(课标通用)甘肃省2019年中考英语总复习 素养全练8 八上 Unit 7-8试题

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(课标通用)甘肃省2019年中考英语总复习 素养全练8 八上 Unit 7-8试题_第1页
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素养全练8八年级(上册)Unit7Unit8.单项选择1.(2018江苏淮安,5)Every year, books are donated to the children in poor areas.A.millionB.millionsC.millions ofD.million of答案C解析考查名词做定语。句意:每年都给贫困地区的孩子捐赠数百万本书。million修饰名词,表确数时,用单数形式;表约数时,用复数形式,且加of。联系上下文可知,此题是million做定语,且表约数,故选C项。2.(2018辽宁葫芦岛,10)The pollution in the sea is terrible!I believe the sea will be cleaner we take action now.A.thoughB.ifC.unlessD.until答案B解析考查连词辨析。句意:海里的污染很严重!如果我们现在采取行动,我相信海洋将会变得更加干净。根据上句Ibelievetheseawillbecleaner“我相信海洋将会变得更加干净”和下句wetakeactionnow“我们现在采取行动”可知前后句是表条件的,故选B项,意为“如果”;而unless意为“除非;如果不”。3.(2018福建A卷,33) Grandma wants to watch the program LegalReport.Please the TV.A.turn offB.turn onC.turn downD.turn up答案B解析考查固定短语辨析。句意:奶奶想看今日说法这个节目,请打开电视。由上文GrandmawantstowatchtheprogramLegalReport“奶奶想看今日说法这个节目”可知,因此需要打开电视。故选B项。4.Theres little left at home.Go and buy some,dear.A.carrotsB.potatoesC.riceD.tomatoes答案C解析考查名词辨析。句意:家里剩的大米不多了,去买一些吧,亲爱的。carrot“胡萝卜”;potato“马铃薯”;rice“大米”;tomato“西红柿”。因为空格前有little,它修饰不可数名词,rice是不可数名词,故选C项。5.I saw David in the teachers office this morning.Do you know he was there?He went there to hand in his homework.A.howB.whetherC.whenD.why答案D解析考查宾语从句的引导词。根据答语“他去那里交他的作业”,可知上句是问为什么他在那里。故选D项。6.(2018湖北荆州,22)Kids often feel better in a happy family.Thats true.A happy family provides a loving for its children.A.expressionB.environmentC.encouragementD.development答案B解析考查名词辨析。句意:孩子在幸福的家庭里通常感觉更好。那是真的。一个幸福的家庭为它的孩子提供爱的环境。由inahappyfamily“在幸福家庭里”可推知是“爱的环境”。故选B项。7.Many scientists believe that robots able to talk like humans in 50 years.A.wereB.areC.will beD.have been答案C解析考查动词的时态。句意:许多科学家认为,五十年后,机器人将能够像人类一样说话。描述“五十年后”将要发生的动作或状态,用一般将来时态。故选C项。8.,Chinese people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival by enjoying full moon and eating mooncakes.A.QuicklyB.SuddenlyC.SecretlyD.Traditionally答案D解析考查副词。句意:传统上,中国人通过赏满月和吃月饼来庆祝中秋节。quickly“迅速地”;suddenly“突然地”;secretly“秘密地”;traditionally“传统地”。9.(2019预测)Mary,can you lend me some storybooks?No problem.Look!The shelf is with storybooks and you can choose what you like.A.fullB.fillC.filledD.fulled答案C解析考查固定搭配。befilledwith“用填满”;befullof“满满的”。故选C项。导学号5332401410.(2019预测)I dont think teenagers should be allowed to drive.They are not serious enough.A.I agree with youB.Not at allC.No problemD.Its my pleasure答案A解析考查情景交际。句意:我认为青少年不应该被允许开车。我同意你的观点,他们不够认真。根据“Theyarenotseriousenough.”可知是同意上面的观点,故选A项。.完形填空Until last year,the saddest thing in my life was that my wife Alice and I couldnt have any children.So we always 11 all the children in our street to our house for Christmas breakfast.Last year,Alice died.I was very sad and decided not to invite the children for Christmas breakfast.But Kathy and Peter,my next door neighbors,asked me to 12 them for dinner on Christmas Eve.As soon as I arrived,Kathy asked me,“Do you have any milk at your house?”“Yes,” I replied.“13 you need some,Ill go and get it right away.”