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Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?By Wang Jianjun from Chapeng Middle School一一 单元分析单元分析本单元以本单元以“UFO” 为话题展开一系列教学活动为话题展开一系列教学活动.通过通过UFO到达地球时不同人物的活动到达地球时不同人物的活动, 学习过去学习过去进行时进行时when / while的用法的用法. 观察图片和利用图片观察图片和利用图片来培养学生情景思维和讲故事的能力来培养学生情景思维和讲故事的能力,这是本单这是本单元的重点和难点元的重点和难点.八年级学生对八年级学生对UFO会有强烈的会有强烈的好奇心和探索欲望好奇心和探索欲望,教材以次为入点教材以次为入点,使原本枯燥使原本枯燥的时态学习变得丰富多彩的时态学习变得丰富多彩.教师可借助这点教师可借助这点,引导引导学生开展丰富的想象学生开展丰富的想象,使课堂真正变成学科综合使课堂真正变成学科综合,心灵交汇的智慧场所心灵交汇的智慧场所.在本单元的教学全过程中在本单元的教学全过程中,采用任务型教学方式采用任务型教学方式,让学生通过独立学习让学生通过独立学习,角色角色扮演扮演,实践体验和合作交流来掌握本单元的英语实践体验和合作交流来掌握本单元的英语知识和技能知识和技能.开发学生的思维能力开发学生的思维能力,发展他们的个发展他们的个性性,使学生形成积极的情感态度使学生形成积极的情感态度,主动思维和大胆主动思维和大胆实践的过程实践的过程.二二 学情分析学情分析学生在七年级下册已学过现在进行时学生在七年级下册已学过现在进行时,而且掌握了而且掌握了一些描述日常活动的短语一些描述日常活动的短语,并能够使用现在进行时并能够使用现在进行时来描述日常活动来描述日常活动,这有利于他们学习过去进行时这有利于他们学习过去进行时.同时同时,八年级下的学生对看图讲故事已有一定的接八年级下的学生对看图讲故事已有一定的接触触,这也有利于本单元故事讲述的顺利开展这也有利于本单元故事讲述的顺利开展.三三 教学目标教学目标1语言技能目标语言技能目标 (1) 能谈论过去某个时刻正在发生的事情,如: I was sitting in the barbers chair. (2)能询问过去某个时刻正在发生的事情, 如:What were you doing when the UFO arrived? (3)能用过去进行时态讲故事.2语言知识目标语言知识目标 (1) 能用过去进行时态描述过去某一时间内正在发生的事, 如: I was standing in front of the library. (2)能正确使用when/while引导的时间状语从句,如:While he was buying a souvenir, a girl called the police.3情感态度目标情感态度目标 (1) 通过了解有关UFO的知识,培养学生从小热爱科学,勇于探索的精神. (2)通过课堂讨论,教育学生从小树立辨证的看待问题,乐观向上的人生观.4 文化意识目标文化意识目标了解自然现象在语言学习中具有的文化涵义了解自然现象在语言学习中具有的文化涵义.5 学习策略目标学习策略目标(1) 认知策略认知策略:借助猜测的方法推测单词的意思,用归类的方法记忆单词.(2) 交际策略交际策略:通过role play 等的活动,培养学生的合作能力,并注意倾听他人的意见.(3) 资源策略资源策略:鼓励学生通过各种手段,搜集有关UFO的不同信息,帮助学生拓展知识,开阔视野,提高自主学习的能力.(4) 调控策略调控策略:通过课堂反馈和Self check, 让学生明确自己的学习状况,不断调整学习策略.四四 重点难点重点难点1教学重点教学重点:重点词汇重点词汇:bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, bought, got, land, kid, climb, jump, shout, rode, ran, met, heard, told, became, flew, rang, cat, anywhere, happen, accident, plane, modern, kill, murder, bright, playground, bell, close, silence, meaning, earth, hero;重点句型重点句型: What were you doing when the UFO arrived? I was sitting in the barbers chair when it arrived? While he was buying a souvenir, a girl called the police.话题话题:以UFO为话题,讲述UFO到达地球时人们的活动:看图讲故事.2教学难点教学难点:能用过去进行时讲故事.教学过程教学过程:第一课时第一课时(1a1c)通过教师做动作让学生猜测这活动来复习现在进行通过教师做动作让学生猜测这活动来复习现在进行时态时态,向学生展示自己的住所来引出本课新单词向学生展示自己的住所来引出本课新单词.再利再利用图片呈现过去进行时用图片呈现过去进行时,之后用之后用pair work 来巩固来巩固 ,让让学生猜我在做什么来引出学生猜我在做什么来引出UFO这个话题这个话题. 从而顺利从而顺利过渡到课文过渡到课文,并完成并完成1a,1b .之后是一个之后是一个pair work 再一再一次巩固重点句型和词汇次巩固重点句型和词汇.之后转入之后转入1c.用一个用一个group work 记者采访的活动开展记者采访的活动开展.并把听力转化为口语练并把听力转化为口语练习习.接着是一个语法总结接着是一个语法总结,最后再利用旧教材初二下册最后再利用旧教材初二下册Lesson 95的图片让学生先口头叙述图片的图片让学生先口头叙述图片,为家庭作业为家庭作业写作做一个铺垫写作做一个铺垫.Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?UFOWhat were you doing when the UFO arrived?Unit 3 Period 1bedroombathroombarber shopbarberkitchenWord studyWhats he doing now?What was he doing at three oclock yesterday afternoon?He football.was playing . He is playing football. What was she doing at seven oclock yesterday morning? SheWhats she doing now?Sheis running.was running. What are they doing now? TheyWhat were they doing at ten last night ?Theyare dancing.were dancing. Ask and answer in pairs Where were you at 6:00 yesterday evening? What were you doing ? 