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2022年考博英语-中国人民解放军陆军装甲兵学院考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题He knew nothing about Beijing; he _ there.问题1选项A.mustnt have goneB.couldnt have goneC.mustnt have beenD.couldnt have been【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. mustnt have gone肯定没有去过 B. couldnt have gone不可能去过C. mustnt have been肯定没有去过 D. couldnt have been不可能去过【考查点】情态动词的用法。【解题思路】按照句意“他对北京一无所知;他_那里”可知,空格处表示对前文的推测,他对北京一无所知,也就是说他不可能去过那里,couldnt表示推测,been暗示旅程已结束,并已返回出发地,所以该题选择D项符合。【干扰项排除】A、C项mustnt表示“禁止”的意思,不符合句意;B项中的gone暗示旅程仍在进行中,未返回出发地,也不符合句意。【句意】他对北京一无所知;他不可能去过那里。2. 单选题While a full understanding of what causes the disease may be several years away, _ leading to successful treatment could come much sooner.问题1选项A.a distinctionB.a breakthroughC.an identificationD.an interpretation【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. a distinction差别,区别 B. a breakthrough重大进展,突破C. an identification鉴定,辨认 D. an interpretation理解,解释【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】根据while可知,这里是一个让步状语从句,意思是“尽管要完全了解这种疾病的病因可能还需要几年时间”,而主句提到“导致成功治疗的_可能会很快到来”,可推知空格处表示“突破性进展”,所以该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】虽然要完全了解这种疾病的病因可能还需要几年时间,但导致成功治疗的突破性进展可能会很快到来。3. 单选题Many years had _ before they returned to their original urban areas.问题1选项A.floatedB.elapsedC.skippedD.proceeded【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. floated浮动,漂流 B. elapsed(时间)消逝,流逝C. skipped蹦蹦跳跳地走 D. proceeded继续做(或从事、进行)【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】根据many years(许多年)可知,此处表示“时间的消逝”,所以该题选择B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】许多年过去了,他们才回到原来的城市地区。4. 不定项选择题Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of an (1) should be made even before the choice of a curriculum in high school. Actually, (2), most people make several job choices during their working lives, partly because of economic and industrial changes and partly to improve their positions. The “one perfect job” does not exist. Young people should therefore (3) into a broad flexible training program that will fit them for a field of work rather than for a single (4).Unfortunately, many young people, knowing (5) about the occupational world or themselves for that matter, they choose their lifework (6) a hit-or-miss basis. Some (7) from job to job. Others stick to work in which they are unhappy and for which they are not fitted.One common mistake is choosing an occupation for (8) real or imagined prestige. Too many high-school studentsor their parentschoose the professional field, (9) both the relatively small percentage of workers in the professions and the extremely high educational and personal (10). The imagined or real prestige of a profession or a White-collar job is (11) good reason for choosing it as lifes work. (12), these occupations are not always well paid. Since a large percentage of jobs are in mechanical and manual work, the majority of young people should give serious (13) to these fields. Before making an occupational choice, a person should have a general idea of what he wants (14) life and how hard he is willing to work to get it. Some people desire social prestige, others intellectual satisfaction. Some want security; others are willing to take (15) for financial gain. Each occupational choice has its demands as well as its rewards.