”Once targeted at older, working adults, distance learning has moved into the education mainstream at stunning speed over the past couple of years, as technology allows ever-richer, more -interactive learning experience onlineand as college costs continue to rise and classrooms are packed to capacity. For traditional brick-and-mortar institutions, that has meant a scramble to enter a lucrative market that used to be the exclusive territory of for-profit institutions such as the University of Phoenix and Kaplan University. Established brand-name educatorsincluding Stanford, Cornell, Penn State, and MIT, which has placed its entire curriculum online through its Open Courseware programnow offer extensive online learning options and are competing with the for-profits for students. “The stigma is gone,” says Phillips. “Online learning has reached mass cultural acceptance. Its no longer the ugly stepsister of the higher-education world.”Online offerings these days can sometimes even surpass the classroom experience. Aaron Walsh, a professor at Boston College and a former videogame designer, has pioneered Immersive Education, a method of teaching through virtual worlds. Meeting in Second Life instead of a physical classroom, says Walsh, allows for some feats that gravity renders impossible, like having art-history students fly to the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel or biology majors to take a Magic School bus-like trip throug


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