1 in a river swimming 2 in a park playing basketball 3 in a shop doing some shopping 4 at home cooking 5 at home doing my homework I was watching a TV program about UFO.Did you see a UFO? UFO: Unidentified Flying Object 不明飞行物不明飞行物 1._ I was in the bathroom. 4._ I was in the kitchen. 2._ I was in my bedroom. 5._ I was in my barber shop. 3._ I was in front of the library.6._ I was in the barbers chair.dbacef1a A TV reporter is asking “Where were you when the UFO arrived?” Match the statements with the people in the picture.1b Listen to the reporters questions and circle the correct responses.a. standing in front of the library / studying in the libraryb. cleaning my room / sleeping latec. making a milk shake / cooking dinnerd. getting out of the shower / talking on the phonee. eating lunch / cutting hairget out 出去;离开 get out of 从出来 get out of the shower 洗完澡出来 cut 剪;切;割A: What was /weredoing when the UFO arrived?B: was/were Reporter: So, what were you doing when the UFO arrived?Girl 1: Well, I was standing in front of the library.Boy 1: I was sleeping late.Woman 1: I was cooking dinner.Group work: Reporter: How about you? Man 1: I was getting out of the shower. Man 2: And I was cutting hair.过去进行时过去进行时含义含义: 表示表示过过去去某某个时个时刻刻正在正在进进行行的的动动作作。结构结构: be (was/were) + doing例句例句:What were you doing at nine last night? I was taking a shower at nine last night.summary(7) (1)(2)(3)(8)(4)(5)(6)look out of his windowdrink some waterplay games boatbuy some fruitsell some fruitread newspapers play football fish1 Write a short passage about the picture In the park. 2 Make a survey about what your family were doing when you arrived home last Friday?Homework: 第二课时第二课时(Section A2a3b)让学生齐唱让学生齐唱“If you are happy ”, 活跃气氛活跃气氛.值日生上台汇报上节课布置的作业值日生上台汇报上节课布置的作业,然后完成然后完成2a,2b的练习的练习.接着利用图片重点对接着利用图片重点对when 和和 while的用法作比较并总结的用法作比较并总结.并做一个小练习并做一个小练习.然后阅读然后阅读3a的电子邮件的电子邮件,为图片排序为图片排序.并按次并按次序复述故事序复述故事.Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?UFOWhat were you doing when the UFO arrived?Unit 3 Period 2_ The alien visited the Museum of Flight._ The alien bought a souvenir._ A UFO landed on Center Street._ The alien went into a store._ An alien got out of the UFO.22a Listen and order these statements 1-5.land 5413alien1.The boy was walking down the street _ a UFO landed.2.The girl was shopping _ she saw the alien get out. 3._ the alien was buying a souvenir, the girl called the police.4. _ the alien was visiting the museum, the boy called the TV station.whenwhenWhileWhile2b Listen again. Complete the following sentences with “when” or “while”.Comparing the following sentences: The girl was drawing when the UFO landed.While the girl was drawing, the UFO landed.While they were swimming, the alien got out.They were swimming when the alien got out.He was talking on the phone while they were swimming.When 和和 while 的用法与的用法与 区别区别 1)延续性动词和非延续性动词)延续性动词和非延续性动词 延续性动词指动作可以延续一段时间,延续性动词指动作可以延续一段时间,而不是瞬间结束。而不是瞬间结束。 如:如:work、study、drink、eat等。等。 非延续性动词指动作极为短暂,瞬间结非延续性动词指动作极为短暂,瞬间结束。束。 如:如:start、begin、hit、jump、knock等。等。 2)在本单元中,出现了以)在本单元中,出现了以when和和while引导的时引导的时间状语从句。间状语从句。 when表示表示“当当的时候的时候”。从句中既可。