问题1选项A.identificationB.accommodationC.occupationD.suggestion问题2选项A.therebyB.howeverC.thoughD.therefore问题3选项A.involveB.enterC.participateD.join问题4选项A.meansB.companyC.wayD.job问题5选项A.littleB.fewC.muchD.a lot问题6选项A.withB.byC.onD.at问题7选项A.flowB.wanderC.jumpD.drift问题8选项A.itsB.theirC.yourD.the问题9选项A.disregardB.disregardingC.to disregardD.to have disregarded问题10选项A.requirementsB.preferencesC.preparationsD.ambitions问题11选项A.suchB.noC.veryD.any问题12选项A.ThereforeB.NeverthelessC.MoreoverD.Still问题13选项A.proposalB.suggestionC.approvalD.consideration问题14选项A.inB.withinC.out ofD.beyond问题15选项A.advantageB.patienceC.partsD.risks【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A第6题:C第7题:D第8题:A第9题:B第10题:A第11题:B第12题:C第13题:D第14题:C第15题:D【解析】1.【选项释义】A. identification鉴定;确认 B. accommodation住处;办公处C. occupation工作;职业 D. suggestion建议;提议【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】这一句的句意是“因此,理想情况下,在高中选择课程之前就应该选择_”,上文提到“大多数有价值的职业都需要某种专门的训练”,理解可知,前后为因果的逻辑关系,所以这一句是上一句的结论,上文提到职业需要专门训练,所以这里表示的意思是“在选择高中课程之前就确定好职业”,该题选择C项符合。【干扰项排除】A、B、D项不符合句间逻辑。【句意】因此,理想情况下,在高中选择课程之前就应该选择好职业。2.【选项释义】A. thereby因此;由此 B. however不管怎样;无论如何;然而C. though尽管 D. therefore因此【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】这一句说“事实上,大多数人在他们的职业生涯中会做出多种职业选择”,上文的意思是“理想情况下,在高中选择课程之前就应该选择好职业”,理解可知,前后逻辑是转折关系,所以该空格要填入一个表示转折的逻辑词,只有B项符合。【干扰项排除】A、D项表示因果关系;C项表示让步关系。【句意】然而,事实上,大多数人在他们的职业生涯中会做出多种职业选择,部分原因是经济和行业的变化,部分原因是为了提高自己的地位。3.【选项释义】A. involve包含;需要 B. enter进来;进去;加入;开始从事C. participate参加;参与 D. join连接;接合;参加【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】根据句意“因此,年轻人应该_一个广泛而灵活的培训计划”,宾语是“培训计划”,那么动词一般表示“参加”符合句意,而根据介词into可知,enter into是常用搭配,表示“参加,开始从事”,所以该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A项involve into表示“涉及”,不符合句意;C项一般与in连用,participate in表示“参加,参与”;D项指加入某个活动、俱乐部、公司等并成为其中的一员,放在这里不符合句意。【句意】因此,年轻人应该参加一个广泛而灵活的培训项目。4.【选项释义】A. means方式;方法 B. company公司;陪伴C. way手段;途径 D. job工作;职业【考查点】联系上下文。【解题思路】由rather than(而不是)可知,空格处与前面的a field of work(某一领域的工作)为对比关系,所以空格处应该也是与工作相关,所以该题选择D项符合。【干扰项排除】A、B、C项不符合语义逻辑。【句意】因此,年轻人应该接受广泛灵活的培训项目,使他们适合某一领域的工作,而不是单一的工作。5.【选项释义】A. little不多;稍许 B. few不多,很少;几乎没有C. much非常;更加 D. a lot许多,大量【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】根据Unfortunately(不幸的是)可知,该句的陈述是负面的,所以空格处表示的应该是“对知道地很少”,而occupational world(职场)是不可数名词,只能用little搭配,所以该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B项修饰可数名词;C、D项不符合句子语义逻辑。【句意】不幸的是,许多年轻人对职场或自己知之甚少。6.【选项释义】A. with和一起 B. by通过C. on在上面 D. at在地方【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】这一句的意思是“许多年轻人对职场或自己知之甚少,所以他们在碰运气的基础上选择终身职业”,根据basis可知,on the basis是常用搭配,表示“在基础上”,所以该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A、B、D项均不适合此搭配。【句意】不幸的是,许多年轻人对职场或自己知之甚少,所以他们在碰运气的基础上选择终身职业。7.【选项释义】A. flow流动 B. wander闲逛;徘徊C. jump跃;跳跃;突然改变 D. drift无目的地转变【考查点】联系上下文。【解题思路】根据下文“另一些人则坚持从事使他们不快乐和不适合他们的工作”可知,这一句和下文说的分别是两种不同的就业情况,另一些人坚持做不适合和不快乐的工作,但是一些人会不停换工作,所以空格处表示“换、转变”符合,所以该题选择D项。【干扰项排除】A、B项不符合上下文语义;C项指突然改变、转换话题或题目等。【句意】有些人不停地换工作。8.【选项释义】A. its它的 B. their他们的C. your你的 D. the定冠词,表示特指【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】按照句意“一个常见的错误是,选择一个职业是为了_真实的或想象中的声望”可知,“声望”和“职业”之间是所属关系,所以空格处填入一个所有格的代词指代前面的occupation,故该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项不符合上下文连接。【句意】一个常见的错误是,选择一个职业是为了它真实的或想象中的声望。9.【选项释义】A. disregard不顾;漠视 B. disregarding不顾;漠视C. to disregard不顾;漠视 D. to have disregarded不顾;漠视【考查点】非谓语动词。