“Oh,thats all right.Come and sit down.Just give Peter your 14 and let him do it.”After a happy dinner with them,I went home.When I opened my house,I found my house had been decorated by Peter!It was as 15 as each Christmas before.At that moment,I wished that I could still 16 the Christmas breakfast,but I had no preparations.Early the next morning,a little boy with a bag of candles rang my bell.Before I could ask him what was happening,he was joined by two of his friends.Within fifteen minutes,my house was full of 17,and I had all the food I needed!I had a happy breakfast with the children again.11.A.tookB.invitedC.sentD.let答案B解析根据文章内容可知是邀请所有的孩子,选项B符合题意,故选B项。12.A.helpB.joinC.payD.meet答案B解析根据文章内容可知是加入他们,选项B符合题意,故选B项。13.A.UnlessB.AsC.SinceD.If答案D解析句意:如果你需要一些,我将立刻去取。前后为条件关系,故用if。选D项。14.A.moneyB.milkC.keysD.things答案C解析当“我”打开“我”的家时,“我”发现“我”的屋子已经被彼得装饰了。可知上一句是把钥匙给彼得,选项C符合句意。故选C项。15.A.beautifulB.dirtyC.colorlessD.empty答案A解析结合上下文可知此处表示和以前的每一个圣诞节一样漂亮。选项A符合题意,故选A项。16.A.buyB.enjoyC.sellD.serve答案D解析根据文章内容可知是想提供圣诞早餐。17.A.giftsB.childrenC.flowersD.candies答案B解析结合下一句“Ihadahappybreakfastwiththechildrenagain.”可知“我”又和孩子们开心地吃了一次早餐。故上一句是孩子们挤满了“我”的屋子,选项B符合句意。.阅读理解根据短文内容判断句子正“A”误“B”。If you want a more interesting experience when you arrive in a new city or country,here are some better ways to travel,both for you and for the environment.Way1 Get out of the car and walk.Its slower but its the greenest way to travel.Its also the most rewarding(有益的)way to see a city,but remember to wear comfortable shoes.Way2 Cycling is also a good choice.Many hotels now offer free bikes to guests.It is convenient for people to travel around the city.Some also provide electric bikes that make it easier to go up hills and on longer journeys.Some cities also have mobikes,and you can pick up one easily.Its not free but very cheap.Way3 If you have to take transport in a city,try to take public transport.Most cities now offer lots of information and very clear maps at the citys website.Way4 If possible,take buses,trains or ships to travel from city to city.They are usually greener than cars and planes.Way5 When the only way to travel is by car,rent(租) an electric car.Many car rental companies now offer them,so always ask!18.Walking is the only rewarding way to see a city.答案B解析归纳总结题。文中有五种参观一座城市的方式,题干中却只有步行这一种方式。故此题错误。19.Many hotels and cities offer free bikes to visitors.答案B解析细节理解题。Way2中提到“Manyhotelsnowofferfreebikestoguests”,许多酒店提供免费自行车,没有提到城市;而本段最后两句提到一些城市提供有偿但非常便宜的自行车。故此题错误。20.The citys website can help to take public transport.答案A解析细节理解题。Way3中提到“大多数城市都在城市网站上提供了许多信息和清晰的地图”,此题题干描述:城市网站对人们乘坐公共交通工具有所帮助,符合文意。此题正确。21.Way 1 and Way 4 are the best for peoples health.答案B解析细节理解题。题干中提到:Way1和Way4对人们的健康最好。Way1中步行对身体健康的确有好处,但Way4中只提到乘坐公共汽车、火车和船比汽车和飞机更加环保。根据常识可知,短文中的五种方式里对身体健康最有好处的应是步行和骑自行车。故此题是错误的。22.Common cars are greener than electric cars.答案B解析推理判断题。根据第一段中“hereare.bothforyouandfortheenvironment”可知文中五种出行方式均是相对绿色环保的方式,且Way5中提到“当唯一的出行方式是乘坐汽车时,租一辆电动汽车”。因此可推断电动汽车比普通汽车更加绿色环保。故此题为错误的。.任务型完形填空happy,it,big,go,of,year,make,far,the,butPlenty of people dream of going to Mars(火星).23. different from those people,13-year-old Alyssa Carson has been working 24. for that dream since the age of 4,according to a new report which was 25. by the BBC not long ago.Alyssa tells the BBC,“I hope 26.to Mars because it is a place that no one has been to before.I want to take that first step.”According to the BBC,she has attended(出席) USAs three world space camps so 27.Her father,Bert Carson,tells the BBC that Alyssa plans to be on the first long journey to Mars,which is expected to take place in 28. year of 2033.