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2022年考博英语-中国科学院考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题If we cannot( ) exactly what we are supposed to be managing,how can we manage it?问题1选项A.knock onB.pin downC.let goD.get over【答案】B【解析】考查动词词组辨析。knock on “敲击,撞击”;pin down “确定”;let go “放开,释放”;get over“恢复,解决”。语境为:如果我们无法准确确定有待管理之处,那么我们该如何进行管理?选项B符合句意。2. 单选题Mist steals silently in, turns familiar landscapes strange, dampens sounds, _ visionthen clears suddenly and without warning.问题1选项A.spoilsB.blowsC.tearsD.blurs【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. spoils 破坏,糟蹋 B. blows 吹,刮C. tears 撕裂,撕开 D. blurs 视线模糊,看不清【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】本句主语是“Mist(薄雾)”,空格处和下文的“vision(视野)”构成动宾逻辑,并且和“steals(潜入)、turns(转变)、dampens(减弱)”构成并列谓语,表示薄雾对感官产生的作用。由“turns familiar landscapes strange, dampens sounds(把熟悉的风景变得陌生,减弱了声音)”可知,薄雾应该是减弱了人们的感知,所以视野也应该是变模糊的。blur指看不清楚东西,因此D选项blurs“视线模糊,看不清”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项spoils“破坏,糟蹋”指把好的东西变成坏的、不愉快的、无用的东西,不符合题干的语义逻辑;B选项blows“吹,刮”指从口中吹气或刮风,不能和“vision(视野)”进行搭配;C选项tears“撕裂,撕开”指将某物撕成碎片或用锋利的东西切割而损坏某物,不符合题干的语义逻辑。【句意】薄雾悄悄地潜入,把熟悉的风景变得陌生,减弱了声音,模糊了视野然后突然消失,没有任何预兆。3. 单选题She is a very _ woman to shout like that at the top of her voice.问题1选项A.vagueB.vogueC.versatileD.vulgar【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. vague 模糊的,含糊的 B. vogue 流行,时尚 n.C. versatile 多才多艺的,多功能的 D. vulgar 庸俗的,粗俗的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】空格处作定语修饰下文的“woman(女人)”,表示她是一个什么样的女人。由“shout like that at the top of her voice(高声喊叫)”可知,这是对该女人的描述,大喊大叫的人通常是粗俗、不雅的。vulgar指没有好的品味或不礼貌的,因此D选项vulgar“庸俗的,粗俗的”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项vague“模糊的,含糊的”指没有关于某事物足够的信息或细节,一般不用来形容人,不能和“woman(女人)”进行搭配;B选项vogue“流行,时尚”是一个名词,指在特定的时间和地点流行的东西,不能用来作定语修饰“woman(女人)”;C选项versatile“多才多艺的,多功能的”指某人能做很多不同的事情或某物有许多不同的用途,不能和“shout like that at the top of her voice(高声喊叫)”相对应。【句意】她是一个非常粗俗的女人,竟那样高声喊叫。4. 单选题What is perhaps of great importance is the fact that she challenged the decision of her employers and won the case( ) .问题1选项A.in the extremeB.to the pointC.against all oddsD.around the comer【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。in the extreme “非常,极度”;to the point “ 中肯,切题”;against all odds “困难重重”;around the comer “即将到来”。语境为:最重要的或许在于,她敢于质疑雇主的决定,并且克服重重困难最终获得胜利。选项C符合句意。5. 单选题Google is not the only search utility in town, but it comes with such a(n) ( )collection of tools to focus your search that it is the engine of choice for many of us.问题1选项A.comparableB.formidableC.innumerableD.compatible【答案】B【解析】考察形容词辨析。comparable “可比较的”;formidable “强大的”;innumerable “无数的”;compatible “兼容的”。句意:谷歌并非唯一的搜索工具,不过,它有强大的工具集合,使其能够强化搜索能力,因此谷歌是大多数人选择使用的搜索引擎。选项B符合句意。6. 单选题As quickly as possible,the doctor applies ice packs to your injury. Ice ( )swelling and inflammation.问题1选项A.fastensB.detersC.encouragesD.fixes【答案】B【解析】考察动词辨析。fasten “使固定”;deter “阻止”;encourage “鼓励”;fix “修理”。句意:冰能够阻止肿胀和发炎。选项B符合句意。7. 单选题Its nice to have close friends and family you can ( ), but it lifts a huge weight off your shoulders when you know that you could survive on your own if you had to.问题1选项A.cope withB.count onC.conform toD.commit to【答案】B【解析】考查动词短语辨析。cope with “处理,应付”;count on “指望,依赖”;conform to “符合,遵照”;commit to “交付,致力于”。句意为:有亲密的朋友和家人可以依靠固然很好,但是当你知道在不得已的情况下,你可以独立生活,那时你便会卸下一身重担。选项B符合句意。8. 单选题These pollutants can be( ) hundreds and even thousands of kilometers by large air masses.问题1选项A.conveyedB.conjecturedC.conjuredD.conserved【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。convey “传播,输送”;conjecture “推测”;conjure “用魔法变出,想象”;conserve “保全,保护”。句意为:这些污染物会因为强大的气团而被传播至百里,甚至千里之外。选项A符合句意。9. 单选题Trading in private shares is growing rapidly, though its hard to _ exact numbers.问题1选项A.boil downB.pin downC.turn downD.count down【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. boil down 归结,浓缩 B. pin down 确定,明确C. turn down 调低,调小 D. count down 倒数,倒计时【考查点】动词词组辨析。【解题思路】空格处与下文的“exact numbers(确切的数额)”构成动宾逻辑,its hard to do sth.