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2022年考博英语-扬州大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题Almost as a( )to the revival of Greek knowledge and values came the revival of interest in mathematics.问题1选项A.corollaryB.outcomeC.consequenceD.results【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项corollary“推论,必然的结果”;B选项outcome“结局,成果”;C选项consequence“重要性,推论”;D选项results“后果”。句意:希腊知识和价值观的复兴几乎是必然的结果,人们对数学的兴趣也随之复苏。选项A更符合语境。2. 翻译题1. Translate the following into Chinese: (10%)Most of us have inherited morality from religion, family, education, or society in general, and usually from all these sources, because they share common taboos against killing, stealing, adultery, lying, and so on and a common belief in what constitutes praiseworthy behavior. In some respects, however, these sources can be at odds with each other. Your national assessment of a situation may lead you in one direction, religion, in another; and family tradition, in still another. Life push us into so many quandaries that doing the right thing in every instance becomes exceedingly difficult.【答案】我们大多数人从宗教、家庭、教育或一般社会中继承了道德,而且通常是从所有这些来源继承的,因为他们都有反对杀戮、偷盗、通奸、撒谎等的共同禁忌,也都相信什么是值得称赞的行为。然而,在某些方面,这些来源可能相互矛盾。你对国家形势的评估可能会把你引向一个方向,宗教或另一个方向;还有家庭传统。生活把我们推入如此多的困境,以至于在每个情况下做正确的事情变得极其困难。3. 单选题In Western history, work was not only a useful activity, but( )which carried with it a profound satisfaction.问题1选项A.the oneB.oneC.activityD.work【答案】B【解析】考查语法结构。当先行词是不定代词the one,something等时,不能用引导词which而应该用that,所以A选项可首先排除;填空处应填入代词来指代前面提到的work,所以选项B正确;填入D选项重复,所以不正确。句意:在西方历史上,工作不仅是一种有用的活动,而且还带来了一种深深的满足感。本题选择B选项。4. 单选题The mayor called together all his staff members and announced that the freshly appointed director of general affairs was( ) his ex-wifes son.问题1选项A.nobody other thanB.nothing other thanC.none other thanD.not other than【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。none other than意为“不是别的而正是”。句意:市长召集了他所有的职员,宣布新任命的总干事不是别人,正是他前妻的儿子。选项C符合句意。5. 单选题These funds will come with stringent conditions that will impose external financial controls and( )heavily on Icelands hard-won sovereign independence.问题1选项A.impingeB.affectC.afflictD.impact【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项impinge“妨碍,侵犯”;B选项affect“影响,感染”,一般和介词to搭配;C选项afflict“折磨,使痛苦”;D选项impact“影响,冲突”。句意:这些资金将附带严格的条件,强制实施外部金融控制,并严重侵犯了冰岛来之不易的主权独立。这里是指侵犯主权,所以选项A更符合语境。6. 单选题We might marvel at the progress made in every field of study, but the methods of testing a persons knowledge and ability remain as primitive as ever they were. It really is extraordinary that, after all these years, educationists have still failed to device anything more efficient and reliable than examinations. For all the pious claim that examinations text what you know, it is common knowledge that they more often do the exact opposite. They may be a good means of testing memory, or the knack of working rapidly under extreme pressure, but they can tell you nothing about a persons true ability and aptitude.As anxiety-makers, examinations are second to none. That is because so much depends on them. They are the mark of success of failure in our society. Your whole future may be decided in one fateful day. It doesnt matter that you werent feeling very well, or that your mother died. Little things like that dont count: the exam goes on. No one can give of his best when he is in mortal terror, or after a sleepless night, yet this is precisely what the examination system expects him to do. The moment a child begins school, he enters a world of vicious competition where success and failure are clearly defined and measured. Can we wonder at the increasing number of drop-outs: young people who are written off as utter failures before they have even embarked on a career? Can we be surprised at the suicide rate among students?A good education should, among other things, train you to think for yourself. The examination system does anything but that. What