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2018中考英语重点单词专项练习A 根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。1. Tom was _ (able) to ride a bike when he was five years old.2. There were many traffic _ (accident) on the road because of heavy snow.3. They will play _ (against ) a football team from No. 2 Middle School next Friday .4. You are never _ (allow) to throw litter anywhere in the city.5. -I have _ (already) finished my homework. Have you finished yours ?-No, not _ (already).6. While the alien was in the museum, I called the TV station. Isnt that _ (amaze)!7. -Is there _ (someone) over there now , Tom ? -No. No one is there.8. -Have you ever been to _ (somewhere) interesting before ? -No.9. Every year they send 100 volunteers to teach in Chinas rural _(area).10.Yesterday, Tom _ (argue) with his best friend, Mike in the classroom.11. China is an _ (Asia) country and it lies in the east of _(Asian).12. He doesnt often _ (asleep) well in the night. But last night he fell _ (sleep) early.13. An _ (Australia) comes from _ (Australia).14. Its better to see lions and foxes during the daytime because theyll probably be _ (wake).B按要求写出下列词汇的变化形式。building _(复数形式)根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。1. _ (baby) are needed to take care of because they are too young.2. Tom has a big house with two _ (bathroom)and three _ (bedroom).3. Jim_ (become) a teacher when he left college.4. Students _(be) running for about three hours.5. The _ (bell) rings. Its time for class. Lets go to the classroom.6. He has many history books _(beside) English books.7. My mum _(buy) a computer last week.8. The boy called Yang Yang was very _(brave) and he saved a few peoples lives after the earthquake.9. Mr. Smith wanted to find out who _(break) the window.10. Our classroom is _(brightly) and clean.11. Li ping _ (bring) his photos to the school yesterday.12. Now there are more and more high _(build) in our city.C根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。1. Here are two _(cake) . You can eat either of them.2. Did you _(come) to Jims birthdayparty?3. Some country had two _(capital) .4. He is a _(care) man and he does everything very _(careful).5. Im _(certainly) I will be there for the Olympic Games in 2008.6. After school , many _ (child) are playing in the ground.7. Mr. Smith _(choose) to be an engineer after he graduated from the college.8. We can see the highest building _(clear) in a long distance.9. _(climb) the high mountain is not easy for everyone.10. We should _ (close) the factory because it polluted the river.11. He likes_ (collect) and he has many kinds of _ (coin) .12. There are many _(company) on each side of the street.13. I dont like my friend who _(copy) everything I do.14. That coat _ (cost) me 2,000yuan.15. I have had a bad _(cough) and _(cough) day and night. _(can) you help me do the chores? D按要求写出下列词汇的变化形式。dark_(比较级) decision _(动词) drop_ (现在分词)_ (过去式)根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。1. There is much _ (dangerous) in space.2. A cat can see in the _(dark).3. She knew shed made the right _(decide).4. We have _(discover) that hes quite careless in his work.5. Please close the _(door) when you leave the room.6. The kid can _(dress) himself.7. He _(drop) his wallet in the train. E按要求写出下列词汇的变化形式。1. encourage _(写出名词形式) 2. especially _(写出形容词形式)3. European _(写出名词形式) 4. excellent _(比较级)_(最高级)根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。