(课标通用)甘肃省2019年中考英语总复习 素养全练13 八下 Unit 7-8试题

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素养全练13八年级(下册)Unit7Unit8.单项选择1.(2018贵州铜仁,31)Where is Mr Brown?He Australia.He there last year.A.has been to;has beenB.has been to;has goneC.has gone to;wentD.went;went答案C解析考查动词时态。句意:布朗先生在哪里?他去了澳大利亚。他去年去的那里。hasbeento“去过”;hasgoneto“去了”,根据后面的lastyear可知是过去时,用went,故选C项。2.(2017贵阳,45改编) The Chinese government has made possible for people to live happy lives.A.thatB.thisC.itD.those答案C解析考查it做形式宾语。在make+it+adj.+(forsb.)+todosth.这个结构中,it做形式宾语,todosth.是真正的宾语。3.(2018贵州黔南,28)Jack has learned more about teamwork(团队合作) he joined the soccer team.A.untilB.sinceC.whileD.though答案B解析考查连词的用法辨析。句意:自从杰克加入足球队以来,他更多地学会了团结合作。since“自从以来”,是现在完成时的标志,后加一般过去时。根据上文haslearned和下文joined可知选B项。4.You must be very proud of your .A.surpriseB.achievementC.educationD.satisfaction答案B解析考查名词。achievement“成就”。surprise“惊讶”;education“教育”;satisfaction“满意”。B项符合句意。5.(2018甘肃兰州,28)The Nile is one of the rivers in the world.A.longB.longerC.longestD.most longest答案C解析考查形容词最高级。句意:尼罗河是世界上最长的河流之一。在英语中,“oneof+the+形容词最高级+名词复数”表示“最的之一”,且long是单音节词,其最高级直接加est。6.This medicine millions of peoples lives since it was put into use.A.is savingB.will saveC.has savedD.had saved答案C解析考查时态。句意:这种药自投入使用以来就挽救了数百万人的性命。根据从属连词since可知,需要用现在完成时,表示从过去某个时间点开始到现在的动作,而且这个动作对现在有影响。7.What do you think of the movie Zootopia?Hmm.I think it is movie that I have ever seen these years.A.a goodB.a betterC.the bestD.a best答案C解析考查形容词的最高级。根据答语可知,“我认为疯狂动物城是这些年来我看过的最好的电影。”定语从句“thatIhaveeverseentheseyears”修饰先行词“movie”;由比较范围“theseyears”判断,用最高级thebest。8.I havent been back to my hometown for years.!Your parents must miss you very much.A.Of courseB.No problemC.What a shameD.Well done答案C解析考查情景应答。句意:我有好多年没有回家乡了。真可惜啊!你父母一定很想你。ofcourse“当然”;noproblem“没问题”;whatashame“真可惜”;welldone“干得好”。9.(2019预测)Repairing the car by himself gave him a real sense of .A.achievementB.governmentC.encouragementD.development答案A解析考查名词。achievement“成就”;government“政府”;encouragement“鼓励”;development“发展”。句意:自己修车给了他真正的成就感。10.(2019预测)The house not just to her,but to her husband as well.A.belongB.belongingC.is belongedD.belongs答案D解析考查动词。belongto“属于”,不用于被动语态。本句缺少谓语动词,且主语为第三人称单数,故选D项。句意:这栋房子不仅属于她,也属于她丈夫。.完形填空Vincent got up at half past six in the morning.He hurriedly put on his clothes and finished the 11 prepared by Grandma.His grandparents were the only two people 12with him.As soon as he waved goodbye to them,Vincent 13 out to the small car park (停车场).Dads car was already there.“Good morning,Dad.You are earlier than I expected,”said Vincent.And he got into the car happily.“I 14 you,”Dad smiled and drove off.“Me too.15 can I live with Mum and you again?”asked Vincent.“Ive told you hundreds of times.Mum will be back in two months.We will live together again then.Mum always loves her 16 and she wants to take the chance to meet more clients (客户),”Dad explained,“And her boss told her that she might become the manager.Are you 17?”“Not at all.Is work more important than me?” asked Vincent.“No,of course not.You are the most important to Mum and Dad,18 we have to work.You will understand us when you grow up,” said Dad as he 19 at the school gate.Vincent got out of the 20.Dad drove off,going back to his office.11.A.breakfastB.lunchC.supperD.dinner答案A解析考查名词。breakfast表示“早饭”;lunch表示“午饭”;supper表示“晚饭”;dinner表示“晚饭”。