(柳州专版)2020版中考英语夺分复习 第一篇 语法突破篇 语法互动01 名词语法综合演练

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(柳州专版)2020版中考英语夺分复习 第一篇 语法突破篇 语法互动01 名词语法综合演练_第1页
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(柳州专版)2020版中考英语夺分复习 第一篇 语法突破篇 语法互动01 名词语法综合演练_第2页
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(柳州专版)2020版中考英语夺分复习 第一篇 语法突破篇 语法互动01 名词语法综合演练_第3页
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|语法互动01名词|语法综合演练一、单项选择1.2019白银改编 Here is my family . We took it last year.What a happy family!A.memberB.nameC.photo2.2019大庆改编 The problems are difficult to solve. Please give me .A.some advicesB.some adviceC.an advice3.2019青岛改编 Lucy, how about going to the ? Sounds great! Reading books can give us much pleasure.A.libraryB.cinemaC.museum4.2019重庆改编 I have a bad cold.Sorry to hear that. Youd better go to see a at once.A.doctorB.cookC.writer5.2019天津改编 The of this activity is to raise money for a new hospital. A.silenceB.purposeC.culture 6.2019凉山改编 Hurry up! Some and are on sale in the supermarket. A.tomato; eggB.tomatoes; eggC.tomatoes; eggs7.2019成都 Sallys favorite is orange. I see. Thats why all her sweaters are orange.A.fruitB.colorC.juice8.2019天水改编 After playing football for more than half an hour, the students took rest.A.a few minutesB .a little minutesC .a few minutes9.2019玉林改编 Can I help you, Madam?Yes., please.A.Two pair of socksB.Two pairs of socksC.Two pairs of sock10.2019贺州改编 The woman wearing a pair of glasses is.A.Lily and Lucys motherB.Lilys and Lucys motherC.Lilys and Lucys mothers11.2019北部湾改编 In China, the color red is the of good luck.A.dreamB.wayC.symbol12.2019淮安改编 Betty has a beautiful . She wants to be a singer in the future. A.voiceB.lookC .sound 13.2019河北改编 I like this song. Its by one of my favorite . A.singersB.dancersC.painters 14.2019湘西 What would you like to eat?Some, please.A.breadB.carrotC.teas15.2019天水 Look! They are .Yes. We are proud of them.A.man scientistB.women scientistsC.woman scientists16.2019宜昌改编 Time past can not be called back again.Yes. Wasting time is a .A.pressureB.fairnessC.shame17.2019贵港改编 The air is very fresh in our city. There is less than before.Yes. The government has taken action to protect the environment.A.woodB.pollutionC.noise18.2019温州改编 Sir, did you enjoy your stay in our?Yes, I slept well and I like the breakfast. A.hotelB.schoolC.factory19.2019苏州改编 Keep quiet! I need complete when Im working.Sorry, Dad. I wont make any noise again.A.trustB.silenceC.control20.2019山西 To keep our city beautiful, the are always very busy in the streets. We shouldnt throw rubbish everywhere.A.policemenB.cleanersC.drivers21.2019黄冈改编 Oh, my God! We have missed the last bus. What shall we do?Im afraid that we have no but to take a taxi.A.ideaB.decisionC.choice22.2019临沂 If I leave my house at 9 oclock and drive to the airport, Ill arrive at about 11. So its about two drive from my house to the airport. A.hoursB.hoursC.hours23.May I take your order, sir?A.Chicken with vegetable and two bowls of rice.B.Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of rice.C.Chickens with vegetable and two bowl of rice.24.Alice, which season do you like best?Autumn. The fallen are like a thick blanket on the ground. What beautiful scenery it is!A.leafB.leafsC.leaves25.Were going to have next month.A.two day holidayB.two day holidayC.two days holiday26.Will you have a little ?A.more fishesB.more fishC.fishes27.Please give me .A.two pieces of paperB.two piece of paperC.two piece of papers28.Whose umbrella is it?Its .A.someone elses B.someone else C.someones else29.Being honest is the first if you want to make