句式意为“很难做某事”,表示很难怎么样确切的数额。though引导了一个让步状语从句,根据从句内容所得出的某种预期应与主句“内部股票的交易正在迅速增长(growing rapidly)”之间存在相反的逻辑关系,说明该预期应为“不清楚交易的增长情况”。通常来说只有确定了增长的数额,才能清楚交易的增长情况,由此可知从句部分所表达的应该是“很难确定确切的数额”。同时,由“exact(确切的)”也可推出应该是“确定”一个具体的数额。pin down指准确地表述或解释某事物,因此B选项pin down“确定,明确”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项boil down“归结,浓缩”指通过删去不重要的部分使事物或信息变得更简短精炼,不符合题干的语义逻辑;C选项turn down“调低,调小”指通过操作按钮或开关等控制装置来降低某物的音量、温度等,不能和“确切的数额(exact numbers)”进行搭配;D选项count down“倒数,倒计时”指按从大到小的倒序数,可引申为密切注意在某一特定时刻或事件发生前还剩多少时间,不符合题干的语义逻辑。【句意】尽管很难确定确切的数字,但内部股票的交易正在迅速增长。10. 单选题Physical exercise has the capacity to be used to attempt to control emotional feelings, to ( )the calories consumed in food and to control body size.问题1选项A.make upB.pass onC.work offD.mark down【答案】C【解析】考查动词短语辨析。 make up “构成,编造”;pass on “传递”;work off “发泄,排除”;mark down “降低价格,记下”。句意为:体育运动有以下作用:可以用于控制情绪,排除从食物中所吸收的卡路里,并且控制体重。选项C符合句意。11. 单选题Bill was sitting and daydreaming so his mother told him to _ down to earth and to do his homework.问题1选项A.goB.comeC.narrowD.boil【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. go 去,走 B. come 来,到C. narrow 变窄,缩小 D. boil 沸腾,烧开【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】本句的主干部分是“Bill was sitting and daydreaming(比尔正坐着做白日梦)”,so引导了一个结果状语从句,说明导致的结果是妈妈叫他去做某事,和“daydreaming(白日梦)”相对立的应该是面对现实。come down to earth是固定搭配,意为“回到现实,面对现实”,因此B选项come“来,到”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项go“去,走”,go down to指延续至,一直到某处;C选项narrow“变窄,缩小”,narrow down to指缩小到某个范围;D选项boil“沸腾,烧开”,boil down to指归结为,归根结底;均不能和“earth(土地)”构成固定搭配。【句意】比尔正坐着做白日梦,所以他妈妈叫他面对现实,去做家庭作业。12. 单选题Starvation probably doesnt sound like a key to living well into old age. But as strange as it seems, calorie restriction, done intermittently, appears to be one of the gateways to lasting long-term health.The concept has already been proved effective in mice, rats, dogs and monkeys. However, very limited research has been done to evaluate the health impact of calorie restriction in humans. In animals, calorie restriction is associated with longevity, decreased risk for cancer and inflammatory diseases and lower cognitive decline. The challenge has been to translate the concept to the real world in which humans need to eat to get through the day.A new study tested out a modified version of the concept on humans. Researchers at the University of Southern California have designed what they call a “fasting mimicking diet” that provides all the benefits of starving yourself, with a little less starvation.The plan lasts for five days a month, with a cycle thats repeated for three months. On Day One, a dieter eats food from the prescribed plan that totals 1, 090 calories with 10 percent protein, 56 percent fat, and 34 percent carbohydrates. On Days Two through Five. dieters consume just 725 calories with 9 percent protein, 44 percent fat, and 47 percent carbohydrates.People on the diet ate vegetable soup, energy bars, energy drinks and low-calorie snack chips, and drank a lot of chamomile tea. They also took vegetable-based dietary supplements. On non-dieting days they ate normally.It may sound gimmicky, but Vijg, one of the researchers, says existing science already backs up the claim that the plan could effectively improve human health and prolong life. In humans, the diet provided a number of physiological changes that could reduce risk factors for age-related conditions such as reduced blood glucose and insulin levels.In essence, fasting has the ability to improve stress response on a cellular level. A person on this program is likely to lose weight over time, but researchers say better health in old age is the real benefit. With the right marketing, Vijg believes a fasting mimicking diet could become the next commercially branded diet craze, like Atkins or Paleo. However, it could also have some practical applications in a medical setting. A physician could prescribe the diet to a patient for a specific amount of time before surgery, chemotherapy and other types of treatments and procedures that are known to cause trauma and stress to the body.1.What is the difficulty in the research of the effect of starvation on humans?2.The modified version of the concept refers to( ).3.What kind of food is NOT allowed on dieting days?4.According to the researchers, what benefits can people get by following the plan?5.Atkins and Paleo in the last paragraph most probably refer to brand names of( ).6.What is the best title for the passage?