由inthemorning可知此处表示吃完了奶奶做的早饭,故选择A项。12.A.workingB.climbingC.livingD.separating答案C解析考查动词。work表示“工作”;climb表示“爬”;live表示“生活,住”;separate表示“分开”。结合语境可知此处表示“他的爷爷奶奶是唯一与他住在一起的两个人”,故选择C项。13.A.keptB.rushedC.pointedD.found答案B解析考查动词。keep表示“保持”;rush表示“冲”;point表示“指”;find表示“找到”。由“Hehurriedlyputonhisclothes.”可知此处表示Vincent向外“冲”向小停车场,故选择B项。14.A.beatB.askC.hateD.miss答案D解析考查动词。beat表示“打败”;ask表示“问”;hate表示“讨厌”;miss表示“想念”。由Andhegotintothecarhappily可推测此处表示“我想你了”,故选择D项。15.A.WhyB.WhoC.WhenD.Where答案C解析考查疑问词。why表示“为什么”;who表示“谁”;when表示“什么时候”;where表示“哪里”。由“Mumwillbebackintwomonths.Wewilllivetogetheragainthen.”可知此处问的是“我什么时候能再和你与妈妈住在一起”,故选择C项。16.A.houseworkB.gardenC.jobD.trousers答案C解析考查名词。housework表示“家务”;garden表示“花园”;job表示“工作”;trousers表示“裤子”。由“shewantstotakethechancetomeetmoreclients(客户)”可知此处表示“妈妈总是热爱她的工作”,故选择C项。17.A.happyB.healthyC.honestD.strict答案A解析考查形容词。happy表示“开心的”;healthy表示“健康的”;honest表示“诚实的”;strict表示“严格的”。由回答“Notatall.Isworkmoreimportantthanme?”可知此处问的是“你开心吗”,故选择A项。18.A.orB.becauseC.afterD.but答案D解析考查连词。or表示“或者”;because表示“因为”;after表示“之后”;but表示“但是”。分析语境可知“wehavetowork”与“YouarethemostimportanttoMumandDad”间是转折关系,故选择D项。19.A.movedB.stoppedC.metD.shouted答案B解析考查动词。move表示“移动”;stop表示“停止”;meet表示“遇见”;shout表示“大喊”。由“Vincentgotoutofthe.Daddroveoff,goingbacktohisoffice.”可知此处表示的是“当他在学校大门口停下时”,故选择B项。20.A.houseB.officeC.schoolD.car答案D解析考查名词。house表示“房子”;office表示“办公室”;school表示“学校”;car表示“汽车”。由“Dadscarwasalreadythere.”可知此处表示的是Vincent从车里出来,故选择D项。.阅读理解For many kids,winter holiday is a time to take a vacation,celebrate festivals and relax at home.Should it also be a time to do homework?Winter holiday can be up to three weeks long.Teachers who give homework during the vacation hope to keep their students skill better.Others believe winter holiday should be a time for students to rest.Do you think teachers should assign(布置) homework over winter vacation?Here,two experts give their views.Janine Bempechat is a professor at Wheelock College in Boston.She thinks learning doesnt stop when the school building is closed.Some students hate homework only because some of the homework is boring.However,lots of students enjoy homework if it can make them more creative.Alfie Kohn is the author of TheHomeworkMyth and many other books about education.He thinks vacations from school are for hanging out with friends and family,reading a book you love,playing outdoors or just relaxing.If you have to do more schoolwork,its not much of a vacation!He also thinks activities out of school are something students and their parents should decide,not the teachers.So he thinks homework isnt necessary at all.21.What is winter holiday for many kids?A.Its a time to relax at home and do homework.B.Its a time to celebrate festivals and relax at home.C.Its a time to learn some subjects and take a vacation.D.Its a time to learn an instrument and read books.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第一段开头部分的“Formanykids,winterholidayisatimetotakeavacation,celebratefestivalsandrelaxathome.”可知。22.How long can winter holiday be according to the passage?A.For about twenty days.B.For about ten days.C.For about fifteen days.D.For about thirty days.答案A解析推理判断题。根据第二段的“Winterholidaycanbeuptothreeweekslong.”可知,寒假总共有三周多,可以计算为37,因此选A项。