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参考答案:I. 听力题1-5CBCAA 6-10CCCAB 11-15 ABCCA 16-20 ABCBA 21-25 CCBCA II.单选题26-30 DBBBA 31-35 ABCCB 36-40ABCBA 41-45 ACAAC III. 完形填空 46-50 BBCDB 51-55DDAACIV.阅读理解A:56-60 CCBBC B:61-65 CCDCB C:66-70 BADDC V.听力(第二节)71 cheap 72 numbers 73. twenty-nine / 29 74 popular 75 use VI. 任务型阅读 76 F 77. Because they never get angry or blame the students.78. an English teacher. 79. The government has showed interest in the robots.80. 然而,他只是试验阶段。VII.词汇 81 herself 82 hobbies 83 has been married 84 .happily 85.experienceVIII. 86. Would you like something to drink? 87. Could you turn on the computer, please ? 88. What a heavy box it is! 89. Dont play in the street. 90. He has written three letters so far.初三英语模试题本试卷分卷和卷两部分。卷为选择题,卷为非选择题。本试卷共120分,考试时间120分钟。卷I(选择题,共85分)注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、科目填涂在答题卡上。考试结束,监考人员将试卷和答题卡一并收回。2答卷时,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,答在试卷上无效。3听力部分共包括两小节:第一节在卷,第二节在卷。完成第一节后,请根据录音指令,在卷完成第二节。听力部分(第一节).听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( ) 1. A. projects B. jackets C. subjects( ) 2. A.JG415 B. GJ514 C. JG541( ) 3. A. think about B. talk about C. know about( ) 4. A. Tom forgot to bring his schoolbag. B. Tom came to school with his schoolbag. C. Tom was late for school.( ) 5. A. I like cookies better than hamburgers. B. I like both cookies and hamburgers very much. C. I like hamburgers better than cookies. .听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( ) 6. A. Nice to see you. B. Happy birthday to you. C. Thank you.( ) 7. A. Not at all B. Hold on, please. C. Thats really nice of you.( ) 8. A. Its doesnt matter. B. Youre kidding C.I was watching TV( ) 9. A. Its 50 dollars. B. There are two dresses. C. Its green.( ) 10. A. Im sorry to hear that. B. Whos calling ,please? C. Very well, thank you. .听对话和问题,选择正确的选项(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分)( )11. A B. C. ( )12. A.This Saturday B. This Sunday C. This Monday( )13.A. At Pizza Hut B. At KFC C. At a Chinese restaurant( )14. A. Warm. B. Sunny C. Rainy( )15. A. Going fishing B. Going swimming C. Going dancing( )16. A. Johns mom B. Betty C. John( )17. A. 17 dollars B. 16 dollars C. 18 dollars( )18. A. 16 years old B. 20 years old C. 15 years old.听语段和问题,选择正确答案 (共7小题,每小题1分,计7分)( )19. What does Mr. Martin see in his garden? A. Much leaves B. Much snow C. Many cars( )20. Who does Mr. Martin ask to clean the snow? A. a cleaner B. a worker C. a cook( )21. Where is the snow at last ?A. On the flowers. B. In the street. C. In the garage. ( )22. What are good seasons for outdoor activities? A. Autumn and winter B. Summer and autumn C. Spring and autumn( )23. Where are Zijin Mountains? A. In Wuhan B. In Nanjing C. In Beiing( )24. What should you take to keep safe? A. Food and drinks B. Sleeping bags C. A first-aid box( )25. What should you do if you see a snake?A. You should keep quiet. B. You should move quickly. C. You should shout louly.笔试部分V. 单选选择(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)( )26. Who is _ man in a black hat.It is Jim Brown. We often play _ basketball together A. an, a B. a, / C. the, a D. the, /( )27. Are these books _?No, they are not mine. They belong to _. A. your, her B. yours, her C. you, hers D. yours, hers( )28. You must ride your bike _ the right side of the road. A. at B. on C. in D. for( )29. Which park would you like to visit, Peoples Park or West Hill Park?_. I would like to visit Seaside Park A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. None( )30. In autumn, many green _change to yellow orange or red. A. leaves B. birds C. clouds D. beaches( )31. Do you prefer classical music _ pop music? Pop music, I think A. or B. to C. than D. for( )32 How was your weekend? Great! It was my grandfathers _ birthday. We enjoyed ourselves. A. seventy B. seventieth C. the seventieth D. seventeenth( )33. Of all the sports shoes John bought _ pair. So he could save some money for socks. A. a cheaper B. the most expensive C. the cheapest D. cheaper( )34._ exciting news! We will have a _ holiday after the examA. What an, two months B. How an, two months C. What, two-month D. How, two months ( )35.Kate, do you know _ it is from here to the gym? About 20 minutes by bike A. How long B. how far C. how soon D. how often( )36.Though Alex often makes his little sister _, today he was made _ by her. A. cry, to cry B. to cry, crying C. cry, cry D. crying, cry( )37.The doctor _ him carefully as soon as he was taken to the hospital. A. looked at B. looked over C. looked for D. looked out( )38.There _ some meat and some eggs in the basket. A. has B. have C is D. are( )39. Do you still remember where we first met? Sure, just under this tree. And it _ at that time. A. rained B. was raining C. has rained D. is raining( )40.Your clothes _ too bad. You must have smoked too much. Take them off.A. smell B. look C. sound D. feel( )41. Why are you standing outside in such cold weather?Oh, I _my key in the room. A, have locked B. will lock C. locked D. lock( )42.Comupers can do almost everything. But they _ what to do.A. will tell B. will know C. must be told D. have to be known( )43.Do you know the woman _ is talking to the policeman?A. who B. whom C. which D. whose( )44. Do you mind my pointing out your mistake? _, your advice is of great value to me. A. Not at all B. Youd better not C. Of course D. Its my pleasure( )45. Could you tell me _? With Lucys help A. when you did it so well B. when did you do it so well C. how you did it so well D. how did you do it so wellVI. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)The most common way of thinking is verbal(语言的) thinking. People who can express themselves 46 are easier to be successful. Here are some ways we can improve our verbal thinking.Use the dictionary 47 the meaning and development of new words. Also use it to check exact(准确的) meanings and spellings of words that you are not 48 . The thesaurus(百科全书) is very helpful when you are writing and 49 also helps you to choose one from some words with similar meaning.In the modern world, we are so busy with work and there is so much 50 by TV, telephone and the Internet. Reading the works of good writers is one of the 51 ways to develop our abilities with words.When we meet a new word, we should turn to the dictionary and 52 a moment learning the meaning of the word.We 53 write a text message on a cell phone, an e-mail message or a novel, and we can all improve our writing. A good way to 54 your writing is to read over what you have written.Children learn language by playing with words testing, experimenting, making 55 and being gently corrected.Words are the most powerful(强有力的) drug used by human beings.( )46. A. clear B. clearly C. quickly D. quick( )47. A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learnt( )48. A. good at B. interested in C. sure of D. able to ( )49. A. they B. its C. one D. it( )50. A. messages B. information C. instructions D. Science( )51. A. worst B. most stupid C. most quickly D. most helpful( )52. A. cost B. pay C. take D. spend( )53. A. all B. both C. neither D. none( )54. A. improve B. expect C. afford D. increase( )55. A. faces B. jokes C. mistakes D. rulesVII. 阅读理解 (共15题,每小题2分,计30分)ASome things come and some things goSome are fast and some are slowSo use your time for things that lastBefore you know it they will soon be pastTime cant lend and time cant _Live today for a better tomorrowUse your time for things that lastBefore you know it they will soon be past( )56. Which of the following words can be put in the blank?A. throw B. grow C. borrow D. know( )57. The best title for the poem is _ . A. Song B. Today C. Time D. PoemB Do you use podcasts (播客) to help you practice English? Check out some of these websites and their ESL podcasts.ESL Pod: This ESL podcast is produced by a group of university teachers and offers daily ESL lessonsfor free! Learn English Through Soccer : This is a free weekly podcast that introduces listeners to English by discussing the latest news in the world of soccer. Business English Pod: The Business English Pod provides lessons on business such as accounting (会计), negotiating (谈判) and making telephone calls. ESL Teacher Talk: Check out this podcast that discusses problems of interest to ESL teachers: classroom teaching, games and tests. ( )58. The website _ may be helpful for English teachers.A. B. C. D. ( )59. The podcasts can _ according to the passage.A. help us practice French B. provide business lessonsC. be used only in universitiesD. be used if we pay for them( )60. Which way of learning English is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. To learn by listening. B. To learn by talking.C. To learn through movie. D. To learn through soccer.CRing The bell rang loudly. Everyone packed (装) their schoolbags and got ready to go home. When the students said goodbye to the teacher, they lined up in two rows and walked orderly (依次) out of the school.Usually Davids mother would fetch him home from school but today she was not there. David waited 15 minutes before he walked home.When he reached home, he knocked at the door as he did when he did not bring his keys. Surprisingly, no one answered the door. David thought his mother was in the toilet so he waited patiently (耐心地) for his mother. After a few minutes, there was still no response. David knocked again but still no one answered the door. Just as he was about to go to the nearby coffee shop where his father worked to get the keys, he heard the friendly voice of his neighbor, John.David told him that no one was at home and Johns mother suggested that David stay in their house till his mother came back. David and John played happily till evening when Davids mother came back.David thanked John and his family before he went back into his house. Davids mother explained to David that she had a backache and she had to see a doctor. From this experience, David learned an important lesson - “_ ” ( )61. When the bell rang, the students _.A. said goodbye to the teacher B. lined up in two rowsC. packed their schoolbagsD. walked out of the school( )62. Davids father worked in _.A. a hospitalB. a schoolC. a coffee shopD. a house( )63. Davids mother was late to pick him up this time because _ .A. she was busy working in an officeB. David could go and find his father C. the neighbor could look after David D. she was ill and went to see a doctor( )64. Which of the following is Not true?A. Davids mother usually fetched him home from school.B. David and John played happily till Davids mother came back.C. David went to the nearby coffee shop and got the keys,D. David thanked John and his family before he went back home.