【解题思路】分析句子结构可知,句子主谓宾结构完整,所以空格处只能填入一个非谓语动词,逻辑主语是high-school students(高中生)和their parents(他们的父母),与disregard之间是主动的关系,所以用现在分词的形式disregarding,故该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A项不符合句子语法结构;C项不定式表示目的或者将来,不符合句意;D项表示过去没有完成的事情,不符合句意。【句意】太多的高中生或者他们的父母在选择工作领域时忽视了该领域相对较少的从业人员和忽视了极高的教育和个人的。10.【选项释义】A. requirements要求;必要条件 B. preferences偏爱;爱好C. preparations准备;预备 D. ambitions追求的目标;夙愿;野心【考查点】联系上下文。【解题思路】按照句意“太多的高中生或者他们的父母在选择工作领域时忽视了该领域相对较少的从业人员和忽视了极高的教育和个人的_”,结合第一段谈到“大多数的职业都需要某种专业的训练”可知,空格处表示“要求”符合句意,所以该题选择A项。【干扰项排除】B、D项不符合句意;C项强调为某事做准备的过程,不符合上下文语义。【句意】太多的高中生或者他们的父母在选择工作领域时忽视了该领域相对较少的从业人员和忽视了极高的教育和个人的要求。11.【选项释义】A. such这样的,那样的adj. B. no(与not同义,用于形容词和副词前)不C. very(置于形容词、副词和限定词前)很,非常 D. any(用于否定句或疑问句中,加强形容词或副词的语气)一点儿也(不)【考查点】联系上下文。【解题思路】按照句意“一个职业或白领工作的想象或真实的声誉是_选择它作为终生工作的很好的理由”,结合该段第一句提到“一个常见的错误是,选择一个职业是为了它真实的或想象中的声望”,理解可知,一个职业的声誉在选择工作时并不是一个很好的理由,空格处要填入一个否定词,no相当于not,所以该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A、C项不符合句意;D项要用于否定句中。【句意】一个职业或白领工作的想象或真实的声誉并不是你选择它作为一生的职业的好理由。12.【选项释义】A. Therefore因此,所以 B. Nevertheless尽管如此;不过C. Moreover此外;而且 D. Still还;还是;仍然【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】按照句意“这些职业的薪水并不总是很高”,结合上一句说“一个职业或白领工作的想象或真实的声誉并不是你选择它作为一生的职业的好理由”可知,该句与上一句是递进关系,所以该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A项表示因果关系,不符合句间逻辑;B项表示让步关系,不符合句间逻辑;D项放在句首一般作副词,强调对前文的转折,不符合句间逻辑。【句意】此外,这些职业的薪水并不总是很高。13.【选项释义】A. proposal提议;建议 B. suggestion建议;提议C. approval赞成;同意 D. consideration仔细考虑;深思【考查点】联系上下文。【解题思路】按照句意“由于大部分工作是机械和体力工作,大多数年轻人应该认真_这些领域”,根据下文提到Before making an occupational choice, a person should have a general idea(在做出职业选择之前,一个人应该有一个大致的想法)可知,空格处应该表示“思考,考虑”,故该题选择D项。【干扰项排除】A、B、C项不符合上下文语义衔接。【句意】由于大部分工作是机械和体力工作,大多数年轻人应该认真考虑这些领域。14.【选项释义】A. in在里 B. within在之内C. out of从中;缺乏 D. beyond超过【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】根据句意“一个人应该对他想_生活中得到什么以及他愿意为之付出多少努力有一个大致的想法”可知,空格处应该表示“从生活中”,而out of life是常见搭配,表示“从生活中”,所以该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A项in life表示“一生中”,不符合句意;B、D项不与life搭配。【句意】在做出职业选择之前,一个人应该对他想从生活中得到什么以及他愿意为之付出多少努力有一个大致的想法。15.【选项释义】A. advantage有利条件;有利因素 B. patience耐心;忍耐力C. parts部分;片段 D. risks危险;风险【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】根据句意“有些人寻求保障;而有些人则愿意为了经济利益而_”可知,该句前后为对比关系,那么空格处与之相对应的是“保障”,所以空格处应该填入“冒险,风险”,所以该题选择D项。【干扰项排除】A、B、C项不符合句间逻辑中的对比关系。【句意】有些人寻求保障;而有些人则愿意为了经济利益而冒险。5. 单选题Anyone not paying the registration fee by the end of this month will be _ to have withdrawn from the program.问题1选项A.contemplatedB.deemedC.acknowledgedD.anticipated【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. contemplated考虑,思量 B. deemed认为,视为C. acknowledged承认(属实) D. anticipated预料,预期【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】根据句意“凡在本月底前未缴纳报名费者将被_退出该课程”可知,be deemed to(被认为,被视为)符合句意,所以该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】凡在本月底前未缴纳报名费者将被视为退出该课程。6. 单选题He decided to take _ golf to provide himself with some relaxation.问题1选项A.onB.overC.upD.with【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. on在之上 B. over关于,在上方C. up向上 D. with和在一起【考查点】介词辨析。【解题思路】按照句意“他决定_高尔夫球来放松一下”可知,空格处表示“打”,分析句子可知,空格处是填入一个介词与take搭配,而take up表示“开始从事”,在这里可以表示“开始打高尔夫”,所以该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A项take on表示“承担,呈现”;B项take over表示“接管,接收”;D项take with表示“将戴上”;都不符合句子逻辑。【句意】他决定开始打高尔夫球来放松一下。7. 单选题Do you think that religion is _ with science?