从句中既可用延续性动词,又可用非延续性动词,这些动词用延续性动词,又可用非延续性动词,这些动词既可以表示动作,又可表示状态。从句中的动作既可以表示动作,又可表示状态。从句中的动作既可和主句的动作同时发生,又可在主句的动作既可和主句的动作同时发生,又可在主句的动作之前或之后发生。如:之前或之后发生。如: Mary was having dinner when I saw her . The boy was still sleeping when his mother got home yesterday morning . while表示表示“在在的时候的时候”、“在在期期间间”。它强调主句的动作与从句的动作同时发生或。它强调主句的动作与从句的动作同时发生或主句的动作发生在从句的动作过程中。主句的动作发生在从句的动作过程中。while从句中从句中必须是表示动作或状态的延续性动词。如:必须是表示动作或状态的延续性动词。如: The weather was fine while we were in Beijing . She called while I was out . 如果主句的动作在从句的动作过程中发生,从句如果主句的动作在从句的动作过程中发生,从句常用进行时。如常用进行时。如: While we were swimming someone stole our clothes . Dont talk so loud while others are working .Summary 1. when可指时间点,又可指时间段,从句可指时间点,又可指时间段,从句中可用延续性动词,也可用非延续性动词。中可用延续性动词,也可用非延续性动词。 2. while总是指一个时间段,从句中必须用总是指一个时间段,从句中必须用延续性动词。延续性动词。 3.统一时态:主句过去式,统一时态:主句过去式, 从句也是过去式。从句也是过去式。 ExercisesFill with “While” or “When”1._ May was talking on the phone, her sister walked in. 2._ Rita bought her new dog, it was wearing a little coat.3._ I saw Carlos, he was wearing a green shirt.4._ I was dancing, he was singing loudly.5. _ Linda finally saw Davy , he was jumping with a dog .6. I was cleaning my room _ the fire broke out .WhenWhileWhileWhenWhenwhen12345Dear Jack, I had a very unusual experience on Sunday. At around ten oclock in the morning, I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me. You can imagine how strange it was! An alien got out and walked down Center Street. experience 经历;体验经历;体验around 大约大约 (=about)strange 奇怪的;陌生的奇怪的;陌生的right 正好;恰恰正好;恰恰I followed it to see where it was going, and I was very surprised when it went into a souvenir shop. While it was looking at the souvenirs, the shop assistant called the police. Before the police arrived, the alien left the shop and then visited the Museum of Flight. While the alien was in the museum, I called the TV station. Isnt that amazing! Tedfollow 跟随;追随跟随;追随Isnt that amazing! = That is amazing. (否定疑问句) amazing 惊人的,了不起的3b PAIRWORK Cover the story. Look at the pictures and take turns to tell the story. One day, a UFO landed in front of me when I was walking down the street. An alien got out. I was very afraid, and followed it. The alien went into a souvenir shop. While it was looking at the souvenirs, the shop assistant called the police. Before the police arrived, the alien left the shop and went into a museum. When the alien was in the museum, I called the TV station. That was amazing!E-mail the alien and tell him:Where were you /your family/classmateswhen he took off? What were you/your family/classmates doing at that time?Homework: 第三课时第三课时(SectionA4, Section B1-2c, Self check)看图复习看图复习when和和 while的用法的用法.利用图片引出生利用图片引出生词词,接着完成接着完成Section B1-2c的的内容内容,然后是一个对然后是一个对于交通事故的小采访并完成于交通事故的小采访并完成self check1 的练习的练习, 并以表格形式展示并以表格形式展示He Yan 昨天一天的活动安排昨天一天的活动安排,让学生用让学生用when和和 while引导的特殊疑问句来谈引导的特殊疑问句来谈论表格的内容论表格的内容.最后让学生填表完成自己昨天的最后让学生填表完成自己昨天的活动安排活动安排,并询问两个好友的安排并询问两个好友的安排,使本堂课的教使本堂课的教学落实到写的层面上学落实到写的层面上.Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?UFOWhat were you doing when the UFO arrived?Unit 3 Period 3A: What was the girl doing when the UFO took off?B: While the girl was.C: When the UFO took off the man was.Look at the picture. Say what each person was doing when the UFO took off. Make sentences with “when” and “While”.eat ice creamtake photosride a biketalk with a policemanshoutclimbWhat were they doing when you saw them?jumpfollow1 Match the sentences with the pictures.1. Hes scared.2. Its climbing a tree.3. Its jumping down.4. Shes shouting.cdbascaredcat2a Listen. Check () the six things you hear in the chart.Action1. saw a cat in a tree2. called the newspaper3. called the TV station4. took a photo5. said “Good boy!”6. was too scared7. called the police8. rode his bicycleride-rode 骑骑 in a tree 在树上在树上call the police 给警察打电话,报警给警察打电话,报警2b Listen again. Write the letter of who did each thing in the chart. ActionWho ActionWho1. saw a cat in a tree5. said “Good boy!”2. called the newspaper6. was too scared3. called the TV station7. called the police4. took a photo8. rode his bicycleecbdfaa. the newspaper reporter d. the woman b. the man e. John c. the cat f. the police officer2c PAIRWORK Talk about the people in activity 2a. Student A begins a sentence with the word “while”. Student B completes the sentence.A: While John was walking to school B: While John was walking to school, he saw a cat in a tree. ActionWho ActionWho1. saw a cat in a tree5. said “Good boy!”2. called the newspaper6. was too scared3. called the TV station7. called the police4. took a photo8. rode his bicycleecbdfa happened an accidentP: What were you doing when the accident happened?A: I was riding my bike when the accident happened.B: C: Self check1. Fill in the blanks with the words given.take off get out land shout shop1. The girl was when she saw a car accident.2. I was so tired this morning. It was difficult to of bed.3. My flight to New York from Beijing International Airport.4. It was raining when the plane in London.5. Dont ! I can hear you.shoppingget outtook offlandedshoutLook at what He Yan did yesterday. Write what you were doing at these times.While He Yan was at the doctors, I was going to the class. While she was having English class, I was having a test. While she was having lunch with her mother, I was playing in the park. While she was visiting her aunt in hospital, I was studying in the classroom. While she was going shopping, I was going home.9:009:30at the doctors10:0011:00had English class12:001:00had lunch with her mother2:003: 30visited aunt in hospital4:005:00went shopping3. Circle the words that dont belong.1. walk climb jump down alien2. bathroom bedroom newspaper kitchen3. barber UFO cut hair barber shop4. when scared while how longWhat were you doing at these times last Sunday? Fill in the table. Then interview two classmates.YouStudent 1Student 29:00 am11:30 am1:00 pm4:00 pm6:00 pm9:00 pmA: What were you doing at nine oclock last Sunday morning? B: I was sleeping. How about you? A: I was doing my homework. B: Youre kidding! And you? C: I was talking on the phone.sleepingdoing homeworktalking on the phoneHomework: 1 Interview what your family were doing at this time yesterday. 2 Write a short passage about your yesterday.第四课时第四课时(SectionB34b)先让值日生汇报上节课的调查结果先让值日生汇报上节课的调查结果,接着教师编写小故事接着教师编写小故事引出新单词并板书在黑板上引出新单词并板书在黑板上.