1. He doesnt come from France. I dont _(too).2. We should _(encourage) students to study by themselves.3. We saw him _(enter) the room just now.4. Its our duty to love our _(environment) .5. _(especial), you should communicate with your parents when you are upset.6. Most of _(Europe) dont like Chinese food.7. _(electricity) toothbrush seemed impossible one hundred years ago, but now it came true.8. I had a very unusual _(experience) on Sunday. And I _(experience) a amazing trip with my friends.9. You must _(explain) to your parents why you have done that.F按要求写出下列词汇的变化形式。fail _(过去式) fall _(过去式)_(过去分词) fat_(比较级) foreigner _(形容词) freedom _(形容词)根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。1. Many new _(factory) are being built in Chongqing .2. Although Tom worked hard at his Chinese, he _(fail) in the exam.3. The old man _(fall) asleep as soon as he went to bed.4. If you eat too much junk food , youll become _(fat) and _(fat).5. The man _ (fear) to die.6. We can use _ (few) people and less money to complete the work in a short time.7. This coat looks very nice and it _(fit ) you very well.8. Yesterday Jim and his friends _(fly) kites in the park.9. Spring comes and there are many _(flower) here and there.10. First look at the picture, then answer the _(follow) questions.11. More and more _( foreign) are interested in Chinese and they begin to learn Chinese.12. Now you can hardly see any _(fox) in a forest.13. Children needs _(free) to relax, so we shouldnt push them too hard.G&H按要求写出下列词汇的变化形式。happen_(过去式) hear_ (过去式) hero_(复数形式) get_(过去分词)give _(过去式)_(过去分词)根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。1. Jim _(give) a gift to his friend just now.2. Mrs. Smith usually _(get) up early, but this morning she _(get ) up late.3. A great traffic accident _(happen) on the high way yesterday.4. He _(hear) a great noise and got up to see whattook place last night.5. To these people he was a great _(hero).6. Weare leaving for Shanghai for our summer _(holiday).I根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。1. You can _(imagine) how strange a UFO was .2. Its _(polite) to throw litters everywhere.3. We found it _ (possible) to finish the great work in one day without any help.4. Most children take part in activities _(include) sports, language learning, music and math classes.5. An _(Indian) comes from India.6. Yang Lei likes being a good _(influence ) in the childrens lives.7. He went to play soccer _(instead) of basketball.8. More and more people are _(interesting) in collectingstamps.9. A reporter is _(interview) Xiao Wang over there.10. These _(island) belong to China.J, K& L按要求写出下列词汇的变化形式。lucky _(名词) _ (副词) _(反义词)根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。1. Look! A cat _(jump) down from the tree.2. On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King was _(kill) in the city of Memphis in America.3. Mum is cooking in the _(kitchen).4. On a sunny day in spring, you can many_(kite) in the sky.5. The plane _ (land) safely just now.6. A child sleeps at _(little) eight hours a day.7. Its polite to stand in a _(line).8. There is lots of _(litter) on the ground. Please clean it.9. you should talk in a _(low) voice when you are at table in a western family.10. _(luck), he failed in the driving exam.M按要求写出下列词汇的变化形式。meter_(复数形式) mouse _(复数形式) 根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。1. Students _(make) a decision yesterday. They decided to go out this Sunday.2. Do you know what the word _(mean)? If you know its _(mean), please hands up and tell me.3. Nobody _(mention) going out to help him because he often made us angry.4. -Can you leave a _(message) for your friend? -Sure.5. Last Sunday I _(meet) one of my old friends in the street.6. -How long is the bridge ? -Oh, its about 200 _ (meter) long.7. She _(miss) her son very much and hopes to get a messageabout him.8. My pet cat caught 2 _ (mouse) yesterday.9. The man _(murder) two people.10. I can drive a car by _(I ).N & O根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。