friends with others.A.step B.timeC.job 30.There are some on the floor. A.milkB.childC.boxes31.Mum, I am hungry. May I have some ?Of course. But dont eat too much.A.bread B.noodle C.dumpling 32.What can I do for you?Err, I want a glass of milk, some bread and.A.some chickensB.any chickensC.some chicken33.Do you have any?Yes, I like chess and drama best.A.jobs B.duties C.hobbies 34.Tom is in good health, because he often exercises and eats a lot of healthy .A.food B.waterC.pear 35. are planning to go on vacation.A.Blacks B.The Blacks C.The Blacks36.I dont think looking after children is just work.A.woman B.womansC.womens37.There is no enough in the corner to put the table.A.placeB.roomC.floor38.Mary didnt tell her parents that she was going home because she wanted to give them a .A.surpriseB.callC.gift39.Miss Black is a friend of . They often help each other in daily life.A.Marys mothersB.Marys motherC.Mary mothers40.Jack has lots of . He can learn much from them and use them to mail letters.A.newspapersB.coinsC.stamps二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.I have two(knife). I can lend one to you.2.Those (child) are playing football outside.3.Here is a birthday card for you with our best (wish).4.The little baby has two(tooth) already.5.How many(invent) did Edison have?About 1,000.6.I want two (glass) of (milk).7.I have a lot of (money) in my pocket.8.There are two (church) in the town.9.British people like eating (potato).10.Two(visit) will come to our school next week.【参考答案】一、1.C解析考查名词词义辨析。根据语境及选项可知,他们在看家庭照片,photo意为“照片”。故选C。2.B解析考查名词的数。advice为不可数名词,本身无单复数变化,不能用不定冠词a/an修饰,也不能用many修饰。故选B。3.A4.A5.B解析考查名词辨析。silence沉默,无声状态;purpose目的;culture文化。联系下文“为新医院筹集资金”可知,此处指“这个活动的目的”。故选B。6.C7.B解析考查名词词义辨析。由下文“那就是为什么她所有的毛衣都是橙色的。”可知上文指萨利最爱的“颜色”是橙色。故选B。8.C解析考查名词所有格及形容词辨析。minute是可数名词,要用a few修饰,排除选项B; a few后的名词要用复数形式。故选C。9.B解析考查名词数量的表达。数词two后跟可数名词复数形式,如果of后名词可数,则也需要用复数形式。故选B。10.A解析考查名词所有格。根据主语woman可知表示一个人,即共用A and Bs。故选A。11.C解析考查名词词义辨析。the symbol of 表示“的象征”。dream梦想;way方式,方法,这两个选项均与语境不符。故选C。12.A解析考查名词的辨析。 “有一副好嗓子”应用have a good voice。故选A。13.A解析考查名词词义辨析。分析句意并联系三个选项,歌曲应源自一位歌手较为恰当。故选A。14.A15.B解析考查名词复数。题目中be动词是are,因此中心名词scientist要变复数,加s。woman修饰名词时,也要用复数形式women。故选B。16.C解析考查名词词义辨析。pressure压力;fairness公平; shame羞耻。根据“Yes.”可知后句也表达了珍惜时间的思想,故后面意思应该是“浪费时间是一件可耻的事情”,shame符合句意。故选C。17.B解析考查名词词义辨析。根据前句句意“我们城市的空气非常清新”可知选B。18.A解析考查名词词义辨析。由“Sir”及答语“I slept well and I like the breakfast.”可知,双方的交谈应该是在宾馆里,与学校和工厂无关。故选A。19.B解析考查名词词义辨析。根据答语可知前句句意:保持安静,当我在工作的时候我需要完全安静。故选B。20.B解析考查名词词义辨析。 policeman警察;cleaner清洁工;driver司机;由后句“We shouldnt throw rubbish everywhere.”可知在街上忙的是清洁工。故选B。21.C解析考查名词辨析。idea主意;decision决定;choice选择。根据missed the last bus和but to take a taxi可知,应是没有选择。故选C。22.A解析考查名词所有格。基数词two后用名词复数,故填hours,此处指“两个小时的车程”,用名词所有格,故在hours后加“”。故选A。23.B24.C解析考查名词的复数形式。leaf的复数形式是leaves。25.C26.B解析fish表示“鱼肉”时,是不可数名词;表示“鱼”时是可数名词。a little修饰不可数名词,因此此处fish表示“鱼肉”。have a little more fish意为“再吃点鱼肉”。故选B。27. A解析paper是不可数名词,它的量化可借助piece来表达,表示“多张纸”要用piece的复数形式。故选A。28. A解析someone等不定代词与else连用时,所有格s加在else后面。故选A。29.A解析step意为“步骤”;time意为“时间;次数”;job意为“工作”。句意:如果你想和其他人交朋友,诚实是第一步。故选A。30.C31.A32.C解析根据milk和bread可知此处chicken表示“鸡肉”,chicken当“鸡肉”讲,为不可数名词,没有复数形式。故选C。33.C34.A35.B解析“the+姓氏复数形式”表示“一家人”或“夫妇二人”。故选B。36.C解析由句意可判断此处应用名词所有格,woman的复数形式是women。故选C。37.B38.A解析surprise意为“惊喜”;call意为“电话”; gift意为“礼物”。根据句意可知玛丽想给父母一个“惊喜”。故选A。39.A解析表示“玛丽妈妈的”要用Marys mothers,这两者均需要用名词所有格,即双重所有格形式。故选A。40.C解析newspaper意为“报纸”;coin意为“硬币”; stamp意为“邮票”。既可以从中学到知识,又可以用于寄信的东西是“邮票”。故选C。二、1.knives2.children3.wishes4.teeth5.inventions6.glasses; milk7.money8.churches9.potatoes10.visitors


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