问题1选项A.comparativeB.compatibleC.competitiveD.comparable【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. comparative比较的,相比的 B. compatible可共用的;兼容的C. competitive竞争的 D. comparable类似的;可比较的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】从介词with可知,be compatible with是固定搭配,表示“与相兼容”,且符合句意“你认为宗教和科学是_吗?”,所以该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A、C没有此用法搭配;D项be comparable with表示“比得上的,与类似的”,不符合句意。【句意】你认为宗教可以和科学共存吗?8. 单选题Im writing to you _ my brother who is ill in the hospital.问题1选项A.on behalf ofB.by the name ofC.in place ofD.in favor of【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. on behalf of代表 B. by the name of以为名;名叫C. in place of取代 D. in favor of有利于,支持【考查点】词组辨析。【解题思路】按照句意“我_我生病住院的兄弟给你写信”可知,我是代表我的兄弟写信,所以该选择A项符合句意。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】我代表我生病住院的兄弟给你写信。9. 翻译题1. When education fails to keep pace with technology, the result is inequality. Without the skills to stay useful as innovations arrive, workers sufferand if enough of them fall behind, society starts to fall apart. That fundamental insight seized reformers in the Industrial Revolution, heralding state- funded universal schooling. Later, automation in factories and offices called forth a surge in college graduates. The combination of education and innovation, spread over decades, led to a remarkable flowering of prosperity. Today robotics and artificial intelligence call for another education revolution.【答案】1. 当教育跟不上科技的发展,结果就是不公平。科技创新到来之时,如果工人的技术不再有用,他们就会吃亏,而当被淘汰的工人太多时,社会就会开始分裂。在工业革命时期,当时的改革者们抓住了这种基本的观点,随之带来的就是由国家出资的全民教育。后来,工业和办公自动化又带来了大学生的激增。数十年来,教育和科技创新的结合,造就了令人瞩目的繁荣之花。今天,机器人和人工智能呼吁着另一场教育变革。10. 填空题Directions: In this section, there is a passage with five questions. After you have read the passage, answer each question in English. Write down your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.The British Museum in London is probably the classic example of an institution which is too rich by more than half. There, no doubt, because they have so much, they are unable to assess exactly what they have and what proportion they are able to show.One measure of how important are the treasures they have was given in Parliament last month when Jennie Lee, the Arts Minister said, “The museum authorities consider that the total cost of displaying everything in the museum might be more than $50,00000.”The Fitzwilliam has one of the best collections of coins in the world, but lack of space means that less than one percent of the collection can be shown. Paintings and drawings are rotated, partly to give the public a chance to see them all, partly to avoid too much exposure to light. But even under this policy some painters still dont get shown. Mr. David Piper, the director, said that some impressionist paintings by Boudin were not on show and that most of the big pottery collection had to be kept in a reserve gallery to which members of the public are admitted if they are particularly interested.It is a different story at Bradfords City Art Gallery. There they can show all the works of art they have, and would be glad to show more and finer works if they were available.The Arts Council owns one of the finest collections of modern British paintings and sculpture in existence, and is fortunate in that it does not have a permanent site for its works. The collection is split into a series of traveling exhibitions which are put on show at art galleries, museums, colleges and even libraries throughout the country, giving taxpayers a chance to see what they have brought.1. How many museums are mentioned in this article?2. “Paintings and drawings are rotated.” What does the sentence mean?3. In the Fitzwilliam museum, one can never see those objects that are kept hidden, can he?4. Why does the writer say that the Arts Council is fortunate?5. What is the main idea of this article?