1. We should love our _(natural).2. Its _(near) 2 oclock .3. _ (either) of them is Chinese. They are both Japanese.4. He is always _(nervously) when he meets a teacher on the way.5. As a student, you should learn to make _(note) when you have a class and listen to the teacher.6. The shop usually _(open) at 8:00 am. Now its _(open).P按要求写出下列词汇的变化形式。1. personal _ (名词形式)2. pet_ (复数形式)3. pick _ (过去式)4. pig_(复数形式)5. plane _(复数形式)6. play _(第三人称单数形式)7. possible _ (反义词)8. present _(复数形式)9. probably _ (形容词)10. polite _(反义词) 11. push_((第三人称单数形式)根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。1. He wants to buy two _(pair) of socks in the supermarket.2. There is much _ (paper) on the desk.3. This is a _(person) letter.4. I want to keep many _(pet) in my house in the future.5. He _ (pick) cottons for his uncle yesterday.6. Raising _(pig) can bring you much money.7. We have made the most modern _(plane) .8. He usually _ (play) CDs while he is working at home.9. Its _ (impossible) that you remember one word in a day.10. Its _(impolite) to help others.11. Youd better take a _ (present) when you visit a foreign family.12. He _ (probable) read the message.13. Whats the _(population) of China? Its over 1.3 billion.14. Now parents in China _(push) their kids too hard.Q & R根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。1. Three _(quarter ) of the population live on the land.2. The man shot two _(rabbit) in the mountain last night.3. They are _(run) to _ (raise) money for the poor people.4. When she _ (return) to her house, the phone _(ring).5. He _ (ride) his bike to school every day.6. The boy _ (receive) a bike as his birthday present.7. Lets _ (review) the new words of Unit 6.8. The _ (Russia) made some special _ (robot) to work for the space ship.S按要求写出下列词汇的变化形式。scientist_ (复数形式)根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。1. If you are interested in _(scientist) , you will become a _ (science).2. There are four _(season) in a year.3. It _(seem) that you have no ways except studying.4. he has already _(see) my photos.5. China can _(send) spaceships into the space now.6. “Dont _(shout) at me”said the doctor.7. His words _ (sound) very good.8. Collecting _(stamp) is a good hobby.9. You cant imagine how _ (strange) it was !10. Iwas very _(surprise) when the alien went into a souvenir shop.T&U按要求写出下列词汇的变化形式。1. thin_ (比较级)_ (最高级) 2. think _(过去式)3. tell _(过去式) 4. take_(过去式)_ (过去分词)5. true_(副词) 6. unpleasant_(反义词)根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。1. They learn English by _(they)2. She is becoming _(thin) and _ (thin) because she has been ill.3. Every year _(thousand) of bird flies to the south in winter.4. I have two _ (ticket). Could you go and see the movie with me ?5. More and more _(tree) are planted in Chongqing every year.6. That was an _(pleasant ) trip. Everybody was unhappy.V, W & Y根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。1. More and more _(village) have left their _(village) to work in the city.2. The boy _(wake) up and dresses himself every morning.3. There are three _(window) in the wall of our classroom.4. That was a _(wonder) soccer game and every player played very _(wonderful) on the ground.5. Her _(sound, noise, voice ) sounds very beautiful.6. _(when, while) we were doing our homework, Mr. Wang came in.7. I think our dream _(come) true.8. He won the game and he is the _(win) .9. Last month he _(write) to me.参考答案A一. 1.能、能够;2. 事故;3.