( )65. The last sentence in this passage should be _.A. We should take good care of our parents. B. Neighbors are people who could help each other.C. People must take the keys with them whenever they go.D. Students had better stay at school without seeing their parents.DIt was midday when I got the call that my grandfather was not well and he was quickly getting worse. My family did not know how long he would stay in the world. I knew I had to get to the hospital to tell him how much I loved him. As I drove to the hospital, I pictured him before I got to tell him how much he meant to me. Trying to fight back the tears, I wanted to stay calm when I saw him.When I got to the hospital, I hurriedly looked for his hospital room. I found him in a semi-conscious state. On my knees, I said softly, “Hello, grandpa.” Still feeling shy, I decided not to leave his bedside without letting him know. While I asked about how he was, he told me, “Ill be fine, Henry.” Although we both knew that wasnt true. Then he asked me with a smile how I was doing.Hearing what my grandpa said, I was much moved. I made the decision that I had to show my gratitude for him. As I found all the courage I had, I held his hand tightly. I cried out, “Grandpa, I just want to let you know how much I love you. I hope you already know that, yet I just want to make sure.” By this time, the tears were rolling down my face. All those years of love that I had shut and not let him know, became free.Smilingly, he said, “I know. Thank you for telling me that. All I have on this planet is my family and my love for them. If there is anything I could ask of you, I want you to be good to your family, your mother, your father, and your brother. Thats all I want of you.”What I learned that day changed my whole life. From then on, I began telling people how much I loved them, cared for them and respected them. I get in touch with, for example, my babysitter, my barber, to show my appreciation. I go down into the city once a week and serve pizza to the homeless. I wake up every morning and list everything Im thankful to in my life.( )66. The author got the news of Grandpas illness _.A. in the morning B. at noon C. in the evening D. at midnight( )67. The author didnt tell Grandpa his love because _ to say love to Grandpa before.A. he was too shy B. he was too frightened C. he was too busy D. he had no chances( )68. The underlined word “gratitude” means _ in Chinese.A. 兴奋 B. 惊讶 C. 害怕 D. 感恩( )69. The author wrote this passage to tell readers mainly about _.A. how to think highly of others B. how to help others get out of troubleC. how to get in touch with others D. how to share feelings with others( )70. The story develops with the changes of _.A. the authors life B. Grandpas feelings C. the authors emotion(情感,情绪) D. Grandpas illness班级 姓名 考场 考号 密封线处不做答题卷(非选择题 共35分)听力部分(第二节).听短文填空(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)71. The cars that Henry built was _, strong and fast.72. Henry Ford could make cars in large _ at a time.73. By the age of _,in 1892,Henry had built his first car.74.“Model T” turned out to be very _.75. Thanks to Henry Ford, more and more people can buy cars for everyday _.笔试部分任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)Robot teacherswho never get angry or blame (责备) the students have been very popular with pupils in some South Korean schools, a government report said on Thursday. However, it is an experiment period.The school children liked the robot teachers much, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy said. English-teaching robots were sent to three schools for eight weeks starting in Seoul schools for five weeks from November.The researchers found that the English-teaching robots helped them raise interest in the language and improved the confidence of students. The robots are controlled by an English teacher and are equipped with a microphone and a video camera. The voice-recognition software(声音识别软件) is used to interact(互动)with children.The government has showed interest in the robots. Theyve decided to give rural school children more learning chances. “The machines made the students more creative and had a positive influence on the attitude of students,” a ministry official told Yonhap news agency.Officials in charge of the plan are working to improve the quality of robot teaching and solve some difficult problems before any decision to expand (推广) their use.76题判断正误(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误);77题简略回答问题;78题完成句子;79题找主题句;80题将文中划线句子翻译成汉语。76. The robot teachers have been used in all South Korean school now. ( )77. Why did the students like the robot teachers so much?_78. The English-teaching robots are controlled by _79. 请找出并写下文章第四自然段的正确主题句。_80. _X. 词语运用(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)根据句意及所给提示,补全单词或用单词,固定短语的正确形式填空。81. My little sister is too young to look after _(she)82. He likes sports, while my h_ are singing, dancing and reading83. He _(结婚) for ten years.84. My mother looked at me _(happy) , smiling.85. Mr. Smith has a lot of _(经验) in teaching English.XI. 基础写作(包括A、B两部分, A部分5分,B部分10分,共计15分)注意90题 变化呦!A)连词成句 (共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)根据所给单词完成句子。要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,单词不得重复使用,标点已给出。86. something, like, to, would, you, drink _ ? 87. you, turn, the, could, computer, on, please _ ? 88. heavy, a, it, box, what, is_ ! 89. play, dont, street, the, in _. 90. three, he, letters, so far, write_.B) 书面表达。(计10分) 英文杂志English Square就他/她的微笑(His / Her Smile)话题征文,请你投稿。内容包括: 1. 微笑,是对他人表示友善和关爱。微笑可以给人鼓励,可以使人奋进。2. 你的经历,是谁的微笑打动了你,为什么他/她的微笑会打动你。3. 你有什么体会和打算。要求:1. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。 2. 卷面整洁,书写规范。60-80词左右。_


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