在此基础上完成在此基础上完成SectionB3,读读课文前先让学生讨论文中的图片课文前先让学生讨论文中的图片,使他们能快速进入状态使他们能快速进入状态,让学生速读后回答问题让学生速读后回答问题:“Who found the dog for Linda?”;再读课文回答问题再读课文回答问题.学生根据教师提供的问题复述课文学生根据教师提供的问题复述课文.复复述课文后过渡到述课文后过渡到SectionB4a,先和学生一起简单谈论故事先和学生一起简单谈论故事发生的地点发生的地点,时间和人物时间和人物,让学生以小组为单位编故事让学生以小组为单位编故事,比一比一比哪个小组的故事编的有趣合理比哪个小组的故事编的有趣合理.最后设计任务最后设计任务,1让学生让学生选一选不同职业的人对警察的提问应作怎样的合理回答选一选不同职业的人对警察的提问应作怎样的合理回答,2 帮助警察设计向被调查者所提的问题帮助警察设计向被调查者所提的问题,3让学生扮演警察和让学生扮演警察和被调查者被调查者,进行现场审讯进行现场审讯.在这一系列活动中让学生充分展在这一系列活动中让学生充分展现自己的表演天赋现自己的表演天赋.Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?UFOWhat were you doing when the UFO arrived?Unit 3 Period 43 Read the article. Then write answers to the questions. Linda loves her dog Davy. They went to New YorkCity last Saturday. While Linda was buying a newspaper at the train station, the dog got out of his box and ran away. The station was crowded and Linda couldnt see Davy anywhere. When Linda shouted his name, some people looked at her but Davy didnt come. Then she called the police. train station 火车站火车站run away 逃跑;跑掉逃跑;跑掉 run-rananywhere 任何地方任何地方shout 大叫,呼喊大叫,呼喊While she was talking on the telephone,Davy met another dog outside the station.While the police were coming, Linda walked around the station and called Davys name. She didnt think about looking outside the station. Finally, a little boy said to her, “Did you look outside? I saw a big black dog when I came in.” When Linda finally saw Davy, he was jumping and running with another dog. There was a police officer next to them. The police officer said to Linda, “I think my dog found your dog.”meet-metcome in 进来进来think about 考虑到,想到考虑到,想到1. What was Linda doing when Davy ran away?2. Why couldnt Linda see Davy?3. Where was Davy while Linda was looking for him?4. What happened while Linda was on the telephone?5. What was Davy doing when Linda finally saw him?happen 发生发生Linda was buying a newspaper at the train station.Linda couldnt see Davy because the station was crowded.Davy was outside the station.Davy met another dog outside the station.Davy was jumping and running with another dog.Tell a story What does Linda love? Where did they go? While Linda was buying a newspaper, what happened? Then what did she do? While she was talking on the telephone, what happened? While the police were coming, what did Linda do? Finally when Linda saw Davy, what was it doing? 4a Use these pictures to write a story. One day a girl was going to the park at 11:00 in the morning. She put her bike near the sea. She saw two boys swimming in the sea. At 11:15, while she was sitting, a thief took her bike away. A moment later, she found her bike was lost. Then she called the police.PAIRWORK Role play. Student A was in the park last Sunday. Student B is a police officer. Talk about what was happening at these times.A: Where were you at 11:00 am last Sunday?B: I was in the park.A: What were you doing there?B: 11:00 am11:10 am11:15 am11:20 am11:25 amIf you area doctor,a driver,a teacher,a businessman,a student,a football player,a street seller,a visitor,a reporter,you may say: I wasdriving a truck to Tianjin.studying in class.playing football outside.teaching in the classroom.walking along the street.selling vegetables.working in the hospital.working in the office.interviewing some people about the UFO.Homework: Write a short passage about the story of Section B4a.