反对;对不利;4. 允许;准许;5.单独地;孤独地;6.早已;已经;7.令人惊异的;8.任何人;9.任何地方;10.地区;地域;11.争论;争吵;12.亚洲的;亚洲人的;13.睡着的;14.澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人的;15.秋天;16.醒着的二. 1.accidents; 2.areas, 3.allows; allowing; allowed; allowed; 4. argues; arguing; argued; argued; 5.Asia; 6. wake; 7. sleep; 8.Australia三. 1.able; 2.accidents; 3.against; 4.allowed; 5.already; yet; 6.amazing; 7.anyone; 8. anywhere; 9.areas; 10. argued; 11. Asian;Asia; 12.sleep ; asleep; 13. Australian; Australia; 14. awake.四. 1.Australian; 2.amazing; 3.asleep; 4.awakeB一. 1. 婴儿、小孩;2. 浴室;3. 成为、变得;4. 卧室、寝室;5. 是;6. 钟、铃、门铃;7. 而且、除之外;8. 买;9. 勇敢的;10. 打破、违背;11. 明亮的、发亮的;12. 带来;13. 建筑物、楼房二. 1. babies; 2. bathrooms; 3. become; 4. bedrooms; 5. am/is/are; was/were; be; 6. bells; 7. buy; 8. broke; broken; 9. bring; 10. buildings三. 1. Babies, 2. bathrooms, bedrooms; 3. became; 4. have been ; 5. bell; 6. besides; 7. bought; 8.brave; 9. broke; 10. bright; 11. brought; 12. buildings四. 1. became; 2. bought; 3. bedrooms; 4. bathrooms; 5. bright; 6. buildings; 7. brought; 8. has been; 9. baby; 10. besides; 11. buysC一. 1. 蛋糕、糕; 2. 来; 3. 省会、首都;4. 小心的、细心的;5. 确实的、无疑的;6. 机会、机遇;7. 小孩;8. 选择;9. 清楚地、明显地;10. 攀登、爬;11. 关闭;12. 钱币、硬币;13. 收集、搜集;14. 公司;15. 复制、抄袭;16. 价值、花;17. 咳嗽;18. 能、会、可以;19. 穿过、横过、越过二. 1. cakes; 2. comes; 3. carefully; 4. certainly; 5. children; 6. chose; chosen; 7. climbing; 8. closing; 9. collection; 10. companies; 11. cost; cost; 12. coughs; 13. can; 14. crossing; crosses三. 1. cakes; 2. come ; 3. capitals; 4. careful; carefully; 5. certain; 6. children; 7. chose; 8. clearly; 9. Climbing; 10. close; 11. colleciong; coins; 12. companies; 13. copies; 14. cost; 15. cough; cough; Could四. 1. Capital. 2. cakes; 3. chance; 4. come; 5. certain; 6. choose; 7. carefully; 8. copy; 9. cost; 10. coins; 11. children; 12. could; 13.crossingD一. 1. 危险; 2. 黄昏;黑暗; 3. 决定;决心;4. 发现;发觉;5. 门;6. 穿衣;7. 落下;掉下;使落下二. 1. dangerous; 2. darker; 3. decide; 4. discovering; 5. doors; 6. dresses; 7. dropping; dropped三. 1. danger; 2. dark; 3. decision; 4. discovered; 5. door; 6. dress; 7. dropped四. 1. dangerous; 2. dark; 3. decision; 4. door; 5. dress; 6. discover; 7. dropE一. 1. 地球; 2. 两者之中任一的;3. 导电的;电的;4. 鼓励;激励;5. 参加;进入; 6. 环境;7. 特别;尤其;8. 欧洲的;欧洲人的;欧洲人;9. 甚至;10. 每件事情;11.各地;到处;12.卓越的;极好的;13. 除;把除外;14. 经历;体验;15. 解释;说明二. 1. encouragement ; 2. especial; 3. Europe; 4. more excellent; most excellent三. 1. either; 2. encourage; 3. enter; 4. environment; 5. especially; 6. Europeans; 7. Electric; 8. experience; experienced; 9. explain四. 1. earth; 2. enter; 3. everywhere; 4. electric; 5. either; 6. even; 7. Everything; 8. excellent; 9. environment; 10. especially ; 11. experience; 12. Europeans; 13. explain; 14. excellent; 15. except. 16. encourageF一. 1. 工厂;2. 失败;3. 落下;跌落; 4. 迷;狂热者;5. 肥胖的;6. 恐惧,害怕;7. fall的过去式;8. 较少的,更少的;9. 电影;10. 适合;适应;11. fly的过去式;12. 花; 13. 飞行;14. 跟随;追随;15. 足球;16. 外国人;17. 狐狸;18. 自由二. 1. factories; 2. failed; 3. fans; 4. fell; fallen; 5. fatter; fattest; 6.few; 7. movie; 8. fitting; 9. fly; flown; 10. flowers; 11. follows; 12. soccer; 13. foreign; 14. foxes; 15. free三 . 1. factories; 2. failed; 3. fell; 4. fatter; fatter; 5. fears; 6. fewer7. fits; 8. flew; 9. flowers; 10. following; 11. foreigners; 12. foxes; 13. freedom四. 1. failed; 2. factory; 3. fan; 4. football; 5. film; 6. foreigners; 7.fit; 8. follow; 9. flying; 10. fell; 11. fewer; 12. fat; 13. foxG&H一. 1. 动词give的过去式; 2. 动词give的过去分词;3. 再见;4. 动词get的过去式;5. 发生;6. 动词hear的过去式;7. 英雄;8. 假日;假期;节日;9. 家乡;10. 家务;家务事;11. 巨大的;庞大的;12.人;人类; 13. 丈夫二. 1. happened; 2. heard; 3. heroes; 4. holidays; 5. huger. 6. gotten; 7. gave; given三. 1. gave ; 2. gets; got; 3. happened; 4. heard; 5. hero; 6. holiday四. 