问题1选项A.Humans need to eat in real life.B.Animals are free from diseases.C.Humans and animals respond differently to starvation.D.Humans and animals have different life expectancy.问题2选项A.a diet with fruits and vegetables onlyB.a periodic diet with a little foodC.a calorie-consistent dietD.a diet lasting for five days only问题3选项A.Energy supplements.B.Sport drinks.C.Meat and fish.D.Food with additives.问题4选项A.Nice body shape.B.Psychological well-being.C.Better health in old age.D.Good relations with others.问题5选项A.healthy teasB.popular dietsC.fast foodD.weight-reducing medicines问题6选项A.The Less Calorie, the Better?B.Say No to Starvation.C.A Proved Method of Weight Management.D.Could a 5-day Fasting Diet Prolong Your Life?【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:C第4题:C第5题:B第6题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。根据题干关键词,可将信息点定位至原文第二段最后一句, “The challenge has been to translate the concept to the real world in which humans need to eat to get through the day.( 现实世界中人类需要吃东西生存,要把(饥饿状态对人们健康有益)这个理念传递给大众不是一件容易的事。)”从而得出本题答案。2.细节事实题。根据题干关键词“the modified version of the concept”,可将信息点定位至原文第三段最后一句和第四段第一句。 “have designed what they call a “fasting mimicking diet” that provides all the benefits of starving yourself, with a little less starvation.( 设计了一种他们称之为“空腹模拟节食”的饮食方式,它提供了让自己挨饿的所有好处,而且减少了一点饥饿。)” “The plan lasts for five days a month, with a cycle thats repeated for three months.( 该计划每月持续五天,每三个月重复一次。)”从而得出本题答案。3.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第五段。 “People on the diet ate vegetable soup, energy bars, energy drinks and low-calorie snack chips, and drank a lot of chamomile tea. They also took vegetable-based dietary supplements.( 节食的人喝蔬菜汤,能量棒,能量饮料和低热量的零食薯条,喝很多甘菊茶。他们还服用了以蔬菜为基础的膳食补充剂。)”从而得出本题答案。4.细节事实题。根据题干信息,可将信息点定位至原文第六段第二句。 “In humans, the diet provided a number of physiological changes that could reduce risk factors for age-related conditions such as reduced blood glucose and insulin levels.( 对于人类,这种计划能够带来一些体质的变化,从而降低一些例如血糖和胰岛素等随着年龄增长而带来的健康风险。)”从而得出本题答案。5.细节事实题。根据题干关键词“ Atkins and Paleo” ,可将信息点定位至原文最后一段,根据“Vijg believes a fasting mimicking diet could become the next commercially branded diet craze, like Atkins or Paleo.( Vijg认为,像Atkins 和 Paleo那样,模仿禁食的饮食可能会成为下一个商业品牌的饮食热潮。)”即可得出本题答案。6.主旨大意题。根据“calorie restriction, done intermittently, appears to be one of the gateways to lasting long-term health.(间歇性地限制热量摄入,似乎是保持长期健康的途径之一。) ” “fasting mimicking diet(禁食模仿饮食)”,可知作者在本文探讨的是这种阶段性节食是否能够长寿。从而得出本题答案。13. 单选题The ocean bottom even today is largely unexplored: until about a century ago, the deep-ocean floor was completely ( ),hidden beneath water averaging over 3,600 meters deep.问题1选项A.inevitableB.indefiniteC.incomparableD.inaccessible【答案】D【解析】考察形容词辨析。 “inevitable”不可避免的; “indefinite”不确定的; “incomparable”不可比拟的; “inaccessible”难到达的,难接近的。句意:海洋底部甚至时至今日仍然有大部分未被探索:直到大约一个世纪以前深海底部完全无法到达的局面才得以改变,这些区域都深藏在平均深度在海面3600米以下的深海处。选项D符合句意。14. 单选题He makes an ( ) case that the oceans forgotten corners have become too dangerous to neglect.问题1选项A.eminentB.eligibleC.eloquentD.animated【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。eminent “杰出的;有名的”;eligible “合格的;合适的”;eloquent “雄辩的;有说服力的”;animated “生机勃勃的;活跃的”。句意:他用一个_案例证明被遗忘的海洋角落已经变得非常危险,不应该被忽视。根据句意可知选项C符合题意。15. 翻译题I have suggested that self-actualizers can be defined as people who are no longer motivated by the needs for safety, belongingness, love,status, and self-respect because these needs have already been satisfied. Why then should a love-gratified person fall in love?