【答案】1.Two.2.Paintings and drawings are exhibited in turn.3.Yes, if interested, one can enter the reserve gallery to see those objects that are kept hidden.4.Because it does not have a permanent site for its works.5.Museums are too rich to show all collections, but Art Gallery is glad to show all finer works.【解析】1.【选项释义】1. How many museums are mentioned in this article?1. 这篇文章提到了多少家博物馆?【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据原文第一段首句“位于伦敦的大英博物馆可能是一个典型的机构过于富裕的例子”和第三段首句“菲茨威廉博物馆是世界上收藏钱币最好的博物馆之一”可知,原文提到的博物馆只有大英博物馆和菲茨威廉博物馆,所以答案是two。2.【选项释义】2. “Paintings and drawings are rotated.” What does the sentence mean? 2.“Paintings and drawings are rotated.”这句话的意思是什么?【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第三段第二句“油画和素描被旋转,部分是为了让公众有机会看到全部,部分是为了避免过度暴露在光线下”可知,油画和素描被旋转,一是为了让公众有机会看到所有的展品,二是为了避免展品过度暴露在光线下,那么可以推断Paintings and drawings are rotated的意思是“油画和素描轮流被展出”。3.【选项释义】3. In the Fitzwilliam museum, one can never see those objects that are kept hidden, can he? 3. 在菲茨威廉博物馆里,人们永远也看不到那些被藏起来的东西,不是吗?【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】第三段最后一句提到“博物馆馆长David Piper说,布丹的一些印象派画作没有展出,大部分大型陶器藏品都被存放在一个储备画廊,如果公众特别感兴趣,可以进入该画廊”,从中可知,对于被藏起来的物品,人们可以进入画廊观看。4.【选项释义】4. Why does the writer say that the Arts Council is fortunate?4. 为什么作者说艺术委员会是幸运的?【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】最后一段第一句指出“艺术委员会拥有现存最好的现代英国绘画和雕塑藏品,幸运的是,它没有一个永久的地点存放其作品”,可知作者说艺术委员会是幸运的是因为艺术委员会没有一个永久的地点存放其作品。5.【选项释义】5. What is the main idea of this article? 5. 这篇文章的主旨是什么?【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】通读全文,文章前三段讲的是两大博物馆由于藏品太多而无法把所有藏品展览出来,倒数第二段第一句提到“布拉德福德的城市艺术画廊则是另一番景象”,可知后面两段描述了另外一种场景,城市艺术画廊和艺术委员会可以展示所有的艺术作品,综合理解可知,这篇文章的主旨是博物馆藏品过于丰富而不能展出全部藏品,而艺术画廊很乐意展出他们所有的艺术作品。11. 单选题The hindsight bias refers to a pervasive human tendency for people to be remarkably adept at referring a process _ the outcome is known but be unable to predict outcomes _ only the processes and precipitating events are known.问题1选项A.although; ifB.once; whenC.when; in caseD.where; for【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. although; if尽管;如果 B. once; when曾经;当C. when; in case当;以防万一 D. where; for哪里;为了【考查点】连词辨析。【解题思路】根据句意“事后诸葛亮偏见指的是一种普遍存在的人类倾向,即_结果已知,人们就会非常熟练地引用某个过程,但_只有过程和突发事件已知时,他们却无法预测结果”可知,第一个空格处表示的是条件,知道了结果,才会熟练引用某个过程,所以第一个空格填入if或者once符合;第二个空格根据句意可知,此处表示时间,填入when符合;故该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A、C、D项由解题思路可知,这三项不符合句子逻辑。【句意】“事后诸葛亮偏见”指的是一种普遍存在的人类倾向,即一旦结果已知,人们就会非常熟练地引用某个过程,但当只有过程和突发事件已知时,他们却无法预测结果。12. 单选题The English weather defies forecast and hence is a source of interest and _ to everyone.问题1选项A.speculationB.attributionC.utilizationD.proposition【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. speculation推测,猜测 B. attribution归因,属性C. utilization利用,使用 D. proposition提议,建议(尤指业务上的)【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】根据句意“英国的天气出乎预料,因此引起了大家的兴趣和_”可知,因为天气是难以预料的,所以这引起英国人的对天气的猜测,该题选择A项恰当。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】英国的天气出乎预料,因此引起了大家的兴趣和猜测。