has to be learnt is rigidly laid down by a syllabus, so the student is encouraged to memorize. Examinations do not motivate a student to read widely, but to restrict his reading; they do not enable him to seek more and more knowledge, but induce cramming. They lower the standards of teaching, for they deprive the teacher of all freedoms. Teachers themselves are often judged by examination results and instead of teaching their subjects, they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques which they despise. The most successful candidates are not always the best educated; they are the best trained in the technique of working under duress.The results on which so much depends are often nothing more than a subjective assessment by some anonymous examiner. Examiners are only human. They get tired and hungry; they make mistakes. Yet they have to mark stacks of hastily scrawled scripts in a limited amount of time. They work under the same sort of pressure as the candidates. And their word carries weight. After a judges decision you have the right of appeal, but not after an examiners. There must surely be many simpler and more effective ways of assessing a persons true abilities. Is it cynical to suggest that examinations are merely a profitable business for the institutions that run them? This is what it boils down to in the last analysis. The best comment on the system is this illiterate message recently scrawled on a wall: I were a teenage drop-out and now I are a teenage millionaire.”1.The main idea of this passage is( ).2.The authors attitude toward examinations is( ).3.The fate of students is decided by( ).4.According to the author, the most important of a good education is( ).5.Why does the author mention court?问题1选项A.examinations exert a pernicious influence on education.B.examinations are ineffective.C.examinations are profitable for institutions.D.examinations are a burden on students.问题2选项A.detest.B.approval.C.critical.D.indifferent.问题3选项A.education.B.institutions.C.examinations.D.students themselves.问题4选项A.to encourage students to read widely.B.to train students to think on their own.C.to teach students how to tackle exams.D.to master his fate.问题5选项A.To exemplify.B.To make comparisons.C.To imply the results of court are more effective.D.To suggest that teachers evolutions depend on the results of exams.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:C第4题:B第5题:B【解析】1.主旨大意题。文章第一段就提及考试并不能测出一个人真正的能力和才能。接着后面的段落又讲到了考试带来的消极影响,比如制造焦虑,没有锻炼学生独立思考的能力,是管理考试机构有利可图的一项业务。由此可知,本文主要讲的是考试对教育产生了有害的影响。选项A符合原文。2.观点态度题。根据上一题可知文章中大部分内容都是在讲考试对教育产生坏的影响,说明作者对考试是持反对态度的。A选项detest“厌恶,嫌弃”有点言过其实,并且不符合语法规则,detest是动词,填空处应填入名词或形容词;B选项approval“认可,赞成”;C选项critical“批评的”;D选项indifferent“漠不关心的”。只有选项C最恰当。3.细节事实题。根据第二段的第三、四句“They are the mark of success of failure in our society. Your whole future may be decided in one fateful day. 在我们的社会中,它们(考试)是成功或失败的标志。你的整个未来可能在某一天被决定。”由此可知,孩子们的未来是由考试决定的,所以选项C正确。4.细节事实题。根据第三段的第一句“A good education should, among other things, train you to think for yourself. 除了其他方面以外,良好的教育应该训练你独立思考。”由此可知,作者认为良好的教育最重要的是培养学生独立思考,选项B符合原文。5.作者意图题。题目问的是作者为什么要提及法院,原文最后一段中提到“After a judges decision you have the right of appeal, but not after an examiners. 在法官裁决后,你有上诉的权利,但在主考人阅卷之后,你却没有这样的权利。”由此可以看出,作者这里是将法官和主考官进行对比,以此来说明虽然他们说的话都很有分量,但导致的结果却是截然不同的,所以选项B正确。7. 单选题Every country and culture, whether its as ancient as India or as young as the Czech Republic, has a history that will greatly affect both the market and the marketer. A market that has been heavily exploited in the past by foreigners will turn a predictably skeptical eye toward any overseas company seeking new sales territory. It may even refuse products that could greatly benefit the society. Understanding that history will enable a marketer to approach the culture in a more subtle manner, and it will certainly cause an adjustment of schedule. On the other end, a culture that has been