(1)Certainly not for the same reasons that motivate the love-deprived person, who falls in love because he needs and craves love, because he lacks it, and is impelled to make up this deficiency.Self-actualizers have no serious deficiencies to make up and must now be looked upon as freed for growth,maturation, development,in a word, for the fulfillment and actualization of their highest individual and species nature. What such people do emanates from growth and expresses it without striving.(2)They love because they are loving persons,in the same way that they are kind, honest, natural, i.e., because it is their nature to be so spontaneous, as a strong man is strong without willing to be, as a rose emits perfume, as a cat is graceful, or as a child is childish. Such epiphenomena are as little motivated as is physical growth or psychological maturation.There is little of the trying, straining, or striving in the loving of the self-actualizer that so dominates the loving of the average person. In philosophical language, it is an aspect of being as well as of becoming and ban be called B-love, that, love for the Being of the other.(3)A paradox seems to be created at first sight by the fact that self-actualizing people maintain a degree of individuality, of detachment, and autonomy that seems at first glance to be incompatible with the kind of identification and love that I have been describing above. But this is only an apparent paradox. (4)As we have seen, the tendencies to detachment and to need identification and to profound interrelationships with another person can coexist in healthy people. The fact is that self-actualizing people are simultaneously the most individualistic and the most altruistic and social and loving of all human beings. The fact that we have in our culture put these qualities at opposite ends of a single continuum is apparently a mistake that must now be corrected. These qualities go together and the dichotomy is resolved in self-actualizing people.(5)We find in our subjects a healthy selfishness, a great self-respect, a disinclination to make sacrifices without good reason.【答案】1. 当然和那些缺爱的人爱上别人的原因不一样。他爱上别人是因为他需要爱,他渴望爱;因为他缺乏爱,所以他必须要弥补这个缺失。2. 他们去爱是因为他们是有爱的人,正如同他们善良、诚实、自然一样,这些都是他们自然流露出的天性。一个强壮的人无须刻意追求强壮,正如玫瑰散发芳香,猫咪生性优雅,而孩童天然单纯。3. 初看之下自相矛盾之处在于:自我实现的人要确保某种程度的个性、超脱和独立自主,而在看上去似乎和我上面一直在描述的那种爱和认同感的特点不相吻合。4. 如我们所知,在健康的人身上,超脱的性情、需要认同感的偏好以及想和另一个人有深度关系的倾向是可以共存的。5. 我们发现,在我们的试验对象身上有一种健康的自我中心主义、一种伟大的自我尊重,以及一种对动不动就自我牺牲的厌恶。16. 单选题Toyota said on Tuesday that it will( ) its annual year-end sales event early.问题1选项A.give awayB.fix onC.kick offD.bring up【答案】C【解析】考查动词短语辨析。give away “放弃,分发”;fix on “确定,固定”;kick off “开始”;bring up“提出,养育”。句意:星期二,丰田汽车公司宣布将提前开展其一年一度的年终促销活动。选项C符合句意。17. 单选题Although there are plans to ( )additional pensions, this will not affect anyone retiring before 1998 and will only marginally affect those retiring by 2009.问题1选项A.break downB.scale downC.boil downD.narrow down【答案】B【解析】考查动词短语辨析。break down “故障,分解”;scale down “缩减”;boil down “归结”;narrow down “缩小范围”。句意:尽管有计划缩减额外退休金数额。选项B符合句意。18. 单选题( )you can bring yourself to stop hating her, it sounds like an arrangement that could work out rather nicely.问题1选项A.So far asB.So long asC.As well asD.As often as not【答案】B【解析】考察介词短语辨析。 “as far as ”就而言; “so long as”只要; “as well as”也,还;“as often as not”时常; 句意:只要你能使自己停止恨她,这听起来就像是一个很有成效的做法。选项B符合句意。19. 单选题( ) lack of evidence, the prisoner had to be released after staying in jail for six months.问题1选项A.InB.ForC.OnD.With【答案】B【解析】考察逻辑连接词。分析句子可知,从句表示原因,主句为对应的结果。For 因为;句意:由于缺少证据。选项B符合句意。20. 