1. hero; 2. hometown; 3. goodbye; 4. happened; 5. heard; 6. givingI一. 1. 想象;设想; 2. 无礼的;粗鲁的;3. 不可能的;不会发生的;4. 包括;包含;5. 印度的;印度人(的);印第安语(的);6. 影响;7. 代替;而不是;8.感兴趣的;9. 面试;面谈;10. 岛;岛屿二. 1. imagining 2. polite; 3. possible; 4. more interested; 5. interviewed ; 6. islands三. 1. imagine; 2. impolite; 3. impossible; 4. including; 5. Indian; 6. influence; 7. instead; 8. interested; 9. interviewing; 10. islands四. 1. imagine; 2. island; 3. impossible; 4. Indian; 5. interested; 6. interviewedJ, K& L一. 1.跳跃;2. 杀死;3. 厨房;4.风筝;5.陆地,着陆;6. little的最高级;7.排;队;列;8.垃圾;9.低的;10.幸运的二. 1. jumping; 2. killed; 3. kites; 4. landed; 5, little; 6. lines; 7. kitchens; 8. lower; 9. luck; luckily; unlucky三. 1. is jumping; 2. killed; 3.kitchen; 4.kites; 5.landed; 6.least; 7. line; 8. litter; 9. low; 10. Unluckily.四. 1. kitchen; 2.jumped; 3.killed; 4.leastM一. 1.动词make的过去式; 2. 意思;3. 提到; 4. 消息;5. 动词meet的过去式;6. 米;7. 思念;错过 8. 现代的;9. 月亮;月球;10. 老鼠;11.谋杀;12. 我自己二. 1. making; 2. mean; meant; 3. mentioned; 4.messages; 5. meet; 6.meters; 7. misses; 8. mice; 9.murderer; 10. ourselves三. 1.made; 2. means; meaning; 3. mentioned; 4. message; 5. met; 6. meters; 7. misses; 8. mice; 9.murdered; 10. myself.四. 1. meaning; 2.moon; 3.miss; 4.modern; 5. miles 6. meet; 7.message; 8.mice; 9. made; 10. mentionedN & O一. 1. 自然的; 自然界的; 2. 几乎; 3. 二者都不; 也不; 4. 神经紧张的; 不安的; 5. 中午; 6. 笔记; 7. 打开; 8. 自己的二. 1. nature; 2. near; 3. both; 4. nervously; 5. notes; 6. close/shut三. 1. nature; 2. nearly; 3. Neither; 4. nervous; 5. notes; 6. opens; open四. 1. noon; 2. nearly; 3. nervous; 4.opened; 5. ownP一. 1. 一对;一双; 2. 纸;纸张;3. 或许;大概; 4. 私人的; 个人的; 5. 宠物; 6. 采;摘;挑选;7. 猪; 8.飞机;9. 播放,玩,弹奏;10. 运动场;操场;11. 有礼貌的;客气的;12. 贫穷的;贫困的;13. 人口;14. 可能的;15. 礼物;16. 或许;大概;17. 进步;进展; 18. 公众;19. 推二. 1. person; 2. pets; 3. picked; 4. pigs; 5. planes; 6. plays; 7. impossible; 8. presents; 9. probable; 10. impolite; 11. pushes三. 1. pairs; 2. paper; 3. personal; 4. pets; 5. picked; 6. pigs; 7. planes; 8. plays; 9. possible; 10. polite; 11. present; 12. probably; 13. population; 14. push四. 1. playing; 2. playground; 3. probaly; 4. planes; 5. pets; 6. presents; 7. picking; 8. pigs; 9. poor; 10. progress; 11. Perhaps; 12. publicQ & R一. 1. 四分之一; 2. 相当;十分;3. 兔;野兔; 4. 筹集; 5. 动词run的过去式;6. 动词ring的过去式;7. 相当;颇;而不是; 8. 收到; 9. 归还;返回;10. 复习;评论; 11. 机器人; 12. 动词ride的过去式; 13. 俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人的;俄语的; 俄语; 俄罗斯人二. 1. quarters; 2. rabbits; 3. raising; raised; 4. run; running; 5. receiving; 6. ride; riding; 7. Russia三. quarters; 2. rabbits; 3. running; raise; 4. returned; was ringing; 5. rides; 6. received; 7. review; 8. Russians; robots四. 1. quarters; 2. quite; 3. raise; 4. Russian; 5. rabbit; 6. returned; 7. rode; 8. rang; 9. run ; 10. receivedS一. 1. 动词sing的过去式; 2. 科学家; 3. 季节; 4. 看上去; 5. 动词see的过去分词; 6. 派遣; 送; 7. 几个;若干; 8. 外形;形状; 9. 呼喊;大叫; 10. 寂静;沉默;11. 简单的; 简易的; 12. 自从;自以来; 13. 慢的;缓慢的; 14. 抽烟;吸烟; 15. 蛇; 16. 声音; 17. 太空;空间; 18. 特别的; 特殊的; 19. 春天;20. 邮票; 21. 开始;开端; 22. 商店;储存; 23. 奇怪的;陌生的; 24. 这样的;这种; 25. 建议; 26. 假定; 认为;期望; 27. 使惊奇;使意外二. 1. sing; singing; 2. scientists; 3. seasons; 4. sent; 5. see; saw; seeing; 6. slower; 7. specially三. 1. science; scientist; 2. seasons; 3. seems; 4. seen; 5. send; 6. shout; 7. sounded/ sounds; 8. stamps; 9. strange; 10. surprised四. 1. Spring; 2. seasons; 3. starts/ begins; 4. see; 5. singing; 6. shouting; 7. such; 8. sound; 9. smoke; 10. seems; 11. suggest; 12. suppose; 13. surpriseT&U一. 1. 温度;2. 他(她, 它)们自己; 3. 稀薄的;4. 动词think的过去式;5. 一千; 6. 票;入场券; 7. 动词tell的过去式;8. 今晚;今夜; 9. 动词take的过去式;10. 交通;11. 树; 树木; 12. 真实的;13. 令人不愉快的; 14. 直到.二. 1. thinner; thinnest; 2. thought; 3. told; 4. took; taken; 5. truly; 6. pleasant/hap


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