23.Which is TRUE according to the passage?A.Janine Bempechat is an author of some educational books.B.Alfie Kohn thinks students should have homework during winter holiday.C.Some students enjoy homework during winter holiday.D.Janine Bempechat thinks homework isnt necessary at all.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第四段的“However,lotsofstudentsenjoyhomework.”可知,有好多学生喜欢假期作业。24.The underlined word “it” refers to .A.the homeworkB.the studentC.the teacherD.the parent答案A解析词义猜测题。细读句子“However,lotsofstudentsenjoyhomeworkifitcanmakethemmorecreative.”可知,句意为“然而,很多学生喜欢作业如果它(作业)能使得学生更具创造力”。故it指代前面的homework。25.Which is Alfie Kohns view according to the passage?A.Students should do what they want to do during winter holiday.B.Students and their parents decide what students should do during winter holiday.C.Teachers should give lessons to some students.D.Learning doesnt stop when the school building is closed.答案B解析主旨大意题。根据最后一段的“Healsothinksactivitiesoutofschoolaresomethingstudentsandtheirparentsshoulddecide,nottheteachers.”可知,AlfieKohn认为学校以外的活动应该由学生和父母决定,而不是老师。导学号53324025.按要求改写句子26.I have been here for three years.(改为同义句)three years I came here.答案It is;since27.His father has finished reading that book.(改为一般疑问句) his father reading that book?答案Has;finished28.Lucy and Lily have already seen the film.(改为否定句)Lucy and Lily the film .答案havent seen;yet29.in the spare time,the father,to be taught,his daughter,French,wants(连词成句)答案The father wants his daughter to be taught French in the spare time.30.This house used to belong to Mr.Fox.(对画线部分提问) house it use to be?答案Whose;did.口语交际David:Hello,Carol.This is David speaking.Carol:Hello,David.This is Carol.David:31Carol:Im sorry that I didnt answer your phone.I was reading a book named ArabianNights at the bookshop at that time.David:ArabianNights?32Carol:There are many old and interesting stories in it.David:33Carol:A queen tells all the stories.The king of a country married a new queen every day and killed her the next morning.David:Stop,stop here! 34Carol:Yes,you are right.35David:Yes.Ive already read it twice.I think it is very interesting.Carol:Me,too.And I like it very much!A.Ive never heard of it.B.Isnt it AThousandandOneNights?C.Do you like the book?D.What do you think of the book?E.What are the stories about?F.What were you doing when I called you last night?G.Have you ever read the book before?答案3135 FAEBG.词汇36.You must take plenty of (water) if you want to travel through the desert.答案water37.Although she met many difficulties,she finally achieved her dream of (be) a famous writer.答案being38.I dont remember whether I (leave) my keys at home or in the car.答案left39.Lets take (act) to protect our environment.答案actions40.Sanya is a beautiful city in (south) China.答案southern/South.书面表达(2019预测)假设有外宾要来你的学校参观, 请用英语写一篇能说明学校情况的介绍,内容包括:学校情况:建于1957年,现有36个班级,100余名教师,近两千名学生;教学情况:A.学生学习努力,积极参与各项活动,互相帮助,互相学习;B.教师对工作认真负责,对学生态度和蔼;学校近年来的变化:新建了教学大楼和实验楼各一栋,现在比以前漂亮多了。参考范文Our school was built in 1957.Now there are 36 classes and it has more than (over) one hundred teachers and nearly two thousand students.In our school,we all work hard at our lessons and take part in all kinds of activities.We help each other.The teachers are strict in teaching and very kind to us.We have built a classroom building in the past few years.Now our school is much more beautiful than before.8


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