13. 单选题_ when she started to complaining.问题1选项A.Not until he arrivedB.No sooner had he arrivedC.Scarcely did he arriveD.Hardly had he arrived【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. Not until he arrived直到他到达 B. No sooner had he arrived他一到达C. Scarcely did he arrive 他一到达 D. Hardly had he arrived他一到达【考查点】倒装句。【解题思路】根据句子中的when可知,scarcely/hardlywhen为倒装结构,表示“一就”,句子要部分倒装;根据started可知,事情发生在过去,她开始抱怨是在他到达之后,所以空格处要用过去完成时,所以该题选择D项。【干扰项排除】A项不与when搭配;B项一般与than搭配。【句意】他刚到,她就开始抱怨起来。14. 单选题She knows she needs exercise, but finds going to the gym a _.问题1选项A.jobB.toilC.workD.chore【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. job工作,职业 B. toil苦工,劳累的工作C. work工作 D. chore日常事务,令人厌烦的任务【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】根据but可知,句子前后句意为转折关系,按照句意“她知道自己需要锻炼,但却发现去健身房是件_”可知,去健身房锻炼不是一件轻松的事情,所以该题选择D项恰当。【干扰项排除】A、C项都是指职业,不符合句意;B项指报酬很低的苦活,去健身房锻炼没有工资,该项也不符合句意。【句意】她知道自己需要锻炼,但却发现去健身房是件苦差事。15. 不定项选择题Strong emotional bonds between mothers and infants increase childrens willingness to explore the worldan effect that has been observed (1) the animal kingdom, in people, monkeys and even spiders. The more secure we are in our (2) to Mom, the more likely we are to try new things and take risks. Now researchers are discovering that this effect continues into adulthood. A mere reminder of Moms touch or the sound of her voice on the phone is (3) to change peoples minds and moods, affecting their decision making in measurable ways.In a study (4) online in April in Psychological Science, undergraduate business students had to choose between safe bets and risky gamblesa bond with a guaranteed 4 percent yearly (5) or a riskier stock option, for example. In half the cases, the experimenters patted the students (6) on the back of the shoulder for about one second (7) providing verbal instructions about the study. Both male and female students who were touched by a female experimenter were (8) more likely to choose the risky alternative than were those who had not been touched or were patted by male experimenters. The reassuring touch of a woman may have induced early associations, (9) the same openness to exploration that is observed in young children of supportive mothers, explains Jonathan Levav, a business professor at Columbia University and lead author of the study.To further (10) that a womans touch links feelings of security with risk taking, the researchers asked a (11) group of undergraduates to make financial decisions after a writing exercise. Half of them wrote about a time they felt secure and supported, whereas the (12) half wrote about feeling insecure and alone. Evoking a (13) of insecurity made students in the latter group (14) receptive to the gentle shoulder pats from female experimenters and much more willing to take a riskjust as a child leaving for a field trip might steal one last reassuring hug (15) Mom before stepping on the bus.问题1选项A.byB.upC.aboveD.across问题2选项A.concernB.attachmentC.treatmentD.appeal问题3选项A.enoughB.readyC.easyD.quick问题4选项A.exhibitedB.publishedC.appearedD.advertised问题5选项A.returnB.expenseC.costD.prize问题6选项A.seeminglyB.stronglyC.partlyD.lightly问题7选项A.ifB.soC.whileD.whereas问题8选项A.ratherB.farC.furtherD.pretty问题9选项A.intendingB.inferringC.inspiringD.instructing问题10选项A.enableB.ensureC.consentD.confirm


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