marked by independence for some time will have few fears of foreign operations and may find the subtle approach far too lackluster and slow.Marketers may bring their own business to the process and should take care to separate themselves, at least emotionally, from their personal and cultural history. Oftentimes, this includes racial prejudices that are difficult to shake, earlier political disagreements that have never been fully settled, of old unhealed war wounds. Lets look at the race issue first. Companies with Caucasian marketing personnel returning to post-apartheid South Africa are generally plagued with a feeling that they owe something to the new black majority government. Its a completely self-generated debt as the government is, in reality, overjoyed that investment has returned after the long embargo. However, this joy doesnt prevent South Africa companies from taking advantage of counterparts guilt feelings when its time to cut a deal. On the political front, the relationship, between Vietnam and the United States is a prime example of two sets of marketers misinterpreting each others history and culture when it came time to do business. Following in the wake of the bloody two-decade war that ended in 1975, the United States and Vietnam finally reopened trade in 1994. The Vietnamese assumed that American business community would heap investment on them to make up for past wrong, while the American thought they would be welcomed as the saviors of Vietnams floundering economy. Most of Americas marketers sent to Vietnam were small children during the war, and the conflict had little bearing on their lives .Vietnams decision makers on the other hand were primarily veterans of the conflict and saw it as the key element of the relationship. Neither side paid attention to the others view of history nor the results have been decidedly disappointing for almost everyone.1.The passage mainly discusses that( ).2.It is advisable for a marketer to( ).3.According to the passage, which of the following is true?4.The Caucasian example indicates that( ).5.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?问题1选项A.cultural differences force companies to adjust scheduleB.marketing success and failure are much like historyC.developing countries are hostile to developed countriesD.the history of a country or culture influences the market问题2选项A.understand the history of a country or cultureB.exploit the market with great effortC.keep a skeptical eye on overseas companiesD.slow down foreign operations问题3选项A.Marketeers should be responsible for the burdens of the past.B.Marketeers should separate themselves from their personal and cultural history.C.Marketeers should disagree on racial prejudices.D.Marketeers should take care of the wounded in the war.问题4选项A.South Africans are plagued with a guilty feelingB.South Africans are overloved with the overseas investmentC.South Africans owe debts to Caucasian companyD.South African companies take advantage of their counterparts guilty feelings问题5选项A.The failure of the reopened trade between American and Vietnam should be taken as a lesson.B.The Vietnamese take it for granted that the American business community will invest money in Vietnam to make up for past wrongs.C.The relationship between Vietnam and the US is a good example of forgetting the past.D.Misinterpreting history and culture leads to business failure.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。本文开头“Every country and culture, whether its as ancient as India or as young as the Czech Republic, has a history that will greatly affect both the market and the marketer. 每个国家和文化,无论是像印度一样古老还是像捷克共和国一样年轻,都有一段对市场和营销人员都有巨大影响的历史。并且文中列举了两个例子来论证一个国家的文化或历史会影响市场。故D项正确。2.细节事实题。由第一段“Understanding that history will enable a marketer to approach the culture in a more subtle manner, and it will certainly cause an adjustment of schedule. 