第五课时第五课时(Reading):本堂课重点是培养学生的阅读技巧和提高学生的阅读能本堂课重点是培养学生的阅读技巧和提高学生的阅读能力力.先让学生谈论昨天某个时候正在干什么先让学生谈论昨天某个时候正在干什么,复习过去进行复习过去进行时时.然后提出几件重要事件然后提出几件重要事件,完成完成Section 1,再利用图片或再利用图片或影片呈现生词影片呈现生词,再是一个阅读技巧的指导再是一个阅读技巧的指导.之后让学生快速之后让学生快速读课文并回答读课文并回答“How many unforgettable events are mentioned in this passage?”完成完成Section3a, 再读再读课文判断课文判断正误正误.再细读课文再细读课文,小组完成表格复述课文小组完成表格复述课文.接着是一个小接着是一个小组活动组活动,调查和报告调查和报告. 最后围绕最后围绕“Do you think something good can come out of something terrible?”讨论讨论,教育学生教育学生从小养成辨证看待问题从小养成辨证看待问题,乐观向上的人生观乐观向上的人生观.Unit 3 Period 5Do you remember what you were doing?Groupwork: What were you doing when you heard the news? Liu Xiang won the gold medal at the 2004 Olympics I was Word studyflight playgroundbell earthplaneIm a hero.Youre heroes, too.hero terrorist 恐怖分子恐怖分子 murder 谋杀谋杀; ;凶杀凶杀 destroy 破坏破坏; ;毁坏毁坏 kill 杀死杀死; ;致死致死 tragedytragedy 悲剧悲剧 tusnamitusnami tju:na:mitju:na:mi 海啸海啸Title:Do you remember what you were doing? Reading strategy: The title can be helpful for you to understand a text. It is also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before you read.Match the events with the correct dates.1. Dr Martin Luther King was murdered.2. Yang Liwei flew around the Earth.3. The World Trade Center was destroyed in New York.4. Man walked on the moon for the first time.September 11, 2001April 4, 1968July 20, 1969March 15, 1979October 15, 2003Read the first sentence of each paragraph, then say T or F.(阅读每段句首,然后判断下阅读每段句首,然后判断下列句子正误。)列句子正误。)1.The writer will write some important events for example.2. People will forget some everyday activities when they heard the important news.3. The writer will give some events which happened in recent times.4. The writer may give some more terrible events.1.The writer will write some important events for example.TMartin Luther King 马丁马丁路德路德金金 (1929-1968)2. People will forget some everyday activities when they heard the important news.FWhat was Robert doing when he heard the news?What did the teacher tell him?After that, what did he and his friends do?Robert and his friends walked home together in silence.3. The writer will give some events which happened in recent times.TWorld Trade Center in New York was destroyed by terrorists on September 11,2001.4. The writer may give some more terrible events.FHow long was Yang Liweis flight in the space?His flight around the Earth lasted about 22 hours.What do you think of him?He is a national hero.EventWhenWhoWhat were they doing?Read the passage again and try to finish the form.Then use the form to retell the story.Yang Liwei flew around the earth on October 15, 2003.What were you doing when you heard the news?When I heard_,I was_.EventWhenWhoWhat were they doing?Make a survey and make a report:Homework: Write about an event that youremember well. Give dates and say why you remember it , and what you were doing at the time when you heard the news.Thank you!


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