填空题The British government turns its attention to the dire state of vocational training. Budget cuts are never pleasant. Yet the past few years have been particularly hard, says Gerry McDonald, the chief executive of New City College in east London. (71)Since 1990, funding for primary and secondary schools has soared. (72) But there has been no such increase in cash for further education, the mostly vocational courses for over-16s.On March 8th Philip Hammond, the chancellor, turned his attention to the sector. After announcing funding to pave the way for new selective grammar schools, he promised a big injection of cash for further education and confirmed a shake-up of the chaotic way in which it is organized. By 2022, colleges will get an additional 500m ($ 600m) a year, a 19% increase in the 16- to 19- year-old vocational-education budget.Britain has historically put little emphasis on further education. (73) That may help explain why productivity growth has stalled, and why British youngsters are less literate and numerate than their peers in other rich countries.Employers moan that skilled workers are scarce, especially in industries like engineering and IT. The sector has struggled with shoddy qualifications. The six in ten 18-year-olds who do not take A-levels, academic school-leaving qualifications, are poorly served by a hotchpotch of some 13,000 courses of varying quality.In 2015, the government commissioned Lord Sainsbury to examine the state of technical education in England. (74) Many of the courses are too basic to be of much use. Mr. Hammond now aims to clear up this muddle.Following Lord Sainsburys recommendations, the government will introduce 15 subject areas, grouping together topics such as social care or transport and logistics. Students will work towards “T-levels” (for “technical”), developed with firms. (75) The extra funding will provide more work placements. And those who go on to take degree-equivalent qualifications will have access to loans to cover the cost of living.A. Universities have been given the right to raise their incomes by levying tuition fees on students.B. His institution is the result of a merger of three local colleges that have pooled resources in the past year partly to cut costs.C. His report, published in 2016, despaired that a wannabe plumber had to choose between 33 qualifications, offered at three different levels, by five awarding organizations.D. Organizations will compete for the right to award the qualification.E. In 2012 it placed 16th out of 20 member countries of the OECD in a ranking of the proportion of 20- to 45-year-olds who finished education with a vocational qualification.F. Some would rather the reforms offered a broader education to those going down a vocational path, with more of a focus on ensuring competency in maths and English.【答案】71.B72.A73.E74.C75.D【解析】【选项释义】A. Universities have been given the right to raise their incomes by levying tuition fees on students. A. 大学被赋予通过向学生征收学费来提高收入的权利。B. His institution is the result of a merger of three local colleges that have pooled resources in the past year partly to cut costs. B. 他的机构是由三所当地学院合并而成的,这些学院在过去的一年里集中了资源,部分原因是为了削减成本。C. His report, published in 2016, despaired that a wannabe plumber had to choose between 33 qualifications, offered at three different levels, by five awarding organizations. C. 他在2016年发表的报告中,对一个想当水管工的人必须在五个授予机构提供的三个不同级别的三十三个资格证书中做出选择感到绝望。D. Organizations will compete for the right to award the qualification. D. 各组织将为授予学历的权利而竞争。E. In 2012 it placed 16th out of 20 member countries of the OECD in a ranking of the proportion of 20- to 45-year-olds who finished education with a vocational qualification. E. 2012年,在经合组织二十个成员国中,在完成教育并获得职业资格的二十至四十五岁的人的比例排名中,它名列第十六位。F. Some would rather the reforms offered a broader education to those going down a vocational path, with more of a focus on ensuring competency in maths and English. F. 一些人希望改革能够为那些走上职业道路的人提供更广泛的教育,更加注重确保数学和英语的能力。71.【考查点】上下文关联。【解题思路】第一段说到“预算削减(Budget cuts)从来不是令人愉快的。”,介绍了英国职业培训方面预算削减的情况,B选项中的“cut costs(削减成本)”和上文的“Budget cuts(预算削减)”相对应。因此B选项“他的机构是由三所当地学院合并而成的,这些学院在过去的一年里集中了资源,部分原因是为了削减成本。”正确。72


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