了解历史可以使营销人员以一种更微妙的方式接近文化,这肯定会导致对日程表的调整。”可知商人了解一个国家的文化或历史很重要。故A项正确。3.推理判断题。由第二段“Marketers may bring their own business to the process and should take care to separate themselves, at least emotionally, from their personal and cultural history. 营销人员可能会把他们自己的业务带入到这个过程中,他们应该注意把自己与他们的个人和文化历史分开,至少在情感上是这样。”可知B项“市场营销人员应该把自己与个人和文化历史分开。”正确。4.推理判断题。由第三段“However, this joy doesnt prevent South Africa companies from taking advantage of counterparts guilt feelings when its time to cut a deal. 然而,这种喜悦并不能阻止南非公司在谈判时利用对手的内疚感。”可知D项“南非的公司利用了他们对手的负罪感”正确。5.推理判断题。由最后一段“On the political front, the relationship, between Vietnam and the United States is a prime example of two sets of marketers misinterpreting each others history and culture when it came time to do business. 在政治方面,越南和美国之间的关系就是一个典型的例子,两国商人在做生意的时候会误解对方的历史和文化。”以及“ The Vietnamese assumed that American business community would heap investment on them to make up for past wrong, 越南人认为美国商界会向他们大量投资,以弥补过去的错误,”可知ABD三项均正确,C项“越南和美国的关系是一个忘记过去的好例子。”与原文不符,越南和美国的关系是由于双方商人对于对方的历史和文化的误解。故答案C。8. 单选题Parents often faced the( )between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.问题1选项A.paradoxB.junctionC.dilemmaD.premise【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项paradox“悖论,似是而非的论点”;B选项junction“连接,结合点”;C选项dilemma“困境,进退两难”;D选项premise“前提,假定”。句意:家长们经常面对这样进退两难的境况:是做自己认为对孩子发展好的事情还是继续容忍孩子没有规矩的吵闹和破坏。选项C符合句意。9. 单选题We offer a wide variety of services to fit your request,( )web design, graphic design, web development, or anything else.问题1选项A.whether they beB.whether it beC.would they beD.would it be【答案】B【解析】考查语法结构。句意:我们提供各种各样的服务,以满足您的要求,无论是网页设计,图形设计,网页开发,或任何其他。根据句意可知,这里表示的是“无论.”,可首先排除选项C和选项D;其次,原句中并列的几个选择性词组都是单数形式,所以这里的代词也应该使用单数,选项B为正确答案。10. 单选题Many a businessman( ) himself the prisoner of his business and the commodities he sells; he has a feeling of fraudulency about his product and a secret contempt for it.问题1选项A.had feltB.have feltC.feelsD.feel【答案】C【解析】考查时态。句意:许多商人觉得自己成了生意和商品的俘虏;他对自己的产品有一种欺骗的感觉,并暗地里蔑视它。根据句意可知,这里应使用一般现在时,由此可首先排除选项A和选项B;Many a +单数名词,其后的谓语动词应使用第三人称单数,所以选项C正确。11. 单选题The international situation has been growing( )difficult for the last few years.问题1选项A.invariablyB.presumablyC.increasinglyD.dominantly【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项invariably“不变地”;B选项presumably“大概,推测起来”;C选项increasingly“越来越多地”;D选项dominantly“有统治权地”。句意:最近几年里,国际形势日益严峻。选项C符合句意。12. 单选题The serious looking men indulged themselves in a conversation as if they were( )of the noisy crowds surrounding them.问题1选项A.negligibleB.discernedC.ignorantD.oblivious【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项negligible“微不足道的”;B选项discerned“察觉,辨别”;C选项ignorant“无知的”;D选项oblivious“健忘的”。句意:这些外表严肃的人沉浸在会话当中,似乎对周围嘈杂的人群一无所知。选项C符合句意。13. 单选题He was confronted by a vision of burning vehicles and slashed bodied, strewn on a ground( )with abandoned clothes, shoes, passports and wrecked household goods.问题1选项A.crammedB.loadedC.permeatedD.littered【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。litter with意为“散落着,将乱扔在处”。句意:他看到的是燃烧的车辆和被砍伤的身体,地上散落着丢弃的衣服、鞋子、护照和毁坏的家用物品。选项D符合语境。14. 单选题Microsoft reigned for years as the wealthiest technology company primarily( ) its ownership and cultivation of Windows the universal platform for applications on the PC.问题1选项A.by force ofB.by right ofC.by dint ofD.with the assistance of【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项by force of“用的手段”;B选项by right of“凭借,由于”,多指凭借权利;C选项by dint of“用,凭借”,多指凭借某一事物;D选项with the assistance of“在的援助下”。句意:微软多年来一直是世界上最富有的科技公司,这主要是凭借其对Windows的所有权和发展。Windows是个人电脑应用程序的通用平台。这里凭借的是Windows这一事物而不是权利,所以选项C正确。15. 单选题If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he( )able to advise you much better than I can.问题1选项A.would beB.will have beenC.wasD.were【答案】A【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:如果你向你的律师解释情况,他能给你的建议比我好得多。此句表示对现在的虚拟,与现在事实相反的虚拟语气结构是:从句:If+主语+动词一般过去时,主句:主语+ should/would/might/could + do。因此A项正确。16. 