“We are proud 29. her,”he says.“We have the next eighteen 30. planned out.”One of those plans is Alyssa attending the International Space University.Of course,Alyssas dream could come with 31. sacrifices(牺牲)than others.If Alyssa goes to Mars,maybe 32. is very difficult for her to return to Earth.Still,her father says,“If thats the only choice she has,she still wants to go.”Alyssa agrees.答案与解析23.But前一句意为“很多人梦想去往火星”与后句“与那些人不同的是,据BBC不久前所做的报道,13岁的AlyssaCarson自4岁以来就一直为此快乐地准备着”可知应用But表示转折。24.happily修饰动词要用副词形式。25.made主语report与谓语动词make之间是被动关系,且已经出现be动词was,故此处填写made。26.togohopetodosth.意为“希望做某事”。27.farsofar意为“到目前为止”,sofar做时间状语,句子用现在完成时态。28.theintheyearof2033“在2033年”。29.ofbeproudof是固定词组,意思是“以而骄傲/自豪”,故用介词of。30.years句意:我们已做出了下一个十八年计划。year要用其复数形式。31.bigger由后面的thanothers可知,这里要用形容词的比较级形式;big的比较级是bigger。32.it当动词不定式做主语时,要用it做形式主语,故填it。导学号53324015.口语交际(2019预测)A:Do you think it is interesting to predict the future?B:Yeah.33 Whats your idea?A:Well,I think there will be at least one car in every family.B:Really?OK.34A:I also predict that people will have more free time.B:35A:Because there will be more robots that will do most of the work.So people will have more holidays.B:I hope so.I like going on vacation.36A:You do?That will be good for the earth.B:But I think the cities will become more crowded because more people will come to cities.A:37 But we have to face it.B:You are right.Hope our future will be better and better.A.Thats really a problem.B.Why do you think so?C.The future always makes us excited.D.And I think there will be less pollution.E.That will be nothing.F.What else?G.Whats the problem?答案3337 CFBDA.词汇38.You shouldnt (believe) everything you read on WeChat.答案believe39.My father said that it was a day for us (remember).答案to remember40.I promise I (keep) your decision as a secret.答案will keep41.It is said that shes one of the teams best (play).答案players42.Jack enjoys (read) books on outer space a lot.答案reading.按要求改写句子43.There will be fewer trees in the future.(完成反意疑问句)There will be fewer trees in the future,?答案will there解析therebe句型的反意疑问句要有there。44.We need one cup of yogurt.(就画线部分提问)cups of yogurt do you need?答案How many解析cup是可数名词的单数形式,对于修饰可数名词的数量提问要用howmany。45.They are doing homework very carefully.(改为感叹句)they are doing homework!答案How carefully解析carefully是个副词,故结合感叹句结构“How+形容词/副词+其他!”可知答案是Howcarefully。46.There will be enough space for people to live in.(改为否定句)There enough space for people to live in.答案wont be解析情态动词的否定需要在情态动词后加not;willnot的缩写是wont。47.I went to bed after my parents came back last night.(改为同义句)I go to bed my parents came back last night.答案didnt;until解析not.until.是固定搭配,意为“直到才”。.书面表达(2019预测)一个健康的身体是每一个人工作和学习的根本保证,怎样才能保持健康的体魄呢?请你根据提示写一篇80词左右的英语短文,内容可以适当发挥。要点:1.健康对我们很重要,经常锻炼有益健康;2.注意饮食,吃健康食品,不吃垃圾食品;3.养成良好的生活习惯,早睡早起。参考范文Health is important to us.How can we keep healthy?Let me give you some advice.Firstly,pay attention to your diet.Eat more fruit and vegetables.They are good for health.You shouldnt eat too much meat and try to eat junk food as little as possible,such as ice cream and fried chips.Secondly,doing exercise every day is necessary.It can help you keep away from getting fat.Finally,you should have a good living habit.Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit.8


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