单选题Starting with the( )that there is life on the planet Mars, the Russian and American scientists went on to develop their arguments.问题1选项A.premiseB.pretextC.preconditionD.presentation【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项premise“前提,假定,假设”;B选项pretext“借口,托辞”;C选项precondition“前提,先决条件”;D选项presentation“展示,描述”。句意:从火星上有生命这一假设出发,俄罗斯和美国的科学家继续展开他们的争论。火星上有生命这只是一个假设,所以选项A正确。17. 单选题Ethnography is the study of a particular human society or the process of making such a study. Contemporary ethnography is based almost entirely on fieldwork and requires the complete immersion of the anthropologist in the culture and everyday life of the people who are the subject of his study. Ethnography, by virtue of its intersubjective nature, is necessarily comparative. Given that the anthropologist in the field necessarily retains certain cultural biases, his observations and descriptions must, to a certain degree, be comparative. Thus the formulating of generalizations about culture and the drawing of comparisons inevitably become components of ethnography.Modern anthropologists usually identify the establishment of ethnography as a professional field with the pioneering work of both the Polish-born British anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski in the Trobriand Islands of Melanesia. Ethnographic fieldwork has since become a sort of rite of passage into the profession of cultural anthropology. Many ethnographers reside in the field for a year or more, learning the local language or dialect and, to the greatest extent possible, participating in everyday life while at the same time maintaining an observers objective detachment.This method, called participant-observation, while necessary and useful for gaining a thorough understanding of a foreign culture, is in practice quite difficult. Just as the anthropologist brings to the situation certain inherent, if unconscious, cultural biases, so also is he influenced by the subject of his study. While there are cases of ethnographers who felt alienated or even repelled by the culture they entered, manyperhaps mosthave come to identify closely with “their people,” a factor that affects their objectivity. In addition to the technique of participant-observation, the contemporary ethnographer usually selects and cultivates close relationships with individuals, known as informants, who can provide specific information on ritual, kinship, or other significant aspects of cultural life. In this process also the anthropologist risks the danger of biased viewpoints, as those who most willingly act as informants frequently are individuals who are marginal to the group and who, for ulterior motives (e.g., alienation from the group or a desire to be singled out as special by the foreigner), may provide other than objective explanations of cultural and social phenomena. A final hazard inherent in ethnographic fieldwork is the ever-present possibility of cultural change produced by or resulting from the ethnographers presence in the group.Contemporary ethnographies usually adhere to a community, rather than individual, focus and concentrate on the description of current circumstances rather than historical events. Traditionally, commonalities among members of the group have been emphasized, though recent ethnography has begun to reflect an interest in the importance of variation within cultural systems. Ethnographic studies are no longer restricted to small primitive societies but may also focus on such social units as urban ghettos. The tools of the ethnographer have changed radically since Malinowskis time. While detailed notes are still a mainstay of fieldwork, ethnographers have taken full advantage of technological developments such as motion pictures and tape recorders to augment their written accounts.1.The last sentence of Para.1 indicates or suggests that( ).2.Which of the following may NOT give biases


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